• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 12,617 Views, 273 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

  • ...


That night outside the school, the Mane Six, Starlight, Spike, Blade, Celestia, Luna, Neighsay, the Turtles, their Allies, the Students, and any pony in Ponyville were partying in celebration of saving Equestria. Even the Young Six's guardians were present and were proud to have heard what they did and made the rank of ninjas.

D.J Pon-3 was busy on her turntable scratching records. As Leo danced with Twilight, the turtle spoke, “Now this is a celebration.”

“I know!” Twilight agreed.

“Oh, yes. Get down with your bad self!' Fugitoid cheered, as he danced with Sunset Shimmer.

Bebop and Rocksteady were busy playing with Flurry Heart, as Cadence and Shining Armor approached, “Looks like some filly's having a good time.” Shining noticed.

Flurry giggled, “Bebop! Rocky! Fun!”

Cadence smiled, and spoke to the duo, “It looks like our daughter's taking quite a liking to you guys.”

“Well, we're good with kids.” Bebop boasted.

“Da, we is best friends with the kids.” Rocksteady agreed.

The couple looked at each other, before nodding. Shining spoke, “You know, I don't suppose you two would be interested in watching over our foal next time you're ever in Equestria?”

"Only when we need some time to ourselves or needed elsewhere." Cadence put in.

“Sure thing, yo.” Bebop answered.

“Da! Da! We love babysitting! We excellent at sitting the baby!" Bebop elbowed Rocksteady, "I mean, we sit for baby, yeah?"

“Thank you two so much.” Cadence smiled, as Flurry flew up to the duo and hugged them.

“Awwww.” Rocksteady said, as the two hugged her back.

As Neighsay was walking around, Mikey popped up with some pizza on a tray, “Hey, Neighsay, join in on the pizza-palooza.” he offered him.

“Well, it is a party after all,” Neighsay admitted, as he levitated a slice up and ate it, “Delicious.”

“You bet." Mikey agreed, as he went back to the table with all the snacks, treats, and pizzas.

Mikey noticed Twilight and everyone else walking over to him looking dismal, “Mikey?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, hey guys. Why the long faces?” Mikey asked coyly.

“We all owe you a big apology, Mikey,” Twilight continued dismally, “You tried to warn us about Cozy Glow and we didn't listen. And because of that, we nearly lost all of the magic forever!”

“And we would have ended up trapped like the others if you hadn't run off.” Leo added.

“We should have remembered all the times we got in trouble for not listening.” Donnie put in.

“And this one almost cost us what makes our home great.” Applejack said.

“Yeah. You may say the craziest things but what you aren’t is a liar.” Rainbow Dash noted.

“It was unfair for us not to hear you out, Michelangelo.” Rarity expressed her guilt.

“As brothers, we should have opened up more to you. I bet Sensei would scold us for that.” Raph said feeling just as guilty.

“We’re really really really really really sorry, Mikey.” Pinkie apologized.

“We understand if you hate us.” Fluttershy said sadly.

“I know your brothers tell you a lot, but I speak for all of us when I ask if you can ever forgive us?” Twilight asked hopefully.

“Well... who would I be if didn't forgive you guys!” Mikey asked rhetorically, and the group smiled.

“ From now on, we’ll try to be more understanding to you.” Starlight promised.

“Maybe I should get that in writing.” Mikey teased, and they laughed.

Celestia, Luna, and Blade approached, “It looks like you all learned a valuable lesson here.” Celestia began.

“We sure did, Princess.” Twilight confirmed.

“Just because one of us or any of us makes up some crazy theory doesn't mean it's not right.” Leo admitted.

“And with everything we've all dealt with here and at home, nothing is ever impossible to be true.” Donnie added.

“So from now on if Mikey ever makes any crazy theories or has a hunch about something we won't ignore it.” April promised.

“Wise decision.” Luna commended them.

“Agreed,” Blade nodded, “Because you never know what one mistake like not listening to someone can lead to.”

“We experienced what can come from that.” Rainbow noted.

“Come on, yo. Let's enjoy this party!” Mikey cheered.

“Took the words right out of my mouth!” Pinkie cheered, and they all resumed partying.

Afterward, the girls, Spike, the ninjas, and their allies went to the Tree of Harmony, "I simply cannot believe that Cozy Glow was really a villain this whole time!" Rarity said, still shocked by the reveal.

"Neither could I," Twilight said, "I can't believe I was dumb enough to believe every little thing she said to me!"

"I hear that." Applejack pulled her hat low over her face in embarrassment.

