• Published 9th Nov 2015
  • 873 Views, 4 Comments

The Box, the Mirror and the Seventh Element - Lise

When Twilight receives a box addressed 'to the Sixth Element' with a note inside asking her to help the new 'Seventh Element'' she doesn't know what to think. Yet is this a request she could refuse?

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To the Sixth Element

The mirror arrived in wooden box. No description, no return address, just a sticker marked "Urgent" and another reading To the Sixth Element of Harmony. Upon receiving it, Twilight initially thought there to be a mistake. How could anypony send a package without indicating a return address, or any address for the matter? 'To the Sixth Element' could hardly pass as such, although she had to admit it was quite clear.

Under the mirror there was a note. It held only a few lines, written in long elegant letters — the mark of a pony with excellent penmanship and a lot of time to spare.

Dear Sixth Element,

You don't know who I am, and that isn't important. Suffice it to say that I have been the Bearer of the Seventh Element long before you were born. I held that role ever since my grandmother gave it to me, and like her I would pass it on to another.

My request to you, is that you help the Bearer of this Element. She too has many questions, much like you once had about your own. I am confident you will help her find her way, just as she will help you understand more of our Element's past.

I am sending you the Mirror of Answers, through which you will be able to talk to one another. Be mindful, though — the mirror can only convey a certain number of questions, after which it will shatter to pieces. Choose your questions wisely, and may the stars smile upon you.


The previous Seventh Element.

Twilight finished reading the letter, considered what was implied, the reread it once more. This was the first time she had heard there being a seventh element. None of her books made any reference of the sort, and Princess Celestia hadn't mentioned it not once. Even the Tree of Harmony hadn't shown any indication there could be a previously unknown element. But in that case, what was the note about?

The mirror also seemed a mystery. The note claimed it to be magical, but from what Twilight could tell, it looked no more than a few years old, sprinkled with tiny gems.

Well, there's no reason not to try, she thought and levitated it in front of her face. Initially she expected to see her own reflection. Instead she saw something else completely — the black silhouette of a pony, staring at her.

"Who are you?" Twilight mused out loud.

"Me?" The pony in the mirror reacted instantly. "Who are you? And why do you have that mirror?"

The questions caught Twilight by surprise. Startled that the silhouette could talk back, she almost dropped the mirror. It was mostly luck that helped her capture it with another levitation spell before it hit the ground.

"I am the Sixth Element of Harmony," the alicorn said, moving the mirror in front of her once more.

"Well I am the Seventh," the other relied. "Sort of..." She hesitated. "I'm quite new to this. Maybe you can tell me the rules?"

Rules? Twilight wondered. There weren't any rules about being an Element. At least she didn't know any. As far as she was concerned, the only rule was not to act against your element. Could she say that to the silhouette, though?

"You don't need to worry about it," Twilight attempted a reassuring smile. "It will come naturally."

"I hope so," the other said, letting out a nervous laugh. Even through the mirror, Twilight could tell the pony was feeling tense. "How long have you been an Element?"

"A bit over an year now," the alicorn answered. "You?"

"This is my first day, actually. As you can probably tell, I'm a bit nervous about it all." No kidding? Twilight thought. "Is it okay if I call you Six, you being the Sixth Element of Harmony and all. I'll be Seven."

"Six?" Twilight didn't want to be addressed as a number. Then again, she could let that pass. Her fellow Element was new, after all. "It's alright. How did you become an Element of Harmony?"

"Luck? Fate?" Seven shrugged. "It's not exactly how I planned it. One moment I'm going about Equestria, next thing — I get a mail from my grandmother. Not exactly the ideal way to learn. Between you and me, I could have used a few more years of freedom before I became one," she let out a slight sigh. "Not that I think it's a burden or anything," she quickly added defensively. "I know what an honour it is, and what an opportunity. It's rare to become an Element nowadays. I guess I should be glad."

"It is," Twilight had to admit she had never though of things from that point of view. In her case she had become an Element almost without warning during her battle against Nightmare Moon. Being told in a letter from your grandmother sounded like a totally different experience.

"So you like it?" Seven asked. There seemed to be a hint of sadness in her voice. "I... Is it horrible to say, I prefer not to have become one? If I could, I would rather my grandmother still was. She was far more into that thing than me. Much better at it as well. Hay, I can barely talk right, let alone do the important stuff. Like, what will I do if someone actually needs my Element? Grandma could have at least told me that!"

Talk right? Need her Element? Whoever Seven was, she had a lot to learn. She made it sound like the whole thing was so simple, yet it wasn't. A pony had to be born with the qualities, she had to rise to the occasion. Although, it was natural to doubt oneself also.

