• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 57 - The Halter of Eiddin Klydno

Front Line - Floor 60
April 28 - Year 2

Episode 57 - The Halter of Eiddin Klydno
Front Line - Floor 60
April 28 - Year 2

Bladescape was riding back, on a rented horse, from obtaining Tudwal’s Whetstone from its mountain resting place. The princess witch’s words were true. Bladescape passed each question with ease because of it.

The first question was where she was born. Bladescape chose to answer the Town of Beginnings. It was true, and she thought of it as true. Bladescape was a character, played by Sunset Shimmer, and her true birth had happened when Kayaba had given his tutorial and locked them away in here.

With the whetstone in hand, Bladescape had to figure out how to convince the king that she had failed; that also got her the prompt for the halter quest. The Halter of Eiddin Klydno was a piece she was now very interested in after learning to ride.

The narrow mountain road made another sharp, blind turn. Around it was an old man with a long white beard, leaning on a walking stick as he made his way the same direction as Bladescape. There wasn’t any room, at least with a horse, to safely pass him. He had an NPC tag.

He turned to look at her. “Forgive me. These old bones don’t work the same way they used to. What has you out here?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing,” Bladescape said, smiling at him. This was too convenient. She was too far from anything to just meet a traveling NPC. There were three outcomes it could be: It could be nothing, it could trigger a quest, or it would end in a fight. Bladescape wouldn’t discount a fight. Not only was it a common tactic in any RPG, it was common enough in SAO. Plus, she had just acquired the whetstone, and others could want it. The benefits of random encounters were high, usually being very valuable on a variety of levels.

“Oh, I am just minding my business, enjoying the mountains,” he casually replied. “I had no idea it would get so restricted on this road.”

“It is a long walk to the nearest town,” Bladescape replied. “It doesn’t look like I can safely dismount, but I could pull you up onto the horse and we could travel together.”

He smiled at her. “Oh, that would be very appreciated. But first, I would like to know a little about my traveling companion. Such as what has you out here?”

This was the moment that usually brought a fight, assuming he was trying to end her success at getting the Whetstone. Bajutsu was strapped onto the saddle. Bladescape slowly slid her right hand to the hilt.

“A quest,” Bladescape replied. “I acquired what I needed and am heading back to town."

“What sort of quest?” He asked, eyeing her suspiciously. “Would traveling with you bring danger to me?”

“Not unless you are a danger to me,” Bladescape replied with a smile, relaxing the grip on her sword. There was no danger. “I didn’t even have to draw my blade. It was a puzzle to solve. I had to retrieve the item for a king, but only someone on his mission would know the right answers.”

“And are you on this king’s mission?”

This was another moment where things could go wrong, but the way he had eyed her a moment ago, concerned with his safety, made Bladescape sure that it was still safe. She spoke honestly. “I am using him to get at something he has that I want. He did not give me the answers, but I needed him to tell me where it was. Or, at least where he thought it was.”

“You plan to double cross him,” The old man said. "A king is a dangerous enemy to have."

“I already have once,” Bladescape admitted. “He can’t be trusted with what he wants. Besides, I am also a very dangerous enemy to have.”

“I see. I will ride with you. May you take my staff first?”

Bladescape grabbed the end of his offered staff. He didn’t let go though. They flashed with blue light, signaling a teleport.

They arrived on a plateau that overlooked a valley. She hadn't visited everywhere unlocked, but it didn't look like any Floor she had been on. The plateau's grass was well manicured and the steps up to the small cathedral were swept clean. There was a stable for her horse.

Bladescape dismounted. “May I put my steed in the stable?”

“Of course. I will meet you at the front steps.”

The old man no longer looked as old as he did on the mountain path. His beard was the same, but the way he stood and strode was like a man half his age, if not more. Bladescape took off the bridle so the horse could eat and drink. She then met the old man at the steps.

“Can I take a guess at your name?” Bladescape asked.

"Of course," he smiled.

"You are Merlin, the magician and the guardian of great and powerful objects."

"That I am," he chuckled. "And you, Bladescape, forced me to show myself faster than planned. I had not guessed one would turn on the king. At least not from the very start as you did. But you defeated the witch, and then you made it through to the whetstone without trouble."

"I had some help," Bladescape replied. "For one, I never gave the witch the dish. In her first defeat, she gave me information about her father's next two trials: the Whetstone and the Halter. Of course, she tried to kill me in retaliation for humiliating her so quickly."

"That explains a lot," Merlin stated. "May I have the pot."

"I don't have it," Bladescape replied. "I was first sent on these quests by another, Mo, and I left it in her care. It is safe and secure. She should really be here with us. I was doing this for her, with a promise of a reward."

