• Published 29th Jul 2012
  • 583 Views, 2 Comments

Into the Color - Golden-Flight

A young Colt named Golden discovers more about himself and the world around him.

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The morning breeze was cooling the skies in Cloudsdale, the sun was beaming with energy and light. The sky was lined with pegasi, each heading to someplace different. Young foals zipped about, playing, exploring and just having a blast in the air.

Far from the massive amount of foals was a young pegasi, a colt. His coat was a light tan; it gleamed brightly with the sunlight. His mane and tail were a bright gold, somewhat blonde. The colt sat alone, watching the other foals play at a distance. He stared at the others, observing their flight patterns, their colors, their cutie marks.

“Golden Flight!” a high pitched voice squealed from behind the colt. “Golden let’s go join everypony and play”. The voice came from the colt’s older sister, who made apparent that his name was Golden Flight.

Golden turned his small frame to look at his sister; he had a nervous frown on his face.
“Do we have to join them Nightly Beam?” Golden’s voice was rather low, he was afraid to go play with the other foals. Golden came from a powerful family, who had all gotten their cutie mark’s at a young age, but he was the odd one out, still a blank flank.

“Yes! It’ll be fun, plus you could maybe show off to some of the fillies. C’mon golden!”

“But none of the fillies will even look at me! They all have their cutie marks, and I’m still a blank flank. There is nothing special about me whatsoever.” Small tears broke free from his eyes and rolled down his chubby little face.

“Oh c’mon, you’re a strong colt. Not to mention our dad is Titanium Streak, you’re the son of one of Cloudsdale’s elites. You go over there and everypony will wanna’ be your friend!” Nightly outstretched her hoof, her crimson fur shimmered gorgeously with the sunlight and her long black flowing mane waved ever so softly with the breeze. To Golden, she looked like a princess, strong yet graceful.

He stared into her beautiful rose colored eyes with his own bright green eyes. He admired his older sister, she was a strong and talented filly. She convinced him wither her beautiful and calm smile, “c’mon, let’s go and have a blast, I promise you’ll enjoy it!”

The day moved onward with a deadly slow pace, everypony was still out playing, as was Golden. He fluttered just a few feet off the clouds, trying to chase down other more flight worthy pegasi. Nightly flew circles around some older colts, who had previously been insulting her. Laughter echoed through the air as all the foals played for hours.

After a while, Golden had met up with a few other bare flanks. Most of the bare flanks seemed a bit cocky, some a bit stuck up to say the least.

“oh look everypony! It’s the one that didn’t make it” a dark blue Pegasus exclaimed as she pointed at Golden. “It’s Titanium’s worthless colt!”

The other ponies all seemed to laugh, and it brought a stabbing pain to Golden’s feelings, he began to feel even more worthless than before. He dug his head in between his front hooves as he laid down crying.

“Oh look, now the little colt is crying! He sure shows that Titanium strength doesn’t he?” The dark blue pegasus mocked. Golden curled up, still crying. Under him, a patch of black began to flow seeping towards the dark blue pegasus. Nopony seemed to notice it until it pooled around her and began to tug at her hooves.

“huh- What?!” the filly exclaimed as she looked down at the pool. The pool in itself was a bit creepy, but the worst of the event was that her color was changing to a bright green. She squealed with fear and tried to jump away, but was constrained to the pool. The screaming and squealing alerted everypony around, and they flocked to the scene. As the filly changed colors, there was a bright blue aura being emitted from Golden’s wings.

Golden was still weeping, his head in his hooves, not knowing what was taking place. He choose to ignore the filly’s screams, and continue with his sorrow. More ponies flocked around, as did Nightly. Nightly bolted towards golden and quickly tackled him, pulling him away from the filly, the pool began to dissipate.

