• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 89 - Apologies

Floor 61 - Front Line Floor 66
July 18 - Year 2

Bladescape knew her face had lost all its color as the dread took over. The Wondercolts had just soloed a Floor Boss as a guild. They had just cut out dozens of players, taking away their XP, Col, and the drop list. The very things that kept the front line players and guilds moving forward. And it looked bad. It was bad.

"I…" Bladescape stammered.

"Well done?" A soldier growled at Godfree. He was in the second party, not directly under Godfree.

"Calm down, Kuradeel," Godfree replied. "It obviously was an accident. I trust the Wondercolts. I know them well enough."

Bladescape was at a loss for words and sighed heavily, sheathing Bajutsu on her back. She just went with the truth, no excuses. "It started as a scouting mission and one that also trained a party set up. We were showing our newly leveled Wondercolts that they were capable of more than they thought. We have been dungeon diving to train them in the new unit dynamics over the past few days, and we, I, lost track of where we were. We forgot we were in a Floor Boss chamber. We were having fun. That is no excuse though."

Bladescape sighed, frustrated over her inexcusable mistake. "Look, will you alert the other guilds that at Eight-AM sharp, we will have the Floor Boss meeting at our guild hall? We will apologize then. To everyone. And then we can sort out any misgivings and decide how to proceed. The plaza code is Thorn Island."

"Sure," Godfree said with a nod. "I'll get it rounded up. "Will you be providing any refreshments?"

Bladescape snorted a laugh. "I doubt AFCK would allow me to get away with not having something grand available. We will have stuff ready to socialize after. It will be our pleasure."

Bladescape bowed deeply, and turned around to the Wondercolts. "Alright, I know how you feel. Job well done. As tired as you are, we will get to rest once we get back home. We move out to open the teleport gate in forty-five seconds, so examine what you need to and get on your feet."

The groans were not happy, but they acknowledged the orders as fair. Plus, they probably all wanted to get out of the chamber now that they realized their mistake.

Bladescape sighed. This was the moment she had been waiting for. She had no idea who got the Last Attack Bonus, but it could have, should have, been hers. It was the ultimate show of skill and strength in SAO. As their Kaisho, they would have all gladly let her take it. She blew it, plain and simple. Now she would have to fight against Kirito and other strong players to get the LAB she wanted so badly. The Wondercolts' strongest player was weaker from her mistake too. There was a good chance the Last Attack Bonus would never see a Floor Boss fight. The last moments of the Fallen Centaur Paladin were predominantly finalized by the new Wondercolts. But she wouldn’t let anyone pressure anyone else about the Last Attack Bonus.

Bladescape pushed past her mistake and got the council together. They decided to name an MVP of the fight. They ruled out the charter members and made their choice. Tate would get to trigger the teleport plaza gate. They also agreed to not put any pressure about the LAB. It was a private thing, and while it would probably surface soon enough, what mattered was how well they all worked together as a guild.

After it was triggered, Lobelia took the others back to Thorn Island, with orders about food prep for the morning. The charter members got their ritual drink at a local establishment.

"How are we going to handle it?" Doombunny bravely asked.

"Honestly," Bladescape replied stoically. "Leave it up to the Council, but I currently have no idea. We have time to plan though."

The morning had their doors opened wide for guests by 7:30am. Wondercolts stood at the exterior gatehouse doors, the interior gatehouse doors, and the inner guild doors. There also were guards posted at the hallway intersections to discreetly point their guests to the guild hall. Each pair of guards were wearing ceremonial sashes over their armor, gold for the girls and cobalt for the boys, making them stand out brilliantly. They were also instructed to stand at attention and not move a muscle unless directed to by a Wondercolt Counselor or Kiefer.

Bladescape watched the arrivals from the top of her tower. She was pretty sure she wasn't spotted because she was standing back a bit. She could see who arrived, but lost sight right after that.

Fuurinkazan had arrived, the DDA had come in strength, and the KOB had arrived with more players than usual and what was probably their full council. Agil made it, and Kirito had arrived alone in his usual all black ensemble. Argo, other info brokers, and a large chunk of the free agents on the Assault Team had come in shortly after him. It was all the usuals, except for the Wondercolts.

