• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 2,786 Views, 65 Comments

Bloody Bones - Arkensaw Pinkerton

Fluttershy's found a strange changeling near the Everfree's borders- and she needs Rarity's advice.

  • ...


Rarity knocked on the door briskly and waited for Fluttershy to answer, carefully avoiding the dirt on the heap of gardening tools piled haphazardly by the side of the front step.

“Oh, hi Rarity. Come in, I’ve made a pot of tea.”

Fluttershy opened the door and moved back to the sofa, and Rarity could see just from the slow, cautious way the pegasus moved that this conversation was not going to be the intimate little discussion she’d hoped for.

Late yesterday, Rarity had received a letter from Fluttershy, which was unusual in itself. At first, she’d thought it was just an apology for missing their last spa date, but the letter had been brief and the hoofwriting was extremely sloppy.

‘Please come and visit me tomorrow. I don’t know what to do.’

Rarity had considered simply dropping the letter and cantering out there as soon as possible after reading such a distressing note, but then she’d consoled herself. The letter didn’t say to visit right away, so there couldn’t be any danger or an immediate problem. There must, instead, be something that Fluttershy wanted to discuss. So what could Fluttershy need to talk about that was so personal she didn’t feel safe leaving the confines of her own-

“Oh!” Rarity gasped, and smiled to herself. This was almost certainly a romantic issue! That must be it, surely; the delicate little thing would want advice on how to proceed. Ooh, but whom could it be that Fluttershy would be interested in? Perhaps Applejack’s big brother, he was a strapping young stallion and certainly wouldn’t be too brash for her. Or maybe she was so nervous because she had developed a secret crush on one of her friends? That would be just darling, so long as it isn’t me. Oh, don’t be silly, Rarity! If it were you she would have made certain to make time for the spa date last week.

Rarity fell asleep that night gleefully imagining the various romantic relationships she could assist her shy friend in pursuing. It would be so lovely, she thought as she fell asleep, for her friend to finally have somepony who belonged to them.

So today, in the glorious sunshine of an early fall day, Rarity had had a spring in her step as she’d trotted over to see her long-time friend. That little bubble of joy in her had immediately soured when Fluttershy had opened the door. She seemed so downcast. She’d hurt herself as well, Rarity noted as she saw the bandages around Fluttershy’s left foreleg.

Rarity moved into the cottage to sit down by Fluttershy’s little sofa, and Fluttershy shook her head, pointing to her garden.

“It’s such a lovely morning I thought we’d take the tea outside,” she said as she lifted the tray. “I made us a nice peppermint.”

“Oh, allow me, please.” Rarity lifted the tray with her magic and the two friends walked outside. Rarity got a whiff of the tea as she walked, and it almost made her eyes water. Fluttershy had certainly made it strong today. That wasn’t the only thing that was a little off- Rarity’s ears were half-itching in the house, and as they opened the back door Rarity finally identified why. It wasn’t a noise, but a lack of one. There hadn’t been a single animal sound, a chitter or chirp, anywhere in the cottage.

Before long, the two of them were sat in the garden, enjoying the sun and the clean air, and after a couple of minutes of watching Fluttershy stare at her tea Rarity realised she’d have to take the lead in this particular conversation.

“Darling? I received your letter last night and I must admit it worried me. Whatever is the matter?”

“I don’t know where to start. I’m frightened of telling you.”

Rarity was about to brush off Fluttershy’s worry, as she had so many times in the past, but something in her friend’s downcast stare stopped her. She’d never seen Fluttershy like this before. Worry or fear usually made the shy pegasus seize up, stuttering over her words or faltering, and right now she was just slumped. Her wings hadn’t snapped to her sides in the way that Rarity recognised as a sign that her friend had wound herself too tight- they hung limply, swaying a little in the breeze, like the pink hair that Rarity realised with a start hadn’t been brushed today.

“It’s okay that you’re frightened,” Rarity said carefully. “I think you should tell me anyway, though. You’re starting to scare me a little too.”

In the silence, Rarity took a sip of her tea and grimaced at how strong it was, setting it aside on the table.

“Okay.” Any remaining resistance seemed to flee Fluttershy as she spoke, and she sagged even more into her chair, never looking Rarity in the eye.

