• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 29 - Diemond Success

Floor 35

March 22 – Year 2

The guild hall was all set up. Rows of tables and clothe-racks had replaced the chairs. Banners identifying each table's focus had been put up in between the normal Wondercolt banners. Despite it being turned into a shop it still was a guild hall and held some of its regal air.

The armor had been placed in the front greeting chamber, along with the jewelry. Knightstar would be watching over it and assisting customers there. Backbreaker and Joltron were outside, holding back the crowd until 4pm hit. Joltron was using his old shield that bore the Wondercolt's horse head on its face.

AFCK already had batches of cupcakes, cookies, and pastries out and more were on standby to be baked to replace the ones eaten. They had purchased a bunch of cheap cups for the event, but Astro and Thunderborne would be switching out washing them. Germs couldn't be transmitted, but certain habits died hard and Diemond insisted on a proper washing. She would accept nothing but the best.

None of them were in armor, outside of Joltron and Backbreaker out front. They all had various outfits Diemond had made them, all bearing the Wondercolt colors and horse head insignia. They looked in charge and uniformed despite the differences. Astro, Thunderborne, and Bladescape were wearing their weapons with the outfits. So we're Kiefer and Doombunny, but they were not visible to most of the customers. The door to the kitchen had a sign on it marking it for no entry, in case the guards were not present. The bathrooms were clearly marked, with the dining hall and staircase roped off. Across from that was where Doombunny and Kiefer were watching the staircase. If that went unguarded, the whole building was free to slippery folks.

There was a big crowd already, stretching down along the front of the buildings to allow people to pass through the main square. They would have to limit the number of customers in the building to keep order. It was an unexpected, but good, surprise they had to deal with.

Klein and the rest of his guild skipped the line and walked straight up to the door. “Yo, BB, Joltron, can we get in to talk to Blade? You know, before you open the doors and ruin the ability for us to talk, guild to guild.”

“Go on in, Klein,” Backbreaker said. The crowd protested their admittance. Backbreaker handled them. “Hold your horses. They're friends and they're not goin' to be buyin' anythin'. It’s guild business.”

“Klein,” Bladescape said as they came in. “What has you here.”

“Well, we figured you guys might need some assistance. And the only reason we are in our full gear is because we don’t have anything better to wear.”

Klein’s smile was his usual, goofy smile of over bloated confidence that also was on the verge of being legitimately backed up. He could back most of it, just not all.

“No early sales,” Bladescape said, crossing her arms and trying not to laugh.

“Klein!” Diemond exclaimed, as she came into the room. She was anxious as she tried to make the final adjustments for perfection and she had no time to chat at a normal speed. “Thank goodness you guys are here. I had a feeling you would show up. Well Pinkie did but that isn't the point. I need your help. I'm freaking out. We don’t have the hands to cover so much merchandise. I'm afraid we bit off more than we can chew."

"That's what us guys in Fuurinkazan are here for!" Klein retorted with his usual grin. He gave a thumbs up and gave a wink as well.

Diemond opened her menu and out came outfits, just like Kiefer was wearing. She tossed them to the members of Fuurinkazan. They were beautiful male kimonos, gold in color with blue accent sashes and ties.

“Change, and then I need Dale and Issin to go to the kitchen and help AFCK. That includes washing cups and dishes. Harry One, switch out with Thunder and guard with Astro to the right, she can run you through the simple role. Kunumittz, switch out with Kiefer by the bathrooms. I need both Thunder and Kiefer in here. Klein, you stay with Blade and keep order in here. I’m not worried about pick pockets or losing money; I'm worried about players thinking they can rip us off. They can’t, won’t, and they need to know that. Guards to deter them is the best we can do.

“And last but never least, Dynamm, go to Knightstar in the front room. It's all armor and jewelry. The most important thing to know is that you don’t need to know stats or figures. You just help them pick something that looks cool and is above what they currently have. They can tell if it is better than their current gear. I mostly just need another body to be present.

“Now get those outfits on and get in position! We open in 2 minutes!”

“I assume we will be getting paid?” Klein asked Bladescape.

“Change first,” Bladescape chuckled, gently pushing him towards the nearest changing screen. “We'll figure out payment after.”

They all changed. Klein was still wearing his red bandanna on his head. It was his trademark look after all. With them changed, and looking dashing, they shifted to their roles. Kiefer and Thunderborne had already been pulled into the guild hall and assigned new duties by Diemond.