Bladescape checked the time and headed downstairs. The rest of the council was in place, waiting by the hidden entrance. Each was wearing the same formal attire that they had when considering the interior design proposals, except for Bladescape who was in her full armor for a show of strength. They lined up furthest away to closest, which would allow them to all arrive at their chairs in unison. No other Wondercolts would be in the guild hall.

As soon as 8am hit, Kamishi opened the door and started their entrance. They hadn't rehearsed, but they did arrive under the two dragon heads and behind their seats at the same time. They all politely bowed in unison and then took their seats.

"Thank you for coming," Bladescape said as soon as they were all situated. The room was packed, and despite their excess number of chairs they were down to standing room only in the back and center aisle. "Welcome to our castle. It is an honor to have you all here. I know this was an unusual request to have the Floor Boss meeting here.

"The reason for that is simple. The Wondercolts have made a mistake. Yesterday we found the boss chamber, and being at full strength, we deployed our parties to scout the boss. Not long into the battle, we forgot where we were.

"After our merger with Geigi Clan, we had, for our first time, leveling quotas to fill. Once they were met, we began working them through a few dungeons in our new squad configurations. Most of our members are willing to clear, but were not willing to even see a Floor Boss. That was the agreement. However, after our success in the dungeons over the past few days, we knew they could handle a scouting mission and that it would be the perfect confidence booster to strengthen their morale. It would be their final training assignment."

Bladescape took a deep breath in to prepare to deliver the reader news. "As I said, we forgot we were not in a dungeon. We were all having fun. We killed the boss and unlocked Floor 65."

The whole room erupted in conversation as guild mates and those seated around each other talked in surprise. Commander Heathcliff's normally stoic face was contorted into one of shock. Asuna beside him was also stunned. It seemed that neither had heard the news from Godfree. He had apparently kept it secret until the meeting. Godfree was wearing a happy grin on his face for keeping it a secret.

A DDA member, whose name Bladescape never bothered to learn or remember, stood up and threw the first accusation. "You sniped a Floor Boss all by yourself! What happened to teamwork and friendship! And then you come to feign an apology for your so-called mistake? Or rather, make us come to you!"

"Now wait just a minute!" Klein ordered as he stood up. "The Wondercolts have been friends to almost all of the guilds and players here. From random cupcake donations, to battle support on the front lines. Half of you shopped at their clothes sale! They sacrifice themselves all the time in the Floor Boss and Field Boss battles. Backbreaker has even saved your DDA hides in battle, multiple times, and you hate them! You outright accused Doombunny of being with Laughing Coffin without any proof. I see the glances you still give her. I can tell you are wondering where she is right now! You are not an impartial judge." Klein was firm as he stomped his foot. "Their record speaks for itself! If they say they didn't do it on purpose, then they didn't do it on purpose!"

Arguments erupted all across the room and things got heated, fast. Backbreaker ended it when she pounded her fist on the table like a gavel and ordered them into silence. The sound was loud enough to carry across the whole room, and Bladescape worried that the table might break from how hard her friend was hitting it.

Godfree stood up before Bladescape could speak. "I watched them yesterday as the battle finished. We couldn't see the health bar from outside the chamber. We believed they were scouting the boss so we sat back and waited. They were cleaner and more efficient than most boss fights ever are. But more importantly, they were having fun! When was the last time any of you had fun in this death game? And as soon as Bladescape realized what had happened, she apologized to us, and they all were appalled by what they had done. "

The pronouncement weighed on the air for a moment and then Bladescape spoke up. "We called the meeting here to apologize and figure out how to proceed. We recognize how much the XP, Col, and drops mean to everyone here. It is what keeps us going. Our accident robbed you of that."

"But you progressed the game," Heathcliff stated. It wasn't a question and no one knew what to say.

Lobelia finally answered it. "Yes, we did. And we are not sorry about that. We are sorry our scouting mission turned out that we were easily capable of taking down that particular Floor Boss. For us, he was much easier than the dungeon bosses of the day prior. But you know how much we have done to be team players. Our expansion happened so we could keep players on the front lines. We can't afford to lose many more. Our numbers have been significantly dwindling. A year ago we couldn’t afford to have this meeting here because there would have been too many players for the room. Look around and think of the players who quit fighting, or worse, those who are forever lost to us. The Wondercolts saved Geigi Clan from dropping off the front lines. That was forty players.

