• Published 2nd May 2022
  • 2,168 Views, 53 Comments

The Flame Prince - Schlat

After being banished from Equestria after the Fire Wars a little over a millennia ago, Flame Ponies have lived isolated and alone ever since. However with recent events an opportunity presents itself for them, an opportunity for their revenge.

  • ...

The Master Of Tickets

"No... nope..." Spike said, tossing apple after apple onto the ground.

"Thank ya kindly Twilight fer helpin me out. I bet Big Macintosh ah could get all these golden delicious' in the barn by lunchtime" Applejack said.

"If ah win, he's gonna walk down Stirrup Street in one of our father's old girdles, ahaha" she added.

"No problem at all Applejack, though I'm glad the goal is lunchtime. All this hard work is making me hungry" Twilight replied.

"I know right" Spike butted in while throwing an apple and nailing Twilight square in the head.

"Ow Spike, one thank you for hitting me right in the head with that apple. Second, you've been lounging on my back all morning while we worked" she replied.

"Exactly, you two we're taking so long I missed snack time" he said. Which was then further confirmed by Twilight's stomach making it's displeasure at such an injustice known to all it could.

"Ahehehe..." said unicorn replied. "I guess we better get some food" she said while Spike continued counting apples. Until he managed to find the juiciest, most ripe, delicious looking apple of the day.

"Oh Spike, that looks delicious" Twilight smiled, believing it was for her or that he would at least share it. Until naught even two seconds later as it was then consumed by the baby dragon in but one bite.

"Spike!" Twilight scowled.

"What... humph, burgh!" the young drake belched. A sudden burst of dragon fire and magic exploding from his maw. To Applejack this was highly concerning, but to the unicorn and dragon this was something they knew all to well. This was a letter from the princess herself.

The mix of fire and magic coalesced together in the air before then forming into a scroll. Which then slowly floated down towards Spike, who grabbed it.

"It's a letter from Princess Celestia" Twilight explained to Applejack.

"Ahem, hear ye hear ye" Spike began. "Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia Of Equestria. Is pleased to announce The Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capitol city of Canterlot on the twenty-first day of... egh, yadda yadda yadda... Cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle, plus one guest" he finished.

"The Grand Galloping Gala!" both mares cheered excitedly.

"I packed them, I swear!" Star Fire asserted.

"Well they're not here. So if not in your pocket dimension, ours, or none of our knapsacks. Then where else could they be" Ruby admonished.

"I... don't know" Star abashed.

"Then you more than likely forgot them" Ruby said.

"But I swear I - nevermind, it doesn't matter. Just hightail it back to the encampment and retrieve those lava capsules, and make sure that nopony sees you" she added while cutting Star Fire off. Star then nodded begrudgingly before turning and sauntering off. Dragging herself out of the house before heading back to where the legion was camped.

It had been her job to look after twenty or so lava capsules, or enchanted glass jars filled with lava, while we we're in Ponyville. Since lava was a very important part of a Flame Pony's diet. Akin to water for a regular pony, and while we don't have to drink it as often as a regular pony needs to drink water we still did. So it was essential that we had them.

Meanwhile myself, Lilith, and Blazing Skies departed shortly thereafter. In order to get the townsponies used to the new... herd in town. The mares would also be rotating guard duty shifts three times throughout the day. Lilith and Blaze for the first, Delilah and Ruby for the second, and Fire Strike and Star Fire for the third.

Hopefully everything would just go to plan and fall into place today, as I was not looking forward to any potential shenanigans. Though Delilah's little powerplay against most of Ponyville's mare population a couple of days previously had resulted in many mares not really coming near me. Instead choosing to stare at me from afar. But would her removal from the equation keep the mares away or would they be emboldened to try yet again with me.

I more than likely already knew the answer to that question, and it would mean that Delilah wouldn't be the only mare the town was going to fear for much longer. But that wouldn't be a good thing as fear brings attention, and we wanted as little attention brought to ourselves as possible during our stay here.

But we would cross that bring when we got to it. For I had a big to-do list today and the first thing we needed to do to look like a normal herd was to buy furniture. So when we got to town the first thing we did was head towards the nearest furniture store that I knew of, which was called Quills and Sofa's. But turning onto a blind corner revealed that before we would make it I would have a run in with several old friends.