Diemond stepped up to the front doors, took a breath in and pulled them opened. “Welcome to the first day of Diemond’s Dazzling Blowout Sale! Look your best, outside your best! Please stay organized and courteous. We will get to everyone as soon as possible.”

The first group of customers were let in. Half of them were guys, which was good because 40% of what Diemond had made was men’s clothing, and they were in a wide variety of styles.

They were soon swamped with customers and questions. Without Fuurinkazan, they would have been overwhelmed. They had gone beyond biting off more than they could chew. The response they had gotten was bigger than they had guessed.

The reason for opening at 4pm was to relieve the stress of the opening night, but things were not slowing down. With Fuurinkazan aiding them, they could let in a few more customers, but it was still busy. Picking out clothes took most players a long time. Especially since they had to sort through almost all original and unique pieces that had no copies.

The low costs were also bringing in players from all different levels and economic statuses. Diemond and Knightstar had upped the starting value like Argo had suggested, but they were still low compared to what Knightstar had scouted being sold. Mishe was a good, central location for this to happen at. The lower level players felt safe on Floor 35, and many were hunting and grinding in the floors above it.

As 9pm rolled around, an unexpected visitor arrived, and with a special individual in tow. She was wearing a wine-red cape and hood concealing her identity, but Bladescape recognized Lightning Flash Asuna immediately. With her was Lisbeth, the smith who had made Harmonic Salvation.

Lisbeth caught sight of Bladescape, who was once again leaning against the wall by the door, and slipped over to her. "How's the sword working out?"

Bladescape grinned, unable to stop it. "Better than I had imagined it could. As soon as I can, I'm going to max it out, through you of course. You bought yourself a repeat customer."

"I did, huh?" Lisbeth wryly smiled. "Did I also buy a friend's discount?"

Bladescape rolled her eyes, but was unable to stop the smile. "Find something first."

"You're not going to help me?" Lisbeth asked, confused.

"I'm on security, with Klein," Bladescape said, pointing her thumb at Klein who was on the opposite side of the door."

"So, they just show up to help out, or were they already here?" Lisbeth asked her eyebrows waggling.

"Huh?" Bladescape asked, confused.

Lisbeth huffed, but kept quiet as she leaned in closer to keep it quiet. "You two together, or did the 'gentlemen' just show up out of the goodness of their hearts."

Word about Klein's mouth and mind had obviously gotten around. The guy was looking for someone to settle down with and he wasn't meeting ladies I.R.L. while he was stuck in here. Calling them “chicks,” “babes,” and “doll face” wasn't helping his case.

"Nope," Bladescape chuckled. "We saved their butts on Floor 39, and our guilds hooked up to find the boss chamber and then we spearheaded the boss fight together. So that friendship grew out of... well I let it grow as a friendship and only that. He certainly gave me enough reasons not to. Honestly, I don't know what prompted them to show up, but we're glad they did."

"Cupcakes!" AFCK exclaimed, interrupting. She was bringing more out for their guests. Both Lisbeth and Asuna took one. Their looks of enjoyment were worth it and gave AFCK an extra bounce to her entire self.

Bladescape looked around. There were a good 25 players still looking through the wares and it was less than an hour until they closed. They were not going to boot them all at 10. These players had waited a few hours to get in. Still, she might as well try and point Lisbeth in the right direction.

"What are you looking for?" Bladescape asked. "One or both of you. I know where things were placed, but I leave the fashion sense to Diemond. I can tell the days I.R.L. where she doesn't like what I wear to school. So, I don't have the best eye, but what exactly are you looking for?"

It was Asuna who spoke from under her hood. "She needs an outfit that will match her face better. These rough “smith clothes” don't do her any good for her cute features, or provide her more protection."

Bladescape chuckled with a smile. "Table 2, that one. I know Diemond has cute work clothes. She was working on a line for AFCK's use in the kitchen. I think she secretly wants her to stop being on the front line and open up a restaurant. But as much as AFCK loves baking, she still loves her axe too much to step off the front lines. Assuming you don't play a lullaby while we are in the field, or mention taffy. Either way, table two has a lot of things you might find to your liking."

"I'll be back for that discount," Lisbeth smiled with a wink.

Backbreaker had cut off any more customers from coming in after 9:45 pm. The line was still long. Backbreaker reminded them that they opened in the morning at 8am.

It was 10:05 and still 7 players were rifling through their wares. Two of them were a couple and they had a nice sized stack of clothes they were planning on purchasing. No one was going to kick them out at this point.