Merlin sighed and then snapped a finger. On the lawn popped Mo, who had been sitting down and drinking tea, but the chair had not come with her. She hit the ground hard, making an odd noise as both the air was forced out of her from the fall and the hot tea spilled all over her. She kept a hold of the cup and saucer though, never dropping them.

She glanced at them with angry eyes that softened as soon as she realized who she was looking at. "Merlin, I presume," Mo said as she stood up.

"I am he. Although it appears I was not successful in bringing your chair with you." It was an obvious lie. He had never intended to bring it. "Anyway, I wish to have the dish now, so I can properly store it."

Mo let out a groan. "It is back at my home which you took me from. It is in a box, locked away and secure. I didn't touch it. Only Bladescape has touched it. As soon as she brought it to me, I had her put it in a box which I then secured. If you snap me back home and give me two minutes before you snap me back here, I can have it for you."

Merlin snapped and she was gone without a word.

"Thank you for not snapping me here," Bladescape said. "That would have been rather shocking."

"I wanted to," Merlin admitted. "But I didn't want to do that to the horse. I was also feeling gracious because you offered me a ride. I was checking on you, but I was not aware you had a steed."

"She is a good horse, but she is rented. I do not own her. Although, after leaning to ride yesterday, and also to fight on horseback, I look forward to retrieving the Halter. Except, I want to keep it."

"You took well to riding," Merlin said. "You understand them, and it showed. They felt it too. It will serve you well on that task. However, the Halter has no actual value for you."

Merlin snapped, the two minutes up, and Mo was in front of them. She was holding the box. She brought it forth and extended it. Merlin pulled the top off, not taking the box.

"There is food in it," he criticized. "Very cold food."

"That was me," Bladescape said. "It was how I knew it was the right dish. I never ate the food though, and when I brought it to Mo, as she said, Mo held the box and I put it in there. I never saw her touch it and I know she didn't."

"I have not touched it," Mo affirmed.

"I accept," Merlin stated. "A wise choice not to touch it. However, what is inside?"

"A treat called ice cream,” Bladescape explained. “It is frozen cream from milk. My friend is still trying to learn to make it, but she hasn't figured out how to freeze it long enough for it to set. She can make any other treat you want, except ice cream. It is driving her crazy, and her cooking skill has left me wanting nothing. It was me remembering her struggle that I realized I wanted some of the treat as well and that the cold would make it easy to identify the dish."

"Clever," Merlin said with a coy grin.

He then pulled out a small jar and spoon out from his robe. His staff was left standing straight up under its own volition. He removed the lid on the dish and scooped some of the chocolate ice cream out and into the small jar. He put the lid back on and gave it to Bladescape.

"Take this back to your friend and tell her to enjoy it."

"Thank you," Bladescape replied with a beaming smile. "I hope how happy I am for her conveys how half of how happy she will be."

"I believe it does," Merlin replied.

He put the dish's lid back on and then picked it up out of the box.

"Follow me," Merlin said, turning to walk up the steps to the cathedral.

The doors opened on their own and inside was a vast hall. Plenty was strewn around on the various tables. Merlin sat the dish down on the closest clear table. He pulled three spoons out of his sleeve and then three bowls out of the other one.

"Now, since it was used, and for very good reason, let us eat this delicious smelling treat. There is no point in leaving it to waste."

"Eat it slowly," Bladescape advised. "It is frozen, like snow or ice, and it can hurt your head if you eat too much too fast."

"Thank you," Merlin said as he passed her the first bowl.

It was good to taste the ice cream. Bladescape let it literally melt in her mouth and enjoyed the chocolate flavor.

"I quite enjoy the flavor," Merlin said after a few bites. "What is it?"

"Chocolate," Bladescape replied. "From here, it is a long, long way to find the bean plant that makes it."

"I see," Merlin replied. "Too bad."

"I must admit, I have wanted to eat the ice cream and was partially regretting not," Bladescape said. "But the dish belongs to you. I used a trick to find it, but that was all I had the right to do."

"A wise choice," Merlin stated. "Now that the well deserved treats are over, may I have the Whetstone?"

Bladescape opened her menu and put it on the table.

"Do you know what it does?" Merlin asked her.

"I know a normal whetstone sharpens a blade or knife so you can continue to use it. A dull blade is useless."

"Go, fetch your other blade," Merlin told her.

Bladescape jogged off, resisting the urge to sprint to the horse where the sword still hung. She was back soon enough with the sheathed blade.

"Use the whetstone," Merlin told her.

Bladescape unsheathed Bajutsu and pushed the blade along the stone as it sat on the table. She flipped it and came at that edge from the other direction. After that. She did the other side. As soon as the fourth pass was finished a menu popped up. The base properties of the sword were changed. It had its Durability raised, it's Sharpness raised, it's Accuracy raised, and the sharpening also added 5 more enhancement slots for Bajutsu. It now had 25 total attempts, with 4 already being used. A note was added that stated it was "hardened." Bladescape had no idea what that meant.

