• Published 14th Sep 2015
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Sons of Damas - Tatsurou

Shining Armor grows up alongside Jak, working with him and Daxter to save the world.

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Precursor: The Citadel 2

With the Red Sage at work on the barrier, the trio moved further on into the Citadel. All three kept their eyes peeled for anything that might give them an advantage if their theories were right, or any sign that they might be wrong.

Once more, the path was wrought with the color panel bridges and moving platforms, pushing Jak and Shining to their limits to traverse. Careful timing was needed for the full breadth of their jumping ability to carry them the distance. Eco blasts also barred the way on occasion as the energy flared in the midst of the path, only to subside before flaring again.

Daxter proved to be quite helpful, as his new eyes proved exceptionally effective at judging distances. Following his timing, the pair leapt from platform to platform at just the right moments to not fall to their deaths.

After one last series of moving platforms, timed to avoid destructive Eco while carrying Blue Eco to open a door, the trio were able to free the Blue Sage.

The Blue Sage was tall and skinny, with a strange helmet on his head and wearing a monocle. His skin also had a blue tinge. "Good work, fellows!" he proclaimed, his voice quite high pitched. "Old Samos was right about you!"

"How, exactly?" Jak asked, curious.

"Sorry, I'm not supposed to say!" the Blue Sage replied. Turning, he gasped in shock. "Great piles of Precursor metal! That insidious mechanical creation must not be allowed to wreak its terrible havoc!"

"Gee, ya think?" Daxter grumbled.

"I will try to actuate the shield door by eliciting a conduit of energy between myself and the vast portal below!" the sage continued as though he hadn't heard.

"...translation?" Daxter asked Shining.

"He's going to try to open the force field by blasting it with Eco," Shining translated.

"Oh. Why didn't he just say so?"

"I did!" the Blue Sage complained as he started channeling his Blue Eco.

The next path leading into the Citadel proved to involve a great many Blue Eco powered launchers. The key wasn't just getting the full distance of the launch, but landing on the next launcher without falling into the pit around each floating launcher or running out of Blue Eco. On top of that, some of the launchers were moving, making the landings even more difficult to aim.

After all that, the trio finally reached the next door, opening the path to the Yellow Sage, where they were able to release him.

The Yellow Sage was a chubby old man with yellowish skin, a full white beard, and what looked like a large gun in his arms. "Who would have thought I'd live ta see the day when I needed to be rescued by a boy, his pony, and his muskrat!" he proclaimed, his voice similar to the swamp dwellers in accent.

Jak and Shining chuckled at Daxter's expression.

"Ah'm gonna give Gol and Maia a little payback for this embarrassment!" the Yellow Sage proclaimed, aiming the large gun like object - which proved to be an Eco focusing engine - at the force field. "Then we'll see about cooking up some muskrat stew," he mumbled under his breath, making Daxter gulp.

The added Eco resulted in a new set of platforms rising up out of the abyss below. Jak, Daxter, and Shining made their way carefully over to this new path, certain this would lead them to Samos. This included some of the most precise jumping they'd had to do so far, as there were times they had to wait until the platform they were on had almost completely retracted into the wall before they could make the jump to the next one.

The platforms themselves were spaced widely in an upward climb. Once again, Jak had to leap to one, pull himself up, then hang halfway off it to grab Shining as he leapt before struggling to pull them both onto the platform. More than once, all three would have slipped off if not for Daxter clinging to Jak's pants and digging his footclaws into the platform. When that happened, Shining could have sworn he saw Eco anchoring Daxter's feet to the platform. He suspected he was either seeing things or Daxter's fledgling Eco abilities that Gol and Maia had talked about were stronger than any of them had anticipated.

Once at the top, they then had to climb up the central circle of the main device, in the center of the Citadel. While up there, they happened to find the last Scout Fly of the area, getting their hundredth Power Cell. Smashing the last reactor, they released Samos.

He promptly flew up to them. "Good work, you three, and nice teamwork! Perhaps I've been underestimating you all all this time."

"We do what we can!" Daxter preened. "We do what we can."

"Don't let it go to your head," Samos scolded. "My opinion of you isn't that high." As Daxter hung his head and growled, Samos floated back. "I'll combine my Green Eco power with the other three Sages, and together we'll open the shield doors surrounding the Precursor robot."

"Does that mean we can count on you to help us deal with the robot?" Shining asked hopefully.

"Unfortunately not," Samos replied. "The shield generator is a part of the robot. It's going to take all our combined power to keep the shield down long enough for you three to destroy it. Good luck. We're all counting on you!"

With that, Samos dove down to pour his power into the shield along with the other three Sages. The four colors of Eco combined bonded to the Dark Eco shield, causing it to short out.

Seeing that Gol and Maia were heading for the robot as it came active, the trio prepared themselves for battle, seeking an elevator to the top of the citadels.

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