"Yeah..." the rest of the girls and Spike said, all were still embarrassed at being tricked.

"Heh, maybe that Tirek guy was right about you girls being naive," Keno quipped, and the girls glared at him, "I'm just saying."

"It's alright, girls," Leo said, "She fooled all of us."

"Not me," Mikey reminded them, "I was onto her from the very start!"

"We get it!" Everyone exclaimed, annoyed that Mikey wouldn't stop reminding them.

"It's really irritating to hear that!" Raph said.

"Now you know how I feel every time you keep bringing up Karai's betrayal!" Leo frowned, reminding him on how he never shut up about him trusting Karai.

"Fair enough," Raph sulked.

"Well, at least our students were able to stop her and restore the magic." April said, bringing everyone's spirits up.

"But Chrysalis is still out there somewhere." Starlight stated.

"Don't worry, when she shows herself again, we'll be ready." Twilight declared.

"You know, there are still some questions left unanswered," Donnie stated, "Like how Chrysalis failed to use those clones of you girls to wield the Elements?"

"You're right, Donnie," Twilight pondered, "How did she fail?"

"Uh, Twilight..." Spike pointed.

Everyone looked. The Tree of Harmony was glowing! Beams of light shot out from each of the Elements and they began swirling around into a shape. Until standing before them was an astral form of Twilight herself!

"Allow me to explain." the astral Twilight said.

Everyone was in shock. After a moment of silence, Mikey spoke up, "That's you, Twilight!"

"I don't think it is." said Starlight, still surprised.

"You are right, Starlight. I'm not." the astral Twilight confirmed.

"Then... who are you?" asked Sunset.

"I am known by many names: Honesty. Laughter. Kindness. Generosity. Loyalty. Magic. Harmony."

Twilight gasped "You're... you're the Tree of Harmony!"

"Indeed, Princess Twilight," the Tree of Harmony nodded.

"Wow, the Tree of Harmony is talking to us!" Pinkie said, in excitement "That's so Amazexciting!"

"Astounding." Fugitoid marveled.

"Took the words out of my mouth." said Donnie.

"Tree of Harmony, how did Queen Chrysalis fail to use the elements?" Twilight asked.

Instead of answering, the Tree of Harmony shot a beam of light out of the cave. When it hit the ground, holograms of a campsite appeared.

"Hey, that's our camping retreat," said Pinkie, remembering, "You really did have everything all set up, Twilight."

Rainbow Dash saw some ponies near by, "But who's that coming down the stairs?" she asked.

The girls took a closer look and gasped. It was them! As well as Queen Chrysalis!

"It's us?!" Rarity cried.

"With Queen Chrysalis?!" said Starlight.

"I don't think that is you." April said, noticing that each of them looked more pale and mean looking.

"Ugh, what's this garbage?!" the other Pinkie groaned.

"Badger installation art," the other Applejack lied, "Ya see..."

"Just. Retrieve. The Elements!" Chrysalis shouted, in exasperation.

The other ponies trotted toward the campsite and started trashing it.

The other Fluttershy trampled a tent and chewed another up like a dog. The other Rarity was taking everything in sight, "Mine! Mine! Mine!" she said.

The other Rainbow Dash just knocked over another tent like she didn't even care.

Pinkie gasped in shock, "Those must be our bad clones! They wrecked our campsite!"

"No, call them... the Mean 6!" Mikey exclaimed, and pointed to each of them, "Meanie Pie. Liarjack. Flutterbrat," the other Rarity grabbed a tent pole and cackled with glee, "Greedity. Rainbow Ditch. And Midnight Sparkle!"

Sunset stared at Mikey, "You're naming her after our Twilight's demon self?"

"It was either that or Darklight Spark." Mikey shrugged.

Meanie Pie was just laying on ground, bored, until Midnight pulled her up.

"One we have the power of the Elements, no creature -not even "her majesty"- can tell us what to do," she whispered to the others, "Just follow my lead, got it!"

With that the Mean 6 laughed and headed for the cave, while Chrysalis watched with suspicion. Once they entered the cave, Greedity pointed at the Element of Generosity.

"Ooo! That one's mine!" No sooner had she said that, then the Element of Generosity flashed black.

Greedity rushed forward, but Flutterbrat stuck out her hoof and tripped her.

"Oops!" She mocked, "I'd say sorry, but I'm not!"

Greedity grabbed Flutterbrat and the two began to fight. The Element of Kindness flashed black next.

"Stop it, fools!" Midnight ordered, "We need those Elements to take out Chrysalis!" Suddenly she saw a shadow and turned to cave entrance. Chrysalis was there. And she heard everything!