Bladescape stood there, staring at Bajutsu which had just been significantly improved by the whetstone. If it even raised Harmonic Salvation's base stats by half of the percentages it did to Bajutsu…

Bladescape suddenly abandoned Bajutsu, dropping it onto the table as she swiftly drew Harmonic Salvation. It left a lingering ring on the air as she began to sharpen Harmonic Salvation. The strokes were significantly longer and slower as she worked to make each pass smooth on the oversized blade. When the fourth finished a screen popped up.

Bladescape was speechless. Harmonic Salvation was a blade that would take her, fully maxed out, into the 80s. By Floor 90 they would have new materials available and Lisbeth should have maxed her smithing skill, which would allow her to provide Bladescape with a better sword.

Now though, the sword had been enhanced more than Bajutsu had. All five stats had been increased, although its weight had stayed the same. It also was “hardened” and the blade had a total of 100 enhancement slots now. The jump in the base stats was significant enough that Harmonic Salvation would go to the Ruby Palace. That was ignoring the extra enhancement slots which would only increase its power. Harmonic Salvation would be the sword she wielded at the very end. It would be one of the primary blades to free them from this nightmarish reality. She found immediate comfort in knowing that she wouldn't have to learn to handle a new sword. Her friend would be in her hands for the rest of her journey.

Harmonic Salvation would bring about its namesake: salvation through the harmony of her and her friends.

Bladescape finally looked at Merlin. "I have a question. Why did Harmonic Salvation get a significantly higher percentage increase than Bajutsu did?"

Merlin’s grin was mischievous as he explained things. "I have no doubt that Bajutsu will serve you well, even after the Halter quest, but it is not the same quality of a sword as your dear Harmonic Salvation. The whetstone permanently increases an edged weapon's powers, but how it chooses to increase it is a mystery we shall never know. I think it has to do with the heart and soul of the blade and its master. The closer they are, the stronger it will make the blade, and thus their bond.”

Bladescape sheathed Harmonic Salvation. "Explaining that dramatic increase to the Smith who made it, well both blades, will be interesting. She cares for and enhances my equipment."

Bladescape picked up Bajutsu, mentally apologizing to the blade for dropping it. She sheathed it. "Thank you, Merlin, for letting me use the Whetstone. I already know it will count. It will not be wasted."

Merlin picked the Whetstone up. "And now, I must return this to its proper resting place."

"What!" Mo exclaimed. "Wait! We need that. If we could get the members of the assault team to have their weapons enhanced, we could reach the Ruby Palace a lot quicker and safer."

"No," Merlin firmly stated. "I let Bladescape use it because of who she is."

Mo sighed. "She got it, so she gets to use it."

"Actually, that is not why,” Merlin stated. Bladescape could tell Mo’s confusion matched her own. “She was attacked by the murder guild, Laughing Coffin. Outnumbered, she incapacitated them, and calmly left. She could have killed the murders. Most players would have, justly in self-defense, but she saw something inside them. That is why."

"Mo, let it go," Bladescape said. She turned to Merlin. "What else do we need to do to get these other items?"

"You, not we," Merlin corrected her. "She has no need to be here. She wants whatever she can get. She claims noble causes, but not all are. There are items she covets for herself. There are things she sells knowing there can be no good end to the deal."

"I signed on to do these quests for her," Bladescape pressed. "I get a lot of information from her."

"Two cannot undertake this quest," Merlin replied. "You began it when you killed the witch. She has been useful, but she can't do anything anymore. The quest is yours and yours alone."

Bladescape looked at Mo. "Mo, I promise I will complete this quest and that I will do what I can to get you something useful. I signed on to do these for you, and we will sort some fair compensation out."

Mo nodded to Bladescpae and stood up. "I believe you. You are a Wondercolt. I chose you not only because you could complete them, but because you would stay honest and meet our contract." Mo tipped her head to Bladescape and turned to Merlin. "Send me back home."

Merlin snapped his fingers and she was gone. He turned to Bladescape. “Inside you is something special. A magic I have never seen before and one that does not exist in any other in this world. You have seen and done things others could not dream of, even your friends in your guild do not understand. It is why you did not strike down those four vagrants.

“Yesterday, you spent a tremendous amount of Col. And despite having food prepared for your day, and the one called Boots being paid for by Mo to teach you to ride, you took Boots out for both meals. You also bought her a finer sword than she will ever be able to afford. Even your smith, you took to dinner with you. Most of that Col spent was on yourself, but it was never about yourself. You were generous beyond belief.

“You are an extraordinary person, and for that, I let you use Tudwal’s Whetstone.”

