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The first of many visits

The following week...

Citrus and Hickory boarded the Pegasus Chariot that would take them to Tartarus. Brandon was with them, and he had the keys to Cozy's cage. They were startled when the wind stopped blowing. They were almost to the gates of Tartarus at this point.

"Why has the wind stopped blowing?", Citrus asked nervously.

"I think that this region is enchanted to not get weather at all.", Hickory replied.

"You're correct. This region doesn't get weather.", Brandon said.

Soon, they reached the gates. Celestia was waiting for them. As they got off the chariot, Celestia opened the gate, and led them into the dark, shadowy caverns. They reached a gate, marked "Absolute Quarantine". This was a restricted area. Ponies were NOT allowed to visit prisoners in this section without permission from Celestia. She led them through, and illuminated a path on the ground, that would lead Citrus and Hickory to Cozy's cage. Cozy was overjoyed when she saw her parents coming. Fresh tears welled in her eyes. They saw how bad she looked. Her mane was disheveled and dirty, she had scratches from her defeat, there were scars on her back from the whipping, and her eyes were red from crying. She also looked shaken and sleepy-eyed, because Luna had given her some nightmares that were so bad that she woke up screaming at the top of her lungs.

"MOM, DAD!", she cried, reaching out of her cage for them.

Citrus nearly burst into tears when she saw how miserable her precious little daughter looked.

"I can't believe that this has happened to you, Sweet Pea.", Citrus cried as Celestia lowered the bars and took the shackles off of Cozy.

Once she was no longer bound, Cozy raced into her parents' grasp. They hugged her tight, and then set her down. Then, through tears, she confessed everything about her monstrous actions to them. They told her not to dwell on it anymore. Then, they led her outside. Celestia made sure to keep an eye on them during the time outside in the sun. After a pleasant day in the sunlight, it was time for Cozy to go back in her cell. Brandon stayed behind, to talk with Cozy about something that Celestia had talked about.

"This card gives you access to the library down here. That way you can have something to read.", Brandon explained as he handed her a card with the words "Tartarus Library" on it.

Cozy accepted the card and decided to check out a few books the next day. Brandon left in silence. Unfortunately, Cozy’s parents began to lose their grasp and started debating on whether or not to release Cozy from their custody. She received word of this the following week and broke down in tears. Unknown to anyone, she was also planning how she would exact her wrath on Twilight if she ever got out of Tartarus. That all soon changed as the years passed. Luna made Cozy’s dreams so bad that she eventually became restless and could no longer sleep.

During this time, Equus was modernized with motorized vehicles being constructed, and soldiers being trained for water, land, air, and space. When Luna noticed that Cozy was not sleeping anymore, she talked with her sister and they decided to release Cozy. She got the letter in a flash.


Dear Cozy Glow,

Your nightmares seem to have taught you what would have happened if you had overthrown us. It would have been the end of the world. Your life-sentence is hereby dropped and you will be released from Tartarus next week. We have sent word to your parents and they are overjoyed.

Signed, Princesses Celestia and Luna


Cozy couldn’t believe her eyes, she was being set free. She began relaxing to get herself ready for release when she and Tirek suddenly vanished from Tartarus in flashes of light. This scared Cozy to the point of screaming. The day after she disappeared, Celestia sent two guards to release her, and they immediately reported that she and Tirek both had vanished without traces. “MISSING” posters were hung to alert everyone about Cozy’s disappearance, and “WANTED” posters were released for Tirek, with a ten-thousand bit reward in case he was ever spotted. Little did anyone know that they had been teleported to the lair of an ancient evil entity. The world was about to be faced with a potential crisis.

Comments ( 5 )

Is this story part of a series?

This is a standalone story. It is similar to School Raze.

Great story. Love it.

What's the Christian Fleet?

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