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A VERY simple Mare (the real chapter)

“Hahaha! You will NEVER get your “beautiful” bride to be EVER!!!” Discord said.
“Bu-But…. Kerpy IS beautiful!” Aranar replied angrily
“Of course she is, of course she is…” discord said while looking at his claw for dirt
Kerpy just stood there, wondering where she was, and what she was doing here.
Aranar got into defense position and attacked discord, but discord simply dodged
“Sigh… so much anger…”
Aranar attacked discord again and it hit, discord toppled over in a pile of dust, but suddenly disappeared!
Discord quickly reappeared behind Aranar, “sigh, too much anger maybe… no wonder my daughter likes you…”
“WHAT?!” Aranar replied angrily
Kerpy sighed, and then used her Equestrian voice, which she had learned from her mother Princess Luna to say “BE QUIET BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!!!” and miracously they both stayed quiet.
“Okay, I don’t know what’s going on, but what I do know is that I’m going to marry Aranar, cause I love him!” as she said those words, the color began returning to her.
“Aranar, I love you no matter what anypony says! I love you!” at those last few words, the color returned to her completely.
Discord was in shock, his mouth hung open, and his eagle claw loosened from grasp, his wings frozen in mid air so that he is floating.
Aranar gave kerpy a tight embrace. “I KNEW THAT YOU WOULD COME BACK!!!” aranar nearly shouted
Kerpy returned the embrase. She was crying tears of joy, “I love you Aranar… I love you…” she kept whispering to him
“I love you too Kerpy… I love you too…”
“OH GAG!!!” discord exclaimed
Kerpy looked over to her dad, her eyes narrowed, “I know that you’re my dad and all… BUT YOU HAVE BEEN A MEANIE TO ME AND ALL MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!” Kerpy yelled
Discord rolled his eyes at her, “oh puh-leez! You know that I am the spirit of discord and disharmony and chaos! It’s my duty to cause chaos!”
“Oh puh-leez!!! TODAY ISN’T THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!” discord screamed back
Kerpy has never seen her dad this enraged before, but she stood her ground. Her mother’s sweet soft velvet voice echoing in her head, “you have the power to drive away evil…” it kept on echoing around in her head, non-stop!
Suddenly, a bright light enveloped Kerpy Hooves. Discords eyes dilates and he looks scared!
“I have the power to drive away evil…” even though it sounded like a horse whisper, but it blew discord back into the wall.
“WHAT?!” Discord exclaimed.
“Don’t make me repeat it Dad…” Kerpy threatened. “Or you will be turned back into stone” Kerpy warned
“Fine fine… I’ll leave, just don’t think that I’m going to leave you alone Kerpiella!” Discord yelled angrily.
“Oh you will leave me alone after I’ve taken care of you… GUARDS!!!!” a bunch of royal equestrian guards ran from the castle and by her side. Aranar quickly took lead of those who were facing discord.
Discord growled and summoned pink cotton candy clouds as his army and attacked the guards, tangling them up in sticky goodness.
The guards grunted but could do nothing against the gooiness! Kerpy simply sighed and faced her father alone, it seemed to happen in slow motion, she was the one who attacked first.
She summoned a flaming sword and attacked her father, her father, being the chaotic being that he is, summoned a simple cotton candy cloud to attack her. She squeaked and yelped in surprise, but soon, she was INSIDE the cotton candy goodness. She didn’t know what to do then pondered about it as the battle of rage emanated inside the walls of the goodness. The one piece fell on her nose, which, out of instinct, she licked up, then that gave her an idea!
She quickly slurped up the gooiness, by then; Princess Luna had arrived and has been battling discord, while Aranar tried untangling his team out from the cotton candy.
“GET BACK KERPY!!!” the princess yelled
“NO!!! MOM!!!” Kerpy yelled back.
Discord had already summoned cotton candy armies that surrounded him then ordered them to attack the good princess of the night. The princess was soon engulfed in the cotton goodness.
Kerpy was ENGRAGED. She had fire swirling around her, or it was that Luna casted a fire spell that made the trees goes on fire. Kerpy attacked her father with her flaming sword and sliced off his head, which soon grew back. Kerpy was stunned by what she had seen.
“Daddy is unbeatable!” Discord exclaimed pushing Kerpy to a wall, breaking her back.
Kerpy groaned in pain, the cantorlot garden now in flames. She tried to move, but Discord’s magic had pushed her to the wall and is now digging her deep into it
“Where is Celestia?!” Discord commanded.
“I AM HERE!!!” the princess magically appeared in front of Discord.
“Oh there you are my dear Celly!” Discord said happily.
“Wha-?” Kerpy asked, half of her body in flames of pain. She was half dazed and Discord quickly let her go.
“Oops! I think I have been a little harsh on her…” Discord said.
“A LITTLE?!” aranar exclaimed, “JUST LOOK AT HER!!!!!!” Aranar yelled at Discord, scolding him.
“That’s right… Kerpy…. Wake up….” Celestia bent down and set Kerpy on her back gently.
Kerpy groaned and said quietly, “It hurts…… so bad…”
“It’s going to be alright Kerpy…” Celestia whispered. Then she turned to GLARE at discord. “You are the WORST father ever Discord. You have nearly killed your daughter, and just look at the garden!” Celestia continued to scold Discord this way. During all of this, Aranar quickly flied to Kerpy’s side.
“You alright hon?” Aranar asked breathlessly.
“Y-Yeah…. Just some minor damage…” Kerpy answered weakly. “J-Just take care of Discord, alright?” Kerpy asked.
Aranar nodded in agreement, then turned to discord, “Look at what you have done to your son in law, your friends!” he said pointing to each of them.
Celestia joined in on the ranting, “and look at what you did to your Luna!” to that, the princess of the night groaned in the cotton candy bubble.
Then Kerpy awoke, she jumped on the princess’s back and started flying, “and look at what you did to me daddy…” she spoke softly, but it sounded like she was using a megaphone.
“wh-what…?!” Discord exclaimed.
“Now you’re going to PAY…” Kerpy’s eyes narrowed and a whip came to her hand, the same whip that she used on her mother all those years ago. She looked at it, trying to figure out how to use it after all these years, then quickly, whipped Discord’s paw off, and he bellowed in pain. She smirked and whipped Discord’s claw off, and he bellowed in pain again.
Discord suddenly started shuddering and then, he reduced to dust.
“wha-?!” Celestia exclaimed.
“what happened…?” Aranar finished Celestia’s sentence.
“… I really don’t know…” Kerpy responded, looking over to Aranar.
“well… all I know is that you did a top-notch job honey!” Aranar threw his hooves up for an embrace.
Kerpy laughed in delight, still holding that whip, and replied back, “Yeah! I did do a top-notch job didn’t I?” She laughed again.
The princess was tending to her sister whispering a few spells to wake her up, and again, the princess of the night groaned again.
And the next day, Kerpy and Aranar got married.
~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~*

Author Edit:
Sorry for not posting this sooner! ^^; Busy week/month/year, had school start :3 Well, I hope you like the last (maybe) part of A simple Mare! :D

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