"How dare you!" she sneered, "I created you!" She fired a beam of green magic at them, but Midnight Sparkle blocked it with a magic shield.

While Midnight held off Chrysalis, Liarjack bucked the Tree and the Element of Honesty flashed black. Meanie Pie laughed as she hit the Tree and the Element of Laughter flashed black. Rainbow Ditch didn't even bother to get the Elements. Instead, she landed at the base of the Tree to take a nap and the Element of Loyalty flashed black.

As Midnight Sparkle continued to block Chrysalis, she grinned evilly. Then she fired her own beam of magic at Chrysalis and stared to overpower her.

That did it. The Element of Magic turn black. Then whole cave shook as all the Elements turned black and tendrils of light shot out and grabbed each of the Mean 6. Everyone watched as the Mean 6 began to shrivel up. Before she too shriveled up, Midnight Sparkle shouted "Imbeciles! You ruined everythiiiiiiiing!" In a bright flash, the Mean 6 were gone. And all that was left were six rotting colored logs.

"Servants always fail you in the end," Chrysalis said, annoyed and seemed to walk up to Starlight, with angered look on her face "Just wait, Starlight. I will have my revenge!" The hologram of Chrysalis vanished along with the logs.

“So that's what happened.” Twilight gasped.

“So you knew those girls were fakes?” Sunset asked the tree.

“Correct. The moment they got close to me I could tell they were not the real girls. And I knew their existence would disrupt the harmony of Equestria, so I made sure they would never bring harm to another.”

“Well, it looks like Chrysalis did some improvements on her cloning.” Raph noted.

“Yeah, the Dark Turtles were totes obedient.” Bebop added.

“At least to her.” Fugitoid put in.

“I know, but luckily the Dark Turtles have been dealt with and now Equestria is safe once again. Thanks to the combined efforts of all of you.” The tree told them.

“As always it's our pleasure.” Leo spoke to the Tree of Harmony.

“Remember ninjas and my little ponies. Your Friendship is the greatest power in Equestria.” the hologram of Twilight vanished. The group looked at each other smiling knowing how right the tree was.

The next day at the school, the ninjas and their allies knew it was time to go, “Do you really have to go?” Sandbar asked dismally.

“Afraid so, Sandbar.” Leo answered.

“But what about our ninja training?” Gallus asked.

“You guys must carry on and practice on your own time,” April answered, “Plus the other students will look to you now for guidance.”

“Wow, sounds like a big responsibility.” Smolder said in concern.

“Don't worry, we know you can handle it.” Raph said.

Karai turned to Twilight, “So Twilight, now that your former Friendship Assistant is in Tartarus, what'll you do now?”

“Actually, I already found a new assistant for that.” she admitted.

“You did?” Leo wondered.

“Mmhmm,” Twilight confirmed before addressing her, “Bright Eyes.” she motioned to a turquoise unicorn with an orange mane in a single braid and red glasses. She was currently showing some new students around the school.

“You sure she's not a wolf in sheep's clothing like Cozy Glow was?” Raph asked in concern.

“I'm sure,” she quickly looked at Mikey and went into panic mode, “She is good, right, Mikey? Right?! Please tell me she's good! I don't wanna make the same mistake!” she confessed in exasperation.

Mikey calmed her, “Chill, Twilight. I'm gettin' a good vibe from her. So I think it's safe to say she's 100% true blue!”

“Oh, thank goodness.” Twilight ceased her panicking.

Mikey looked over at Bright Eyes and got an idea, “Hey Leo. You still got my spare nunchucks?”

Soon enough Mikey walked up to the little filly, “Hey there, Bright Eyes, was it?”

Bright Eyes gasped upon seeing him, “Michelangelo Sensei! It is such an honor to finally meet you face to face! I enjoy your classes most of all!”

“Well well well! You got good taste,” The other turtles rolled their eyes, “Any who, so you’re the new assistant to Twilight huh?”

“yes I am. And I intend to help out anyway I can. Maybe better than Cozy Glow.”

Mikey smiled at her confidence, “I know you will. Which is why I want you to have these.” he presented her with the nunchucks.

“Your nunchucks?” she gasped in surprise.

“Actually, one of my spares. And I want you to have them to show my appreciation for you.”

Bright Eyes acting all giddy accepted them, “It is a great honor and privilege that I accept these. I won’t let you down.”

“I know,” Mikey replied, as he watched her head off, “Good kid.” he went back over to the group.

