• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 64 - Round Two

Front Line - Floor 62
June 14 - Year 2

Klein and Bladescape were training Sasha so that she could better take care of the kids. She had done well with the dungeon they had cleared with her and then against the tournament quest. Now they were heading to an old grinding location. They didn't need crystals because they were in a city with a teleport plaza, and soon the small town nearest the dungeon on Floor 34 came into view. It was completely devoid of anyone but about two dozen NPCs. The forest path was clear and so were the multiple warning signs, about the skeletons they were after, at the start of the path.

The path eventually shifted from wide dirt to barely worn grass, but it was still obvious. The bushes and trees formed the path and made for a nice, calm walk. They hid the ruins and skeleton army ahead very well.

The walk wasn't quiet. Klein and Sasha were talking back and forth, mostly listening to Sasha telling funny or endearing tales of the kids. It was refreshing compared to the boring and quiet hikes the Wondercolts were currently doing.

Bladescape felt it before Search picket it up. It was intuition after months in a virtual battlefield, and from living with Doombunny. She lunged with her left hand and grabbed Klein's armor at the neck and yanked him back. He somehow stayed up as he stumbled back. He never had the chance to even ask what was happening as the sword swung out from a bush he had been beside and flashed right in front of his chest. The reason for the pull was clear.

Time felt like it slowed as Bladescape reacted to the threat and her mind processed everything it could see, hear, feel, and smell at full speed. Her mind was being flooded with natural chemicals and stimulants like Adrenalin to help her survive. But she also felt others like Dopamine and Serotonin kick in. Her mind and virtual body lit up to its full potential as she got high knowing she was about to enter a really good fight. And one she was confident in.

Bladescape's right hand reached to a pouch as the figure lost Hide's surprise factor and he stood up fully after his missed swing. He was in a ratty, light brown poncho, hood up, and a wicked grin on his lips. His arms were wrapped in cloth. Bladescape had seen the same thing before and she knew he was not alone. Laughing Coffin was here.

Bladescape grabbed two vials from her pouch and swung her arm up to grab her sword. She could feel the difference in the vial's style to know what she grabbed. As her hand moved past her face, she popped the top of one and stuck it in her mouth, chugging it with her teeth alone. Bladescape grinned back wryly into his hood as she let the empty vial drop from her lips and fastened her grip on Harmonic Salvation's handle. As firm of a grip as she could get it and hold the other vial. She saw his eyes flash with a moment of hesitation as she casually dropped the vial from her mouth, fully ready to deal with him.

"TIME FOR ROUND TWO!" Bladescape challenged as she drew Harmonic Salvation. "Let's do this! Last time I was exhausted and down to my last vial of a weak paralyzer. Now I am awake, alert, and armed with more drugs and better equipment." Bladescape heard Klein draw his sword and Sasha gasp as more Laughing Coffin members had to be appearing all around them. Bladescape pressed while they had the advantage of no combat. "So? Are you really that stupid to want more? Fine!"

Bladescape's left hand made it to her crystal pouch and she grabbed three. She jumped back towards Klein and Sasha to give herself room from the first murderer and she caught sight of a good fifteen more who had either arrived or come out of hiding in trees, bushes, and at least two from behind the big rock off to her right. She also glanced at her hand to see that she had a red, yellow, and blue. Bladescape tossed the blue one to Sasha while keeping a hold of the others so she could pocket them.

"TELEPORT!" Bladescape ordered both Sasha and Klein. "Klein, get her out safely. I'll be right behind you."

"Oh no! I am-"

"Teleport! Town of Beginnings!" Sasha yelled before she was encompassed in a glow of blue and gone.

"-not leaving you behind!"

Bladescape used her dexterity in her right hand and popped the top off the other vial, pouring it onto the blade just past the crossguard. She had practiced one handed application of drugs.

"I just applied a drug to my blade!" Bladescape told the Laughing Coffin members as she raised Harmonic Salvation high. "If you want to find out which one I grabbed, come and taste my steel. Consider yourselves warned."