"I'm sure your grandmother will explain it all," Twilight decided to go for the diplomatic approach.

"She can't," the other said. "She's dead." At these words, Twilight felt a dull pain in her stomach. She wanted to say how sorry she was, but before she could Seven continued. "That's how I got to become the Seventh Element. From grandmother to granddaughter. It would have been to daughter, if my mother took the time to bother! Always about what school I go to and how I act, and how nothing I ever do is good enough! Why if she knew I had become an Element she'd laugh in my face. She'd probably find that to be the biggest joke of all!"

What? This can't be right! Every parent was supposed to be proud for their child to become an Element of Harmony! That was the greatest honour there could be. There were a lot of responsibilities involved, but one also received the thanks of the whole of ponydom. This was what it was all about, after all — helping friends and family. Although, maybe Seven didn't see it that way right now. Ponies behaved differently after suffering loss. Twilight remembered how difficult it had been for her after losing the Golden Oak Library, and that was only a home. Seven had lost family.

"I'm sure it isn't like that," the alicorn began cautiously. "Most probably she just..." Suddenly a large crack appeared on the mirror. Startled, Twilight jumped. What have I done? was the first thought that crossed her mind. She wanted to say something that would help Seven, instead... "Sorry!"

"What?" The silhouette asked alarmed.

"Sorry!" Twilight repeated, having entered a loop.

"What?" Seven repeated in turn.


"Six, what are you apologizing for?!" The image in the mirror shouted.

"The mirror, I broke the mirror!" Twilight levitated several books towards her, desperately earthing for a spell that would fix things.

"Err, Six, how long exactly have you been an Element again?" Seven asked, a hint of accusation in her voice. "A Mirror of Answers breaks after a set number of questions. Even I know that. It takes three cracks before it becomes totally useless."

"Oh," Twilight felt ashamed. She had totally forgotten that. It was explained in the note that had come with the mirror. Slowly she put the books in place. Way to go, Twilight. Now not now did I make a fool of myself, but I wasted three more questions in the process!

"So," Seven continued after a few moments silence, "what exactly do you do as an Element?"

"Well, I..." All of a sudden Twilight felt she couldn't answer. What did she actually do? Why hadn't she even thought about these things? She could say she 'made friends' but you didn't have to be an Element for that. Defeat evil that threatened Equestria? That had to be it, but putting it that way sounded a bit snobbish. "I make sure that everypony has everything necessary to experience the magic of Friendship."

"Wow, you sure are hardcore," Seven commented. "But I guess that makes sense with your Element. Friendship, was it? Or Magic?"

"Magic," Twilight replied confused both at the question and Seven's comment. Were they even talking about the same thing? "What is your Element, Seven? I've been wondering since I got the note. Strictly speaking, this is the first time I've heard of a Seventh Element of Harmony."

"Oh, that's because it's a new addition," Seven explained casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "It was only made canon five years ago. Oh, but I'm not supposed to say that," she cleared her throat. "The Seventh Element is the Element of Forgiveness. While the other six Elements are necessary to have ponies, and other creatures, experience the Magic of Friendship, the Seventh helps everyone remain friends. It also has the power to transform enemies into friends or allies."

"That's..." Twilight considered. It was quite nice actually, and logical. If there was indeed a Seventh element it stood to reason it would be the Element of Forgiveness. Twilight herself had forgiven many, and many had forgiven her. Without that she and her friends would have drifted apart long ago. "I think that's a lovely Element, Seven. I'm sure it suits you perfectly."

"I wish." Another large crack appeared on the mirror causing Twilight to scream again. "You really are wound up, aren't you?" Seven laughed. "You really should relax a little. No point in being the special Element, if you freak about it all the time."

"Freak? Me?" Twilight asked hurt. She certainly see herself as wound up or special. Well, maybe a little, but not special! "What makes you say that?"

"Please, it's quite obvious!" The other laughed. "And ease it on the questions. You're burning through them like a dragon through gems."

"Well, excuse me, if I was being thorough!" Twilight felt quite annoyed all of a sudden. There was no reason for her to be, though.

"Hey, don't worry about it," Seven said. "I forgive you."

It was a stupid joke, probably the most stupid that Twilight had ever heard. And yet it was enough to built up into a chuckle.

"That's stupid," Twilight said fighting theurgeto openly laugh. "Like really, really stupid. Stars, I can't believe I'm actually finding it funny."

"Give it some time, it'll get to you," Seven teased. "Where were you born, Six? Assuming it's alright for you to say."