“What the hay Golden?!” Nightly screamed as Golden painfully glanced at her. “Why are your wings glowing and why is Stealth changing colors?!” Nightly seemed furious but utmost confused. She had never seen anything of such an event. Her mind tumbled, wondering what was going on

“Your brother is a monster! He is no pegasus!” the once dark blue filly now green named Stealth snorted harshly. “He should be sent away, far from us!”

“How dare you call him that you blank flank!” Nightly retorted.

“Look at the glowing of his wings! No pegasus can do that, he is a freak!” Stealth continued, “soon he’ll start using some unicorn magic to kill us all!”

Everypony in the crowd gasped. One thing that seemed to add onto this was that Golden’s mother was not a pegasus but instead a unicorn.

Nightly snarled angrily, she stood firm near Golden. There was a dark look on her face, filled with anger and hatred. “Are you assuming that he has Unicorn powers because of my mom?!” There was a moment of silence, everything and everypony stood still and quiet. The silence in itself was deafening.

Stealth drew close to Nightly’s face, “yup, and you know what’s worse? You, your brother, and your parents are all monsters, you’re all horrible ponies!” A grin consumed Stealth’s now green face. “What’cha going to do about that?”

Another moment of silence, the only thing to be heard was Nightly breathing heavily with anger and hatred. Nightly stood there, a deathly look on her face, a stance that showed she was ready to attack. Everypony stood still, the sunlight bouncing off them, portraying long creepy shadows. In a flash of fury, Nightly swung at Stealth, her hoof connecting with Stealth’s face. The sheer force of the impact stumbled her.

“What the hay?!” Stealth fell back a few feet, holding her hooves to her face. She did not have time to react as another jab connected with her face, flinging her back even further. Nightly did not stop at that, she quickly pressed forward, letting a barrage of jabs slam into Stealth. Blood began to pour out of her nose much like a waterfall. The look on Nightly’s face became darker, an evil smile overtaking her, “you want to see a monster?! I will show you what a monster really is you bucking horse apple!”

Nightly hastily swung her body around, allowing her to forcefully buck Stealth’s jaw, breaking it. Fury had consumed Nightly, all the while fear consumed Golden. Golden stood up staring at Nightly with absolute horror and fear, he had no idea how to react.

“Stop it you two! Just stop!” No pony listened; the others that surrounded them simply watched and chanted ‘fight. fight. fight.’ The battle between Nightly and Stealth raged on, heating up and taking to the skies rather than on the clouds. Stealth was taking most of the hits and was in pain from her broken jaw but countered with a few jabs and kicks of her own. Soon the two brawlers were high above the clouds, kicking screaming and bleeding. Stealth landed a painful buck to Nightly’s wing, unhinging it from its socket. The noise of it dislodging sounded harsh, but the scream of pain that followed was enveloped with an ear piercing pitch.

In an instant, Stealth landed another successful hit, completely crushing Nightly’s intact wing. A grin lit up on Stealth, although horrid looking because of her disfigured jaw as Nightly began to lose altitude and plummet through the afternoon sky. She looked like an injured angel, falling through the sky, waiting for somepony to come save her…but no pony was going to rescue her. As she fell closer to the ground, already passing the clouds, Stealth had a slight thought of saving her but let it pass.

Everypony watched as Nightly fell, everypony gasped but did nothing about it. She was tumbling to her doom. Golden’s eyes filled with tears, like an overflowing well of water. He leaped into action, flapping his petite wings, slowly guiding himself down to the ground. Before even coming close to reaching the ground, a heart dropping crackle was heard throughout the cool sky. Nightly had slammed into the ground with the heavy force.

Golden had neared her now limp body, bones protruded out of her legs, covered in blood. Her neck and spine had been smashed, crushed, pieces of them laying everywhere. Golden sat there, shock, fear and complete devastation filled his mind and body. He lay in a pool of Nightly’s blood, poking at her nose, telling her to wake up. Tears fell from his face, more than ever before.

“Nightly! Nightly wake up! Please wake up!” No answer. “Nightly please! I beg of you sister, please wake up!”