“Do you know anything about changelings?”

“The vile little things that ruined the wedding? I can’t say I’m an expert, my dear. They’re perfectly horrid, and that’s the extent of my knowledge on them.”

“Oh. Well, the ones we fought in Canterlot aren’t the only kind, you see. There are a whole bunch of different ones, and some of them are more like animals than anything else. There are kelpies and aughiskies and redcaps and- and other things too. I was interested in them after we got back and Twilight lent me a book.”

I found one, Rarity. I found one and it was hurt.”

Fluttershy sipped her tea, wincing at the taste. Her eyes watered as she took a deep breath and carried on.

“There’s a type of changeling called a bloody bones. It’s not a bad creature. It’s more like a fox or a cat than anything else. They usually hunt little animals, and they take the skin and live inside it until they grow out of it. Like a hermit crab. Then they act just like the animal they ate.”

This one was on the edge of the Everfree forest. It was a really big one, nearly the same size as a pony, and it didn’t have a skin. Its leg was all broken and it made such a sad little noise- I brought it back here.”

The leg was alright. I know how to set bones, and they heal fast so long as they get enough food and there’s no iron near them, I checked Twilight’s book. The other animals didn’t like it, but that’s what I expect when I have to look after a predator for a little while. It was just- I’ve had trouble getting it anything to eat, because it can’t hunt and I didn’t know any animals big enough that had died recently, so I checked the book again.”

It said they can live on a little bit of pony blood for a long time.”

Rarity stood up, almost snorting in anger before regaining her bearing and pointing a hoof at her friend’s bandaged foreleg.

“Fluttershy, have you been feeding this thing your own blood? I know you want to help, but you must know that’s a foolish thing to do! It’s just going to keep coming back for more food once it knows it can get it, and once it’s strong again you could be seriously hurt.”

“I know. I just needed to- it was really hungry, Rarity. It was going to die. I wasn’t going to give it very much.”

“Well, I should think not! Fluttershy, this has got to end now. You’ve done the right thing in procuring my assistance. Where are you keeping the ghastly little beast?”

“I was- it’s in the cupboard under the stairs. Rarity, before you go and look at it you need to know what it’s going to look like, because it’s going to scare you. It’s been eating pony blood. It looks like a pony except it doesn’t have any skin.”

Rarity shuddered. The thought of such a vile creature lapping away at Fluttershy’s blood was grotesque, and Rarity knew enough of the meek pegasus that it was just in her to do something like this, to give too much. Now they had a changeling that had tasted pony blood on their hooves, and it would be the whole town’s problem if it got away.

Rarity considered her options and decided that she’d let Fluttershy show her the creature and then have a hard discussion with the gentle pegasus. They’d go round to Applejack’s, fetch her and her brother and then dispose of the beast. Even Fluttershy had to understand that an animal that had developed a taste for ponies couldn’t be allowed to live.

Fluttershy slowly walked into the house with the same slump in her shoulders and the same limply dangling wings, and led Rarity to the cupboard under the stairs. Before she opened it, she looked at the unicorn with tears in her eyes, and almost whispered.

“I’m sorry, Rarity. I didn’t mean to get this so wrong.”

She swung the door open, and Rarity recoiled at the sight in front of her. It looked exactly like Fluttershy had said- like a skinless pony, all exposed muscle and bone in a limp heap on the floor. There was a deep, alarming smell of blood in the cupboard that cut through the sharp peppermint aroma that still lingered in the air.

“I didn’t mean to give it so much blood.”

Fluttershy’s words entered the unicorn’s mind at the same time as Rarity realised something was wrong with the changeling. It wasn’t moving, and its eyes were open wide, staring at the wall. They weren’t like the eyes of the changelings they’d seen in Canterlot, insectoid and shining- they were pony eyes, still wet in their sockets, of a startling teal.

Fluttershy’s eyes.

“I didn’t mean to hurt myself. I swear I didn’t but I was so hungry and when I offered the blood- it was so sweet, I didn’t know. I couldn’t stop. I kept saying it was okay! I thought I’d stop when I’d had enough but I couldn’t!”

Rarity turned away from the macabre sight, the hair on the back of her neck prickling. Her stomach had tightened into a stone in her gut. Fluttershy- the thing that looked like Fluttershy, that said it was Fluttershy- was crying, fat tears coursing down her cheeks and hitching her breath as she spoke.