"Gee Fluttershy it sounds, beautiful?"

"Wait just a minute!"

"Oh Faust why!?" I bemoaned. I had wanted at least one or two more days before I would actually begin to speak with them. But it seemed that fate had other plans, as the second that I had heard Rainbow Dash's raspy voice we had trotted right around the corner and into full view of the sextet of familiar mares standing, or in the case of Rainbow Dash. Perching upon a rooftop, much to the annoyance of the building's owner I was certain... directly in front of me.

"Girls, just turn around before they notice us" I said. Lilith and Blaze glanced at me looking confused but followed the order nonetheless. Thankfully the six mares seemed to be in some sort of argument and so didn't notice us.

"Rainbow Dash! Were you following me?" I heard Twilight say.

"No, I mean yes! I mean maybe, look it doesn't matter..." the blue mare replied. But by that point we exited hearing range. Only a Thestral would be able to hear them from where we we're now, and they've been exiled from Equestria ever since Nightmare Moon's... original defeat.

"I'll explain once we're in more of a secluded setting. For now we'll just take the long way to Quills and Sofa's" I said. They nodded and we thankfully made good time, and coming early in the morning meant that the store was practically deserted when we arrived. Precisely what I had been hoping for.

"Good morning and welcome to Quills and Sofa's, my name is Davenport and how can I... help you..." a brown colored earth pony stallion with an even browner mane with green eyes said as we walked in. He had a quill and a sofa as his cutiemark.

Again there was that thing with how the stallion's tone changed from cheerful to almost vexed the second he saw me. Though like before I also didn't know what seemed to be causing this other than it only happened when a stallion saw me. But I had accounted for this, and therefore I was going to be backtrotting mostly today and letting the mares do most of the talking.

"Good day, my name is Lilith Starstopper and behind me are two of my acquai, ahem. Excuse me, herdmates. Blazing Skies and Night Storm" she corrected herself and stepped forward.

The stallion only slightly unnarrowed his eyes, but still bumped Lilith's hoof with his own. But before anything else could be exchanged between us another pony, a mare walked in from the back of the store. She had a more rustic color in her fur with a pure white mane and tail, along with blueish-gray eyes, with some sort of tool as her mark?

"Hello there" she said. Then upon noticing the stallion's expression she tilted her head. "Is everything all right?" she asked. For her part Lilith just looked confused.

"Uhm yes? My name is Lilith and these are two of my herdmates" She gestured towards us.

"...We we're hoping to buy some furniture from you" she repeated.

"Oh well then please come on in, my name is Silver Spanner and we have a wide variety of sofa's to choose from. From your standard country look all the way to ones that would fit right in at Canterlot Castle. Though those do cost a bit more of course" she said.

"Thank you but we're just looking for something basic" Lilith clarified.

"Of course, I'll take you through what we have for sale" she replied.

While Quills and Sofa's had an excellent stock of sofa's that was quite literally all that they had. Well, other than quills of course. If it was a sofa they had it, but any other piece of furniture... nope, they didn't sell it at all. While this wasn't a major issue perse, as we could just build what we couldn't buy. It was however still annoying. Though after a bit we eventually found two nice pieces that would go well with the sitting rooms wall.

"Silver, I think we like these two, but do you mind if we just take a second to discuss it together?" I asked.

"Of course sir, take as long as you like" she smiled and walked off back over to Davenport. Who had sulked off over to a counter while Silver took us throughout the store.

"Do you both like these?" I asked them, referring to the sofa's.

"They'll go fine in the main room, but now that we're alone and secluded... what we're you going to tell us earlier" Lilith asked. With Blaze mirroring her expression of seriousness.

"You two are still on that huh?" I smiled slightly.

"Sir, we are your assigned guardsmares, and we take our duty extremely seriously. For you are not just the only living heir to the realm. But, and in due respect, a great many ponies look up to you. You have done a lot, far more than what is expected of a stallion. For us, and we want to repay you for that" she said.

"Indeed sire, remember Youstergof?" Blaze added.

"Wow... I uh, thank you Lilith. I uh... thank you, and yes Blaze. Regrettably I do" I replied.

"I was there too, barely thirteen but I remember it well. Pretty much any mare who could fight was there, and so we're you. You were there with us, and you didn't cower in the back like most of the nobility did. You were right up front, leading us like a true commareder would and should, and we annihilated those pathetic orcs who thought they had us" Blaze said.