The members were slowly moving towards the two of them in a circle. "Klein!" Bladescape yelled. "I can cover you and disengage. Trust me."

"Fine!" Klein yelled as he grabbed his own blue crystal. "You have 60 seconds and I am going to get as many clearers as possible to storm this place!"

One of them leaped at Klein, trying to take advantage of his slight distraction. Bladescape lunged left to block him. As she jumped, she drove Harmonic Salvation down, blazing green, where it connected with the sword. Klein flashed blue as he teleported out safely and a blast erupted from the clashing swords. Bladescape had targeted the sword itself, at its weakest point, and as a result the durability of the blade was eliminated and it was split in two for a second before it became polygons.

Bladescape swung at the Laughing Coffin member, but choked up in the swing so it wasn't a wide slash. It caught him in the arm and left a red gash as he cried out and jumped back. His feet didn't catch him as the paralyzer struck and he fell hard.

Bladescape wasn't that lucky though. Saving Klein had put her in a pinch and the original guy was on her. The blade bit into her shoulder. Her armor stopped it from going too far in, but it was in twice the width of the blade. He was grinning at her, absolutely loving the thrill of the chase and kill. His eyes were glowing with the joy he was experiencing. It couldn't be much different than what Bladescape was feeling, except that she wasn't thirsting for their blood.

"Say goodbye," He chuckled. "You are mine to play with until I decide I am done with your body."

Bladescape casually looked at the blade in her shoulder. She grinned back at him. "No play date today. Do you see the paralysis symbol above my health bar?"

That changed his attitude as he glanced up at it. It was flashing as it battled with the antidote vial she had drunk at the start. "WHAT!" He yelled as the paralysis symbol lost.

Harmonic Salvation was a big sword, but even with its long length, it was a quick sweep that severed his leg off before he could jump back. Bladescape knocked his sword out of her shoulder as she settled in her next stance.

"I took an anti drug mix," Bladescape coldly told him and the others. "You all saw me. Good luck going up against the best." She reset with a smile on her face. Fighting other players wasn't fun. Especially knowing they were trying to kill her, that they were thirsting for her blood, but knocking them down a peg, that was fun. She would not go down easily and she would make them rethink the strength of the Assault Team.

Bladescape was loosely surrounded, but they were waiting for a signal. A man walked into her view from the front, a few feet back from the circle. Bladescape tried to force her body not too, but she visibly shivered, as she tried to see his hidden eyes. She couldn't see the eyes that came from that enthralled grin. It was like they didn't exist. Like they had been sucked away into a black hole. A portal his black soul was using to claim the lives of players. A portal that would devour her too if she got to close.

"So, the troublesome Wondercolt is once again facing Laughing Coffin," He said with a smooth voice. It was exotic, not entirely Japanese sounding like the bulk of the other players. "And this time, while it is again a chance meeting, she has stumbled into our nest. And she kicked our nest, so we will respond like the hornets." He didn't need to laugh for Bladescape to hear the madness that he was. He was a vicious killer with no soul and one who knew it and enjoyed it.

"I hope your Doombunny is as good as you are betting on, because I have been doing this longer than she has. I started at the very beginning building that Skill. My poison won't be stopped. But, I might as well tell you my name before we kill you." His blade flashed as he raised it high. It looked like a large meat cleaver, but it was clearly a dagger category weapon. "I am PoH! I started Laughing Coffin. And now it is time for you, Bladescape, to die. It's Showtime!"

Bladescape separated her grip, moving her left hand to the pommel of her sword, so that she transitioned from Two-Handed Sword Sword Skills to Greatsword. She initiated Swishing Spadone. It was a sweeping Greatsword Skill that was one of the simplest. It also was a defensive skill, built for the moment you were surrounded or flanked. It was a simple swing, using the split hand positioning to leverage a quick slash that she could easily use to block, or cut, an opponent. Her right hand directed the blade's path as the point of contact while the left was the driving lever. The skill also had next to no delay, which coupled with her geode, allowed it to be chained, even with the delay, in an almost unending attack. With a few simple steps Bladescape could slip around and protect her rear and in any direction she needed.