Stealth was still high above the clouds, she seemed emotionless, not giving a buck for what happened. Everypony in the crowd stood in surprise, but offered no assistance, they just stayed there on the clouds, watching. Down below, Golden continued to poke at Nightly’s nose, covering his hooves in blood.

The group above, along with Stealth immediately dispersed as a few older pegasi began to float down to the scene. Followed by the pegasi were Titanium and Luminescence, the parents of Golden and Nightly. A small group of ponies gathered around Golden and Nightly.

“Mom, she won’t wake up! She won’t WAKE UP! Mom, why?!” Golden was sobbing, his hooves covered in blood. He was scared and had no idea of what was really happening.

Paramedic ponies quickly checked for signs of life, checking pulses and more, but there were no signs, she had perished on impact. The ponies looked to Titanium, and nodded ‘no’. Luminescence was clenching Titanium, a well of tears pouring from her eyes. Golden had never seen his mother cry, he had never seen her sad as a matter of fact. He trotted over to her, asking, “what’s happening mom?!” Luminescence looked down into Golden’s eyes with her beautiful, gleaming purple eyes and replied with a sorrowful voice, “Your sister, N-Nightly is dead…”

A year had passed since Nightly’s death. Golden had grown quiet and silent, always avoiding the other ponies, ignoring any mocking, any mocking, and any teasing. He became very docile and very calm. He had changed ever since her death.

Golden trotted over towards the flight school, observing everything, keeping a keen eye out for Stealth and any other annoying ponies. As predicted, the first pony he saw when entering the school was Stealth. He tried to avoid being seen by her, but soon failed and attempted to just ignore her constant teasing.

“Well, look who we have. The little brother of that monster, ha”

“Sure, let’s make little jokes, not like they mean anything”

“What’s the matter Golden? You don’t got the guts to face me? Scared you’re gonna end up like your sister?” An evil smirk arose on her face. “I think we are all better off now that your sister is dead. I bet it hurt when she hit the ground! Hmmph, it’s funny that she’s dead, bucking weak is what she was!” Nothing had changed about Stealth except for earning her cutie mark, which was some sort of hoop, it looked rather ugly on her. She was still the same rotten apple from a year before, but now worse.

“She perished because of a fight, a fight with you. You are, to me, scum and I won’t stoop as low as you.”

Golden’s retort, even though much more civil and far more polite than her previous remark, angered her. Everypony could see it on her face that she was building up rage. “W-well you’re pathetic ya’ know that! Your sister died because she was stupid to go head on with me! No pony can take me!”

Golden turned hastily and with a smile on his face he remarked, “No, anypony can take you on, I’m sure they have in the locker room.” The crowd of ponies laughed at the dirty joke, all except Stealth, whose face was now blood red with blush and rage.

“You little horse apple!” Stealth squealed with anger as she took a jab at Golden. She had been stopped by his wings, which were lightly glowing.

“Now now, let’s not make ourselves look like complete foals.” Golden chuckled

Stealth was painfully angry, she stomped her hooves and stared deeply into Golden’s eyes. She slightly tilted her head and stated, “One day your pathetic freaky magic wings won’t work! And I’ll kick your trashy flank Golden!” Golden smiled teasingly and nodded, “oh I’m sure you will hotshot.”

The bell had rung loudly and with that all the ponies had began trotting to class. Golden and Stealth parted, Stealth still angry and stomping her hooves with force.

The day played forward, more classes, then lunch then more classes. Same routine as always, except today had been different, during the last class a massive announcement bellowed throughout the flight school.

“Good evening everypony! We hope everypony is ready for the upcoming test next week. If you are not familiar with it, this is the last test, the finale, then you can float off the wherever in Equestria!”

The school was filled with cheers of both worry and joy. Some ponies were ready, some were fearful of what would happen if something went wrong. Golden, he was as cool as ice. He sat there with a smile; he knew he could pass with the slightest of ease. This was going to be easy for him.

