• Published 27th Jan 2017
  • 478 Views, 2 Comments

Glint Stones: Meeting - Middle Ground

Four strange ponies appear from within a black stone. And the Pie Sisters freed them.

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Chapter 8 - Road Trip

The Pie Family and the Spellbind Brothers all enjoyed the snow day Chilly made and were about to start enjoying dinner. They were able to get Sparx into the house through the cold. It wasn't easy to do that....

"Godammit...it's so cold." Sparx was wrapped up in three blankets at the dinner table.

"Oh boo hoo...! Life must SUCK FOR YOU, SPARX!!!" Ashes was being used as a stove again by Cloudy Quartz. She was baking bread this time around.

"I'm sorry, dear. Please keep the flames small for the bread." Ashes gave an annoyed groan as he kept the flames going.

"Sorry, Sparx.... I completely forgot that you don't like the cold."

"When this cold weather is gone tomorrow, I'm kicking your ass...." Sparx was very upset. Igneous was giving the brothers a tense glare.

"Snow is so much fun...! I hope we see more of it soon!" Gust was still watching the snow fall outside.

Maud walked right next to him, "Pegasi are supposed to make snow, rain, and hail fall normally. I'm sure you could get a job with the Weather Factory and you can make weather."

"Ooh...! That sounds like fun! And I could help out more!" Gust imagined all the hard work he was succeeding and how useful he could be.

"Um...Ash, are how is your back? The baking sheet must be heavy." Marble was checking in on Ashes and Cloudy Quartz. The bread was about done.

"I'm fine.... It's not that heavy. I still hate this though." Ashes was really annoyed.

"We're done now, dear. Marble, please go and give everypony their salads." Cloudy Quartz pointed at a set of plates full of salads prepared on the kitchen table. Marble nodded and did so. The Pie Family and the Spellbind Brothers began enjoying the salads and Cloudy Quartz got the freshly baked bread out.

"Sparky, are alright?" Pinkie noticed Sparx was still freezing and was having a hard time eating the freshly baked bread.

"I'm fine.... My mouth is still hurting from the cocoa. The salad is good though." Sparx was able to eat the salad since it wasn't too hot or too cold.

"Wait...you get burned and frozen all the time by your brothers. How is the cocoa from earlier too hot?" Limestone was very confused. This also confused the other Pies.

"Because it's all magic. Not the cocoa or the bread...." Sparx began nibbling at the bread.

"I'll make sure to not make the food too hot next time, Sparx."

"Thanks, Miss Pie...." They continued eating dinner. Finally, they finished eating and they enjoyed it. It was about time to go to bed for all of them. Marble and Maud took all the plates back into the kitchen and both Igneous and Cloudy Quartz cleaned up the dinner table.

Sparx yawned, "I want to go back to bed now...."

"Me too...."

"My favorite time of the day."

"Good night...." The Spellbind Brothers began to head back to the old barn.

"Wait a minute, you four. I want to speak with you about something." Igneous and Cloudy Quartz sat back down at the dinner table. The Spellbind Brothers were confused and they sat back down at their table to listen.

"Did we do something wrong...?"

"No Gust, you didn't. At least, hopefully none of you don't." Igneous was feeling stressed at what he was about to say.

"Uh...what do you mean by that?"

"What I mean, Ash, is that we have decided to let you four go to a place called Ponyville with Pinkie Pie tomorrow." Igneous' statement was quite surprising to all of them.

"Not you too...! Do you even hear yourself?! These four are crazy!" Limestone was still very against this idea. Hearing this from her own father was shocking.

"I agree with you, Limestone. But perhaps this might be good for them since they have apparently been inside that black rock for who knows how long. Having them explore Equestria should be a learning experience. Hopefully they'll learn to behave themselves as well...." Igneous gave the Spellbind Brothers a very serious look.

"I can behave...! Sparx is the jerk here!"


"I AM SUPER BEHAVED!" Sparx and Ashes were radiating fire and lightning as they continued shouting. It was obvious that they weren't as well-behaved as they claimed.

Chilly sighed, "Who came up with this idea exactly?"

Pinkie rose her right hoof, "I did...! I think it could be fun!" Chilly wasn't surprised that she came up with the idea since she was brought up.

"I wanna go...!" Gust's wings flailed in excitement.

"I get to show other ponies how awesome and amazing I am!" Sparx was anxious for whatever praise he may get.

"Maybe they know how to go to the sun! YES!!!" Ashes was beginning to lose it. The Pie Family was starting to think this was a bad idea. Except for Pinkie.