“My story is long and complicated,” Bladescape admitted. “It has its dark spots, where I was evil, but it has also been my redemption and my choice to use what I have been given to enhance and build up others. Yes, I spent a lot of Col, but I still have a lot. Money can't buy everything, but it can help with things that will make you happy for life. Like making sure a friend will always have a fine sword at their side so they will be safe. Or providing for and company to others who need the break.

“Mo is great, and she has done good things, but I have been wary of her. She has a hard life to balance. Still, I never would have done these quests if her reputation was poor.”

Merlin nodded. “It was a good start to fulfill your promise, but the quest moves solely to you now. You and my knowledge. If my knowledge was as complete as it should be, I could do this on my own. I can guide you, but this will rest on your shoulders. Yet I have no fear about this task because your shoulders are already broad from the burdens you have carried.

"There is a deep magic here I cannot breach, which is why I need you to help me restore the Glass Tower. It is the only place to store the items that should not fall into the hands of the general populous.”

“I may argue for the use of an item,” Bladescape stated. “The Ruby Palace is our goal for many reasons. It is a noble and honorable quest against a grave evil that has ensnared this land. It is the same evil that keeps you from reclaiming those objects, and it is the one that distributed them in the first place.”

“You are more perceptive than you look,” Merlin grinned.

“And you know more than you are saying,” Bladescape fired back.

“What is it you want to know?”

“At the moment, I have one question. The whetstone hardened my blades, what does that mean?”

“A hardened weapon will never have an enhancement fail,” Merlin explained.

Bladescape picked up Bajutsu and drew the blade out halfway. “So, the next 21 enhancements I add will automatically take, with no rate of failure?”

“Not even if the smith doesn’t do it fast enough,” Merlin explained. He continued explaining more. “That is why I won’t let it leave here, or be used. Your friends are all upstanding and amazing, but the likelihood that there will be a clash of swords, where you all have to kill each other, is great. That is the only way to stop murders. But you, you found a noble and honorable way when no other would.”

“We can get them to submit,” Bladescape confidently stated. “I know it. Blood will spill, but when they have nothing left, when one more blow will end their life, they will submit. They just have to realize and feel the fear of death.”

“For many reasons, I hope you are right.”

“I need to go after the Halter,” Bladescape said, going back to the real reason she was wherever she was. “I know to pick the yellow gate and that a knight will immediately try and kill me. It is a trap. If I defeat him, I can take the Halter off his horse. But what does the Halter give him that I have to be prepared against?”

“The halter binds the horse and rider, so that they are like one. The horse will need no commands to do exactly what the knight desires. He will charge into anything, completely trusting his rider.”

Bladescape sighed. That was going to make the quest significantly more difficult. She didn’t believe the horse she had rented would be strong enough for the quest. She would need to see Boots.

“It is still early,” Bladescape said. “I can fetch it now, but I will need to change out horses.”

Merlin nodded and walked over to another table. He mumbled to himself as he searched through things. He walked to another table and continued the search. He finally found what he needed and came back with a small box in his hands.

He lifted the top off to reveal a ring made of glass and etched with a pattern that looked like seamless knots of rope. “This ring will teleport you to me whenever you need to. It can only teleport the wearer. Your steed will come with you if you are on it, but no other person can come with you. You do not wear this ring. Putting it on your finger triggers the teleport.”

“I understand,” Bladescape replied. “Put it on, and I come here. But I don’t wear it.”

“Correct,” Merlin nodded.

Bladescape put the ring in her inventory. She grabbed Bajutsu off the table and headed for the door. Merlin followed after her. Bladescape tied Bajutsu onto the saddle and mounted the horse. “Floor 12 please,” Bladescape said. “I will switch mounts and then come back here to be sent to Floor 51.”

Merlin nodded and Bladescape saw the glow of normal teleportation. She found herself outside of the corral. The horses in the corral began to whinny and snort at the unexpected arrival. It brought Boots out of the stable to calm them down.

“Bladescape,” She said with a smile. “What brings you back so soon?"

Bladescape dismounted and untied Bajutsu. “I need a mount capable of battle. I don't think this rented horse will cut it. I was expecting it to take more time to get to this quest than it did. It won’t be easy.” Bladescape was firm, but shot straight with Boots. “It’s the mounted combat quest, and although I will do all I can, I can’t give that guarantee. I wish I could, but it is impossible to give."

Boots nodded and walked into the barn. It wasn’t long before she brought out a much bigger steed than what Bladescape had ridden. It was a white horse with a black mane.

“This is Palomo, a charger. He is meant for battle. He has nerves of steel, will follow your commands well, and he is built for speed. He doesn’t have the endurance of the courser you were riding yesterday, but you won’t be riding him all day either.”

