• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 936 Views, 1 Comments

The Love of a Farm Pony 2 - Fiction Quill

This story is a sequel to The Love of a Farm Pony. Allen must face an evil unicorn who made himself into an anthro if Allen fails to defeat this might foe Equestria will be under siege and could possibly mean the end of Equestria.

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Dark Light Makes His Move! The Abduction!

It had been a 6 months since Applejack gave birth to Apple Cider. He was already starting to learn to walk and he had learned how to talk. Nothing big but he was smart for a 6 month old colt.

"Mama I am hungry." Applejack couldn't help but melt at how cute Apple Cider was.

"Alright what are you hungry for?" Applejack picks up Apple Cider and carries him to the kitchen.

"Apple Muffin!" Applejack couldn't help but giggle.

"You are so much like your father"

"Where is daddy?"

"He is out doing some important things sugar don't worry he will be home soon."

"I wish i could help daddy." Applejack smiles as she kisses Apple Cider's forehead.

"You are even kind and dependable like your father but the things he is doing can be very dangerous so daddy would rather do it on his own but if you want to help daddy you can help me make some cider for your daddy when he gets home."

"OK!"Apple Cider gets excited about being able to helpful to you and Applejack.

While Applejack and Apple Cider are making you a snack you are currently training with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Discord. Discord started helping you out your training by using his chaos to conjure up creatures of dark magic for you to face against while sparring with Twilight and Rainbow Dash. The Blade of Harmony cannot hurt the two ponies but Twilight created a spell that made it where when the blade hit them Twilight would be temporarily drained of magical energy and Rainbow would be temporarily drained of physical energy. Twilight begins to tire first.

"Why don't we take a break. The draining spell won't do much good with me being tired like this."

"Alright Twilight what do you say Al and Discord ready for a break?" Rainbow landed to take a breather.

You and Discord look at Rainbow and Twilight. "Yeah i think we can use a break we have been training for while now and i am not used to training Allen."

"I can actually keep going but i understand if you all need a break so yeah lets take one besides i am sure Applejack and Apple Cider is making us a snack right now."

"Are you and Applejack growing apart? I Only ask because she hasn't been here to root for you while you train." Rainbow asked.

You chuckle. "Oh no far from it in fact! i just understand and would actually feel more comfortable if she watched Apple Cider while i trained in case something happened to him she will be able to handle it."

"You are a great father Allen for thinking about your son over yourself."

"Thanks Twilight. To be honest i always thought i would be a terrible father but after these 6 months of raising Apple Cider i know i am a great father."

"Of Course you are! after all you are a great friend. I have lived for over a thousand years and i haven't met anyone i could get along with besides you and Fluttershy and of course the others now too."

"Well you are right about that beside i do represent each Element of Harmony and i understand chaos. All i know right now is i am so glad everything is turning out great. Well i think we have trained enough for one day i need to get home and spend some time with my family."

Little did they know Dark Light was watching them from afar chuckling maliciously. "The time has finally come to put my plan into motion."

Dark Light casts a spell to temporarily duplicate himself. There were now a total of 6 of himself. "Now time for me to abduct Princess Twilight and her friends and of course that includes Allen's brat as well which is my main target along with his fiance. Soon Allen you will fall by my blade and i will make Princess Celestia and her sister pay!"

As soon as you arrive at Sweet Apple Acres your eyes are filled with horror. A portion of the crop had been burnt down and the barn is destroyed with pieces of it laying all over the property and you see Granny smith, Big Mac, and Cheerilee were all laying on the ground unconscious and the house was damaged considerably. You run inside the house in a panic.

"Applejack! Apple Cider! Are you there!?" You then see Applebloom limping from the kitchen.

You rush over to help Applebloom. "Applebloom what happened here? Are you hurt?"

"I am fine Allen but Applejack and Apple Cider they are gone."

"What happened? where are they?"

"Well i just got home from crusading with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and i noticed Applejack and Apple Cider making some cider and apple muffins so i decided to help but then the farm was attack by Timberwolves and some strange creature that looked part pony and part human. He burnt down half of our crops and the Timberwolves destroyed the barn after that he knocked out Granny Smith, Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee. Applejack told me to take Apple Cider and hide so i did. When that strange creature came in the house Applejack called him "Dark Light" he captured Applejack and when he found me and Apple Cider i tried to fight him off but he was too strong and he kidnapped Apple Cider too." After her explanation Applebloom saw the rage in your eyes and immediately backed away in fear.


"A-Allen?" Applebloom continue to shake in fear.

"I am going to go get some help Applebloom just sit tight until a doctor arrives after you get treated i want you to go and sit with the Mr. and Mrs. cake until i get back. Granny Smith, Big Mac and Cheerilee are going to be in the hospital for a while."

"Alright Allen please be safe you are going to be my brother-in-law after all."

"You got it Applebloom!"

You run into Ponyville and explain the situation to the doctors as they rush to Sweet Apple Acres. Afterwards you run to Fluttershy's Cottage to tell Discord and Fluttershy of the bad new but when you arrive there you see Discord in a state of panic.

"Discord why are you panicking? where is Fluttershy?"

Discord drops to the ground bursting into tears. "I don't know! I went out to run a few errands for her and when i got home her cottage was damage badly i fixed it up of course and i couldn't find her anywhere!"

"Oh no... not Fluttershy too..."