"Yes, but it was a team effort. Everypony did their part" I said.

"Indeed, but you united us, led us, and showed us the path to victory. Something not even your mother was able to do" she replied.

"Well... my mother wasn't in a good place at the time because of ... well, you know..." I trailed off.

"Yes, and everypony is extremely sorry for your loss" she frowned, with Lilith following directly after. But Blaze went a step further and hugged me. Which, while a bit bold of her, wasn't something I did not welcome.

"Thank you" I smiled and hugged her back.

"Of course, now what had you so concerned with those mares from earlier" Blaze asked as she released me.

"Well... it's a bit complicated" I explained, and went on about me, Delilah, and Fire Strike's wild ride of prancing about Ponyville looking for a problem that didn't exist. To then getting pulled into meeting and fighting Nightmare Moon. Getting our flanks hoofed to us by her, to subsequently our waltz through the Everfree forest. All the way to the Castle of the Two Sister's.

Me and Delilah getting our flanks hoofed to us yet again. To meeting Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, if only for a short while. Our stay in Ponyville General, and of course. The antics of Ponyville's single mare population. Needless to say that by the time I was done Lilith and Blaze we're both sporting looks of wonder and anger.

"Nightmare Moon actually asked you to marry her!?" Blaze asked incredulously.

"Mhm, though why I do not know" I replied.

"Wow. That's just... uh... wow" Lilith added.

"Would you have said yes?" Blaze asked.

"W-what!?" I said.

"Well... from what I've heard she is... was pretty attractive... d-did you like what you saw with her" Blaze repeated, though this time stuttering a little.

"I... I... m-maybe" I said, thinking back to that night. I had mostly repressed the memories I had of her, mostly because
the mare terrified me beyond belief, and although I'd never say that out loud. The more that I did think about her the more I found myself liking the image of a big, strong, attractive, confident mare that could envelop me in a hug and make all of my problems simply vanish within the blink of an eye. A mare that could... and I'm fantasizing about being romantically involved with Nightmare Moon...

If my father knew about this he'd kill me...

What the buck is wrong with me.

"Probably many things...".

"Um sire?" Lilith said.

"Wha, oh sorry, I uh. Maybe if she wasn't... ya know, or maybe... acted a little differently then... maybe. I don't know" I said.

"Oh... okay then, thank you sire" Blaze smiled.

"Not a problem but why did you want to know that Blaze?" I replied. The mare's smile suddenly vanished and instead was suddenly replaced by bashfulness.

"Oh uh! W-well I was... just curious, yes! Just curious!" she answered.

"Okay... well we should probably find Silver and pay for these sofa's" I changed topics.

"Very well, I'll go find her!" Blaze replied and pranced away, and as she scooted past me I thought I saw a hint of a blush on her cheeks. But I put it down to the speed at which she left playing tricks on my eyes. That and my stomach deciding to voice it's anger at me for a lack of food.

"Hehe, is lunch in order after this sire" Lilith tittered.

"He, I suppose I am a little hungry" I replied.

"Very well, after this we'll take you back home to make something" she said. But in that moment I thought of something.

"Actually Lilith, I want to do something else" I said.

"Augh Spike, what am I gonna do?" Twilight Sparkle asked her number one assistant as they sat down at Cafe Hay.

"All five of my new friends have really good reasons to go to the gala" she added.

"Applejack... or Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy, Rarity... oh who should go with me..." she listed off. Much to the annoyance of her rumbling stomach, and to the misfortune of five flower petals.

"Have you made your decision".

"...I can't decide!" she yelled. Startling the cafe's owner, Savoir Fare. As well as the other patrons.

"Twilight, he just wants to take your order" Spike said blankly.

"Oh..." she smiled sheepishly.

"I would love a daffodil and daisy sandwich" she added.

"Do you have any rubies" asked Spike. To which the stallion slightly narrowed his eyes.

"No... okay, I'll have the hay fries, extra crispy" he said, throwing the menu behind him. Savoir almost scoffed but remembered that dragons age extremely slowly when compared to ponies. So Spike was probably younger than he looked, and so he decided to just trot away.

"What do you think Spike?" asked Twilight.

"I think we have to try another restaurant. I mean I like grass just fine, but would it hurt anybody to offer some gemstones" he replied.