Flight school was over for the day, and all seemed normal. Golden was trotting back home, the sun was low and it was getting dark, again normal. As he came closer to his house, he was halted by Stealth, who had a rough tone.

“So Golden, thought it was funny to call me a whore of a pony back there huh?”

“It was a joke Stealth. Nothing but pony feathers.”

Stealth reared at Golden, “you call ruining my reputation a joke? I should break your bones and call that a joke you pathetic pegasus!” Without warning Stealth connected a jab across Golden’s nose. A surge of pain hit Golden, but he stood there unaffected.

“So you choose to attack me? And I have done nothing to you. I ask you to step back before you anger me Stealth”

“What the buck are you going to do? Change my color again? I could care less about that now, I’m older and more mature. You are some little punk, with no real friends and can’t ship with any mare!”

Something snapped inside of Golden, something that should have kept still but did not.

“Oh you want to play with violence and words? Oh it’s on then” His face was now red with anger; he could feel the hate his sister felt towards Stealth. With that he got into a battle stance, wings at the ready, feather tips glowing blue.

Stealth quickly kicked Golden, the force behind the kick knocked the air out of him. She was powerful, but lacked focus. She kicked again, missing as Golden dodged. A small snarl came out of her mouth and she frowned at him. As Golden dodged, weaving back and forth avoiding hits, the area around him began to shift colors. It looked as though a red magical bubble began to form around him.

Golden had no idea what was going on, but he felt empowered. Stealth kicked again, her back hooves intersecting with the color changing bubble. At that instant, the area where her back hooves contacted with the bubble let out a flash. Stealth became a jumble of colors, her dark blue coat now over fifty colors, her mane now yellow mixed with some blue and black. Golden backed away and stared down evilly at Stealth. His thoughts drifted off, thinking about Nightly’s death. Soon the bubble spread, becoming larger and everything within its radius became dark.

Stealth sat there, aggravated but confused, she felt hideous. Golden had already bolted out of there, and was on his way home. He was confused, lost, sad, and hurt, he needed to talk to his parents, and more importantly, his mother. She had to have an explanation as to why the bubble appeared and why he had some magical ability that no other pony had.

~CRASH~ The door slammed behind Golden as he dashed into his home. His parents were alerted by the sound of Golden Entering. He trotted cautiously towards his mother, who had a worried look on her face. The bubble of color changing magic had mysteriously dissipated before entering the door.

“What’s the matter honey? You never barge in like some animal” His mother’s voice was as sweet as pie. She braced him as he hugged her tightly. Golden felt slightly better in the arms of his mother. Her light grey coat brushed against his little tan nose. Her mane and tail flowed blissfully down towards the floor, with all their blue glory. Titanium slowly walked to the two, his eyes focused deeply on the bruise that was apparent on Golden’s chest.

“Let me guess, ‘it’ happened again” His father was sly and strong, knowing exactly what had happened. Titanium’s dark black coat was literally dull against his gold mane and tail. His voice was gruff and demanding but caring at the same time.

With a nod Golden replied, “Yes, much stronger this time, and it enveloped me in a bubble of color. I have n-“

“You have a gift Golden. We are not sure what it is yet, but it has something to deal with your mother being a unicorn. For some odd reason you have magical abilities.” Titanium had intervened. “But you need to learn more about it, for we are clueless about it, you also need to be careful with it. You can kill with it if you are not careful.”

A dark idea came to his mind, but he brushed it off, Golden needed to listen to his father lecture. Golden’s attention kept skipping along from the lecturing to the dark thought in his mind, “I could kill with it?” He questioned himself.

“Now head off to bed son, your flight test is the only thing you should have your eyes, heart and mind set on.” With that Golden trotted upstairs and to his room, tucking himself in his comfy bed.

The next morning was a tad bit groggy; it was a Saturday morning after all. Nopony wanted to do anything till the night came. Golden awoke to the intense sunlight crashing through his window. He stretched, yawned and looked around, feeling a tad bit lost. The day before had afflicted Golden mentally, his mind was still running through what his father had stated and the dark thought’s of “killing somepony.”