"Why Canterlot, though I don't live there now."

"Wow, same here," Seven said excited. "Which school did you do to? I was at the S.G.U. Between 94 and 99."

"No way! I was there until Luna's Reformation," Twilight clapped her hooves. There always something thrilling in learning that she shared a connection with a pony she had just met. "We must have seen each other! Who..." She began, but quickly stopped. It didn't seem worth it to waste questions discussing teachers and classmates. The mirror was close to breaking as it is.

"Small world, I guess," the silhouette got the hint. "I didn't stay long, though. Was stupid and tried to make it big on my own. Some good that did me."

"I can't help out if you want." Twilight offered. This is weird. Why did I suggest that? Twilight wondered. And to a pony I barely know? Even if we had known each other in the School for Gifted Unicorns, there was no reason for us to be close. I wasn't the most friendly pony back then.

"Do you ever wish you could return to before you were an Element?" Seven asked. "I know I do. My grandmother would be still alive, and I might avoid all my mess ups. Stars know, I've done a lot of those. Anyway, don't answer that. It was a dumb question."

"No, it isn't! It's a very good question!" Twilight moved the mirror closer in the hopes it would reveal some clue as to Seven's identity. Unfortunately, the two large cracks made it next to impossible. The only thing she was sure was the the other was a mare and a unicorn. Not the greatest discovery. "Sometimes I do wish I could bring back time to before it all began. I'll still have my home then, and maybe I'd get to see my old friends more often. But then I would never have met my closest friends. Luna would have remained Nightmare Moon, Discord would have been evil, my brother would have married a changeling..."

Laughter came from the mirror.

"You really are hardcore!" Seven said between laughs. "No wonder you've been at this for over an year. Most Sixes give up after a few months. The Two's are pretty difficult as well. Grandma told me they were fun, but became exhausting after a while."

"You are not making any sense!" Twilight snapped. What was wrong with this conversation? It would be all normal and pleasant one moment, and obnoxiously weird the next. Was she talking to a crazy mare? She sounded sane, with the exception of a few instances.

"No need to get upset. I meant that as a compliment. I've met Twilight a few times, and you can totally pass for her. You just need to be more of a smart alice and you are totally her," Seven chuckled again. "She's not all bad, though. Forgave me once, after I nearly destroyed her town."

"I actually am Twilight Sparkle! And I am not a smart alice!" Twilight shouted. "I'll have you know that..." she paused. School for Gifted Unicorns? Nearly destroyed her town? There were several who held that dubious honour, but only one who was a unicorn. "Trixie?" Twilight asked uncertain.

"Twilight?" Seven asked simultaneously. As she did a third crack appeared in the Mirror Of Answers, causing it to shatter to pieces.

Twilight blinked in disbelief. What had just happened? If this was a joke it was a very elaborate one. The delivery, the magic mirror, the note, the mention of a seventh element... There had to be a point to all this, a reason why somepony would go through all that trouble to set it up. Why, though? And how was Trixie involved in all of this? Twilight looked at the pieces of glass and gem on the floor. The 'Mirror of Answers' could no longer provide her answers. Whatever its purpose was, it had performed it, and now lied shattered at her hooves. Looking at it, there was one thing that bothered her, however — why did all the gems form stars?

* * *

"Trixie doesn't wish to roleplay anymore!" The blue unicorn looked at the remains of the mirror in her hooves. "And it's not like you can make her, grandma!"

A cold wind blew, freezing the pony to the bone. Wrapping herself in her cape, Trixie carefully levitated the pieces to the nearby box, then closed it. Less than a foot away, a large tombstone loomed, the words 'Radiant Firestar - Seventh Element to us All' etched on its smooth surface. The ground in front was fresh, barely put there less than half a day ago.

The unicorn sighed. She didn't have it in herself to cry — she had done enough of that during the funeral, if one could call it that. Forty years as the 'Element of Forgiveness' and not a soul other Trixie had shown up. It was sad, but not unexpected. The only pony that got contacted by Radiant's lawyer was Trixie herself. Her grandmother had left her with a small amount of bits, a piece of land, and, of course, the box... along with the responsibility of being 'Seventh Element' that came with it.

"You really managed to pull a fast one on Trixie, didn't you?" The pony leaned against the tombstone. "No kittens or fireworks, this time, but you still remembered the game," she paused for a moment looking up at the sky. Evening was approaching. Night would fall soon, and with it the mountain cold.

