• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 54 - Mirror Mayhem

Floor 59
April 25 – Year 2 - Boss Fight - Mid Morning

Bladescape's heart stopped as she saw what awaited them across the boss chamber. It was like looking in an inverted mirror. Each of the raiders had been copied and that clone was under the Head Necromancer's control. He was their puppet master.

As shocking as it was, they had two advantages. First, the cursors above their mirrors' heads were red. They could identify friend from foe by that alone. Second, the copies' armor and hair colors had been inverted, creating an almost psychedelic visual effect. The Wondercolts' blue armor was orange for their copies. Directly across from Bladescape was her copy, bright orange with blue and teal hair, and wielding a silver bladed copy of Harmonic Salvation.

Players began to charge out across the open area to deal with their mirrored copies. But a copy would mean that it had the same stats and abilities that the original had. And like the dead players who had used Sword Skills, they would know their own most used attacks and patterns.

"NEW PLAN!" Bladescape yelled. Thankfully they were all together and none of them had charged ahead. "Everyone else is going to mirror themselves like idiots. We can't afford to do that. We need to play our strengths to strike at the weaknesses we know exist in this raiding party.

"Orders are; AFCK and Doom, find Doom's clone and destroy her and Colorra. Wipe them out. Stay frosty because of her poison and then do your worst to the other clones. Both of you split and take them down. Backbreaker and Astro, take care of BB's clone. Lobelia, Thunder, with me. I need you two to help me take down Lightning Flash Asuna and other key targets. The best raiders are our targets. Kiefer, the rest are yours. Got it?"

They all confirmed and Bladescape issued her last order. "Reapply poisons and let's end this nightmare. Oh, and watch out for AFCK's clone. It's probably a loose cannon."

AFCK giggled at the idea of her clone while she reapplied fresh poison to her axe. Doombunny was already good to go, meaning they were the first to get underway. BB and Astro headed out next.

Lobelia had to be passed poison. She applied it quickly and then she was following after Bladescape and Thunderborne. Bladescape was calculating where Asuna's clone was compared to where she had been in relation to them in the line when they were copied.

Battles were already clashing as they caught up. As Bladescape predicted, players were mirroring themselves, fighting their own clones. Bladescape skipped out of the way of two trading blows and caught sight of a black coated Asuna. All of the KOB soldiers were in Black armor with bright green accents.

Clone Asuna's black rapier glowed as she struck at a player. The first strike was good and so was the second. For the third Thunderborne launched forward at her maximum speed. She got her rapier there in time to block the third strike, saving the player's life.

The clone couldn't adjust to the interruption and Bladescape slashed Harmonic Salvation across the clone's belly. It knocked off a good chunk of HP. Lobelia dove on Bladescape, blocking the retaliation with her shield. It was the four combo Quadruple Pain and it beat on the shield in a brilliant flash of speed that was unmatched in the game. And Thunderborne was about to have to match it.

"I see Clone Kirito," Lobelia said, pointing to him through the battles with her sword. She understood Bladescape's plan. "Go! We have her."

Thunderborne and Clone Asuna were trading blows in a furious pace as Bladescape dashed after Kirito's clone. Thunderborne lost as the clone overcame her speed. Even Asuna’s clone had Thunderborne outmatched. Lobelia came to her rescue, just in time.

Bladescape ducked under a swinging sword and found Kirito's white clone attacking Agil and two others. They did their best, but Kirito's clone showed his strength and reaction speed as he deflected Agil's axe with practiced ease and then thrust his white sword into Agil's gut. The others Agil was protecting were deep in the red.

Kirito's clone swung hard at Agil in a cut that would kill him. Bladescape slid in front, holding Harmonic Salvation parallel to her body where it blocked the cut. The block put Kirito in the required delay and Bladescape swung in relation. The blade found a home in the clone’s left shoulder. As good as the clones were, it seemed conflicted in what its AI wanted it to do. It looked like it tried to block her strike with a sword held in his left hand.