"We have all been team players to the best of our ability, and we have all sought to make this venture to the Ruby Palace and our freedom together. One guild cannot do it all. One guild should not do it all. We regret the negative impact that we have caused. And that is why we asked you here, to sort out what has happened and come to a reconciliation that is acceptable to you all for our mistake."

"What mistake?" Agil bravely asked. "Sure, I didn't get any of the drop list, and you guys keep me well supplied, but really, as far as I am concerned, Commander Heathcliff is right. You guys gave us all the gift of progressing this game. That was one boss's battle we didn't have to fear dying in. And I can smell the treats being cooked up. I want apology cupcakes and whatever else you have for treats."

Bladescape tried to stop it, but failed, and let out a snorted chuckle. "Yes, we have a large banquet of treats ready for after. It isn't a bribe, but something we enjoy doing for our guests. We are thrilled to have you all here. We appreciate your time. We couldn't do what we do without you. And that goes for all of you in this room, as well as those who could not attend. All guilds too, no matter what they think of us."

Heathcliff stood up. "I want to try these cupcakes I have heard so much about. There is nothing that needs to be done. The Knights of the Blood Oath accept your apology, thank you for the risk you took, congratulate you on a job well done, congratulate you on the successful merger and training, and we know that the next time, you will be there for us when we need it, fighting alongside all of us for the next Floor, just as you always have been and will be until our day of liberation comes!" He finished with a short bow to them.

Klein started clapping. Godfree joined him before the rest of Fuurinkazan could follow after Klein. Most of the players clapped. Yes, they lost the chance at loot and experience. But they had settled on the satisfaction that they didn't have to suffer the fear and pain of another boss fight. They had avoided death once again.

Astro stood up and slipped through the crowd to get them funneled to the dining room. They had a full spread laid out of the tables, as well as the buffets. The private dining hall was open and their guests were directed to also enjoy the seating in the front entrance and main living room after getting food. Water and drinks had been set up at all of those points for easy refills.

Shikiku was waiting for Bladescape in the back. They quickly got her changed into her formal kimono and settled properly. They had no need to project an air of physical strength. Projecting grace and tradition would only increase the other players' view of the Wondercolts. And Bladescape looked stunning in her formal kimono.

The rowdy dining hall hushed as she entered. Many of the male players' mouths hung wide open in shock. They were not expecting to see her in such a beautiful, and appropriately dainty, light.

Bladescape slipped through to AFCK by the kitchen entrance. She was beckoning to her with hand gestures. She thankfully kept quiet, so that there was no embarrassment about her being loud and rowdy. The room slowly began to talk again as Bladescape passed through it.

"Don't worry," AFCK immediately stated. "We have more than enough. Lobelia, Kamishi, Astro, and Kiefer will be starting group tours of the castle shortly. A lot of players want a tour."

"Excellent," Bladescape smiled.

"And they are waiting for you in the private dining room," AFCK added.

Bladescape just nodded and walked off to greet their guests personally, face to face. When she entered they all froze, no matter what they were doing or saying.

It was Kirito, Argo, Klein, Agil, Commander Heathcliff and the KOB Council, which included Asuna and Godfree, as well as several other guild leaders. There were no DDA members. They were packed around the round table, with some standing, but there was an open seat for Bladescape.

"I know you are not from Japan," Commander Heathcliff said, breaking the shocked silence. "But you look like you would fit in perfectly."

"Thank you," Bladescape said, blushing uncontrollably. "Diemond worked hard to get everything right and Shikiku helped me get everything on correctly."

"It is dignified yet strong," Heathcliff stated. "It says there is nothing meek or quiet about you, yet it also says you are humble and open to listening. The balance is amazing. You put to shame many Japanese geisha, brides, and elites who still hold to traditional clothing for holidays."

"Thank you, Commander," Bladescape said, blushing even more.

Klein was oddly quiet. He was staring, but he wasn't saying anything. It was a bit unnerving not having him say something stupid like he always did.

