• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 1,358 Views, 120 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven - Rixizu

The second Galaxy Rangers story. Duke Greengrass and Archduke Fisher create their own Rangers to take the Galaxy Rangers down.

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Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
by Rixizu

Luna tapped her hoof on her desk as she read through the daily reports while sipping at her morning tea. The trade negations with the griffin kingdom were going well. The Equestrian Steelworker union was threatening strikes again. There was an invitation to a noble’s son’s wedding. Greengrass was still missing, but Luna wasn’t too concerned. Having his position, wealth, and youth taken from him was enough of a punishment for him despite what Trixie might think. Still no word on the black book Night Light used in his fight against Trixie. Some guards recovered it after the fight, only for it to go missing a day later. They needed to find that book. It was an ancient tome filled with the blackest of magic. Who knows what might happen if it fell into the wrong hooves. Such a book should never exist. Luna decided to double the effort for its capture.

She let out a deep sigh when she read the latest approval rating of the Night Court. It was eight percent, the lowest she had ever seen it in all the Night Court’s history. She supposed it was inevitable. Next to the report was a news clipping of protesters with signs in Manehattan demanding that something be done about the court’s corruptions.

The Night Court had outlived its usefulness, that Luna was sure of, and needed a replacement. It was probably decades, perhaps even a century overdue. She’d given too much power to the nobility. It was a necessity at the time, but in this modern era, they were outdated. Over the last century, she’d been slowly moving the system to one of elected officials, introducing the idea with small positions at first to get ponies more comfortable to the concept. It seemed she would have to push her timetable up a few decades. No doubt the nobles wouldn’t like the idea, but they had only themselves to blame, and the public wanted change. Trixie won’t be thrilled about it either, but maybe It would be better this way. It would take some work, but Luna felt confident she could convince her student that an elected position was better than any title of nobility.

Luna felt a bit giddy. Revamping the political system of Equestria would be a massive undertaking, but one well worth it. This time she would create several bodies of government that would check and balance the others to prevent corruption and imbalance in power. Of course, there would always be some corruption. Greedy and selfish ponies will always exist, but she would limit the amount of power and wealth they would have.

Luna scribbled various ideas have been running through her head over the last few years. It was either going to have three or four branches. The nobles could still have some position and power, but it would be greatly diminished to be sure. These were just vague ideas and plans for now. There would be long talks with her political advisors and theorists about this.

“So you’ve finally realized that your Night Court is no longer necessary.” A voice said behind Luna sending a chill down her spine. She knew that voice. “Took you long enough.”

“Corona!” Luna cried out in shock getting up and spilling tea all over her papers. “How did you get in here?!”

Corona sighed dramatically. “Not even a how do you do? You wound me, sister. Don’t bother calling the guards, I have put a soundproof bubble around the room.”

“Why are you here?” Luna demanded. “What do you want?”

“And now you are demanding answers," Corona said in mock hurt, "It's almost if you don’t even want to see your dear big sister.”

“I know you Corona," Luna said in a quiet voice, "you're after something. You always are.”

Luna looked around her study. Many of the books were rare to be sure, but none dangerous as far as Luna could remember. There were a few baubles on her desk, but they were just silly items for decoration. What could Corona be up to this time? A fight? No, Luna could sense the Tyrant Sun’s magic, Zecora's poison was still in effect draining Corona of most of her magic. If they fought, it would be no contest who would win. Instead of answering, Corona used her magic to pick up the piece of paper Luna had been writing her plans on.

“Interesting.” Corona read it over several times. “Several bodies of government with different responsibilities with each keeping the others in check. I can see the advantages. I must ask Spike to get me some books on modern government theory. It could be useful when I rule Equestria again. I’m sure the old ways have gone out of favor and one must please her subjects after suffering under such a useless, corrupt, decadent government. An absolute sovereignty would be more to my liking, but a ruler must make their little ponies happy.”

“Corona!” Luna growled. “Why are you here?!”

Corona gave a devious smile. “Why, to ruin you of course.”

“Try as you might monster!” Luna kicked her legs in the air in a dramatic fashion. “I am more than a match for you.”

“True Lulu, but I had no intention of fighting you.” Corona glowed with confidence. “I have other means to put you down. The potion should be starting right about now.”

Luna felt her body become rigid then every limb in her body fell limp like she was a puppet cut from its string. She tried to move to do anything, but nothing worked not even her magic.

“Sloppy.” Corona chastised picking the tea cup with her magic. “You didn’t even attempt to scan your drink for toxins. Years of peace have made you dull Lulu.”

Luna grunted a curse. Why didn’t she see this coming? She glared with defiance at Corona. Luna would not play the hapless victim no matter the circumstances.

“Enough gloating," Luna growled, "just finish me and get it over with.”

"You misunderstand me, little Lulu" Corona asked, "I don't want you dead. No, you are family after all. But, that doesn’t mean I won’t exact retribution.”

Luna blood went cold. “What are you planning?!”

“No more than you deserve dear sister.” Corona pulled a green shard of crystal out of her satchel with her magic. “Do you remember the Planetary Gems? A few months ago, Fisher’s scientists uncovered an ancient tomb and there found them. They thought they uncovered only a fraction of the Gems and the others were elsewhere. They were wrong. I stole several of them lest Fisher and his cohorts become too powerful.”