“It’s all gone wrong! I don’t know how to be me. I grew up in the forest and in Cloudsdale and I like rabbit meat and peppermint tea and I can’t remember how to make it right. I’m happy to be alive and I wish I hadn’t died and I’m so sorry I hurt myself, I know I shouldn’t have but I was so hungry.”

Fluttershy looked up at Rarity with the same eyes as the body in the cupboard. Rarity realised in a moment of appalling clarity that the corpse didn’t have wings, and that this thing in front of her wearing Fluttershy’s face hadn’t moved hers once since she’d arrived.

“I can’t fly. My animal friends won’t talk to me; they can smell that I’ve gone wrong. Angel bunny’s run away and won’t come back and you’re going to be so angry at me!”

The ‘Fluttershy’ slumped into a heap on the floor, sobbing into her forehooves, and Rarity almost reached to comfort her out of instinct before revulsion pulled her hoof away. Steeling her voice, she spoke as calmly as she was able.

“I understand. I’m not angry. You shouldn’t have taken so much of Fluttershy’s blood, but I’m going to guess that she didn’t pull away. Because you needed it.”

“I did need it. I couldn’t let myself die when I needed it so badly,” whimpered the pegasus. “I’m still me. I’m still Fluttershy, I just don’t know how. I don’t know what to do. I thought you might know. You know me best.”

Rarity took a deep breath, and reached out with her magic for the spade by the front door. Moving forwards, she lifted the changeling up and pulled her into a hug, feeling her skin crawl as she did so. Fluttershy had the softest coat. Even now. The changeling buried its head into her shoulder, sobbing.

“Hush, now,” Rarity said soothingly, trying to keep her voice level. “I know what to do, although I don’t know you best; I think maybe Applejack understands you the most. I just loved you best. You were my heart’s sister, Fluttershy, and I’m so sorry I let this happen to you.”

Rarity pushed the changeling away from her, and swung the spade hard. It hit the Fluttershy thing in the back of the head with a dull crack, and the creature staggered forward, confusion and pain in her eyes. It was the same expression that Fluttershy had whenever she found out somepony had taken advantage of her trusting nature, the expression she wore when she’d been betrayed.

“R-Rarity,” it whispered, and there was more pain in her voice than Rarity could bear.

“No,” Rarity whispered to herself, and screwed her eyes tightly shut as she swung the spade again. And again. And again.

Rarity sat down, and didn’t open her eyes, and cried until somepony came to take her home.

Comments ( 63 )

I like this fic.:pinkiehappy:

1050004 It took me a couple of moments to realize what had actually happened after the cupboard was open...

Gotta say it takes a lot for me to go OH SNAP!...I mean I say the plot twist coming a mile away as soon as you said changeling...but all good horror is subtly obvious.

And to think I was gonna go to bed after this....oh dear.....

1050105 Yeah, that's one of the things I was going for; a sort of creeping "oh no" from the start of the story that becomes more and more concrete. Part of the horror comes, I think, from a mix of knowing what's about to happen and not knowing exactly how; this whole thing actually started with the idea that something predatory that took on Fluttershy's shape just wouldn't work properly.

I hate horror, but this is incredible. And picking Fluttershy... I'm stuck between wanting to compliment you and wanting to shout at you. But in a good way.

1050108 Don't worry! I'm sure you're still you and that there is no need to check the cupboard under the sink at all.

1050112 Thanks! That is pretty much the reaction I was looking for. And come on, it's horror. How could I not pick Fluttershy? Unless I was doing something about dark eldritch powers that no pony should know of, and then it's gotta be Twilight.

You said it. It was kind of an oh no, I know where this is going but I can't look away kind of feeling.
Well played.

1050349 cheers! I'm glad you liked it.

Hm, this wasn't half the horror you made it out to be.
Not that it wasn't good, but as soon as the nature of the Bloody Bones was clear, the end of the story was quite obvious.
Except for the spade.
That was more of an Applejack move. I'd imagine Rarity to use something more ... pointed.