Commander Heathcliff continued. "We are in the private dining room because we wanted an account of the boss battle. We want to hear the tale of the Fallen Centaur Paladin."

Bladescape was still blushing, but her grin was mischievous. "I certainly have a tale I can tell you. Thinking back on it. I realized where I forgot we were not in a dungeon like the days before. We want what you all want, freedom. But our merger with Geigi Clan made us a lot stronger than we had projected. And that is why we ended up in our current position."

With the foundation set, Bladescape began to set the stage outside the boss room and the speeches made. Then she laid out what the boss room looked like and what the Fallen Centaur Paladin was like. She laid out their initial plans and squads. Once fully prepared, she began a tale which most of the players would not have believed. Her severed arm was a shocker to most of them, since limbs were not usually severed in SAO. Only Godfree's assurance made it believable.

"That was amazing!" Klein exclaimed, finally speaking. "I'm not surprised, knowing the Wondercolts. But just knowing the name doesn't mean much. The others are certainly every bit of Wondercolts as the originals. You made some amazing players."

"Indeed," Heathcliff added.

Bladescape gave credit due where it was due. "We got them to the levels and taught them some things, but they each chose to be Wondercolts, in mindset and determination. They chose to trust their leaders and focus on the task and not fret. As I have said plenty of times this morning, we were having fun and we lost track of the danger."

"Who are your officers?" Agil asked. "We only saw the Council."

Bladescape took a sip of water to wash down the cupcake she had been picking at. "Most notably is Kiefer. He is our training officer and senior non council officer. Shikiku, Diemond, Knightstar, and AFCK all function in specific roles that are key, but they are not squad officers. Niso, Sergeant First Class, and Shicho, Leading Private, or simplified even more to senior and junior officers. Most of them are from the old Geigi Clan. Thunderborne is the only other charter Wondercolt to lead, and her position is as a junior officer. Lobelia's father is in the JSDF, meaning she knows the rank system well. I asked for a stronger structure, and she delivered.

"And it was the senior and junior officer ranking that allowed us to deploy squads with a rapid change while not losing focus. The members know who they are assigned to." Bladescape pointed to the wall plaque. It had the blue bar on it. "Whatever color the signs are, that is what our party designation is. Each member knows what Blue means for them and who their officers are. Each one knows what Yellow means too. Even in front of the Boss Chamber, they quickly found their officer and formed up. It took no time at all.

“Our fluidity is for hitting dungeons and labyrinths. Most won't ever go into a Floor Boss chamber ever again, and that is fine. Their jobs as clearers is what we need. Half of our parties are designed to farm Col or gather materials. The other half are for clearing the game and boss labyrinths. But as you all now know, any of our parties can hit the labyrinths. Some members don’t want to. Three from Geigi Clan came in as support only and won’t ever see combat again. We are tired and strained. We just got a big morale boost, but you all understand the stress of daily chipping away at this game. That is the biggest goal with our unit design, to allow us as a guild to hit the front lines every day, while being able to rotate out players so they are not so tired.”

“These cupcakes are amazing,” Commander Heathcliff said, sidetracking them. “I wish I had been able to have them earlier.”

Bladescape chuckled. “I would give you the recipe, but AFCK doesn’t have it written down for a reason. They are her secret. Everything else is in a cookbook or two she has compiled.”

“You could sell that for good money,” Agil added.

“I never thought about that,” Bladescape shrugged. “That is up to her, but our finances are solid so I doubt she would want to."

Heathcliff had another question. “I do not wish to be rude, but can we get a tour? I don’t know of any other castles available, so I am very curious.”

“We had to clear this place out in a quest,” Bladescape explained. “We got it right before we merged, so it was the ten charter Wondercolts active at the time, since Knightstar was on sabbatical. It was full of various bug monsters. Flushing them out and squashing them was not easy. And yes, it ended with a boss. A giant lightning bee who could send out paralyzing bolts and shock waves. Once they were all cleared, we got the offer to buy it.”

Bladescape took a drink of water and stood up to give them the tour. She looked gorgeous as she showed them around. Since they were the elites of the elites, she showed them all the way up the tower, through her room and onto the top. It impressed them all.