Harmonic Salvation did her job as its edge bit into the clone's shoulder, severing the left arm. It shattered and the clone's HP took a good dent. It was a dent that reflected the high HP of Kirito himself, akin to Bladescape's own HP. But the Clone's advantage was lost as the poison icon was registered and the DOT effect began. It had no ability to heal itself from poison.

"I've got him!" Bladescape yelled to Agil. "Get them back and heal up. Don't try and kill yourself, kill other clones who are weak to your strengths."

"Right!" Agil said, staggering backward while holding onto the stab mark in his belly. He let go and grabbed one of the others to make sure he got clear of the front line.

Kirito's Clone lunged at her and Bladescape felt the bite of his white blade as it slipped past her defenses. It knocked a good chip off her HP. It was a bitter reminder that even without his left arm, it was going to be a difficult fight that would require her all. Just like if she was dueling the Black Swordsman himself.

Kirito came out of nowhere lunging at his own clone. It was blocked and Bladescape forced the switch with Kirito.

"Don't!" Bladescape exclaimed. "I have your clone and Asuna's is being taken care of too. Your clone will mirror you, like they all are mirroring the players they were copied from! Find my clone and kill it! I don't know how to beat myself, so do what I can't do. I think she is to our left because I crossed over to get to yours."

"Right!" Kirito responded, dashing off. He was in a much better head space than he had been earlier. Now he was the Black Swordsman again.

While Bladescape engaged Kirito's clone, AFCK and Doombunny found Doombunny's clone. The orange armored clone was quick and agile, launching a furious set of attacks at AFCK with its dagger. It was only using Doombunny's primary, non-poisoned blade. The other two were not even present in the copy.

AFCK staggered from the pain and saw the glowing red dagger thrust at her face. With a crystal-clear ping of metal on metal, Doombunny blocked it with her parrying dagger, saving AFCK. AFCK responded by chopping her axe down, over Doombunny's back.

A rainbow colored Colorra struck Doombunny in the leg. Colorra responded from her hiding spot by biting her own clone. They thrashed back and forth, but Colorra had the advantage of the surprise attack for leverage. She coiled around the copy-snake and twisted the life out of it before she began to devour it.

Doombunny's HP bar had a flashing poison icon. Her connection with Colorra, coupled with the special jewelry she got from killing the Wolf Master, meant that she had a heavy resistance to all drugs. She ignored the poison and blocked her clone's dagger from gutting AFCK. She was using the parrying dagger, while her clone was armed with a buckler.

Doombunny's attack was deflected by the buckler and then she was stabbed by the clone in the shoulder. That strike did major damage to her HP. AFCK swung her axe, but it was deflected into the air by the buckler.

That was just the distraction Colorra needed as she climbed back onto Doombunny's shoulders. The clone's knife was still in Doombunny's shoulder and the snake used it to bridge the distance and lunge, sinking her fangs into the neck of her cloned master. With her powerful muscles, she supported herself as she pulled her body across the open space, which was widening as the two Doombunny's separated. Colorra wrapped herself around the neck and shoulder of the clone, forcing her arms to be pinned and ending any chance of her gutting the snake.

Doombunny took the opportunity provided by her familiar and repeatedly slashed open the stomach of her own clone. AFCK stepped out of the way and drank a health potion. She wasn't going to risk hurting, or killing, Colorra with her big axe.

Colorra dropped into a coil as Doombunny's clone popped into polygons. She immediately climbed onto Doombunny's shoulders. Doombunny nodded to AFCK and they split up to hunt clones on their own.

Bladescape staggered in pain as Clone Kirito's white blade cut across her upper torso. It dropped her low into the red. Kirito's clone had gone tit for tat with her. The only thing saving Bladescape was her high rate of Battle Regeneration and the poison effect working against the clone. Still, the real Kirito was clearly the better player when it came to reaction time. It had proven difficult for her to block whenever he successfully countered an attack. And the clone was a simple monster AI, not the player himself.

Clone Kirito punched her in the gut, knocking her off her feet and to the ground. Out of breath, her HP bar slid down even deeper into the red. It stopped its slide at 9, officially putting her into the single digits.

