• Published 28th May 2018
  • 8,668 Views, 1,156 Comments

Three Kittens, Two Unicorns, and a BANANA! - Tatsurou

Tempest Shadow finds herself added to a rather...despicable family. Perhaps things will turn out better this time around.

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More Mall Madness

While monitoring the Overthought for any changes as a result of Nefario's experiments on the Minions, Tempest followed along with Margo as she took them to the mall to actually meet Lucy, as Gru still hadn't gotten around to introducing them. When they got there, it became clear that Gru - despite his protestations - had gotten hooked on the 'Mission Impossible' style antics, as he landed in front of them inside a trash can disguise and wearing high tech goggles. Tempest gave him a flat-eyed, unamused glance.

"Hi Gru!" Agnes greeted happily from her back, wearing her usual unicorn-themed clothing. This and the metal arms in Tempest's saddlebags that fetched anything Agnes wanted from them without Tempest needing to be involved would lead to anyone looking assuming she was simply an advanced animatronic, thus ensuring she would not be mobbed by scientists seeking to study a real life mythical creature.

"Oh, girls!" Gru said in surprise as he got to his feet. "What are you doing here?"

"We thought it would be nice if we visited you at work," Margo explained readily. "And actually meet the mysterious 'Lucy'."

"Oh, so I'm mysterious now?" Lucy asked as she approached. "Oh, who are these adorable angels?" she asked Gru eagerly...though the emotion in the voice felt practiced. Noticing the way her eyes flicked back and forth between the girls, Tempest herself, and Gru, Tempest realized that it was practiced, that she had in fact selected and practiced a greeting to make a good 'first impression' on the girls when she met them. Tempest found that amusingly endearing.

"Lucy, these are my girls," Gru began easily. "Margo, Edith, and Agnes. Girls, this is Lucy. Lucy, Girls. Girls, Lucy."

Tempest rolled her eyes, unsurprised that Father continued to be awkward when social dynamics clashed. Still, it would be interesting to see how her sisters reacted to Lucy.

"Hello," Margo greeted awkwardly. At first glance, one might think it was the awkwardness of meeting a new person...but Tempest saw the calculating look in her eyes. She had recognized the signs of someone 'performing a role', and was trying to see what she could of the real Lucy to see just how friendly she could be.

"Hi," Edith greeted with a wide smirk, arms crossed, confidence oozing from her stance. Tempest at first started to shrug off her usual lackadaisical attitude...until she saw the tension in her muscles. Edith had apparently gotten even more into her 'ninja-ing' with Tempest's involvement, and hearing that Lucy was a secret agent made her want to test herself. It seemed Edith would grow into an adrenaline junkie if Father didn't notice and do something.

...Tempest decided to say nothing. The Minions still wanted a villain to work for doing Evil despite the Overthought being complete, and they might as well keep it in the family.

Agnes, meanwhile, was staring up at Lucy in awe. Lucy smiled down at her warmly, managing to put a bit more genuine emotion into it as awkwardness slipped away. Plainly something about Lucy spoke to Agnes in-

"Are you gonna be my Mama?" Agnes asked suddenly.

Lucy pulled back in surprise. "Goodness! Precocious, aren't they?" she asked nervously.

"Easy does it girls!" Gru said at the same time, a blush tinging his cheeks. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay? We're still getting to know each other...so since we have a lot of work to do, why don't you girls enjoy the mall?" He gently nudged them away, the girls letting themselves be guided as Margo, Edith, and Tempest exchanged amused smirks. "Here is some money, go buy some useless mall junk...headbands or whatever."

"One thing first!" Agnes spoke up before hurling herself at Gru. He fell back in surprise as all three dogpiled him in a hug, Tempest leaning against him since it was that or trying to hug his leg or face since all the other spots were taken. With their temporary goodbyes done, they began to explore the mall.

Tempest found herself growing more and more bemused with her family. She realized that Margo was apparently 'at that age' where she could easily get twitterpated...but she'd read all the psychology textbooks! She should know a kid that age who was that good at acting suave was practiced, and probably a player in the making. Still, with luck she'd come to her senses and see the signs before she got her heart broken...and if not, Tempest would enjoy exacting sisterly vengeance on him.

However, two things about the situation caught her attention strongly. First, the boy chose to take Margo to 'Salsa & Salsa', the restaurant run by the man Gru believed to be El Macho. On top of that, he was apparently that man's son, making this the perfect 'in' to get to his base of operations and find where he was really hiding the PX-41 and experimenting with it.

And that was the other thing that caught her attention. She now had confirmation through the Overthought that Nefario was absconding with the Minions to experiment on them with the PX-41. The results were as shown in the experiment on the rabbit, with them gaining in size and strength, becoming somewhat more feral in appearance, and drastically increasing in aggressive tendencies...as well as becoming purple for some reason. However, there were two unexpected results that happened due to Nefario running the tests one at a time. First, with only individual Minions expressing the energy into the Overthought, it was easy for the total thought energy to adapt and gentle the aggressive side of each newly 'regressed' Minion, which made each successive regression easier to deal with as the 'regressed' Minions were able to ease the entry of the new ones.

Second, Minion physiology appeared to be supremely adaptable. While the injection created the gland that produced the monsterproposene, the Minion body also automatically began producing the neurochemicals that metabolized the excess, preventing the growth from becoming excessive. On top of that, once five Minions had been thus altered, all the rest of the Minions started producing said neurochemicals before they were injected, making each successive transformation less stressful on both physiology and psyche.

With all the bonuses, Tempest was tempted to let Nefario perform the treatments on all the Minions...until she learned one rather major drawback. The mutated, 'regressed' Minions had far rougher fine motor control and much less grace than their baseline counterparts. In terms of a Hive Mind, they became Warriors at the expense of losing their ability to be Workers.

As such, Tempest decided to only let Nefario mutate half the Minions, and no one presently in control of a specialized endeavor - such as the Simsa Major, the Crystal Quantum Computer, or the Magitek research. El Macho had plainly gone to a great deal of expense on this, so it would be amusing to watch his face fall off when all the 'monsters' he'd worked so hard to create turned around to attack him when he confronted them.