By 10:10, all of the others had made their purchases except for Lisbeth and Asuna. Since there was no one to catch her, Asuna pulled her hood back. It could easily become an overblown “scandal” if the KOB’s Second in Command was found perusing another guild’s wares, but the Wondercolts had an upstanding reputation, both as a guild and for each individual member.

"What can I help you with?" Diemond asked, unable to stifle a yawn. "Forgive me, dears. It has been an interesting day and we still have tomorrow and the day after."

"I think we are down to a few choices," Asuna replied. "I'm trying to convince Lis to wear something more unique and stylish since she now owns a shop and not a cart. And something that fits her nice, baby face."

Lisbeth was not happy at the description of her features. That was blatantly clear by her facial reaction. Still, Asuna was correct about her cute features. She was young, about their age.

"Congratulations on opening your shop," Diemond said with a smile. Her exhaustion was evident. She hadn't gotten a break in 6 hours. "As to clothes, all of these are great choices for you. They match your tones, and any one of them would be good and make you look cute but in charge. I can't make a decision like this for you though. I think friends are often better than staff."

"We won't be long," Asuna said kindly. It didn’t have the normal edge that she had because she was commanding soldiers. It lacked an edge entirely. "Sorry we are past 10."

"Don’ t worry about it. I have to slip into the back, but the others here can help with purchases and I will be a call away. Don't forget, you can try them on."

Bladescape was leaning slightly against the wall to give her feet a break. She watched Lisbeth try on several outfits and Asuna make her comments. The last one was more of a waitress style than the others. It was a darker red outfit with a yellow pinstripe, and a flared skirt. Complete with some puffy sleeves. The bust was white. On top of the red skirt was a white apron with some frilly lacing. The last detail that tied it all together was the red ribbon around her neck that was tied into a bow and pinned together with a gold button with a sapphire, the perfect accent.

It was a cute outfit, eliciting a slight grin from Bladescape. Diemond came back at the right time to see and absolutely agreed with the choice. The purchase price was lower than Lisbeth had expected. Low enough there was no reason for them to get a discount.

“See you soon” Bladescape said as the two of them left. “Oh, and we will need other weapon upgrades shortly.”

“Looking forward to it,” Lisbeth shot back.

“So,” Klein said as everyone gathered around. “Be back by 8am?”

“7am if you want a quick breakfast,” Bladescape said. “Although, if you guys want a closer place to crash, we overhauled the 5th floor of the building. The weird half floor. It's got a row of beds and floor 4’s room 12 is open for use when it comes to the facilities.”

“Thanks,” Klein smiled, scratching the back of his head nervously. “That would be a big help. It would cut a good chunk of time off our commute.”

“Then let's eat!” AFCK declared. “I dono about you, but I am starving! Head to the dining room and I’ll grab the food.”

AFCK brought in a giant pot of stew. She had been slowly cooking it over the evening. Bowls and spoons were grabbed from the cupboard and the table was set in an instant. It was a really complex stew. AFCK had been aggressively working to flesh out the spices in her cooking since she had been told the week before her cooking was “flat.” She had no problem experimenting and was buying up huge amounts of raw materials.

“I don’t mean to be rude,” Klein said after they had finished dinner.

“And that means you are going to be saying something blatant,” Diemond interjected.

“We were just wondering about payment. As gentlemen, we are glad to help out with your predicament.”

Bladescape chuckled. “I have been trying to figure out what prompted you to ‘come to our rescue.’ You are looking to upgrade your Guild HQ, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” Klein said, nervously chuckling. “We need something closer to the front lines. Ours isn’t right next to a teleport plaza like yours. It’s home, but it’s kind of a dump.”

“We will have to look at something soon too,” Knightstar said. “We bought here when the front line was Floor 36. I knew eventually we would have to make the jump. Probably around Floor 60. It may not take us long to get to the teleport plaza, but it does take time to hike to many of the places, especially the Labyrinths. So often we end up staying out near the front lines.”

“Yeah, you got to stay vigilant now. Sleep PKers are happening.”

“Sleep PKrs?” Knightstar asked.

“Yeah. If they catch you sleeping unprotected, they can send a full duel to you, move your hand to hit yes, and then kill you without you waking up. No more sleeping in the field without posting a guard. You have to sleep at an inn or protected room to be safe. It's the easiest way to take down a front-line player.”

“That changes things drastically,” Bladescape murmured. “Now not even safe zones are totally safe.”

“Yeah, you can’t even nap in a park anymore,” Klein sighed. “Not that I do it often, but still, a nap in the warm sun is always nice.”