The Young Six were saying their goodbyes to their robot buddy, “Goodbye, Metalhead.” Silverstream hugged him.

“We're gonna miss you.” Yona hugged him.

“And I will miss you all too.” Metalhead said, as he hugged them.

“Thanks for all you taught us, senseis.” Smolder thanks the turtles and their allies.

“Any time.” Casey replied.

Donnie started the portal, “Come on, guys. Time to go.”

As they group entered through the portal, Leo walked to Twilight and spoke, “Until next time.”

Twilight smiled and nodded, “Next time.” the two kissed, before Leo went through the portal and closed.

Twilight smiled before turning back to her friends, “Come on, girls. We got a school to run.” and with that they all got to work.

Back in New York that day, the portal opened atop a building, and everyone came out from it back to normal. April, Casey, Keno, Karai, Shini, and Sunset realized they were still on all fours before getting on their feet.

“You know, I'm gonna miss being a pegasus,” Keno admitted, “I loved flying around.”

“I know. Me too.” Casey agreed.

“So I guess once again it's back to the same old here?” Shini asked.

“If ever there's a problem in New York, CHS, or Equestria. We'll be there to do something.” Leo assured them.

“Because that's what we do.” April agreed.

“Because we're heroes.” Rocksteady pumped a fist.

“Oh, yeah!” Bebop agreed.

“Well, Fugitoid and I better get back.” Sunset said.

“The others are really going to want to hear what happened with us.” Fugitoid added.

“Guess this is goodbye for now.” Donnie said.

“Until next time.” Fugitoid said.

“Hey, Sunset,” Mikey began, “If CHS ever has a new student named Cozy Glow... Keep a close eye on her.” he warned her.

“I'm way ahead of you.” Sunset assured, as she and Fugitoid climbed down the building through the fire escape to catch the next bus ride home.

And so each of the groups headed on back for some much needed relaxation after all they've been through. But they knew they would eventually be needed again whether by Princess Twilight or their friends the Rainbooms. Because a ninjas work is never really finished.

Author's Note:

Thank you all so much for your support on this. I'll catch you all again next time.

Comments ( 27 )

Awesome! So are you going to be doing Season 9 of mlp next?

A great wrap up for a great story.

I like this ending for this chapter. It's so sweet and heartwarming. Also what would the voice actor for metalhead should be?

Amazing wrap up, and now to wait the version of the season 9 with everyone back... expect... this season... (See ominously the tree of Harmony) you

Tree of Harmony: :rainbowderp: ...that... fell... weird?

Glad to see this story finally close with a nice conclusion. Wonder what's next for Equestria Ninja Girls? Adaptations of Rollarcoaster of Friendship, Spring Breakdown and Sunset's Backstage Pass, or MLP Season 9.

Nice ending man. And you let the mane 6 get to see the tree of harmony and you put Bright Eyes on here. Make a new story of season 9 Please. It will be great for the ninjas and the others to go to equestria again and fight Sombra and help other things. Please make a new story of season 9

I wonder if in the next story, a certain red dragon would be interested to enroll in ninja school.

9787291 You can be sure Smolder would be surprised to learn who sucker punched her bro awhile back


Maybe you can make a season 9 fan fiction if the next story of them and we will find out. Will you do that?

great work sweetie take your break

9787406 Mostly, because Cozy tricked the students into thinking the Six were behind everything, and upon trying to apprehend them knocked Gallus close to the magic bubble

Alright. I was wondering that. Although if the students did learn about cozy glow true nature, then that would be a lot more satisfying. Also what do you think that the voice actor for metalhead should be?

Well, to be fair, Mikey's an idiot. If he wasn't, he'd be out of character.

maybe you could a fanfiction of the mlp special Rainbow Roadtrip i want to see that one happen so badly :pinkiehappy:

This story is so good, I hope you do the one where the turtles and their allies come back to Equestria for the final battle in Season 9 finale in My Little Pony!

Comment posted by TobyBarlow deleted Jan 23rd, 2020

When did the mane 6 and the turtles knew that chrysalis made the mean 6?Mabye they discovered the hooves of the mean 6 when they died.

If this is MLP season 08,where’s the mean 6?

10308115 that event already happened before the ninja showed up.

Then how did the turtles heard of the mean 6?

10309421 In the chapter Shini's Nightmare

Well,You forgot to put the cmc apologizing for what they started in the first place.After all,It was them who first met cozy glow

Well maybe Mikey in this version is made to be an idiot. His flaws are full of child inside him despite being a prop comic in this one

I know that but I didn't want the after taste of brimstone in my mouth for saying that word.

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