"Boys, I would be very happy if you four would please behave yourselves while you're in Ponyville. The ponies there are all kind and unlike you four, they do not control fire, lightning, ice, or wind like you do. You all should know how dangerous you four are." The Spellbind Brothers all knew what Maud meant. They knew they could end up hurting other ponies by mistake.

Sparx made an arrogant huff, "You all insult me. I have full control over my power! Not a single pony wou-" Maud then got up to Sparx's face.

"Can we really hold you to that claim, Glint Sparx?" Without showing it, Maud was quite serious. The Spellbind Brothers all felt a chill down their spines.

"You four need to listen very carefully. You need to learn how to behave yourselves and learn how to act around ponies other than us. So no fights, no swearing, no fire, lightning, or any elemental junk of any kind. Or you'll be banished to the sun or moon forever. Do you understand?" Limestone joined in on pressuring the four brothers. The Spellbind Brothers knew this was very serious.

"We promise to behave."

"Uh...I think I can do that."

"Me too...!"

"I'll keep an eye on them...." The promise was made and so was the plan for tomorrow.

"Don't worry...! I'm sure the ponies and my friends will be happy to meet them!" Pinkie hugged Sparx and Chilly out of excitement. The other Pies were still very reluctant about all this.

"I hope...nothing bad...happens...." They all agreed with Marble's sentiment. They all then went to bed for the night. Except the Spellbind Brothers could barely sleep. Even Chilly was having a hard time to get to sleep.

"So guys, what do you all think abut this? About the trip to this...Ponyville." Chilly was still unsure.

"I wanna see it...! The ponies who live there all sound nice!" Gust really wanted to go to someplace new.

"How the hell am I supposed to watch my mouth and not shoot lightning?! It's like telling a bird not to fly! Or like telling a dog not to bark! F@$%ing BS...!" Sparx was really annoyed from all this.

"And yet you still ask that question...." Chilly wasn't at all surprised.

"I just wanna go to the sun! I would never burn any pony!" Ashes' bed was burning slightly. Despite everything they said, they knew nothing good could come from the powers they wield in a place where fighting is bad.

"Guys, if we want this to work, we need to not be our usual selves...." They all agreed with Chilly. They bro-hoofed and made it their mission to be more respectful and decent to other ponies during the trip. They then went to sleep for the night. The night went by like normally and a new day came. Pinkie was all packed up for her trip back to Ponyville with the Spellbind Brothers joining her as they wait for the train to arrive at the station. The rest of the Pie Family were there to see them off. The snow day ended and the snow melted last night at midnight.

"I can't wait...! Twilight and my friends will be happy to see you all!" Pinkie was really excited.

"Pinkie, be sure to write us and tell us if anything happened." Maud hugged Pinkie in affection.

"Seriously...? Do you not trust us?" Sparx was both sleepy and annoyed.

"I don't trust you as far as I can throw you...." Limestone was quite serious.

"Well...just you, Sparx."

"I hate you too, Limestone...."

"Ashes, please...be nice...to the other ponies...." Marble was still worried.

"No problem, Marble! I can do that with my eyes closed!" Ashes was confident in his ability to do this. Marble was still worried.

"Miss Maud, I'll see if I can get a job at making weather! I wanna do something cool!" Gust was as excited as Pinkie about the trip. Maud only looked at Gust un-blinkingly. Gust didn't know what else to say and felt uncomfortable.

"Do your best." Maud then looked away after saying this. Gust was left silent. He knew Maud was still skeptic about him and his brothers.

"Chilly, I expect you to keep your brothers in line while you're there. Can I trust you to do that?" Igneous was still pressuring the brothers to behave.

"Don't worry about it, sir. I promise we'll be...cool about all this." They all made an annoyed groan in reaction to Chilly's bad pun. The sound of the train could heard from the distance. The train was about to arrive.

"Be careful. All of you." Cloudy Quartz hugs Pinkie out of affection. The train arrived with a loud hiss of steam and a loud whistle. A couple of passengers got off the train and left the station.

"Let's go, guys! To Ponyville...!" Pinkie jumped on into the train.

"Trains are so cool!"


"Let's get this sh-uh...trip over with."

"Later." The Spellbind Brothers all followed Pinkie onto the train before it could leave. The Pie Family were still really worried that everything could go really wrong. Pinkie was confident that the brothers can and will behave especially since Ponyville has seen some crazier things in the past. Though, four elemental colts with powers no pony has ever seen before? That is definitely something new....

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