• Published 7th Mar 2018
  • 2,020 Views, 160 Comments

Too Many Everything - Daemon McRae

Eighteen girls. A two-week trip to and from Miami Beach. Five cars. This story is about one of them.

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Hotel Talk 1

Finding a hotel was easy. Getting everyone to settle on the same hotel was a bit more of a challenge. As much as Sunset had found she enjoyed throwing money at things and watching it stick, she still had a sense of pragmatism, and spending several hundred dollars per hotel room made her physically ill. On the other hand, cheap hotels were where diseases went to party, and the last thing she wanted was to cut her vacation short because someone caught something unpronounceable before they’d even gotten to the beach.

So she’d settled on a hotel that only whispered opulence instead of screaming it in loud obnoxious tones. Her carmates didn’t seem to take any issue with it, as they all settled themselves into the couches and chairs in the lounge while she made a few phone calls. None of which seemed to be going the way she wanted. “NO, Twilight, we are not staying at a Motel 6. I don’t care how much cheaper it is, I dare you to walk through the front DOOR with a blacklight and not pass out. We’re at the Skylark, thank you, now please turn your car around and stop making this nice, adorable, and possibly single concierge stop waiting for me to give them money.” She hung up with a huff.

Getting Limestone to agree was easy, especially with Rarity in the car. Fluttershy would have agreed to camp out under the stars if you asked nicely enough, although that might just be because she’d developed a habit of waking up surrounded by fuzzy woodland creatures. The girl was a handsome prince away from being a Disney movie.

Now she had to call Indigo’s car, which she suspected would go about as well as talking Adagio into church. She dialed from her contacts list, and in a few seconds Rainbow Dash answered the phone. “Sup, Sunset?”

“Where are you guys right now? We’re all staying at the Skylark,” Shimmer explained.

Rainbow coughed loudly. “You serious?! That freakin skyscraper hotel? We just turned onto the road leading to the Motel Si-”

“NO. NO MOTEL SIX. God it’s like none of you watch crime dramas! And besides, the skyscraper hotel is The Sky Chariot. The Skylark is the ten-story like three blocks down.”

“Oh, only ten stories! Gee, that’s not so bad!” Rainbow scoffed.

“No one is saying you need to stay on the top floor,” Sunset groaned.

“Can’t we just find a cheap hotel and bunk down for the night? Even Indigo is saying she’d rather sleep in an RV than a ‘cash-sink’ tourist trap.”

Sunset pinched the bridge of her nose. “Well, this ‘tourist trap’ has an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet, free digital cable, and the added benefit of me being around to pay for your rooms.”

There was a pause on the other end of the line, in which Sunset could make out a barely concealed conversation between the three girls. I should have called Sonata, Sunset berated herself. Then Rainbow came back on the line. “We’ll be there in ten. Maybe twenty. These one-way-roads are stupid.”

“Yes, yes they are. Bye,” she said curtly.

Now she had to call Applejack. The most frugal and financially responsible teenager she’d ever met in her life. A girl who would rather stand in the middle of the mall wearing a god-awful mascot costume for three hours than pay a five dollar resale fee. Although the assortment of other ‘fees’ those two earthworms had tried to sneak by them might have had something to do with it, from what she’d heard.

Fortunately, she had a secret weapon, as she dialed her phone again. “Hey, Pinkie?”


“...ow. Yes hi. We’re staying at the Skylark. Tell Applejack. Bye!” she said quickly.

“OK BY SUNSET!” Pinkie shouted.

Adagio, who heard Pinkie from across the room, raised an eyebrow at her ‘friend’. “Really? Poor Applejack doesn’t stand a chance.”

“Would you rather give Applejack the opportunity to convince everyone hat Motel 6 is a GOOD idea?” Sugarcoat huffed, looking up from her book. She’d cozied herself into taking up as much room on the couch she’d claimed as possible.

“Oh gods no. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m really starting to enjoy the place, but your choice of tactics is… well, frankly, rather admirable,” Adagio said wistfully. “I’m starting to think we’d have been leagues more successful if we’d just convinced you to join us and use your powers for evil again then trying to turn you on your friends.”