“Of course," Luna said in dawning realization, "you led Fisher to the Gems didn’t you?”

“Naturally," Corona said, "he proved a useful tool to test their power. A power I wish to capitalize on. This shard was created from a fusion of the Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune Gems.”

“Why?” Luna tried to control her panic. She had a sneaking suspicion what Corona had planned.

"A little experiment," Corona explained in a sing song voice, "we've seen what happens when the gems are combined with technology, but I wonder what would happen if a planetary gem was implanted in a pony. Even I have no idea what will happen.”

“Don’t do this Corona!” Luna pleaded. She tried in vain to move her body. She couldn’t let this happen.

“You labeled me a monster.” All warmth and joviality gone, replaced with ice and hatred. “You taught ponies over the millennia to hate and fear me. You decorated me a fearsome monster that you righteously beat and cowered in submission. You turned my little ponies against me. So, I thought I would return the favor.”

“Please no!” Luna had tears in her eyes now. “Sister please!”

“Now I’m your sister?” Corona stared coldly at Luna all compassion and mercy gone. “Not a creature wearing your sister’s face? ‘You’re not my sister!’ That is what you said back on the Longest Night. You’ve even forced a false name on me to make the delusion stronger. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to hear that hated name from your lips? To be deponyized at every turn by your own sister?”

Guilt flowed through Luna like a tsunami. It was true. It pained her so much to see her sister change like that. So, she lied to her herself and tried to pretend that Corona wasn’t her sister driven mad, but a thing that had replaced her dear sister. Her real sister couldn’t have done those terrible things. That is what she told herself. Lied to herself to make the truth less painful.

“Celestia. I’m sorry.” Luna sobbed. “I was a coward. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“We’re past the point of apologies," Corona said unmoved. Her heart as hard as stone. “Nor do I wish for your forgiveness. If you believe me to be a beast, so I will become one.”

Corona levitated the shard and stabbed into Luna’s heart. There was no blood. The shard fussed into Luna’s body as it touched her fur. Luna howled in pain. It was like her entire body was being boiled alive. She would be writhing right now if movement was possible. So instead she sobbed on the ground in too much pain to do anything else.

“Interesting.” Corona tapped her chin. “I thought you would mutate into a monster. How disappointing. Still, those shards were created by the blackest of magic. Who can say what effect it will have on your mind?”

Corona seemed to be mulling something over in her mind. In a few minutes, she came to some conclusion.

“Yes, I believe this will do nicely.” Corona’s horn lit and a yellow bolt lit Luna in the head. Luna gasped in surprise.

“What was that?” Luna asked her voice was barely above a whisper from the amount of pain she was in.

“A geas," Corona explained. She looked drain and tired like she had just spent the last few days without sleep. Despite looking like she was about to drop right then and there, she smirked. "It would be no fun if you told ponies about that little shard in your heart. This geas prevents you from talking, writing, or even hinting about the shard on the penalty of death. Yes, this will be far more entertaining. Now you will be fully aware of your fleeting sanity and unable to do anything as everything you have built around you crumbles to dust.”

"Goodbye sister," Corona said approaching the window. "Please make a good show for me." After that, she was gone.

Author's Note:

Sequel! The Galaxy Rangers return in 'Anniversary of True Love'. It's the fifteenth anniversary of the day Bon-Bon and Lyra first met and Lyra wants nothing but to enjoy this day with her marefriend. If only she wasn't a superhero and lived and Ponyville...

Comments ( 5 )

Oh interesting plot twist. :twilightsmile:

The trade negations with the griffin kingdom were going well
The shard fussed into Luna’s body
She looked drain and tired like she

1. Negotiations.
2. Fused.
3. Drained.


Ok, just find it odd that Night had put a lot onto his daughter and nothing for his son. I mean, I kind of expected parental favortism from him by now, but it was just weird not to hear one word, mention, or even reference to the son. I kind of expected him to say

"Both or my children, dissapointments." at one point.


I'm guessing Night Light's super peeved at the unintended insult of Luna picking Trixie over Twilight. Shining became captain of the Royal Guard, while Twilight dreams of becoming a reporter. In Night Light's mind, he thinks Shining has already lived to his potential, while Twilight is wasting hers. That's why he's so angry, he thinks Luna stunned his daughter's growth and stopped her from reaching the heights his firstborn has reached. But you're right, I really should have mentioned Shining somewhere.


I can see where you are coming from. It's just, in my opinion while reading this, I could almost see parental favoritism coming through. Like he was seeing Shining a dissappointment because he's not as powerful as Twilight is. I could almost hear him be dissmissive of Shining by saying "Only a guard?" It's like that one message I saw a long time ago where it talked about how you need to learn to accept your child's accomplishments. I wish I could find it because it hits hard sometimes when you think about how unnecessarily cruel it can be to keep pushing a child and ignore what they can do.

I don't know if you intended it, but that's kind of the feeling I getting from Night. A father who would say "Only a gaurd? Why not better? Look at Twilight! She can do so much." Almost like Ozai in a way. Preferring Twilight's accomplishments over the brother. Sorry if it gets headcannony but you wrote this guy that evil and I get so many good ideas from it.

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