Bladescape transferred Bajutsu to Palomo’s saddle and mounted him, with Boots spotting in case she fell. She got up and situated. She tested drawing Bajutsu. It was mounted well and came out easily. She slid the blade back into its sheath.

“Some of the parameters changed,” Bladescape told Boots. “I won’t be gone long, the fight is straightforward, but this simple quest just got longer. A lot longer and more interesting.”

“Good luck,” Boots bid.

“Oh, and Mo was cut out of the quest by the main NPC,” Bladescape added. “Since it is a solo quest, and I triggered it, I was the one wanted.”

“Ouch,” Boots grimaced. “Mo doesn’t seem like a good enemy to have.”

“She is not,” Bladescape confirmed. “But she isn’t that bad. Also, I did my best, but the NPC and quest essentially kicked her out. She doesn’t have any info to help me anymore either, and she knows it. Still, I promised to bring what I could to her. You are warned, but I doubt anything will come of it for you. Now, I must be off so I can bring Palomo back to you tonight, and not too late.”

Palomo reared up, ready to go. Bladescape kept her balance, but it required her right hand to grip the saddle. She had never dealt with a rearing horse. As soon as Palomo was on all four hooves, Bladescape rode out of the city. Once she was far enough away, she pulled out the ring and teleported to Merlin.

Palomo didn't even blink at the teleport. Merlin was sitting on the steps, waiting for her. She nodded to him as he came over to her.

“I see this is quite a different horse,” Merlin said. "Bigger. Stronger. A warrior's horse."

“The best I can get,” Bladescape said. “Now, where do I need to go?”

“Ride north from where I will teleport you, and then follow the road. You will come to a war camp. There you will find the challenge.”

Bladescape nodded and Merlin teleported her and Palomo to the area. She followed the directions and quickly came to the camp. It was walled off by a low, wooden fence. Horses were in a corral and plenty of knights and squires were around. She rode up to the wooden gate.

“Halt!” the guard said, shifting his spear towards her. “What brings you here?”

“I come to take on the challenge for The Halter of Eiddin Klydno,” Bladescape declared.

He withdrew his spear and opened the gate. “Seek the captain out. Perhaps you will have better luck than we have had retrieving it.”

On the other side of the camp was a tall and long stone wall. It had four doorways. Each was painted around the outside: Blue, Yellow, Red, and Green. Yellow was the gate she needed.

The Captain was not hard to find. Bladescape rode up to him, but didn’t dismount. “Captain! I am here to retrieve The Halter of Eiddin Klydno.”

He looked up at her. “Well, you certain seem capable. We have lost quite a few men trying to figure out which way is the right way. Only one choice can be made by each knight. Some have gone in and never seen anything, others have never come back out. We don't know why or how. You will have to make the choice yourself.”

“I will,” Bladescape said. “I can retrieve the halter.”

Bladescape turned Palomo around and began to trot to the yellow gate. She halted him back a bit as she readied herself. Bladescape put her hand on Bajutsu and gripped the sword. She didn’t draw it yet, in case the other knights could somehow prepare the knight awaiting her.

Bladescape encouraged Palomo forward and he picked up speed immediately. She let him surge forward, unchecked, and go through the gate. It was a little tunnel of sorts. She could see the opening not far away. She let Palomo shift into a full gallop, unafraid of what was on the other side.

Bladescape drew Bajutsu, the ring adding its call to the thundering hoof steps reverberating off the walls. As soon as they got to the end of the tunnel, Bladescape forced him to make a hard left around the corner. A lance slipped by her and straight into the center of the tunnel where she had just been. The knight had thrown it so he could turn his mount before they hit the stone wall.

They were in a large arena with tall stone walls and floor made of a loose mix of dirt and sand. There was no other way in or out. No one was watching them either. It was just the knight and herself. He had a single health bar atop his head.

He was at a disadvantage because he had turned left. Bladescape got behind him as Palomo was once again at full speed despite the constriction of the arena. The knight was forced along the wall as Bladescape came up. Bajutsu glowed as she triggered a slash. At the same time she pulled left again. The tip slipped above the knight’s turned shield, slicing at the armored shoulder. His health bar slid down a small bit, but it was enough to make Bladescape grin. Drawing first blood in a duel was important.

She turned back, trying to stay behind the knight. He successfully turned towards her and charged, sword out to slice at her. Palomo knew what to do and didn’t stop as the two horses charged each other.

Bladescape held Bajutsu up in a neutral position. She wasn’t sure if she was going to block or strike. The knight drew his sword back and Bladescape pulled Palomo left to open up room. She leaned out of the way of the cut and pulled Palomo back to the right. She crossed behind the knight and got in a cut along his back. It was clean, biting into him and dropping his HP.