"Trixie is impressed you managed to get the Princess of Friendship involved," she smiled. "Trixie thought it would be one of your showpony friends. They always liked to roleplay, as well as your silly games." Remembering back, Trixie could recall every single one of Radiant's games, all her jokes, her laughter, and her firm discipline. The only time she and Trixue had had an argument was when Trixie had decided to drop out of school and pursue the career of a showpony. Radiant had been so angry that day. How she had yelled at Trixie, telling here there were more important things in life, how it was her destiny to one day to take her place as 'Seventh Element' and bring comfort to all ponies. Full of herself, Trixie had laughed, and...

"Trixie?" a voice unexpectedly asked. Startled, the unicorn turned around briskly, only to end up face to face with a pony she knew well — the Princess of Friendship herself.

"Twilight," Trixie nodded curtly. She really didn't know how to react at this.

"So this is the previous Seventh Element," Twilight walked to the tombstone. "I'm so very sorry, Trixie. I know it can't be easy. You have my deepest condolences."

The unicorn didn't say a word.

"Radiant Firestar'" Twilight read the name out loud. "She must be from where you take your flare."

"Possibly," Trixie replied. The two stood in silence for several minutes. "She taught Trixie everything Trixie knows about magic and illusions," she smiled tapping the tombstone with her hoof. "She also cursed Trixie to speak in third person, unless acting like the 'Seventh Element'... her Seventh Element. Trixie really hated her for it. All the complicated rules, the roleplay code..." She sighed. "Trixie really thinks that grandma believed in the Seventh Element."

"It's a nice idea..."

"It's just smoke and mirrors, as everything else in Trixie's life," the mare stated it as matter offset, not even upset. "Parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, all the way to the time of Starswirl. We both know there isn't a Seventh Element. There never was! It's all something made up twenty years ago by Trixie's grandmother, along with the other six."

"Your grandmother invented the Elements of Harmony twenty years ago?" Twilight's eyes grew wide with surprise.

"Just names she and her showpony friends used to impress the public," Trixie shivered. She wasn't used to cold mountain wind. Twilight seemed not particularly bothered, but then again, she had wings and alicorn magic to keep her warm. "Very much like what Trixie did with the Ursa Minor in Ponyville."

"Don't you see?" Twilight smiled. "She knew of the elements before they were uncovered. Probably less than a dozen ponies in Equestria knew about them and your grandmother was one of them!"

"So?" Trixie asked skeptically. She didn't like where the conversation was going. "It is a showpony's nature to find mysterious and forgotten lore and make others believe it. Trixie has done it many times."

"Oh? And the curse? The Mirrors of Truth? Your grandmother managing to send these things to me and find a way to let me know where to find you?" Twilight pressed on. "All those things can't be a coincidence. All that is unimportant, though."

Trixie looked at her, head tilted. Did the alicorn know something she didn't? What did you tell her, grandma? She sounds too much like you for mere chance.

"Do you want to?" Twilight asked.

"What do you mean?" Trixie took a step back.

"You have said that the Seventh Element doesn't exist, that it is make belief invented by your grandmother and her friends. But do you want to be it? If the idea is nice and it helps, who cares if it is a 'True Element' or not? If you are so good with smoke and mirrors, and came make anything believable, would you go ahead and make this real?"

Just as bad as grandma! Trixie grumbled on the inside. Worse, actually! Far worse! You just come here and lecture me about things you've spent half an hour with, and yet you still know more about than me who's lived with this my entire life! Slowly, she turned towards the tombstone. She was not going to get upset over this. She was not going to get mad... at either of them.

"Trixie?" The alicorn urged.

"I don't know, Twilight, okay?" The other snapped back. "Look, it's been a piss-awful day! I lost my grandmother, had to come to this freezing mountain in the middle of nowhere, and just learned I had inherited the rights to the Seventh Element of Harmony! Give mea break will you? Sheesh! You sure have started acting high and mighty now that you have wings!

Twilight smiled. She had just gotten her answer. There was no point to n hanging around here any longer.

"Come along, Trixie," she slowly started making her way down the path. "Let's get somewhere warm. You can forgive about it me later."

Comments ( 4 )

Well, that was kind of a weird fic. It feels like you were kind of intending to go one place and ended up going another with this, like it was meant to be a satire of 'Seventh Element' fics and Trixie redemption fics and ended up more of a typical friendship lesson scenario instead.

6661714 :) I still have no idea what I was thinking while writing this :)
Maybe will revisit it and fix things up, at some point.

Many thanks for checking it out :)

"Radiant Firestar'" Twilight read the name out loud. "She must be from where you take your flare."

:rainbowlaugh: It's spelled "flair," I believe, but kudos for that pun anyway. I liked that part.

Sequel please

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