Battles were happening all around her. Most of the players were still fighting themselves, or their group was fighting their copied group. It was a nightmare for most players. They didn't know how to beat themselves.

White Kirito's sword glowed, preparing to strike the final blow. As its arc began, the clone shattered. The poison had dealt the final damage, ending it with little time to spare.

Bladescape pulled out a red crystal and brought it to her chest, tight. "Heal," she groaned, just loudly enough for her to activate the crystal and heal herself. She was at full health, but couldn't stand right away. She needed to breathe.

The clone of Asuna was down, Kirito's clone was gone, and somewhere Kirito was engaging her clone. There were three other major players cloned that needed to be dealt with. Backbreaker, who was being worked on. Klein, who Bladescape had no idea where he, or for that matter any other Fuurinkazan members or their clones, were.

And the last was Commander Heathcliff's clone. The quiet, composed, leader of the Knights of the Bloodoath. He was considered the strongest player and after fighting the 50th Floor Boss solo for 10 minutes, his nickname as "The Living Legend" was solidified. On top of that, he had a unique skill. The one of a kind "Holy Sword" paired with Liberator, his tower shield, he ran both a near impregnable defense with a chilling offense.

His clone had to be held off. There was no choice in the matter. If his clone got into the general raiding party, it alone could kill most of the players before anyone could stop it. Bladescape spotted his clone acting very much like him, playing it cool in the back. Except the clone was in cyan armor with a black shield and black crosses, making him appear quite sinister indeed. As she watched, his clone had apparently had enough of hanging back and began moving in to strike a group of unaware players fighting themselves.

Bladescape got up and dashed across the room. She swung her sword. It rang with a piercing clash and painful shutter as she deflected the clone Commander's blade from impaling the unaware player through the back.

"Move!" Bladescape ordered them. "And go after other clones! You are just matching what you would do and wasting energy!"

The air was forced out of Bladescape as Liberator, his shield, was rammed into her gut. The shield itself was being used in an offensive strike that did its damage against Bladescape's HP. It was a noticeable chip. Bladescape activated Weapon defense and got her sword up in time for her to deflect the clone’s sword. At the same time, she sidestepped. Most enemies would have slipped past her. Heathcliff's clone didn't. Even as a clone he was better than that, with more control over his own body inside the game mechanics.

The sword glowed another color and swept to the side. Pillar was a Weapon Defense Sword Skill that righted the blade parallel to the player who gripped the blade at the handle and braced it lower down on the blade with the palm of their hand. It stopped Clone Heathcliff's sword and Bladescape slid back a bit from the sheer force in the simple slash.

It left Bladescape exactly where she wanted. Jumping Fang was a Sword Skill with an opposite action than its name. It referred to what the target was supposed to worry about, not her action. Harmonic Salvation swept low, right at his feet. He stepped back rather than waste energy blocking with his shield. As it cleared his left side, Bladescape reversed her grip and lunged in. The reverse grip allowed her to stab around a shield.

Liberator batted it away but she still got the tip of Harmonic Salvation to pierce his side and she saw the clone's HP lose a pleasant fraction. She was going to hold him off until more players could surround him and finish the clone. But that didn't mean she couldn't, or shouldn't, chip away at his HP. The poison on her blade was gone though. There was nothing assisting her in taking down his massive number of Hit Points.

Bladescape was inside Heathcliff's range and he was past hers. She couldn't use her giant sword. Instead, Bladescape punched Heathcliff. It wasn't a Sword Skill or Martial Arts Skill, but it did have a little kick to it. He took a slight step back as he registered the hit, an automatic response.

It was enough of a shock to him that she was able to jump back and swing up high, activating Avalanche to come down on his head. Of course, his shield stopped it. But she was expecting that. A simple side step meant his lunge missed and Bladescape made a simple attack in response. As much as she wanted to cut the clone to pieces, she knew her best chance, even though it was a clone, was to wait for backup. She had to keep the clone engaged with her, and keep herself alive as the minutes ticked away.