1050491 Sorry you didn't feel it lived up to the preamble! The shape of the story- changelings oh nooooo- is pretty clear from the word go. I was hoping to get a sort of creeping horror across in that this thing has actually called one of Fluttershy's friends for help. It's that broken- it's that fundamentally confused about who and what it is. It's a weird, sad, broken little thing.

Applejack always struck me as more of a own-bare-hooves sort of gal. And I was thinking Rarity probably didn't want to get too much blood around, hence something blunt.

1050603 There were a couple of drafts where she did, I'll level with you, but it's not worth it. What happens when it gets hungry again?

I enjoyed reading your work. I appreciated the foreshadowing. I saw what was coming but, genuinely enjoyed that way you presented it. Kudos to you on a good read. :) I particularly liked that the changeling appeared to have taken on and merged with the aspects of fluttershy, Even if it didn't understand what was happening to it.

1050660 That was really the crux- the idea sat in my head when I came across how a changeling would react if it half-remembered being the pony it was pretending to be. I realised the only one who couldn't rationalise it, who wouldn't be able to cope, would be changeling-Fluttershy; she's upset because she's done something so monstrously selfish and cruel, and it's anaethma to the memories of Fluttershy she's got bouncing around in her skull. Poor thing. It's why she asked for help. I was determined not to post this until I felt sorry for it, and I knew I'd got there when I started really trying to come up with a good reason for Rarity to let it live.

Fun fact- I am of the opinion that Twilight would have been the most likely pony to let the new Fluttershy-bones live on as Fluttershy.

Pinkerton, a crime was committed here. Only the fact its non canonical saves you. You need to make amends. Make it right for her. Please?

1050704 Augh, I don't even know how I WOULD make it right for her. Even if there was somehow a way to let the Flutterthing live, and "be" Fluttershy, she'd still be dead. What do you want Rarity to do? bury the body and never speak of it again? What about when it gets hungry? What about when it gets too big for Fluttershy's skin? Hell, it would probably starve to death before it fed again because it's so messed up. I really, really don't know how I'd make this right, man.

1050759 Just write her something happy man, balance the scales.

1050769 No worries. There's adorableness coming in future stuff, fear ye not! This one was just sat in my head and needed evicting so I could write other stuff.

1050782 Been there, it was powerful my friend, usually I go to Donny's Boy for manly tears. This was... unexpected. I await the happy. Please deliver.

I would have let her live, really.

1050673 I'd agree Twilight would be the most receptive to the idea this is new Fluttershy - depending on exact workings even say that Fluttershy lives on in the creature, her soul/mind having passed into the new body. Or at least, that it doesn't deserve to die and have it go live in the Everfree.

Good story, and the creature was well thought out as well.

1051475 Thanks! The creature, the bloody bones, is a really old British myth- a sort of unspecified boogieman that used to be thrown around. It was sometimes called a Rawhead and Bloody Bones, and sometimes those things were separate.

Yeah, I think it could have been allowed to live and understood as a sort of metamorphosed Fluttershy, but not by Rarity. I do think that Rarity treasures Fluttershy more than her other friends, and I think she'd have taken this so personally.

I love this story.

*enters crotchety old man mode* But I hate reading something like this on the internet. I skipped over that crucial 42 paragraph and had to go back to figure out what happened.

:rainbowderp: /slow clap

I knew from the moment she/it described the bloody bones, but that almost made it worse. Rarity's reaction earns you a thumb.

I don't normally read horror. At all. But because Fixing Up Ms Smarty Pants is my favorite fan fiction ever, and the sequel was great, I decided to give it a read. Boy it was a good read, and it took me a moment to realize what was happening, though I didn't see Rarity killing pseudoShy like that. All in all a good read, but, to be honest you should stick to writing happy stories. :heart:

Also you killed Fluttershy. :flutterrage:

1053340 Thanks for saying so! I do the same thing with internet writing, it's really frustrating.

1053908 Aw cheers! I was hoping for the slow creep of "ohnoooooo" with it so it's nice to see you got that from it!

1054570 Fear ye not, I'll write something happier soon. But it's likely not to be comedy or shipping- I feel like I've done the romantic comedy about as well as I'm able. FUMSP got such a huge reaction that I don't think I could top it; same for 3Magics and sadfic. My next one's likely to be a friendshipping adventure for some underused colts and fillies.