Palomo needed no directions to turn and put them in pursuit of the knight who was now visibly shaken and scared. He knew he was in trouble. Bladescape put the pressure on him, but he stopped, raising his shield to make a stand. Bladescape stayed steady and sliced low, going for his thigh. Bajutsu sliced through some of the leather saddle in its way and cut deep into the leg of the knight, leaving a red gash in the polygonal body.

The knight was on her tail as his horse charged after Palomo. Bladescape wasn’t ready for that change. Now she knew how the knight felt. She was not ready to dismount yet. She let Palomo run. He sensed the danger. He was a stronger and bigger horse than the knight’s was, allowing him to outpace the them for a bit. But Bladescape knew the horse would only have so much in him. The knight’s horse was a courser, geared towards the stamina of a fight, not to make several strong charges.

Bladescape tried to evade at the last moment, but without a shield she couldn’t stop the knight’s blade from slashing her shoulder. The hot bite of the gash was distracting. Bladescape hadn’t taken a hit from a human’s sword in a long time. It stung differently than a monster's did.

She pulled Palomo to the left, where he rammed his shoulder into the other horse’s neck. Bladescape stabbed across her body and Bajutse’s tip pierced the knight's armor. His horse reared and kicked. Its hooves struck Bladescape. Without a helmet the shoed hoof striking her head was enough to black her out.

She awoke on the ground, Palomo surging away, but looking to see how to get back to her. Her HP had dropped into the yellow from the blow to the head. The knight slashed at her but Bladescape got Bajutsu up in time to block.

She stood up as he moved around, preparing for his next attack. Bladescape braced herself, letting him charge. She threw the horizontal block and then flipped it into a stab as he passed by. Bajutsu went right into his kidney and dropped him into the red.

Palomo ran at Bladescape. Acrobatics was a useful skill as she grabbed the reins and swung up into the saddle. She chased down the knight. He was slowing down from the injuries.

Bladescape lifted up Bajutsu but didn’t trigger a Sword Skill. She sliced, letting the sword do its job on its own. The blade moved cleanly under the helmet but above the torso's plate, decapitating the knight with ease.

Bladescape didn’t try to stop Palomo right away. She let him slow down on his own as she turned them back to the knight. He fell off the horse, exploding into polygons when his body hit the ground.

Getting close to the war horse was difficult. It was spooked and without a rider, it forced them into a chase. Every time they got close, the horse turned and the reins danced away from Bladescape's grasp.

Bladescape lined up for another charge. This time she wasn’t going to stay on Palomo. Chasing the horse had taken up more time than the fight had and both she and Palomo were tired. This was probably the last sprint Palomo had in him.

They made it count and Bladescape leapt. She landed sideways, right on the saddle. It forced the air out of her as she gripped everything she could get a hold of. She was able to latch onto one of the straps that went under the horse and pull herself into the saddle, once again able to breath.

Bladescape pulled the reins, hard. The bridle forced the bit hard into the horse’s mouth. It had to be painful with the amount of pressure she used. It did its job as the horse slid to a stop.

Bladescape dismounted and held the reins tight. The horse was spooked about her. She had just hurt him and he knew they had been fighting each other.

Unfortunately, reins and halters were different. Reins were used for control. Halters were used to lead. There was no halter on the horse. Bladescape tied the horse to Palomo’s saddle. Palomo was a good 2 hands taller than the knight’s horse. With him secured, she began to check his saddle. It was a war saddle, meaning it had no pockets or places to hold anything.

The only way out of the arena was the way she had come in. She had dealt with the trap, but now she had to figure out the puzzle of the halter. Bladescape mounted Palomo and began to slowly move around the wall, trying to see any differences in it. She was specifically looking for another way in or out, or a place to hide the halter.

Bladescape stopped in frustration. She had been around the area three times. Over half the time in here was now spent looking for the halter, not fighting or even catching the horse. It was getting late, and she wanted to be home. Palomo was trooping on, thankful for the rest he got, but he needed more. The knight’s horse was still tied to Palomo and forced to go where they went.

Bladescape sighed and surveyed the entire area. She caught a glint in the sand. It was where the knight had fallen off his horse. She spurred Palomo over to it at a gentle walk. She dismounted and stepped over to the spot. Half buried in the sand was something. She stooped down and grabbed it.

What she pulled up was a silver chained halter, with jewels and silver gilded leather. It had been dropped when the knight died. It was such a simple, common, RPG tactic that she felt stupid for taking so long. She should have automatically checked the spot, regardless of the fact that SAO didn’t do drops where enemies fell.

Bladescape let out a heavy sigh. She was tired. She looked back at the horses. They were both tired too. At least the knight’s mount was now calm and okay with being led around by Palomo.

Bladescape mounted Palomo. She opened her menu and pulled out the glass ring. She hesitated before putting it on and glanced at the knight’s horse. She shrugged. Either he would come or not, she wasn’t going to worry about it.