The clone's blade flashed by her face and Bladescape felt the searing hot pain of a cut light up her cheek. It was not a bad cut, but it was painful and she had moved deeply into the yellow, nearing red. The focus on defense was saving her, and she had chipped Heathcliff Clone's HP down to almost the yellow. The battles had slowly subsided, each one ending with the trademark sound of the shatter of the polygons.

For almost 10 minutes, she had kept the Heathcliff Clone engaged with her. Her simple strikes and simple patterns were met with the same. That had confused Bladescape until she realized, in all the boss battles she had been in, none of what Commander Heathcliff did was fancy. The Clone had very little to utilize from the program.

Her battle had slowly drawn a crowd. No one was daring to step in. And that fact was frustrating Bladescape. She didn't have some monopoly on the fight, and there were still other battles happening. Plus, the Necromancer was still alive. Albeit, probably out of tricks.

Bladescape blocked a two-combo attack and bashed at Heathcliff with her pommel. It knocked him back a bit as he blocked it with his shield and Bladescape took a few steps back as well.

On the other side of Heathcliff, Bladescape saw AFCK bounce into view. She giggled, which ended with a snort, and taunted the clone. "Hey Clone of Heathcliff! Want some rock candy?"

It was enough of a question to trigger the Clone's AI system to turn to face the new threat. A threat that had her fist up and glowing. The attack was powerful and on point. The Clone blocked it with ease on his shield but it still sent him sliding back from the force.

Game, set, match.

Bladescape took AFCK's setup and thrust her sword home, piercing the back of Heathcliff's clone and skewing him halfway down her blade. She kicked him off her blade and swung again, decapitating him. The body shattered immediately but the head bounced twice on the floor before bursting into polygons.

Bladescape had no time to celebrate. The Necromancer was still alive and that meant he could do this again. The others had apparently forgotten it was a boss raid, not a duel.

Bladescape found the Necromancer behind them, on the platform where he had started. She started to move, but stopped and watched as Heathcliff jumped up next to him and ran him through with a simple stab. The Necromancer had only a tiny bit of HP left, which most likely meant Heathcliff had been tracking him and knocking it off as quickly as he could. The Necromancer looked like he was going to cast a spell while he was impaled, but he was stopped as his HP rapidly slipped away and he popped.

"You know," Heathcliff said, directing his attention to Bladescape. His voice was the usual smooth and collected voice of the scholar he looked like. "There is something unsettling about watching yourself be cut to shreds. Even though it was a clone, and it was well executed, it was not the easiest thing to watch."

"Um," Thunderborne said, stopped them from exchanging more words. "The Necromancer is dead but this fight isn't won. We didn't get the congratulations bar, song, or loot drop info."

Everyone gripped their weapons tightly, trying to see if the player beside them was a real player, or a clone the Necromancer had made. They had to find the red cursor in a sea of green ones.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" AFCK said, jumping up and down excitedly, hand raised in the air like she wanted the teacher to call on her. She was facing Heathcliff.

Another AFCK bounced excitedly over to her. She was in the orange inversion of the Wondercolts' blue. Everyone almost rushed her, but they were confused by their immediate interaction.

"You're right Atomic Fireball Candy King!" The clone exclaimed. "That was more fun killing the clones instead! Now, what more fun is there to have?" She was bouncing up and down with excitement. She was a perfect copy of an excited Pinkie Pie.

"You missed one clone Atomic Fireball Candy Queen," AFCK laughed, leaning on her Axe.

"I did? Where! Who!"

AFCK giggled. "You, silly!"

The giggles and laughs were over. AFCK swung her large axe up across her clone’s chest with a single hand. It was immediately transferred back to two hands as she rammed the end of the handle onto her Clone's forehead, ensuring it was off balance. With no delay AFCK brutally brought her Axe straight down overhead, slicing the clone in half and shattering it to polygons.

Everyone stood there in shock, even as the congratulations was given by the game and their menus popped up. Only Fuurinkazan had seen AFCK switch from giggles and laughs to fighting mode before. But they had never seen her actually being vicious about it. The fact that it looked like her, just with different armor, sent shivers down most player's spines.

"AFCK," Diemond said, not moving closer to her friend. "What just happened?"