Sparks flew and metal ground and Bladescape blocked and deflected the attacks from the various angles. Their "all at once" attack was staggered, because they didn't want to run into each other, allowing her to easily address them in quick succession despite being surrounded. Half of them fell, nicked or cut, to the paralysis agent on her blade. The rest jumped far back to reset after she clashed weapons with them.

Bladescape let Harmonic Salvation continue in its sweep, rather than fight it to stop it, and let go with her left hand. She directed it high, pointing straight up into the sky above her. Her left hand had reached into her pouch and she drew out three crystals. She saw two were green and then that she also had a blue one as she raised them up high.

"The show is almost over!" Bladescape declared as she stared back at the unmoving PoH. "For my last act, I shall disappear!" PoH's grin somehow got more wicked, but he didn't move.

"Teleport! Town-" Bladescape saw it as she gave the command. The thorned spear, which she had fought the first time, came leaping at her out of nowhere. The spear went straight through her armor into her left pectoral, and it was backed by the flying Kurayaro. His grin was different from the others. He wanted revenge for her humiliating him in that battle. His face came right up to hers as she defiantly finished the command instead of slipping up, "OF BEGINNINGS!"

Blue light took her away, the imprint of his insane eyes fresh in her vision as the town's teleport plaza came into view. Then Bladescape felt the dull pressure in her chest as the spear continued to be pushed through her. His laughter was of a pure madman as Bladescape was pulled eye to eye with him.

Bladescape knew her eyes betrayed her, spilling forth what should have been the secret of her shock and then fear. He was here. He had come with her. The teleport crystals had been known to teleport two players, but it was rare to get two players close enough for it to recognize them as one in any time crunched situation. It was always safest to use two crystals even when together. The two players had to be solidly bound. He was gripping her right shoulder pauldron while his spear was thrust halfway through her chest. And now that they were in the Town of Beginnings, he was holding her very tight. The impaled spear was the connection the crystal needed to recognize them as one.

"Pretty necklace," Kurayaro snickered. "It will make a better souvenir than the one the chick was wearing on New Year's day. Yeah, I was there at the start of it all."

The mention of the necklace focused Bladescape. It was her geode. Diemond had made a nearly perfect copy of her real life one. The one that gave her real power. A power that she used to protect people.

"I think you are seeing it wrong," Bladescape snickered back, not breaking away from him or shifting her gaze from his eyes. "It should look like I am wearing two."

"What?" Kurayaro asked, thrown off his insanity trip by the odd statement.

Bladescape rammed the pommel of the still skyward Harmonic Salvation down onto his head. He let go and stumbled back a bit in shock.

"See them now?" Bladescape mocked him.

She never gave him time to answer as he turned to run. He cleared the plaza's platform, but Harmonic Salvation was glowing as Bladescape brought the blade savagely down on his shoulders. They were in a safe zone, so it didn't hurt his HP. Instead, the blow created a sort of explosion, face planting him into the stone pavement. It felt good to pound him into the ground, especially since he was one of the first members of Laughing Coffin. Bladescape began to be enveloped in a warmth over the action. A warmth soaked in righteous fury over his crimes. One that was all hers. A gift he had given her for his own misdeeds.

"I'll go get the Army!" Sasha yelled as she sprinted towards the Black Iron Palace.

Klein had been beside Sasha, waiting for Bladescape to appear, but Bladescape wasn't focused on him. She only saw Kurayaro. A murderer who wore a murderer's clothes and who wore the tattoo of the blood cult, Laughing Coffin. His tattoo was on his right forearm and it was visible now that he was laying out flat and the wrappings had been loosened around it from the fall.