“I hear yah,” Backbreaker said. “A nice, warm nap is always enjoyable. We'll be careful.”

“We can do 40%” Diemond said, getting back on topic. “40% of our profits go to you.”

Klein was shocked. He finally stammered, “Yeah. That sounds reasonable.”

“Plus, you can keep those outfits,” Diemond added. “I made them for you. I also have other sashes and ties with your four-diamond symbol on them and that fit your guild colors. That way you can wear them again. AFCK said you would be showing up.”

“How?” Klein asked. “We didn’t know until about noon today.”

“It’s what she does,” Bladescape sighed, not wanting to get into it. “But let’s get to bed. We had a lot of kinks we worked out. The big thing will be slipping lunch in. But with Klein and I, we can switch out with any position and grab lunch. Same with the kitchen team.”

“AFCK had us stuffed all day long,” Dale chuckled. He had been with Issin helping AFCK, and from the look on his face, he didn’t mind one bit. Both Issin and Dale had still eaten more than their fair share at dinner too. “It was taste this, try that, and you need more flour on you.”

They all laughed. Bladescape showed them up to the fifth floor. They had gotten 16 beds in it, with privacy screens to separate them. Diemond insisted that guests should have as much privacy as possible.

“Wow, you guys made this into a sweet barracks,” Klein said. “Why did you add in the beds?”

“Well, it's not private rooms, but we are keeping it available for expansion," Bladescape explained. “I think it was AFCK who suggested that we put beds in here for guests, which got us talking about expanding the guild. The possibility that is. It's hypothetical, but it was also the first time we thought of more than just a single member to round us out to two parties of six."

"How long ago did you start thinking about this?" Klein asked. "I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to Fuurinkazan expanding a bit, but you have to have the right fit. Especially on the front lines, where your life can hang in the balance and you need to know that the others have your back."

"We did this in February," Bladescape shrugged. "Diemond added the privacy screens. She believes that, even if it is for a night, that privacy is important. We have never used any of this before, so enjoy. I do like having the option to be able to support a good number of guests. Not that we ever have them. Versatility is key.”

“Well thanks,” Klein smiled. “See you bright and early.”

“See you in the morning. We couldn’t do this without you. We didn’t expect it to be such a hot event.”

“Well you advertised it well and a self-sufficient guild selling extra player made gear will always be a hot thing. Especially when most of it is tailored goods like normal clothing. And on top of all that, she is a good designer.”

Bladescape chuckled as she began to walk away. “You should see her in real life. Have a good night guys.”

Breakfast was the SAO equivalent of flapjacks. Flapjacks with an optional butter cream sauce or several various fruit jams. Jam was something AFCK had made plenty of. They yielded good XP, stored well, sold well, and were easy to make. They also took a while to unlock as well, meaning fewer players could supply them, and the demand from lower skilled players was high because of their taste and high durability. It was easy money.

Fuurinkazan obviously wasn’t used to good home cooked meals as they chowed down. It only made AFCK happier. Flapjacks were a new trick she had discovered two days prior. AFCK was running back and forth, already cooking more treats to serve to the day's customers.

When Backbreaker and Joltron went out front at 7:30 am, they found a long line already waiting. After asking the crowd, it was discovered the ones at the front had been waiting since before 6am. The hype had gotten even bigger after they started the sale yesterday and personal stories brought new awareness to the legitimacy of the quality of the clothes being sold.

“Here goes nothing,” Bladescape said, grinning at Klein as Diemond greeted the waiting guests as she opened their doors for the second time. “Time for round 2.”

It was just as busy as the day before, if not busier. They let an extra five shoppers come in at a time, bringing the total players allowed inside to 30. They had to control the chaos outside somehow. Thankfully, a good 30% of their customers were really there just to check out the Wondercolts’ Headquarters. They came and went at a quick pace. A quick browse to try and look like they were real customers, a drink and a cupcake, and then gone without making a purchase.

Klein sighed, bored. This wasn’t exactly what he signed up for, but they needed the money. He looked over at Bladescape as she chuckled.

“You have search, right?” Bladescape asked him.

Klein nodded.

“Then I assume you are training it? It makes the boredom worth it.”

Klein groaned because he had missed such an easy opportunity for experience points. Thankfully for him, it was still early in the day. Bladescape was maxed in search, but she used it out of habit.

