• Member Since 16th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2023


i said Beep beep im a a sheep i said beep beep im a sheep

Comments ( 8 )

Might wanna take a second look at your grammar and spelling, my friend.

A dragons rampage

You mean A Dragon's Rampage? Already 3 mistakes in the title alone. This does not bode well.

Eliot Black, an ordinary high school graduate, finds an unlikely friend in his own, deletehome after returning to his home post-graduation.

9 mistakes in the short description.

Eliot Black, the son of parents that couldn't care for him, who leave him alone after graduating from his high school, and, deleteis now, deleteforced into a strange world of ponies and magic with an unlikely friend in tow.

I won't even count the mistakes in the long description. To say nothing of the 'Oh the character with such a hard life who totally isn't me and is a young teen gets a wild adventure' plot.

Not even gonna bother with the actual chapter itself. You've tanked your first impression.

Eliot black an ordinary high school graduate finds an unlikely freand in his own home app returning to his home after graduation

I swear, you could change out like 4 words in descriptions such as this and have a brand new story with the same crappy concept. Why do people think this is acceptable? I'll even demonstrate.

"Parker Robinson an ordinary construction worker finds an unlikely friend in his home after returning home from building a new home."

Grammar, spelling, and the basic concept of this story all need some work, man.

8143232 my editor has been slow I just wanted to get something out so my apologies also google docs has a problem with not correcting all errors so I'll probably use something else form now on.

Thanks for the input

8143385 I fixed it because I looked it over and also realized how stupid it was it's probably not any better but what ever I'll get to making it better eventually.

8143314 I've fixed the description and tile I'll have the story taken care of eventually I just wanted to get something out not realizing how bad some of the errors where.

Thanks for the input btw.

"A Dragons rampage"

Try: "A Dragon's Rampage." Instead. It's more grammatically correct that way.

8143943 alright thanks

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