• Published 24th Oct 2019
  • 380 Views, 1 Comments

Pancakes were made... - gosha305

Well, it was at the cost of the destruction of Equestria, but Celestia tried making pancakes...

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A small price to pay for some pancakes...

It was yet another nice morning in the peaceful land of Equestria. However, little did the sleepy ponies know that this nice morning, would also become its last. As the cause of the world's imminent destruction was currently waking up.

Awakening, bathed in the rays of her own rising Sun, Princess Celestia groggily stretched with grace that was only given to the sleepiest of rulers.

Lazily getting out of her bed, she produced the most regal of yawns. Another busy day could begin.

Exiting her royal suit after giving the sleeping Guards that were initially supposed to guard its doors a quick "Good morning", Celestia headed to the kitchen.

She was hungry. Very hungry. As hungry a Princess that had spent the last thousand years on the throne without ever managing to cook something eatable would be. And this meant she wanted pancakes.

"Why pancakes though?" she wondered to herself, walking through the empty halls of the still sleeping castle "I haven't had pancakes in centuries and the last ones I ate really weren't that good…"

It wasn't important however. No one could stop a Princess' desire for pancakes, not even herself.

Arriving to the kitchen, she discovered it to be empty. The chef was still sleeping of course… Perhaps she had awakened slightly too early this morning…

"Well then, I'll make pancakes on my own." she resolutely decided, as nothing can stop a Princess' intentions.

"How though?" The hesitation didn't last long. As, after a quick teleportation to the library, a searching spell and another quick teleportation back, Celestia returned with a cook book… for pasta…

"Ah, good enough" she dismissed, tossing the book away "I should remember the recipe by heart anyway."

She didn't. After several long minutes of battling with the stove to turn it on, a thorough search through every single drawer of the kitchen to get a hold of a frying pan and several minutes of hesitation between butter and vinegar, something (that few would have qualified as pancakes) was being cooked.

"These things should take about an hour to get fried." Celestia mused, exiting the kitchen to get a hayburger at the local fast-food to sate her appetite a bit until her delicious pancakes could be ready for consumption.

When she returned, the chef still wasn't here "He probably took a day off." she though, almost failing to notice the grand multicolored fire, blazing atop the stove and slowly starting to consume the neighboring walls.

"Oh, it seems my pancakes are ready!" Celestia excitedly though, rushing towards the stove. After a quick inspection though, they didn't seem to be.

Then, the realization struck her "Right, I have forgotten to flip them!" So she tried. Because, after managing to extract the frying pan from the bonfire, observing the blackish mass that the pancakes have become with a skeptical gaze, Celestia flipped the pan upside down. The pancake fell. And exploded.

Once the dust and scorched debris settled after the explosion, an idea came to the Princess' mind "I should probably put some locks on the doors just to be sure not to be bothered."

Once all access to the room was restricted, Celestia's content gaze fell on the remains of the pancake "This can still be salvaged. I think I remember seeing a spell for that…" she mused, immediately teleporting to the library.

A second later she returned with a copy of Necromantic Rituals for Dummies tucked under her front leg.

Meanwhile, the kitchen's state didn't really improve. In several places, the wall had now completely burned, reduced to piles of rubble, several beams of the ceiling had fallen, leaving place to the warm rays of the Sun. Some guards and butler ponies started gathering behind the magical barriers Celestia had set up, visibly panicked by what was happening.

Celestia wasn't though. She had planned for pancakes, so she would have pancakes, and nothing, not even the end of the universe itself could stop her from having pancakes.

So now, opening the spell book at the Minor Resurrection Spell she prepared to cast her magic on the fallen pancake.

Before she could read the exact instructions however, a small gust of wind, coming from the holes in the burning ceiling turned the page. She didn't notice. Continuing the casting of Create Lich on the pancake without the slightest doubt about her actions.

And so, as the bright flash of her magic lit up the already ignited room and stroke the pancake, what happened wasn't really what she expected.

Indeed, starting to shift, the pancake came to life. Not only that, but it also started emanating strange arcanic vapors that started filling the room, mixing with the fire's smoke. A second later, it ran off towards the stove.

"I'm not eating that." Celestia thought, looking at her creation "There's still fixing to be done."

So she went for the next logical option: use the Elements of Harmony.

"They're supposed to fix things." she continued, nonchalantly teleporting next to the Tree of Harmony "I think this is an appropriate situation."

As she returned, the lich pancake had gathered an army of diverse reanimated kitchen utensils whose lives were sadly taken by the fire.

But despite its impressive feats at necromancy, the pancake still stood no chance against the regal ruler of Equestria equipped with the greatest weapon at the country's disposal.

Because, facing the undead pancake, there was no mercy to be had, only breakfast. And as fire raged all over Canterlot Castle, Celestia used the Elements to defeat and salvage her first meal of the day.

The power of Harmony awakened. Prismatic light ignited the all-mighty Elements. They were pitiless in their quest for Harmony. Nothing, not even a pancake could have stopped them.

And so, after realizing that even pancakes prepared by this world's ruler could be the cause of such terrible death, destruction and overall chaos, they decided that Equestria really wasn't worth existing, erasing the whole world from the very fabric of reality and leaving Celestia float in space along with the remains of her disastrous breakfast.

But at least she did have her pancakes, so the day could still be considered as an overall victory.