Bladescape switched out with Backbreaker around noon to allow her to get lunch. Then Joltron switched out. After they were both back, Bladescape went back to her security job. Klein switched with Knightstar and then Dynamm. After that the rounds inside were done and Bladescape and Klein got a quick moment to eat. Between the kitchen staff, Astro, Dale, and Issin were able to switch out and relieve Kiefer, Lessa, and Thunderborne for lunch. Diemond slipped out for a quick break and was back within 5 minutes. Doombunny and Kunumittz were able to eat lunch in peace as they guarded the stairwell.

Day two finished strong, without any incidents. Again, they had a few stragglers past 10pm, but that was okay. Their late dinner was a full turkey type poultry and tons of sides. AFCK was ahead on the baking so she went overboard, but with Fuurinkazan joining them, they had no leftovers.

Sunday was the same, except they didn’t close at 6pm as originally planned. The line was sufficient enough that they kept the store open. They were down to the last few items, so the customers either saw something they liked, or didn’t and left. By 8pm they were fully closed.

“Here is your cut,” Knightstar said, pulling up her menu. “We made a lot more than I expected.”

“Wow!” Klein exclaimed. “I thought we would get some easy cash. You know, better and safer than hunting in the fields, but this was a lot more than we ever thought. This was totally worth it.”

“And it is only going to make our next set of upgrades easier,” Diemond said. “I was expecting more haggling, but it rarely happened. That and we sold almost everything. I’m glad we upped the prices a bit. I sunk a good chunk of change into my crafting skills. But I didn’t expect to get the return we just did.”

“Players recognize your skill,” Backbreaker said. “You ain’t a recognized fashion designer I.R.L. because of a fluke.”

“I am already thinking about doing this again,” Diemond said. “Just a single day sale and not as many clothes. But still, I'm making them either way.”

No one was against it.

“And boys,” Diemond coyly grinned. “If you see anything you like, take it. As a little extra reward.”

Fuurinkazan didn’t need to be told twice. They all took a look and found at least one thing they liked. Free was always a good motivator.

“You guys have treated us well,” Klein added. “It’s been appreciated.”

“It was mutually beneficial for all of us,” Knightstar said.

“Well, I mean more than that,” Klein said, trying to find the right words. “Sleeping on the fifth floor, the extra meals, which were superb, and getting to keep these clothes and more, it's beyond a normal relationship between a boss and his employees. I have never worked for a better boss. Most of mine have been a pain.”

AFCK shrugged. “All but a few times Rarity has treated us really well. I remember Manehattan, that was a bad moment, but we still got to see Hinny of the Hills and she got her rainbow thread key! It all worked out in the end.”

No one knew what she was talking about.

“Pinkie, that wasn’t me,” Diemond said. “At least, not that I remember.”

“Oh, yeah,” AFCK chuckled. “That was PR, PPP, and PPTS. Duh. I knew something was off. Anyway, dinner!”

AFCK bounced off to the kitchen.

“Is she mentally stable?” Klein asked.

“This whole game is taking its toll,” Bladescape sighed, once again leaning against the wall as she crossed her arms. She almost screamed since the wall was further away than planned, but she kept her cool after that split second of fear from the free fall was over. “This game is taking its toll on all of us.”

“Yeah,” Klein sighed with a bit of a groan. “It is. 16 months inside a death game isn’t easy to deal with.”

“But we are past Floor 50,” Bladescape grinned. “We can do this.”

“Can?” Klein asked. “Have a little more faith than that, Doll Face. We will do this!”

They ate dinner and the guys from Fuurinkazan departed. It was still early enough for them to get home in a timely manner.

Right as Bladescape got in bed, Knightstar knocked on her door. She opened it to let her in, but Knightstar only handed her a piece of paper and walked off to her own bed. On it was scribbled the final tally that had been made, what they had paid Fuurinkazan, what Diemond was keeping, and what the guild had made. It was impressive. Diemond had already stated she didn’t need all the money, and that she wanted the bulk of it to go towards overhauling the guild’s weapons. Knightstar was so detailed she stated how much Col each individual would have allotted for equipment upgrades. It also included what they needed upgraded.

Bladescape fell into her bed, face down, exhausted. They would be heading to see Lisbeth in the morning, as a guild. She was already in her sleepwear and was out within another minute.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 78 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry
Knightstar (TS): Lvl 68 – One-Handed SwordShieldEquipment AppraisalParry – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Search – Armor Pierce
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 71 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 74 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK (PP): Lvl 71 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 71 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 68 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal
Astro (PS): Lvl 71 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 68 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts
Lessa: Lvl 68 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search
Joltron: Lvl 72 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Blunt Weapon Forging – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

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