• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 937 Views, 1 Comments

The Love of a Farm Pony 2 - Fiction Quill

This story is a sequel to The Love of a Farm Pony. Allen must face an evil unicorn who made himself into an anthro if Allen fails to defeat this might foe Equestria will be under siege and could possibly mean the end of Equestria.

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It has been a few months since the incident with Dark Light and Celestia created a yearly celebration in honor of Dark Light's sacrifice. But now that the incident is over you face your newest and toughest challenge ahead of you. Marriage. In a few days you and Applejack will be having your wedding and things have changed up slightly. Apple Cider wanted to help with the wedding too so you made him the ring bearer and Spike is now one of your best men along with Shining Armor and Big Macintosh and Flash sentry. After the incident you and Flash Sentry hit it off pretty well and became friends since he is also dating your teacher Twilight. You also needed a 5th best man since Cheerilee is now one of Applejack's brides maids. The whole Apple Family is coming for the wedding and of course the Apple Family Reunion is the very next day and they all want to come and meet and make memories with you since you will be Applejack's new husband.

You are walking around ponyville with Discord, Big Mac, Flash, and Spike so they can help you prepare for your big wedding.

"Thanks for helping me out guys i am really nervous." Discord smiled.

"No problem pal i have to make sure everything is perfect for my best friend on his big day!" Big Mac gave his usual response.

"Eeyup." Spike slugged your arm.

"Well of course we are your friends and i love to help others out anyways!" Flash nodded.

"And any friend of Twilight's is a friend of mine." you give a smirk as you look at Spike.

"So Spike how are things with Rarity?" Spike blushed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Things are going great! Just last week we went to a fancy restaurant in Canterlot and showed all of those rich and snobby ponies what for and wasn't afraid to show me loved me even in front of them. The only ponies that wasn't ashamed of us and was actually happy for us was Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis." You smile as you nod

"Good for you Spike. What about you Discord? how are things with Fluttershy?" Discord smiled brightly.

"They are splendid my friend! we have been together for a little over a year now." You smile as Flash speaks next.

"And things for me and Twilight are great as well in fact we are living together now. Spike obviously already knows." You laugh as spike gives an annoyed look at Flash.

Well For those who hadn't known yet Big Mac and Cheerliee got married last month." Big Mac nods as he blushes.

"Eeyup" You chuckle as you lightly elbow Big Mac.

"Not only that but they also have a foal on the way." Big Mac blushed and then nodded.

"Eeyup." You all shred a hardy laugh as you continued to walk through Ponyville.

"By the way i hope what you guys have planned for my bachelor party is nothing inappropriate." Discord chuckled as he shook his head.

"No my friend nothing like that but it will be chaotic though." You smile as you nod.

"Alright Discord i will take your word for it."

It was the night before your wedding. You, Discord, Spike, Shining Armor, Big Mac, and Flash all gathered at Twilight's castle to have your bachelor party while Applejack had her bachelorette party at Sweet Apple Acres with the girls. For your party it was definitely chaotic with chocolate and strawberry milk raining from cotton candy clouds after Discord put a spell on everything to keep Twilight's castle from getting stained. You and the guys played games and had a great party and Discord and the others kept their promise and there wasn't a single inappropriate thing at the party besides the jokes you all made. Applejack's party was a simple one ran by pinkie pie. It was a lot like her usual parties but she put more work into it since it was Applejack's bachelorette party her last night of freedom from marriage.

It was now morning. Today was the day. The day you and Applejack exchange vows and become a married couple. You grew nervous as you and your best men made your way to Sweet Apple Acres. Discord notice how nervous you were and attempted to comfort you.

"Allen no need to be nervous. You will do fine i am sure of it!" You nod nervously.

"I hope so Discord but i am having one problem right now." Discord frowned.

"You're not getting cold feet are you?"

"Well maybe a little but that's not my problem." Spike spoke up.

"Then what is?" You rub your hands together nervously.

"When me and Applejack exchange vows i have no clue what i am going to say. I love her that's for certain but i want to be able to say the words she has always longed to hear i want to make this perfect." Discord laughed.

"Is that all? Allen listen to me. As long as you speak from your heart you wll be able to find the right words to say." You continue to fidget nervously.

"How can you be so sure i have always been bad with words what if i-" Discord smacked you in the back of the head. "OW! What was that for?!"

"To knock some sense into that stubborn head of yours. You will find the right words just listen to your heart and have confidence in yourself and they will come to you trust me. Have i ever steered you wrong before?" You calm yourself down as you nod.

"You're right Discord. I am sure Applejack has already figured out what to say."

Little did you know as Applejack was getting fitted into her wedding dress she was having the same problem as you.

"I am so nervous girls! i can't figure out what to say when we exchange our vows!" Rarity put her hoof on Applejack's shoulder.

"Darling everything will be alright just listen to your heart you will know what to say." Cheerilee stepped in.

"She is right Applejack i guarantee that you will especially once you lock eyes with him once the time comes to exchange your vows. You know as well as i do that Big Mac is not much with words but once it came time to say his vows to me he said more than i would have thought. His words that day was all i needed to hear to know i was making the right decision." Applejack simply nodded.

