• Published 6th Aug 2017
  • 1,203 Views, 24 Comments

The Sun Will Always Shine - Ice Star

Celestia opens one door. And then another...

  • ...

Do Not Dream

A command of three words would seem to be very, very simple. A foal should be able to carry them out with ease. She should have nothing to worry about as she looked up at the sky with eyes that saw past a scarred moon and into some shadowy place she could not be shaken from, even if anypony was there to do so.

Her legs were locked in place and she stood stone-still.

Do not move.

So she did not. She remained in a ruined castle, breaking around her as she broke within and her mane hung limp about her face.

Do not cry.

Celestia did not cry. She stood still and upset, but pristine all the same. She had her composure slipping, but nopony was around for it to matter... but she still tried to regain it.

It didn't really work. She was tired and hurt, and she hated that. Who had she helped in all of this? Who? Nopony. Nopony at all. Luna was gone.

Luna was gone.

She wanted to sleep so badly. She wanted to blink the world away, but it would not go. She stared into space, quit literally, and waited for Luna to tap her on the wither and tell her-


She wanted normalcy back, and this was not that. She was begging inside, a sea of unbearable silence that pleaded over and over again for anything at all. An answer, maybe?

Anguished was a good word for this.

She wanted to sit down and sleep the night away. All Celestia wanted was to curl up on her plush bed in her shining, clean home and fall into the deepest sleep possible and say good night to Luna, because hadn't she always done that, and then-

Never fall back out of it.

She wanted her sister back, and here she was standing up at the sky with a stiff an unnatural pose with all these thoughts like needles being driven into her head.

She forced herself to look up higher at the oddity apart from the stars - the moon glowing there for all to see.

And the scars on it, too.

Celestia wondered if the worst scars were the ones everypony could see.

...Had Luna had them? How long? She certainly had them now...

For a minute, her mind was just some kind of static she did not bother to hear past as she stood on, with her ears pricked forward to catch something she was supposed to hear.

Say good-night to Luna.

The little voice made Celestia's blood run cold and the echo of it wouldn't fade.

Her mouth tried to to form the words and she managed a creaking whimper.

Comments ( 22 )

The simplicity of this is just beautiful, and contributes so much to the atmosphere of the story...

I applaud you. :heart:

Subtle in the world it is painting, and that makes the madness all the more potent when you realize just what all has happened.

Beautiful story, but just one thing. You should probably add the Sad tag. :pinkiesmile:

Thanks! Even my admittedly lackluster stuff seems to have some shine.
Thank you! Madness seems to be a specialty subject across anything I've written, no matter the account it's on, haha.
I was going mostly for a creepy mood and the darker effect on the mind of Celestia, which is more Dark tag than Sad.

Well, you could have Sad and Dark. :unsuresweetie: And maybe slap a Slice of Life Tag onto it all. :applejackunsure:

SoL wouldn't work for this one. While this is a sad story, the dark tag works very well on its own, especially considering how simple this piece is.

Why wouldn't slice of life work? The first chapter literally is called 'Everyday Occurrence.'

Because that's meant to be misleading.

Well, I don't see how it is, but okay. :applejackunsure:

And to make sure my parsing is right, Celestia went Nightmare-mode, caused Eternal Day thus killing everything but herself, and Luna was either killed by her sister or is now imprisoned in the moon, and with nothing else to torment the Nightmare amuses itself toying with its host.

Would that be correct?

Actually just Luna's banishment, but that's actually a really neato interpretation. :)

Oh! The reason I thought it was mine was all the repeated bits about the sun - especially "The sun would always shine.", which seems to be implying Eternal Day but obviously isn't. Thanks for the reply!

That line was actually a way to say that normalcy would always reign/there would be another day and such, and you are quite welcome for the reply. If you like stories about Celestia that have these kinds of riddles in the text and a similar enough tone and style, I'd suggest checking out a far better work of mine: Autophobia. It might be right up your alley.

Luna was gone.

Brief, poetic, and poignant. Sometimes minimalist stories are the best best.

Wow, thanks for the surprise read!

And if you love minimalist stories, then boy, Autophobia might be the beast for you!

I just didn’t expect people to read it so quickly after the transfer, yo.

Creepy start and sad conclusion. Nicely done. Despite the short two chapters. Having both split was a smart choice.


The short description interested me

Then the long description was the same as the short description. That made me decide not to read it after all.

I’ve never heard of someone not reading a story because of that.



To be fair part of the problem is that your description is so deliberately vague.

If I'm going to check something out I need to know what it bloody IS.

If it’s just that, then the description is meant to be vague on purpose. Plus, it’s only a 1k story.

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