Golden peered around his room; it was covered in pink and white colors, pictures of Golden’s artwork, family, and a few memorial pictures of his sister, Nightly Beam. His eyes, as precise as they were, caught sight of the oldest photo of him and his sister. The two sat there together, staring into the camera with smiles. Nightly was playfully hugging Golden, her smile, pose and just entirety was marvelous. Golden’s eyes drifted to the bottom of the photo, catching glimpse of a large caption, “Best pals forever, love you little brother <3”. After reading it, he welled up, tears pouring off almost like a waterfall. His sister had never said her goodbyes, she just perished.

Golden was still hurting from the loss, “if only I could hug her one more time, and say I was sorry for getting her into this…” His mother knocked on the door and then allowed herself in; she seemed to gleam with light as she trotted in.

“Good morning son! Are you ready for the morning commute to get some food from Ponyville?”

“No thanks mother, I-I would like some time alone, I’ve been rather sad because of her death. I still can’t believe that she died, and by the hooves of Stealth. Stealth is a little bu-“

“Honey, calm yourself. We don’t know if it was her or not! But we can’t just assume and go off yelling about it. I know you hurt from the loss of your sister, but please, think positive” Luminescence’s voice was calm, sweet but still had a strong tone, she meant what she said.

Golden seemed a bit steamed it was easily visible. He turned to look at his mom and back at the picture of him and his sister. He stared vigorously at the picture, thoughts bombarding his mind, attacking like changelings. It was all abstract in his head.

He lifted his body out of bed, still steamed about Nightly being deceased. He walked towards his mother and put on a sort of fake smile. “I’ll walk about Cloudsdale, and honestly I want to practice for my test. Get my mind off of this whole thing for a bit.” His expression was a bit morbid; you could see the hate in him.

“That’s good hun’, keep your chin up and do something else. Taking some test practice is sure to keep your mind occupied.

The morning zipped by, the sun at midpoint of the sky. Golden galloped through the cloud streets of Cloudsdale, nearing the school. He was certain he would pass the test, and more certain he would see Stealth there. As he closed in to the field he saw nopony, it was barren. He quickly took to the area that was meant for testing and geared up. He was going to release all his hate through practice.

Golden took to the skies, leaving nothing but a small dash of black aura behind him. He flew with precision, eyes forward, spirits high and a strong hate still cooking inside of him. He blasted through the first segment of the test like it was nothing, easy as pie! He began to strafe to his right, his body jerking away towards the fire rings. At that moment his mind was completely dumb founded with thoughts of anger and the death of his sister. As he inched towards the rings at a high pace, all he could think about was Nightly slamming into the ground, the sounds, the pains, everything. The more he thought about it the more he thought of ending Stealth’s life.

He was now at the rings, he was close to being perfect, oh so close. In a heartbeat he snapped, all this thoughts drew upon killing Stealth, he thought of how he would end her, how it would feel, how it would sound. For some reason he wanted to hear each of her bones snap, he wanted to hear her cry with agony, he wanted her to die slowly and painfully. He bucked up; missing the first ring, his wing lightly breezed across the fire and was lit up. Golden tumbled heavily towards the clouds below, it was easy to guide himself down, but it frustrated him as he hit the cloud.
He patted out the fire on his wing and peered upwards, staring into the endless sky. His feelings boiling inside him; it was a mix of darkness and sadness. Golden zipped back to his hooves, angrier than ever. He reared and then shot up into the air, leaving a massive amount of different colors on the cloud. It was as though he could change the color of anything. This time around he aimed straight at the ring, target locked, and time for the ‘kill’.