"You both are right i just want to make him happy." Fluttershy hugs Applejack.

"Oh you will Applejack. Allen wouldn't have asked you to marry him if he wasn't happy with you." Applejack smile dreamily as she remember when you proposed to her.

"You girl's are right i just know things are going to be fine." After Applejack get her dress on and smiles as she looks into the mirror along with the rest of the girls. Rarity stands there and admires her work.

"My my Applejack you look absolutely divine!" Rainbow Dash decides to tease Applejack a little.

"I will admit A.J. you do look nice but i am still surprised you would wear something that girly." Applejack smiles and blushes as she continues to look at her reflection in the mirror as Rarity responded for Applejack.

"I would normally agree with you Rainbow Dash but in this case it is completely understandable. Applejack is in love with Allen and she want's to look her best for him even if it means swallowing her pride and wearing a dress like this." Applejack blushed even more at Rarity's comment as Twilight hugged Applejack.

"We are very happy for you Applejack." Applejack returned the hug happily.

"Thank you Twilight i couldn't be any happier."

You arrived at Sweet Apple Acres already dressed in your tux and you go stand on your side of the altar waiting for the ceremony to start. Twilight looks at you and smirks.

"Are you nervous my faithful student?" You blush and nod.

"A little i am just trying to figured out the right words to say when exchanging my vows with Applejack." Twilight giggled.

"You know Applejack is having the same problem." You looked at Twilight shocked.

"S-She is?" Twilight giggled again and nodded.

"Yes but i know when the time arrives you both will know exactly what to say."

After a few minutes the ceremony began and you stood in your spot still nervous about saying your vows but those worries instantly vanished the moment you saw Applejack.

"W-Wow S-She is so beautiful!" You have never seen Applejack look so beautiful in her entire life. She approached the altar and stood at the opposite side of you as you face each other and Twilight began to speak.

"Mares and Gentlecolts. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Allen and Applejack. Though these two are each from different worlds their love is still true and strong undeniable by nopony. You may begin speaking your vows. Allen would you like to begin?" You blush as you nod and as you look into Applejack's beautiful emerald eyes you instantly knew what to say to her.

"Applejack since the day i met you i knew you would be an important part of my life i just didn't know how important until today. You have made me the happiest human in this world and mine. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if i hadn't ended up in Equestria and on your farm. I will always love you Applejack and i will do everything in my power to make you happy for the rest of my life." Applejack started crying tears of joy thinking that was the most amazing thing you have ever said to her. Twilight smiled as she was doing her best to hold in her tears of joy for her friend.

"Now you Applejack." Applejack nodded as she blushed.

"Allen i consider myself the luckiest mare in all of Equestria to have you. You have given me even more than what any mare could ask for. On that night you proposed to me it made me more happy than i have ever been until today. Not just because you did propose but i was pregnant on that night and you proposed to me before i could tell you which showed me that even if i wasn't pregnant you still loved me enough to marry me. I love you Allen more than even apples and i will continue to make you the happiest human for the rest of my life as you do for me." Twilight could no longer contain her tears as she wept silently and nodded and smiled.

"Do you Applejack take this human to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health until death do you part?" Applejack cried as she nodded.

"I do." Twilight smiled.

"Do you Allen take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health until death do you part?" You and Applejack cry together knowing what your answer will be.

"I do." Twilight nodded as she smiled at Apple Cider who was holding the rings.

"Very well. May i have the rings please?" Apple Cider smiled brightly as he handed Twilight the rings.

Twilight handed you and Applejack the rings and you put them on each other as she spoke her lines.

"Then by the power vested in me i now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Immediately as soon as Twilight finished her sentence you and Applejack embraced each other as you gave each other the most loving kiss you have ever shared causing everyone to cheer as all of your friends and family cried tears of joy of this momentous occasion. Rarity nudged Rainbow as if to signal her.

"Rainbow Dash that your cue!" Rainbow shot her eyes open in realization.

"Oops sorry! excuse me!" She dashed outside as fast as she could and she preformed her signature Sonic Rainboom. As she did so Apple Cider and Pinkie Pie jumped on on your shoulders and yelled.

"BEST WEDDING EVER!" After the ceremony you all head outside to dance and you danced with your newly wedded wife Applejack.

"This is the best day of my life." Applejack sighs happily as she rests her head on your chest.

"It is mine too honey and i can't wait for many more years to come."

After the first dance and the reception you and Applejack spend the night at your newly built house at Sweet Apple Acres for you to have some time alone with Applejack. The next day you attend the Apple Family Reunion and all of the Apple Family welcomed you with open hooves. You spend the rest of your life on Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack and Apple Cider and you couldn't be any happier.


Comments ( 1 )

That was amazing fanfic both the first part and this sequel but I will say I only did not like two small things in this sequel that one you should of gone more into detail about the horn reattachment and two I don't think celestia would of kissed dark light that it and I hope to see this fanfic narratored

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