• Published 20th Apr 2016
  • 198 Views, 0 Comments

Blackace's Back story - BlackAce

Blackace was just a normal unicorn colt, but after the loss of his parents he will change, and not for the better.

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New Town, New Beginnings

Ponyville Outskirts
5:28 a.m.

Just keep running! That's all I could think as I ran as far away from Canterlot as my legs could carry me, but after running for what felt like two or more days, I just couldn't go any farther. After stopping I see a tree nearby and decide to hide my weapons in it until I can find a place to settle, speaking of a place to settle, I soon see a town just off in the distance, then my body gives out and I collapsed off to the side of the road and soon passed out.

"Hey dude are you ok?" I hear a voice asking me. I slowly start to open my eyes only to be blinded by the sun. Curse Celestia for raising the sun today. I think as I start to reopen my eyes. My eye site is greeted by a pony who just the thought of seeing after the whole deal with Celestia's maid fills me with dread, for in front of me stands a rainbow haired Pegasus, best known as Rainbow Dash. Who is the owner of the Element of Loyalty, and a good friend of Princess Twilight Sparkle, who is the Element of Magic and Personal friend and student of Princess Celestia.

"Dude are you ok? Can you hear me?" Rainbow Dash ask again. I don't respond for good reason, or what I think is good reason. So I just lay there not moving looking at Rainbow Dash hoping she will just leave me so I can just keep running away from Canterlot, then I remember seeing a town before I passed out. But if Rainbow Dash is here that means the town must be.... "Oh shit." I say before I can stop myself. Rainbow Dash looks at me surprised "Well I've never had somepony say that upon meeting me before." She says. I lay there thankful that she has no idea who I am or why I said that in the first place. Now that she knows I'm awake and still breathing I realize there is no point in trying to play dead anymore, so I attempt to get up only to be greeted by a huge shock wave of pain from my hooves to my horn. I take in a huge gasp as I feel the pain, and then pass out again from it.

Ponyville hospital
3:45 p.m.

Pain, nothing else but pain, after running for as long and as far as I did, this should be expected. Beep Beep Beep A sound most likely to be a heart monitor and no doubt attached to me. Just based on the pain and me passing out earlier, who else could it be hooked up to.

"How long has be been out doc?" I hear a voice ask Can't be more than a few hours I'd guess. I think to myself.

"So far about 2 1/2 days your majesty." I hear the doctor say. Your majesty, oh shit. I think as I lay there trying not to freak out about a princess being here in my room. "Any idea when he might wake up?"

"No idea I've only heard of a few cases of someone going into a coma from running, but where and what was he running from?"

"I guess we'll find out when he gets up." Why would I get up to talk to you, you'll just throw me in jail for what I did. I think as I lay there. Wait, if they don't know who I am right now I might be in the clear. After this thought I try to sit up only for a massive amount of pain to force me to lay back down.

"Whoa boy don't be trying to move just yet." Says the doctor. "I'm in a hospital?" I ask stupidly knowing the answer. "Yes you are, its a good thing Miss Dash brought you here when she did." I just lay there letting the doctor talk as I think about my situation. "...So from what I've heard you were running into ponyville only to pass out, might I ask what you were running from and where you come from?" Ask the doctor.

Oh crap just the question I was hoping to avoid, how do I answer this without giving it away I worked for the Canterlot shadows?... I've got it. "I was on my way to Canterlot to meet up with a old friend when a pack of timber wolfs came after me from the nearby woods, so I ran, I'm guessing south bound and just kept running, I think I ran for over a day or 2." I hope they buy the crap I just made up. "Timber wolfs hmmm never heard of them that close to canterlot, I'll have to ask the princess about this." Said the same mare I heard earlier. As I look I see non other than the newly crowed Princess Twilight Sparkle. Shit shit shit!!!! Is all I can think. Is she finds out I'm lying I'm so dead.

"Well now that you're awake I wanted to ask you a few questions, so if you don't mind princess." Said the doctor. "Oh, of course doctor, I'll be going have a good day sir, and when you can I would like to know more about you, when you're better that is." Says twilight as she leaves. "Now then." Starts the doctor. Celestia kill me now.

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