"I mean about the gala and the ticket and who I should take" she clarified.

"Oh you're still on that" he facepalmed.

"Spike listen" Twilight jumped across the table, startling him.

"How do I choose, and when I do choose will the other four be mad at me. I mean I could give up my ticket and give away two. But that would still leave three disappointed ponies" she added.

"What if I - ah your food" Savoir Fare cut in, hoofing her and Spike's order onto the table.

"Oh thank you, this looks so good" she smiled.

"I'm sure everything will be much clearer once I eat" she said to herself, while Spike filled his mouth with hay fries. However, just before she could take a bite of her sandwich, a herd of ponies raced past into them and into the cafe itself. Confused Twilight and Spike followed with their gaze's to once again see Savoir Fare holding the door open for the stampeding ponies.

"Err, madam. Are you going to eat your food in ze rain?" he asked.

"It's not raining" she said, but was then promptly cut off by a crack of thunder. Showing her that it was actually raining and the entirety of Ponyville currently being drenched in a downpour. But to their fortune, a small circle of sunlight was encompassing her and Spike's table.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Hi there best friend forever I've ever ever had, enjoying the sunny weather" Rainbow Dash called from a small hole in the rainclouds directly above.

"Rainbow Dash... what are you doing?" Twilight fumed.

"What do you mean, I just saw the smartest, most generous pony about to get rained on. So I thought I'd pick a hole in the clouds to keep her dry so she could dine in peace, that's all" the blue mare smiled.

"Rainbow, you're not trying to get extra consideration for the extra ticket by doing me extra special favors... are you?" Twilight asked.

"Me... no no no of course not" she replied.

"Uh huh" Twilight gazed blankly.

"Seriously, I'd do it for anypony" Rainbow said. However all Twilight had to do was turn her head to the left, which revealed several ponies running this way and that desperately trying to get out of the downpour.

"Ehehe... ehe" Rainbow gulped.

"Rainbow, I am not comfortable accepting unwanted favors. So I'd appreciate it you close up that rain cloud right now" Twilight said.

"Egh, fine" she replied, and did just that.

"That's better" Twilight stated, and went to take a bite of her sandwich. However, in her quest for sandwichy sustenance. She had forgotten that the rain cloud was directly above her head, and after about two seconds her mane, fur, tail, and sandwich we're promptly drenched.

"...Augh!" she groaned, realizing her own stupidity. While Spike barely managed to keep from laughing.

"Twilight! It's raining" Rarity suddenly called from the road.

"No... really" she mocked. Rarity however either didn't notice or care.

"Come with me before you catch a cold" she said urgently, yanking Twilight from her seat of hay.

"We'll be safe from this rain at my boutique" she said.

"Rarity you don't have to... do... this..." Twilight replied.

"Nonsense dear I simply... must" the white mare answered, but like Twilight also faltered when she noticed the same thing the purple unicorn did.

"Um, Twilight. Are you seeing what I am seeing?" Rarity asked her.

"Uh, I think so" she replied.

"Hey wait up, ugh. Next time you two could have waited for..." but like the two mares next to him. Spike also trailed off at what he was seeing.

There, standing in the middle of the street naught but twenty hooves infront of them, was Night Storm. Along with two mares they didn't know. The first one, a unicorn who at first glance looked like Delilah. But was actually more of a light pink with a blue mane and tail that had white streaks running through them. The second mare meanwhile was a pegasus like Fire Strike. But she had light grey fur with a wavy yellow/orange mane whereas Fire Strike was light red with a black mane. But the pony currently beheld in her grasp was none other than Night Storm, and he looked completely terrified.

While this in itself was unusual the fact that the mare holding him also looked very disturbed, and while the unicorn currently all had them under a shield spell was highly concerning to say the least. But the mares weren't locked in a struggle and we're instead both staring towards the sky showed that they didn't consider each other a threat, but rather something had clearly put them into alarm mode.

But as to what it could be the two ponies and drake couldn't for the life of them determine what. Which left one simple option to them, trotting up and asking them.

Comments ( 4 )

Great story so far

Thank you

This story has quickly earned a place as one of my fav stories on here. Cant wait to read more and soon.

Schlat #4 · 1 week ago · · ·

Thank you, I appreciate it.

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