As he passed through it, an evil grin stretched on his face. He pushed his whole body faster and with that he could start seeing everything around him change colors. The simple white hue of the clouds began to shift to a beautifully tinted gold color. The blue aura from Golden’s wings had returned, it left a wonderful stream of color in the sky as he flew faster. As he blasted through the sky, turning it gold and blue, he felt a tingling on his flank. He took half a second to spot what he knew was his cutie mark. It was what looked like a pallet with a multitude of colors on it.

“I got this, and soon I will show to that little filly who truly is the best.” The first non violent thought he had today, or was it? He finished off by completing the course three more times and soon headed off home, never spotting any sight of Stealth.

Golden had dashed through his home and made his way to his room. When he finally arrived in his room, he had seen a yummy looking pie on his bed. “For my sweetie, eat this and get some real rest – Your mother” read a little card by the pie. He chuckled and blushed slightly with slight cheer. Golden was much like his father, a very messy eater, but he quickly cleaned up the mess after chowing down on such a yummy piece of dessert. In the blink of an eye Golden had passed out on his bed, not knowing as to why he was so damn sleepy.

Golden awoke, and looked around. It had felt as though he was asleep for more than a few months, maybe years.

“Mother, what is today?” Golden called out, being as well mannered as he could

“Today is Monday honey. You slept through Sunday because of the little spell pie I baked for you.” Luminescence walked in to the room as she spoke, looking as beautiful as ever. It appeared as though she just got back from a spa, and she looked more relaxed than delicious jelly.

“Oh, you enchanted the pie? Why though mother?”

“You needed all the sleep you could muster, this test is a killer and I know you’re angered about Stealth, so I wanted to clear your head with some rest” She smiled her eyes and entire figure lit up. Golden had no idea how his mother was not some super model or something as such.

“Okay, shall I take off to the coliseum? Do I have everything? How much time do I have?” Golden bombarded Luminescence with questions, mostly legitimate ones at that.

“Of course you should! Honey, you are prepared, and we all have faith in you. Get over there and make us proud! Oh by the by, your cutie mark is charming, maybe you can impress some of the nice mares down there?” she giggled at her last remark, it was more of a compliment. She began to walk off, her tail swaying with complete grace. How had Golden’s father ever gotten her attention?

Golden was filled with confidence from the tip of tail to the tip of his ears. He smiled, hardly thinking evil today and zoomed through his house, dashing off to the coliseum. As he made his way there he noticed the vibrancy in everything, from the varying hues of the clouds to the wonderfully colored homes. For some odd reason, this day had been perfect, teaming with color and joy.

The coliseum was jam packed. Students, parents judges, it had everypony. It was like some massive celebration, except it was the opposite and you needed to pass this test.

Time zoomed by, the instructor calling out names, students floating about doing their hardest to pass the test. It was soon Golden’s turn and after him, was Stealth. Stealth was behind Golden the entire time, but she only glanced at him, giving him a feeling of nervousness.

“Golden, you are up! Let’s spread those wings and pass this thing!”

Golden nodded to the instructor, his booming voice had caught him off guard but woke him up a bit. Golden zipped through the air, leaving a small light trail from his wings behind. His mind was focused on the test up until he started hearing Stealth shout at him.

“C’mon you slow colt! I wanna pass this stupid thing already and you’re over there just being in my way!”

Stealth’s voice rang in Golden’s head; it bounced off his skull over and over, like a rattlesnake’s tail, shaking about. He kept on the task at hoof, weaving and bobbing through the fire rings, falling and recovering. He was determined to pass the test, nothing, not even that little foal would stop him.

Time through Golden’s green eyes seemed to slow to unimaginable speeds, every second felt like centuries. The test ended as fast as it started. Golden took a quick look at the judges, they all held approving smiles and signs; he had passed, and with flying colors. He was gleeful, anypony could see this as he trotted back to the locker rooms. He swung his head around and saw that Stealth had already started and was halfway through her test.

As he neared the locker rooms, he could feel a presence behind him. It was Stealth, and she was out to make his life horrible.