Sunset shrugged. “Yeah, but then you’d never have discovered the joys of getting older.”

Adagio shuddered. “Please don’t use that word. Don’t get me wrong, I’m rather enjoying the idea that I could actually grow up to be sexier than I already am-”

“Saints preserve us,” Sunset said in a slightly husky voice, earning a rather lascivious grin from Dazzle.

“But this whole ‘menopause’ thing I’ve read about sounds absolutely nightmarish,” Adagio finished.

The girls were saved a rather unfortunate conversation about the failings of the human body as Trixie and Maud strolled into the room. “So is everyone coming? Trixie wants to actually lay down in a bed sometime tonight!”

“Yeah, they’re on their way,” Sunset answered. Just then, another voice greeted them. A rather strained ‘polite’ cough stirred Sunset into tilting her head back and looking upside-down at a rather perturbed hotel manager. “Yeah?” she asked.

The gentleman, gray in skin, suit, and hair, adjusted his matching tie. “As much as I hate to break up this rather… adorable ‘sleepover’, we have a strict non-loitering policy. SO if you all could kindly call your parents and have them collect you-”

“I’m going to stop you right there before you say something that makes my back teeth grind themselves into a fine powder,” Sunset insisted, rising from her seat and standing in front of the manager, who’s name she could now read on his tag as ‘Mr. Reacher’. “We are waiting for our friends so that I can pay for their rooms. If you’d like, I could take my business elsewhere,” she mused, tapping away on her phone as she fiddled with her banking app, “But I doubt you’re in the mood to allow a bank account this big take its business somewhere else,” she finished, holding up her phone for the manager to read.

Mr. Reacher paled, then flushed, and turned his personality on its head. “I-I of course! Miss...”

“Shimmer,” Sunset said pointedly.

“Ms. Shimmer! Exactly how many… friends of yours will be joining us tonight?”

“Oh, around thirteen more of us. All girls,” she restrained a grin as she caught the concierge behind the front desk consider the implications of that, and wondered if he could in fact blush any harder.

“Thi-thirteen? You mean you’re paying for rooms for eighteen girls?!” Mr. Reacher exclaimed in a rather high pitch. “Wh-what kind of arrangements would you be requiring?”

Sunset glanced over her shoulder at her friends, who all gave her a curious glance, and led Mr. Reacher away by the elbow. The two sat down in a small, out-of-the-way booth just outside the hotel restaurant. She pulled out a piece of paper and a pen out of her purse, and made a few careful notes. “For one, I’d like three rooms to fit four people each, one room for three, a room for two, and a single. Nothing presidential, because I’d really rather not pay that cleaning bill. Secondly, I understand you have an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet. Now, I haven’t had a chance to peruse the menu, but I’d like to imagine it contains a generous amount of meat on it,” she said pointedly.

Reacher, to his credit, had settled for nodding politely and agreeing with everything that could make him money. “Of course! Anything else?”

“Yes. Now, this is very, very, very important. While some of my friends are of legal age to order and consume alcohol, most of us are not. So under no circumstances are you or any of your staff to let anyone in my party drink an ounce. Please,” she added in no uncertain tones.

Reacher smiled knowingly. “I take it not… all of your friends can hold their liquor?”

“Mr. Reacher,” Sunset started.

“Sky, Please.”

“...Mr. Sky, I am dear friends with more than half of them. Better than passing acquaintances with the rest. Distinctly intimate with more than one. And I say with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever that there isn’t a single young woman about to walk into this hotel that can hold any more liquor than you could fit on the head of a god-damned pin.”

Reacher sat up straight, adjusted his tie proper, and took the list of instructions as Sunset handed it to him. He noted with a raised eyebrow that there were a few more… discreet requests written on it. “Have no fear, Ms. Shimmer. We here at the Skylark pride ourselves on… accommodation.”

“Wonderful,” Sunset said happily, clapping her hands together. There was a brief pause, as she looked sideways and whispered, “So about number seven-”

“We keep them in regular stock. This is a college town, after all.”