Bladescape swung Harmonic Salvation in a downward slash, brutally driving it into his lower back. His body shuttered and shook under the force as it was stuck between the strike of the heavy blade and the stone. Bladescape stepped forward and brought the blade overhead and drove it straight down in an arch, activating Avalanche. The tip crushed into his head. But there was no damage other than the pain of being struck by a heavy pole because they were in a safe zone.

Yet it was exactly as she had intended it to be. Bladescape was going to punish him before the Army got there. She was going to flog him, with Harmonic Salvation as her switch. She was going to make him feel like he was bleeding from the inside out. The sensation of being hit inside a safe zone wasn't lost. The player only lost the ability to lose their HP. She would make him think his skull was really cracked. She would make him feel like his entire body was broken and shattered. It was the least she could do for him wearing that tattoo.

He was a permanent orange player for a reason. You couldn't, ever, go back to green once you killed a player, ignoring a duel. That was the game system's mark. That tattoo was his own choosing. There was no redeeming him.

Each stroke of her blade was to punish him however she could for that choice. She could personally attest to him attacking her twice, and that he was with Laughing Coffin both times. It was what he deserved. It was what she had the right to. To beat him into submission so that he would never again rise to draw blood or harm another being: in virtual reality or in the real world.

"BLADESCAPE!" Klein screamed once more.

Bladescape heard him, but didn't register it. She was focused on his punishment. The past shaped the future. He chose his path. He didn't take it like she did. He went against life and love. He wanted to kill. He was a member of an evil army bent on taking over this virtual world. Bent on striking fear into the heart of every player. And he was one who had shattered the trust of the game. They had destroyed the good around them for selfish ambition. They wanted to kill and thought they could get away with it. They thought the world was their own to do what they wanted, and Kayaba was their scapegoat.

Bladescape stood over him, sword glowing as she had once again triggered Avalanche. She wasn't sure what stopped her. She was seething with anger that she had driven up inside herself, and she could still kick the last remaining bits of daylight out of him. Klein was screaming her name, but that wasn't what had stopped her. The body laid there under her, unmoving and probably unconscious from the severe mental trauma Bladescape had just unleashed on him.

She realized why she had struck him the second time. And then third. And why it didn't stop after that. SAO was a game, but even more so now that their very lives depended on clearing it, which at its root was based in ambition. To survive, you have to choose to work long hours in dangerous situations and risk your life to get better, stronger, faster, unlock new Skills, attacks, and all the game had to offer. And Bladescape was one of the most ambitious players in the game.

How far was Bladescape willing to go? She had just tortured a captured and defenseless opponent. He had struck first, but she continued to strike him well past what could be considered a normal reaction or self defense. He should be dead, and would be, if the safe zone didn't exist. She would have been a Player Killer and deserved an orange cursor.

She should never get another chance at life. Death here in this game was a fitting ending, not sitting and rotting in a jail cell. She could not be redeemed in the very core and it was better off for all if she died in the game. It was the punishment she actually deserved and it was a lot less of a mess to clean up. There was no need for a trial, but justice would prevail.

Bladescape opened her hands, dropping Harmonic Salvation with a clatter and canceling the Sword Skill it was poised to execute. It was all she could do for a second as she regained her mind. She then stepped off to the side and took a few, slow steps back. She could see his body and Harmonic Salvation half laying on his leg. There was no danger of him stealing it. He was out cold.

"You okay?" Klein asked quietly as he materialized by her side. He put his arm around her, anchoring her to him at her waist. "I'm here, like I promised, to catch you or help you up if you fell."

Bladescape realized there was a crowd. A large number of the players who still lived in The Town of Beginnings had come out at the sound of a fight. And they had just seen her beat him repeatedly as he laid there.

She wanted to run. But at the same time she wanted to be locked up and left in prison. Her friends were amazing, but she felt like they had given her too much grace and mercy. All she saw was a woman who still knew how to get what she wanted and didn't let anyone or anything stop her. She was just a lot nicer about it now. They called it being driven, but it was the same thing.