As soon as the ring was secure on her finger she found herself on the grassy plateau. She glanced back and saw the knight’s horse had come. The door to the cathedral opened and Merlin hurried out.

Bladescape made him come to her. “I don’t know if it’s wise for me to dismount," Bladescape explained. "The horses are tired and so am I. Here is the The Halter of Eiddin Klydno.”

Merlin reverently took it from her. “Thank you, Bladescape. I will secure this. I will send you to Floor 12. For now, I need time to locate the next item. You are free to go, but I want you to remember what we talked about. The magic that is inside you, how special you are, and contemplate how much reclaiming these items will mean for this whole world."

Bladescape sighed, frustrated. “Free to go, but I still don’t have a skill chosen for my 11th. Questing is an okay pastime, but I don’t know how much the rest of my guild will like it in the long run. It is one thing to do these Glass Tower Quest pieces because they help us all, but it is another just to run around doing quests all the time. Plus, it still means I don’t have a skill to put as my 11th. I could do Martial Arts, but I don’t really care for it. I've not seen a way to integrate it into my typical combat tactics."

“You have not chosen Greatsword?” Merlin asked.

“What?” Bladescape said. “I don’t think my tired ears heard you right.”

“Greatsword,” Merlin stated again. “It is a skill you have unlocked.”

Bladescape narrowed her eyes at him. He knew more than he should. Some of it was concerning, particularly if she was going to continue working with him on this quest.

“You don’t trust me,” Merlin said. “I understand. We have not had long to get to know each other.”

Bladescape groaned. “I need to get the horses home. I will be back to find out what you mean by Greatsword.”

“And I will have food for us,” Merlin smiled.

He slowly lifted his hand up to warn her and then he snapped. Bladescape never heard the snap as she found herself once again in front of the corral. She dismounted and pulled the reins over Palomo’s head so she could comfortably lead him the last bit.

“BOOTS!” Bladescape called out. She waited a bit before calling out again.

“Coming!” Boots finally answered.

She came out in a dress, not the equestrian outfit Bladescape associated her with. It was something Bladescape was vaguely familiar with.

“Did you get that dress-”

“Yes,” Boots interrupted. Her cheeks reddened a bit. “Wait!” She exclaimed. “I sent you out with one horse, Palomo.”

“And I um, got a second?” Bladescape stuttered. “I don’t know. It was the horse the knight was riding. Catching him to try and find the halter was a pain. I spent more time trying to catch him than I actually spent fighting the knight, and then over twice that time for both of those trying to find the halter. Palomo was nearly spent. The halter wasn’t on the horse, so I tied him to Palomo and he has been with us ever since. I finally found it and finished the quest. To answer your intended question, I have no idea what I am doing with him.”

“It’s a her,” Boots said, coming over and gently petting the horse. She calmed her down easily and then undid the knot. “Follow me,” Boots said.

Palomo knew where he was going. He didn’t need any direction, but he stayed in pace with them. Boots put the mare in an empty stall and took over care of Palomo.

“She at least needs to rest here for the night,” Boots told Bladescape. “Then what?”

“I live in a city, Mishe, and I have no room to have a horse,” Bladescape replied. "I honestly never thought it through. Can you sell her?”

“There is a market, but you can sell her just as easily as I can.”

“Do you want her?” Bladescape asked.

Boots groaned, leaning up against the stall’s wall. Palomo stuck his head out, nudging her and forcing Boots to pet his muzzle. “I do. She is a beautiful mare. She is trained and the system menu indicated that she is almost in heat. Wind Rush will be ready for breeding shortly as well. None of my other mares are close to being in heat and I have been wanting to try breeding. So yes, I have use for her.”

“Can you cover the daily costs?”

“Yes,” Boots nodded. “Especially with the sword you bought me. I didn’t realize how far behind I was. I will take her off your hands.”

“That sounds optimal,” Bladescape replied. “I hope it is a good gift, or if you prefer, compensation for loaning me Palomo.”

“It is,” Boots smiled. “It was a pleasure to help another equestrian. Especially one who is such a natural. I know I will see you again.”

Bladescape chuckled for two reasons. First she enjoyed riding. The second was dearer to her heart. Hearing equestrian, used in the human sense, was odd to the former unicorn. “I really did enjoy the quest today. And as tough as the fight was, it was a good battle in the end. I enjoyed it all.”

“You are always welcome to kill bandits with me,” Boots said. “Or, maybe you would like to help me track down one of the unique Aincrad horses. They don’t fight, but roping and breaking them isn’t easy. They are the boss equivalent of horses in Aincrad. Some are stunningly gorgeous.”

“I would kill the sport of capturing it,” Bladescape replied. “I would just throw a pick at it with a strong paralyzer and bam! We would have it caught.”