“Guess who did better than you Gold-y old buddy ol’ pal? Me, I smoked you and proved to everypony that you are nothing! Just like your sister” An evil grin appeared on her face as she glared directly at Golden.

“What did you say?” Golden’s mellow mind, his calm nerve snapped with the mention of his sister.

“You heard me you little whelp, you and your sister are pathetic! You and your fam-“

That was it, Golden had fully snapped. He had tackled her mid sentence and began slamming his hooves into her face. All around him were colors, shifting and changing, most of them conforming to pitch black. Even Golden’s eyes had gone completely black.

WHAM! Golden was landing successful hits, and had pinned Stealth down, he was pissed. As the fight continued, Stealth managed to buck him off of her. She got on her hooves in no time and started to fight back, a few jabs crashed into Golden’s face. He jumped back and began to glow brighter.

Golden’s powers were getting stronger with every hit he took; it fed off the pain inflicted on him. As he fluttered up a tad bit, a bright and blinding glow blasted from his wings, levitating Stealth up. Golden had seemed to lose control of his motor functions, the aura was controlling everything from his movements to his speech.

“I am tired if you Stealth, you killed my beloved sister, you defecate and soil my family’s good name, you’re a nuisance! I shall give you one chance to leave me and my name alone!” The voice that flew from Golden’s lips were not his own, it was darker and far more gruff. It spoke in a evil tone

“And what the hay can you do?!” Stealth struggled to speak. The aura was grasping her by her throat

“You don’t want to find out”

“You have no power, you are nothing Golden! And the next time I see you, I’ll send you tumbling to the ground like I did to your sister!!!”

With that, Golden’s body seemed to shake, “No, now I shall send you to the ground!” The voice was darker than before. Golden’s power was becoming extremely powerful; he both loved and hated it.

The aura slammed Stealth into the ground a few times with sheer force, breaking her legs. Golden fought his power, trying to regain control; Stealth was screaming with pain and agony.

“Golden, look” Stealth cried out, it was apparent that she was suffering, “I’m sorry ok. I didn’t mean to kill your sister, I didn’t mean to call you worthless!”

Stealth crashed into the ground again, completely breaking her hind legs, crushing them. Golden kept fighting his power. He was not one to enjoy the suffering of others. An epic battle raged on in his mind, “Let her go! I am your master, you do as I command!” Golden’s eyes returned to normal, but he kept fighting his inner power.

“But why Gold, she killed your sister, don’t you want her dead? Don’t you want that sweet revenge?” The dark voice echoed through Golden’s head. “I am not some brute, yes she may have killed her, but I am not one to kill for revenge!” Golden screamed out loud, causing the aura to dissipate. Stealth fell to the ground, hitting it with force. She had blacked out already, and by that time Golden was already gone. He knew he had done wrong, he needed somepony to talk to.

Golden returned home, or to what had once been his home. He galloped to the door with haste and saw a note on the front door.

“Congratulations Honey, we saw you pass your test and we could not be happier. Now this may come as a shock to you, but we have decided to live elsewhere. We thought that you needed to get away from all the harshness of the skies. Plus the scenery is much more appealing. Please son, come meet us at Ponyville, we found a place to settle and it is near a place called the Carousel Boutique. A nice young mare works and lives there, maybe you should come meet her. We hope to see you shortly, love Mom and Dad.”

Golden took the note and dashed away, flying aimlessly towards Ponyville, wherever it was located. He was happy now, he was going to get away from Stealth, away from his old home, away from where his sister died and hopefully away from whatever it was that caused him to attack Stealth.

He did not want anymore sorrow, he only wanted to live happily, no more death, no more hate, no more Stealth. He flew towards Ponyville, or in its general direction. Golden wondered what this place had to offer; he wondered what it had to offer and how it would change his life. It was going to be a new beginning.

To be continued…

Comments ( 2 )

Wow, this is pretty good :rainbowderp:

I really like this! Good job!

"To Be Continued..." Hope to see more :pinkiesmile:

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