"What?" AFCK asked, a touch of whine entering her voice. It was obvious that she thought they all understood what she had done. "Well, after Doombunny and I killed Doom's clone, we split up as ordered. I killed Kiefer's clone and then, um, your clone." She pointed to a player in the DDA, Schmitt. "Then I ran into my clone. I told her if she wanted to have the most fun possible, that she should go kill the other clones!"

"Why?" Thunderborne immediately asked for everyone. Everyone heard her question.

"Well duh," AFCK said, rolling her eyes. "It's a game. Even being trapped in here, all I want to do is have fun. So if it is a copy of me, then it wants to have fun too. It wasn't hard to convince her that killing the clones was more fun than killing the players. Because she is me. I wouldn't kill the players. So we didn't."

"There were two of you running around, killing our clones?" A member of the KOB asked.

"Yep!" AFCK giggled. The giggle stopped and she got serious. "That was my plan all along. You see, having a clone always sounds like a great idea, but before you know it, you're locked in a room with 50 copies of yourself watching paint dry."

No one had any idea what to say or what she was talking about. Not even the Wondercolts had any idea about what she had just said. AFCK casually glanced at the windows that had popped up in front of her. "Cool! It says Pew-gill-lists gloves. No idea what they are, but they sound cool!"

"I believe you mean Pugilists'," Astro said, correcting her. "It means boxer, or one who fights with their hands. As in, your Martial Arts Skill."

"Oh!” AFCK laughed. “That makes way more sense than pew. I thought it was the sound they made as they shot lists at your enemies from your fists."

Bladescape's palm loudly smacked her forehead in front of the entire raiding party. No matter what they thought of AFCK's sanity, they had all seen her help take down Heathcliff's clone and then viciously destroy her own. There was not a single raider present who would ever question her ability to fight on the front lines or against bosses.

They all drank health potions and checked their drop lists. The Wondercolts led the way as the entire raid party headed to Floor 60. As they got to the next Floor, Bladescape found Kirito beside her.

His voice was low, just enough to be heard by her. "When you sent me to fight your clone, I thought it was going to be a joke. That was as hard of a fight as my duel with Asuna on Floor 56. And I was fighting a monster AI, not you."

"I know my strengths and weaknesses," Bladescape replied quietly, but with a kind smile. "I also know you, Asuna, Heathcliff, and I are the best players in this world. I had to use my advantages to knock your clones out, and let you guys deal with mine. Your speed and reaction time are my downfall. I experienced that badly against your clone. I am afraid to think of how good you are as yourself. Honestly, I was expecting you to jump in and fight Heathcliff's clone with me."

"I didn't have time. No one was helping me fight yours. It's like they forgot it was a boss battle and it was a fun dueling event. I got there right before your friend stepped in and blasted him with that high-level Martial Arts skill. I also can't believe that she convinced her clone to fight the others."

"Oh I can," Bladescape chuckled. "She is right. The essence of her being here is for fun. She fights on the front lines not to get stronger, not to get better, but because it's the most fun thing she can do with her friends, and it means more fun once we are free. If you were to copy her, that is priority number one. It wouldn't be hard for her to flip a copy of herself to help her herself.

"And thankfully she stepped in. I know you said you were just arriving and about to. And it's appreciated that someone had the same mindset as me. Because you are right, it was like they were watching a dueling sporting event. I was only distracting the Commander's Clone and making sure he didn't kill anyone. Which he almost did. I didn’t want to test if I could kill him on my own or not. Thankfully, we don't have to worry about that. We might have been fighting clones, and had a few duels at times, but we are all on the same side. And it looks like Heathcliff put his energy to the best possible use, tracking and killing the Head Necromancer."

Kirito just nodded and tried to slip away. Bladescape grabbed his arm and pulled him back before he could. She had more to say.

"Kirito," Bladescape said, hesitating. Her voice was barely above a whisper. "That battle was unfair to us all and pure hell. But I haven't lost a close friend in battle yet. I've known players who died, I have tried to save a party and been unable to, and I saw their names today, but I have not lost friends. Most of mine are in my guild.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry about the slap, but it helped you focus. And I'm proud of you for that. You got your head on immediately and dealt with it. Exactly as you needed too.