“That would be appreciated,” Boots chuckled. “My attempts to catch the one on Floor 12, Marengo, have gone poorly. I really need a tranquilizer.”

“I have business I must attend to,” Bladescape said. “But I would enjoy doing that with you. We will keep in touch.”

“Have a good night,” Boots said, bowing slightly.

Bladescape bowed back. “The same to you.”

Once she was out of sight, Bladescape put the ring on and teleported to Merlin. She headed to the cathedral as the sun slipped below the Floor’s edge, issuing in twilight. Bladescape entered the cathedral, which was now lit by candles.

“You are back,” Merlin said from his seat. “Come, eat.”

Bladescape sat down across from him and enjoyed the meal. It was simple, but good. She had missed lunch in the rush of everything.

When they were both finished, Bladescape asked her question. “What did you mean earlier? You said the Skill Greatsword?”

“I did,” Merlin replied. “I thought you already had it. Your sword is as strong as you are, and I know you are an expert with it. With its size, you surely have to have the Skill.”

Bladescape pulled up her menu and scrolled through the Skills she could choose from. Greatsword was right there in the Gs. She had not been looking at her own list to choose from.

Merlin continued. “A sword like your Harmonic Salvation could benefit from the Skill that was designed for the larger swords. It is specifically designed for a master of the long, oversized blades. Arthur rode with a two-handed sword, but he could also easily wield it on horseback with one. It was a bit longer than Bajutsu too. That was a two-handed sword, not what you have on your back. That can only be called a Greatsword, for it stands as tall, or greater, as a man.”

Bladescape nodded, thinking. She had no idea when Greatsword became available. She had been maxed for a while, but her strength had continued to rise as well as other parameters of her virtual reality body. For the last two Skill Slots, she knew what she was doing beforehand, so she hadn’t been paying attention to her skill list.

Bladescape picked up Greatsword and slipped it into her 11th Skill slot. She accepted it and it was locked in place, showing 0000/1000. She couldn’t pass on it as a Skill.

“What does it take to be eligible for Greatsword?” Bladescape asked. “I have a friend, Dale, who also uses an oversized sword with his Two-Handed Skill.”

“That, I do not know,” Merlin admitted. “I can see things with you, because we are now linked together by the Glass Tower, but that is all. I assume it must be for those who are worthy of it, great masters of the blade that can make a sword like yours swing like it was half its size, but hit like it was twice as big, and rend armor apart like a war axe.

"I know that it is a different hand position on the handle. Your hands are spread apart, not together. One at the guard and one at the pommel. It gives you the leverage that a long blade can make deadly use of.”

Bladescape nodded slowly. Harmonic Salvation’s handle was long enough for 3 of her hands. She was on the top curve for the Assault team. She was probably the only one who had finished the Skill Two-handed Sword, since it required a high enough One-Handed Sword ranking to start it. Others were not that far behind her though. Extra Skills, like Katana, Martial Arts, and Meditation, had popped up months ago. Currently Commander Heathcliff was the only player with a Unique, only for him, Skill. It was called Holy Sword.

Merlin was helpful, but useless at the same time. She was still thankful for his aid.

“Thank you Merlin,” Bladescape smiled. “I will train this and use it for good. If I find out how I can teach it to another player, or guide them to it, I will.”

“But only if they are worthy,” Merlin warned. “You are worthy. There is something special about you. That magic I mentioned earlier. I know you heard me say it.”

“I did,” Bladescape nodded. “It triggered some things in my mind. Good things.” Blacescape sighed. “I was supposed to make that Skill Slot a non combat, fun skill to relax. Everything else is combat.”

“But you did have fun and you found a passion,” Merlin stated.

“Questing has its perks,” Bladescape replied.

“No,” Merlin chuckled. “I mean the horses.”

Bladescape raised an eyebrow questioning him. She recalled how much fun she had. She had even laughed, enjoying the ride. At worst, she could spend the day riding alone, or with Boots, destroying bandits from horseback. Or possibly, going out to rope the master horses of Aincrad.

“You are right,” Bladescape grinned. “I did fulfill my promise. I will do a lot more riding. That will be how I relax in this world. And it will give Bajutsu a continuous use."

"Have a good evening," Merlin said with a warm smile as he raised his hand up to snap her home.

Bladescape smiled back and she was home, in her room. She hung up Harmonic Salvation and put away her armor. She would deal with everything else in the morning. She would also need another sword mount for Bajutsu.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 80 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry - Greatsword
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 73 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 76 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK(PP): Lvl 73 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 73 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 75 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal -- Fencing
Astro (PS): Lvl 73 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 70 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts - Search
Lessa: Lvl 70 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search - Acrobatics
Joltron: Lvl 73 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

Author's Note:

The Aincrad Asides are now in a story, not a blog!

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