From on top, she gave them a brief overview of the layout since they could see it all. A pickup soccer game was already happening down on their makeshift pitch, and it wasn’t just Wondercolts playing. After that, she showed them a spare room in the barracks and then the crafting tower.

When it came to the forest garden, it was a nice walk until Commander Heathcliff noticed the shrine's entrance. The others immediately stiffened too. They knew what to do, having grown up around them. Heathcliff quietly entered and the others followed. Bladescape didn’t enter.

She could see them, since the gate wasn’t far from the shrine itself and it was a straight shot. They were there for a good while before they quietly came back out. As far as Bladescape understood, they did everything perfectly. But she had only watched a few times.

“I don’t know how,” Bladescape explained. “It's too sacred for me to try right now. The traditions have been explained, but I respect them too much to fail. My mind is just too focused forward, on the game."

She got understanding nods back.

They continued to the garden house. Bladescape stopped them further back. “Doombunny lives there, and as I am sure you can see from here, she is well stocked on food for Colorra. She keeps them alive for the snake to eat. It is a little disconcerting knowing that her pet back home is a rabbit named Angel Bunny. A cute, fluffy, white rabbit. She sneaks him into school in her backpack because he gets lonely all day without her.”

“I now understand why she chose her avatar name,” Commander Heathcliff stated.

“She is, in the real world, usually quiet and meek. It took a bit to get her to the ‘doom’ stage, but since then, she has been an amazing combatant. As you all know.”

The tour ended with them watching the soccer match. It was fun for everyone. However, Bladescape didn’t get to relax long. The pickup game ended and they launched into a regular game. Bellmare was up. Bladescape changed into her blue and green soccer jersey and hit the stone soccer pitch with her teammates. They were playing the Rainbooms, meaning Thunderborne and Backbreaker.

Almost everyone stayed, packing the bleachers in enthusiastic anticipation. They needed the day off, and the boss was beaten, clearing their schedules. AFCK already had the kitchen in full swing, making a grand lunch that would be devoured in a fraction of the time it took to make it all. But she was loving it from the brief check in Bladescape made during her change to her soccer uniform.

The match was extra heated. Kamishi gave Thunderborne a run for her money. They kept the heat off Bladescape and the goal. She blocked half the shots taken, but that still left them with a final score of 6 to 8. Thunderborne’s celebration ended abruptly as AFCK rang the dinner bell as loudly as she could, drowning everything out before she yelled that lunch was ready.

Bladescape ate with most of the leaders she had shown around. Several didn’t bother to stay since they got the boss raid story. Commander Heathcliff and Bladescape talked a lot about large guild strategy. Lobelia had prepared them well, and Bladescape, Astro, and Kamishi had the steel resolve to stick to the plan. Still, it was nice to see things from another perspective and one with a lot of experience with running a very successful large guild.

Lunch was well past when Heathcliff’s grin returned to its normal coy setting. “After seeing everything, and hearing about the structure since the merger, I want to take the pleasure of telling you that I think you are the second strongest guild. If your focus was more on the front lines, then you could compete with the Knights of the Blood Oath. But since your typical day won’t be fielding all of your members on the direct front, you come up a bit short. Still well ahead of the Divine Dragon Alliance, which is impressive knowing that their numbers are over double yours. I know you have all worked hard, and are not trying to be the strongest, which makes it all the more impressive."

Bladescape smiled and chuckled nervously. “Thank you, Sir. I will privately pass it along to the others. We are just trying to be the best for everyone, but knowing we are making a good impression and a sizeable dent in this game is... well I hate to say appreciated, because it doesn’t fit fully. It helps me, us, know that we are doing exactly what we are trying to do.”

“You certainly are. But now, I must go do what I need to do. The break was fun. I didn’t realize I needed that.”

“It was a pleasure hosting this today,” Bladescape replied. “Whatever it exactly turned out to be.”

Bladescape showed their KOB guests all the way to the teleport plaza. After they left, most of the others departed as well. Fuurinkazan dragged on till after they got dinner. Once it was just them, Bladescape gathered all of the Wondercolts in the guild hall. It was a short meeting, since all Bladescape had to say was that the apology was accepted and that they were deemed the second strongest guild in the game. That last announcement got a round of cheers and applause.