"I also want you to know, we were using poison. I never hesitated. They were copies of analytics the system had, like physical looks and common attack patterns. A digital NPC version, of a skeleton monster with a name and face. No matter what, I didn't drag it out. I ended it as fast as possible. They never suffered."

"Thanks," Kirito said before slipping away, but Bladescape could tell from how he squared his shoulders that her words had helped put his mind at rest.

After the warp gate was triggered the two KOB squads met up with the Wondercolts. Commander Heathcliff had a question. "Forgive me, but I have to ask. I do not want to reveal any sensitive secrets, especially since I do not think anyone else noticed. I was fighting my way to where the Head Necromancer had teleported to, and the target I was facing went down by poison. On the other side of the polygons was Miss Doombunny; her snake familiar on her shoulders and a dagger in each hand. How is that possible? The game doesn't allow a player to wield two weapons. Or do you have a unique skill allowing you to wield two blades?"

"It isn't a full weapon," Doombunny explained. "After I completed the One-Handed Dagger a new skill opened up. When I had the Skill Slot, I chose it. I am the only player on the front line who primarily fights with a dagger. The Assault Team members are finally completing their main weapon skills, so anyone not on the front lines will still have a long way to go.

"I unlocked Fencing, a defensive skill that was most likely designed with those who use a rapier and speed-based swords in mind. The Skill allows me to use a specialized parrying dagger to defect and control an incoming strike. Or I can use a buckler. Both the buckler and parrying dagger only serve to deflect an incoming strike. I can't block an attack like a small shield can. It is a speed based defensive skill."

"You can't offensively use it?" Commander Heathcliff asked.

Doombunny shook her head and explained further. "While both parrying dagger and buckler are held out forward, neither are easily used for an offensive strike. There is an instance I can, but they don't come around easily. It isn't like a Sword Skill I can trigger at any moment. First and foremost, the target has to be in a delay or stunned. Second, I have to be in the right position as that delay happens. Then it will trigger a counter strike with the dagger. That is the only time it can happen. But if something lunges at me, they are welcome to impale themselves on the offered blade. The point is, I am not swinging two blades around. I am using a specialized Skill, and then a special deflection tool that isn't a shield."

"Interesting," Commander Heathcliff said, filing it away. "Thank you for explaining that. And I must add, congratulations on completing the dagger skill. It is very impressive to have a primary dagger fighter on the front line."

"Colorra is the main reason I can be," Doombunny said with a grin. "But don't underestimate me without her."

"I have seen you without her against Yamata," Commander Heathcliff reminded them all. "Wonderful job Wondercolts and your two additions. You all did amazingly, and have been key in moving this front line forward all these months. We need more players like you."

They departed, but Second-in-command Asuna turned around with a fire in her eyes and came back. "You, Bladescape, you grabbed Kirito's arm as we were all making our way here. I have never seen him let anyone do that. Why?"

The question was obviously green, soaked in masked jealousy. Asuna and Kirito, only a few floors back, had dueled to decide how to proceed with a field boss plan. There had been a lot of friction over the months, particularly since Floor 25, between them. Something had apparently changed. The only thing that had happened recently enough was them solving some murder mystery case. Bladescape didn't know the details well, but it happened as the Wondercolts' internal issue was still unfolding and being cleaned up. She didn’t have time to focus elsewhere.

From the brief reading of the paper Bladescape did on it, the two of them solved the crime of player deaths in Safe Zones in Danac, which had happened several days before. It turned out to be two players faking their own deaths to draw out a previous guild member for some fallout that happened in an old guild and to get a confession of some kind from him.

Bladescape played it calm with Asuna to not upset the delicate situation between her and Kirito. She also didn't need Asuna mad at her for something that didn't exist. She knew her own jealousy at times. Bladescape had to make sure Asuna understood that she wasn't lying, but there were some things better left unsaid about the fight.