1050117 Wow you're horrible. Good thing I only just now saw that.

When i saw this i was like :unsuresweetie: .
Then when i was reading it i was like:rainbowhuh: .
When Fluttershy was explaining what happen i was :rainbowderp: .
After Rarity saw the it i was :applejackconfused: .
Then saw how it was in pain i was :fluttercry: .
When Rarity attack it i was :pinkiegasp: .
Then when it was over i was :pinkiecrazy:

Well anyways it was good :moustache:

When the creature was described I was like D:
And I totally cringed when Rarity hugged it. More so when she utilized the trowel.
And like I said. Dark, old, creaky house. Not helping.

Y'know, the entire story felt like it was building up to Rarity getting fed to the creature, which I would have then complained about for needlessly making Fluttershy cruel to her friends just for the sake of having it be horrific. But I've read your other fics, and I should have remembered that you are a good author.

This was a horror story without anypony being OOC, and that's the best kind. :twilightsmile:

This is the sort of horror story that's actually worth reading, unlike the pointless, OoC, one-of-the-Mane-Six-is-secretly-a-murderer grimdark fics that become well known for no good reason. This is potentially something that could actually happen, creepy because it's believable.

And yeah, throughout the story I was definitely running through the possibilities of what could be going on. I thought maybe it was the bloody bones wearing Fluttershy's skin, and bringing Rarity to be the victim for its mate. But then I wasn't sure why it would explain everything to her first, so that didn't quite seem to fit. Something like Chrysalis' mind control seemed like a possibility too, but raised the same sorts of questions.

Anyway, the way it turned out would definitely be heartbreaking for Rarity, and I agree with you that Rarity is the friend who most cherishes Fluttershy. She really should have asked it/her one question first, though: was that letter written before or after Fluttershy decided to feed it? I think it would nag at her forever not knowing if it was already too late by the time she got the letter. Although it'd be even worse if the answer was no, that she could have saved Fluttershy if she had gone to visit her immediately like she almost did at first. Maybe it's better not to know than to risk the wrong answer.

1063532 "Maybe it's better not to know than to risk the wrong answer."

I came to that conclusion, absolutely. I think Rarity would have wanted to know and probably should have asked, but there's more horror to be gleaned if we the reader don't know. Was this the first act of the Flutterthing, to reach out to Rarity? Or was a friend about to make a decision she knew was bad, wanted a friend to talk her out of it, but couldn't overcome her own deferential nature enough to write "now"? Both are sad and creepy for different reasons, and I did feel like picking one would hurt the other.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for the comment.

How did the changeling get in Fluttershy's skin? Through her mouth?

1188300 You know, I have a few answers ready, but unless you're super curious I think it's best left to your imagination.

1188518 Yes, I am super curious. Also, my imagination says that it went into her mouth. Or the other end... :rainbowderp: Um, its not that, is it?! Imagination stop!! NOOO!

1188518 I just noticed the pony spike. Epic. :moustache:

that was...

can someone please tell me what happened here. i really have no idea:pinkiecrazy:
and the question is like glue to my head unless someone explains.


Here's the short version: Fluttershy saves a changeling called a "Bloody Bones" from the everfree forest. In the course of caring for it, she allows it to drink her blood; it does not stop, and kills her. Then it steals her skin and wears it; but the process has left the Bloody Bones confused. It has taken in too much of Fluttershy and its memories are a mix of its own and hers.

At some point, it's deliberately unclear when, a message is sent by either the Bones or Fluttershy to Rarity, asking for help.

Rarity arrives and the Bones in the form of Fluttershy greets her- it has tried to make peppermint tea but doesn't really know how. It's all snarled up inside, half predator and half herbivore, the memories of a caring pony and the memories of a carnivorous, parasitic predator overlaid on top of each other so none of them make sense. It doesn't know what to do. It asks Rarity to help.

Rarity kills it.


1479089 That was what?? I really don't mind if you didn't like it but that comment is driving me loopy!

1522341 well it was odd to say the least and i actually liked it. weird but... good in its own rights, so nice job.

1522339 ohh finally. i can rest in peace now. thanks a lot.

Rarity did the right thing. :fluttercry:

I have two very strongly formed opinions.
I hate horror fics.
I love changeling fics.
I'm glad I finally trusted the second.

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