The sound of heavy metal boots marching caught everyone's attention. The crowd was ordered to split and a large number of Army Soldiers came in.

"I am Korbatz!" he gruffly yelled as he took over. "I am in control of the situation along with my men." He pointed at Bladescape. "You there, you and the goofy guy are at the center of this all? You captured him?"

"No. Yes. No?" Bladescape said, not sure what the answer was. She was not ready for questioning. She was still trying to sort herself out.

"Out of my way!" a familiar voice order. Through the opening came Thinker, the guild leader, and by his side was Yulier, his second in command. He immediately strode over to Bladescape. "Are you okay?" He kindly asked. Then his face shifted to pure concern. "You um, have a spear in your shoulder. It looks nasty and has to hurt."

Bladescape looked down at her left pectoral where the spear was stabbed halfway through her body. It was a dull throb because it wasn't actually taking away any health points. She looked over at Harmonic Salvation, partially propped up on the body. Whatever had happened, to the crowd, it looked justified while she had the spear in her chest.

"I want to discuss everything with you in private," Bladescape said to Thinker. "I am fine. Sore and mentally exhausted, but I will bounce back."

"Then let us get lunch," Thinker said. "Your companions can join us of course, my treat. After lunch, we can sort out the final details. However, this appears to be open and shut. I saw his tattoo and the woman said you guys had been attacked by Laughing Coffin."

"It is," Bladescape said with a definitive nod. "I can confirm he is a member of the guild called Laughing Coffin and that he has tried to kill me. Twice. This is his spear in my chest."

That got a lot of whispers flowing back and forth among those who were watching. Particularly the fact that it had happened twice and she could prove it.

Bladescape turned to Klein. She flashed him a warm smile. "Klein, just grab the shaft and pull it out. It doesn't hurt. At least not like it looks like it should, and I know the thorns are there, but it's just a dull throb. It will slide out fine."

Klein gingerly put his hand on the wrapped grip of the spear and then his left on her chest. She was wearing strong, well formed leather plate, but he was clearly aware he was touching what would be her left breast. Bladescape had to resist smilingly as he hesitated because he didn't want to be indecent with her. There was a gentlemanly side of Klein.

The pull was swift and accurate. Klein drew it straight out and it was a good thing he had braced his hand against her chest as it initially pulled her forward into his palm. However, it was the draw of an expert swordsman, including the proper followup after it was pulled from her chest: straight behind him, the spear tip having made a smooth but powerful 180 flip.

Bladescape nodded to him and he let go. She walked over to the Army soldier holding harmonic salvation. He wasn't too rough with it, but he could have used a little more care. Bladescape took it from him and sheathed it. They had the unconscious body of Kurayaro picked up, but Bladescape stopped them from moving him as she grabbed at his neck. They didn't stop her, presuming she knew what she was doing and she had been doing it before they arrived. Bladescape found a thin chain there and pulled it out from his shirt. It was a simple silver necklace with a monochromatic chrysanthemum dangling from the chain. Bladescape reached around his neck and undid the catch. She pocketed it and walked away.

Klein was still holding the thorned spear. Bladescape snatched it from him before he could give it away. He didn't expect it, making it easy for her to grab. "I earned this," Bladescape told him. Klein just nodded silently.

No one disagreed with her and the two of them followed Thinker to the Black Iron Palace.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 83 – Two-Handed Sword – Search – Weapon Defense – Leather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry - Greatsword
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 75 – Rapier – Sprint – Acrobatics – Armor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 78 – Heavy Shield – One-Handed War Hammer – Extended Weight Carry – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK(PP): Lvl 75 – Two-Handed Axe – Parry – Cooking – Weapon Defense – Martial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 75 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – Tailoring – Light Metal Armor Forging – Heavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 78 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – Hide – Search – Listening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal -- Fencing
Astro (PS): Lvl 75 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 73 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts - Search - Armor Pierce
Lessa: Lvl 72 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search - Acrobatics
Joltron: Lvl 75 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

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