"I grabbed his arm to keep him from stepping away," Bladescape plainly explained. "We traded a few words about private observations on the battle. Things we ran into together and had to deal with as we faced the mental torment. I thanked him for some actions on his part. The biggest was him taking care of my clone, which proved to be a bigger hassle than I thought it would be. Once I had thanked him for those private things, I let go."

Asuna's stare lingered.

"Look," Bladescape said, stepping closer to Asuna and dropping her voice so they couldn't be overheard. "Sure, Kirito is an alright guy once you poke through his outer shell. I got to see a few holes tonight and I got to see a few others the other day. I appreciate that. But it's Kirito. I don't want the Black Swordsman to be anything more than a friend. I dislike being acquaintances. My point is, I have too much to deal with within my own guild and some internal problems. You know how it is, being Second-in-command yourself. Things get hectic and crazy. I don't even have time for myself. I want nothing more from him than to actually have him accept my friend request."

Asuna silently judged her words. She finally gave a single nod and followed after the other KOB members. Bladescape was relieved she passed that trial.

After they were alone, they took Riklored and Lobelia out for a drink, like they always did, and the twelve of them toasted to a successful battle with no deaths. A tough one mentally, a close one statistically, but no deaths.

Lobelia was the one who asked. "Miss AFCK, what exactly are those gloves? If it is not rude to ask."

AFCK was in the middle of a big gulp of mead and she didn't stop as she opened her menu and popped them onto the table. Her empty mug slammed onto the table and she burped. "Oops," She giggled.

Diemond picked them up and read the information. "It says 50% reduction in Martial Art Sword Skill delay period, 10% attack boost, and 10% critical damage boost to all Martial Art attacks while being worn."

"That is a good one," Bladescape said, lifting her glass to AFCK. "You deserve it. That trick with your clone, that was impressive. And you actually helped me against Heathcliff's clone when no one else would."

"Yeah, I was deep in the red," Thunderborne admitted. "I was trying to regain my HP to a safe level."

"I know," Bladescape said before anyone else could speak. "But too many players were seeing a duel, not a boss battle. So I am really glad the LAB went to a Wondercolt, or one of our squadmates, because I know how hard you worked."

"Are you sure you're not jealous?" AFCK asked, a bit meekly. "We all know how hard you have been working for a Lab."

"Oh, I am," Bladescape admitted. "But a good jealousy. I'll get my LAB soon enough. This was good motivation for me to get my own Floor Boss Last Attack Bonus. You deserved this one though. And you need those gloves. Your transitions between axe and fists in combat are going really well."

"Aww," AFCK sighed, happily as her eyes began to water. "Thanks Blade. Besties for life!"

"Besties for life!" Bladescape declared back.

"Is anyone wondering why it went to AFCK, and not Heathcliff?" Astro asked. "In all the battles with minions, the boss is the one who drops the LAB. Any minions left, they don't count. That has been proven a few times, by us Wondercolts too. Why did AFCK get the gloves?"

"Cause it's AFCK?" Thunderborne shrugged.

No one else had any other idea why the Last Attack Bonus went to AFCK. Logistically, it didn't matter. The battle was so twisted, it would haunt many of them for weeks to come. If that trick was played on Floor 59, then worse ones had to be awaiting them.

Bladescape was even more determined to get the Last Attack Bonus. There was way less jealousy than when Thunderborne had gotten her rapier, but it was still there. AFCK was Pinkie Pie. And Pinkie Pie was one of those people who made it hard to be jealous of them because she usually looked like she had no idea what she was doing. Which was true for a good half of the time, at least. You could easily get mad at Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer did for a lot of reasons, but this time, Pinkie Pie was just being herself, and she did exactly what they needed her to do.

Bladescape raised her mug. "I noticed we Wondercolts all moved up a level. We have been working hard, so well done all!"

A round of cheers went up at the optimistic news.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 80 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry -- ?
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 73 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 76 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK(PP): Lvl 73 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 73 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 75 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal -- Fencing
Astro (PS): Lvl 73 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 70 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts -- ?
Lessa: Lvl 70 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search -- ?
Joltron: Lvl 73 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

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