Bladescape had one last thing to do. She grabbed a piece of wood, painted white, and walked to the wall plaque. She pulled the blue bar off of it and slid the white in its place, signifying that tomorrow, they were truly free from any and all responsibilities. That got another round of applause.

Bladescape walked back to their council dais while the rest of them filed out. Backbreaker already had her fishing hat on, but she was waiting to make sure there was not any last minute business between the senior officers. Sunset was standing in front, as she realized that Koco hadn’t moved. She was still sitting in her chair while the rest left.

The council calmly waited for the rest to leave; in case the matter was private. They didn’t want Koco to be self-conscious about anything. She approached them once the doors shut and bowed.

“Bladescape Kaisho,” Koco said, before freezing.

“Speak freely,” Lobelia said with a warm smile. “Anything you have to ask, we are here to listen.”

“The boss fight was amazing, and challenging, and fun, but only because of you, and, well, probably the others. As much as you all are our council, we only have one Kaisho, one player we always see out in front of us. You pulled your weight, and I mean…well…we broke the shield because of you. But you directed us, as one force, to beat the Fallen Centaur Paladin. Even the new Wondercolts know that you desire, rightly so, a floor boss Last Attack Bonus.”

Bladescape nodded knowingly. “If you got the LAB, you don’t have to say anything. It doesn’t matter. Could I have orchestrated the final hit to be me? Yes. Did I? No. Because even though I forgot, I was still focused on leading, which is more important than a single player with a powerful item. Fifty Wondercolts as strong as we are, or a Last Attack Bonus, the best choice, right choice, is the Wondercolts.”

“Yes, but…” Koco swiped up her menu and then into her arms popped a large, two handed sword. “You will make better use of it than I will.”

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Bladescape stated. “Besides, while your weapon did make the initial cut for our upgrades, it barely made it. You were going to be getting a better one shortly so your current one can be your backup.”

“But, this is-“

“Can you wield it?” Bladescape asked, forcing her to stop.

“Yes,” Koco nodded.

“Then that is all that matters,” Bladescape said. “Whatever our members got dropped, they earned it. It doesn’t matter the rarity or power, it was well earned. Same with the Col. The guild automatically gets a cut, so we made out very well for the Col. When fate decides that it is my turn, I will get my Last Attack Bonus.”

Koco bowed to them all before putting her LAB away and rushed out. Sunset let out all of her breath in a heavy sigh. She leaned back against the dais.

“Feelin’ OK, Sugarcube?” Backbreaker asked.

“I’ll live,” Bladescape replied. “Besides, Harmonic Salvation is hardened. It would take a very special blade to outweigh the special effects given to her.”

“Hardened?” Astro asked.

“Right,” Bladescape groaned. “That quest I am doing, a reward was hardening both Bajutsu and Harmonic Salvation, so that they wouldn’t fail an enhancement. It also increased their enhancement slots. I’m good into the 90s by the time I max everything out, if not the Ruby Palace.

“Now, if that is all, I say we meet the morning after tomorrow, before breakfast. Let’s go fish and ride and whatever else, and forget about our council jobs for a day. We earned it as much as they earned their free day!”

“Bye!” Backbreak exclaimed as she vaulted over the dais and ran out the doors to got to her fishing cabin.

Bladescape laughed with the others. It was going to be a good break.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 94 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry - Greatsword - Rend
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 84 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search - Martial Arts
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 85 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics - Sprint
AFCK(PP): Lvl 82 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument - Rend
Diemond (R): Lvl 82 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry - Rend
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 89 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal -- Fencing - Sprint
Astro (PS): Lvl 83 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry - Search
Kiefer: Lvl 83 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts - Search - Armor Pierce - Sprint
Lessa: Lvl 81 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search - Acrobatics - Wood Carving - Sprint
Joltron: Lvl 83 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry - Acrobatics
Knightstar (TS): Lvl 79 – One-Handed SwordShieldEquipment AppraisalParry – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Search – Armor Pierce - Purchase NEpisode 81 - Apologies

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