"What do you mean? You know whats going on? tell me where my Fluttershy is right now!" Discord lifts you up by your shirt in a rage

"Discord put me down!"

"I am sorry Allen i am just worried is all."

"I understand Discord but yes i do know what happened to her same thing happened to Applejack and Apple Cider."

"What happened to them? Are they-"

"No Discord they aren't dead. They have been captured by Dark Light in fact i am starting to think all of our friends did."

Discord became even more angry. "Dark light... i am going to send him to the farthest reach of Equestria where he can never touch Fluttershy again!"

"Discord remain calm we can't do anything if we are blinded by anger."

"Allen is right Discord." Princess Celestia landed behind you and Discord. "Remember what happened last time when Allen tried to fight with rage against Dark Light? Its just what he wants. It will give him the advantage."

"You are right Celestia. So what are we going to do?"

Before Celestia could respond a clone of Dark Light appeared and was chuckling. "There is only one thing you can do human. You must come to my Castle of Dark Magic if you want to save your precious family and friends."

You materialized the Blade of Harmony and pointed it at him with a confident determined look. "Or i could just end it right here."

"Good Luck with that Allen this is merely a clone under my control. Even if you destroyed the clone it wouldn't defeat me or weaken me. The clone is due to vanish in the next couple of minutes. Just enough time to give you my demands."

"And what ARE your demands Dark Light?"

"I don't believe i asked you Celestia so do not speak unless spoken to."

"Alright what do you want Dark Light?"

"What do i want? Its simple Allen i want you to come to my Castle and bring the Draconequus and Princesses Celestia and Luna with you."

"Why do you want with me and my sister?"

"Again Celestia it's obvious. I want revenge! And don't try to act innocent in front of these two. We both know what you did to me but never told them."

"Then why my sister? She has nothing to do with this."

"Maybe not but i want to see you suffer as i have. And if you refuse to give into my demands them i will kill each and everyone of these pony's two at a time starting with Applejack and her brat!"

You gave him a death glare as you charged your magic into your sword. "If you hurt my fiance or my son i will make you rue the day you were ever born!"

"All you need to do is come to my castle Allen and bring those i told you to bring. If you do then no harm will come to any of these ponies. Here is a map should you choose to follow through with my demands and i am sure you will. I will be waiting for your arrival." As soon as the clone stopped talking it vanished into thin air.

"I am sorry Celestia but we don't have much of a choice we have to bring you and Luna along."

"i know and i understand me and Luna will come along willingly i will not let anything happen to the others that includes your child. They are still my subjects and i won't abandon them."

"Alright you go and get your sister i need to go back to Sweet Apple Acres to check on Applebloom and to the hospital to see if the Apples and Cheerilee are OK."

"Alright we will meet back at Sweet Apple Acres in 2 hours. Me and Luna do need to arm ourselves."

"Alright i will see all of you in a little bit."

"I will go and inform Ponyville of the crisis and tell them to stay indoors."

"Yes thank you Discord i am grateful."

"Don't mention it i am just trying to learn kindness from my sweet Fluttershy and my friend Allen."

"Alright Discord while your at it put a protective force field around Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, and Canterlot until we get back after you are done. Make it where any non-hostile pony can pass through it but anypony who becomes hostile in the barrier will immediately be sent to the dungeon. I know it sounds extreme but we need to make sure there is nothing bad happening while we are away."

"Understood Allen!"

You go to Sweet Apple Acres to go pick up Applebloom who is now with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

"Alright CMC come with me i am going to have you stay with Mr. and Mrs Cake until me and the others return from our mission and before you ask no you can't come along."

The CMC looked at each other and then you before Applebloom spoke. "Actually Allen we thought it would be best to stay here as much as we would like to go to save our sister's you helped us realize how to be mature and responsible and if we went we would just be in the way. Besides we all fought Dark Light ourselves and we were no match for him so we will do as you say and stay with the Cakes until you come back. But can you escort us? Because we are afraid he might come back for us if we go alone and please promise to bring others back safe and sound."

You smile as you pick the girls up and give them a big hug. "I am so proud of you girls and i will be sure to tell your sisters about how much you have grown up. I know they will be so proud of you and i give you the pinkie promise that i will return them home safely." You sit them back down and give the gestures for the pinkie promise. " Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye."

The girls smile as they leap back into your arms and you carry them to Sugarcube Corner. The Cakes agree to watch the girls while you are away and you go to the hospital to check on Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Cheerilee.

"I am sure you have heard by now what has happened with Applejack, Apple Cider and the others?"

Granny Smith nodded "Yes we have young'n and i know you will save Applejack and Little Cider. I know because i have never seen such determination in your eyes before. Never have you been so sure of yourself until now just please promise me you will come back with them i don't want to see Applejack heart broken and i don't want to see Apple Cider growing up without his father. Because if you don't i will kick your corpse everyday until the day i die!"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac said in Agreement.

"Just please be careful Allen i don't want to see any of you get hurt." said Cheerilee

"I swear to you all on my honor as a future Apple Family Member i will make it back alive and with everyone else in one piece."

They nod as you make your way out of the hospital and to Sweet Apple Acres where Discord, and Princesses Celestia and Luna were waiting for you.

"Is everyone ready?"

They nod and you respond back with a nod as you begin your journey to Dark Light's Castle of Dark Magic.