The Love of a Farm Pony 2

by Fiction Quill

First published

This story is a sequel to The Love of a Farm Pony. Allen must face an evil unicorn who made himself into an anthro if Allen fails to defeat this might foe Equestria will be under siege and could possibly mean the end of Equestria.

This story is a sequel to my first fanfic The Love of a Farm Pony. The story takes place a month after Applejack and Allen confessed their love for each other. But their happiness is interrupted by a mysterious evil out to destroy Allen! But Allen also gains a mysterious power. Will he be able to defeat this evil or will evil prevail?

The Painful Truth

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The rays of the sun beam into your bedroom causing you to wake up from a deep sleep. Normally this would cause you to be cranky, but your life has made a turn for the better this past month. You open your eyes to see your very special somepony sleeping next to you in bed cuddling close to you with her head laying on your chest and her hooves wrapped around you. The humble and honest Applejack. You couldn't help but smile seeing how comfortable she is with a big smile on her face as she sleeps soundly. You always ask yourself how did you get so lucky to have such an amazing mare fall in love with you a plain normal human. You stroke her mane softly and kiss her on the forehead. Her smile gets bigger as she opens her eyes slowly and you stare into each others eyes while she has a dreamy look on her face.

"Good morning my dear beautiful Applejack." You kiss her on the muzzle causing her to sigh happily and giggle.

"Good morning handsome did you sleep good?" She pulls you closer to her as she lays her head on your shoulder.

You can't help but chuckle and smile at her lovingly. "As long as you are by my side Applejack i will always have a good nights rest."

She couldn't help but blush at that comment as she smiles shyly. "You really know how you make a mare feel loved and special."

You stroke her cheek soft as you smile. "Only for you Applejack."

A few tears slide down her face as she brings you in for a passionate kiss and you pull her in tightening each others embrace deepening the kiss. "How did i get so luck to have you Allen?"

You chuckle as you blush softly. "You know Applejack i ask myself the same thing about you everyday."

You hear a couple of giggles in the doorway and you see Rarity and Applebloom watching you two and you can't help but to give them a annoyed look. Rarity giggles some more before speaking. "Oh don't mind us darling just pretend we are not here."

Applejack couldn't help but laugh at how annoyed you looked which immediately caused you to smile. No matter what kind of day you was having Applejack's laugh always seem to make your day even better. Applejack grabbed your shirt so you could put it back on and looked at you with a loving expression. "Come on honey we need to get up we are supposed to meet the others at Sugarcube Corner for lunch remember? We both agreed today would be the day that we tell them."

You Smile and nod in understanding. "I know i am just a little nervous to tell them. I mean i know they are just as much my friends as they are yours. I just hope they approve."

She kisses you lovingly causing all of your worries and anxiety to instantly vanish. "Don't worry Allen i know they will approve they are our friends and and they will support us no matter what."

You smile as you nod in agreement. "You're right A.J. and as always you know just how to calm me down."

This is day you and Applejack agreed that you would tell your friends about your relationship together. You have been nervous about it for a while afraid of what they might say or do once you told them, but deep down you knew Applejack was right they wouldn't shun you for it, in fact they would support you all they way. You get up and hop in the shower afterwards you get dressed in a new outfit that Rarity made you. After you and Applejack got ready you pick her up in your arms and carried her to Sugarcube Corner. Applejack giggled and blushed as you carried her. She nuzzled you lovingly as you were approaching Sugarcube Corner to help calm your nerves more. Once you reach Sugarcube Corner you kiss Applejack lovingly as you sit her down before entering the shop. There sitting in a corner were the rest of the group. The Alicorn Twilight Sparkle and her assistant baby dragon named Spike, two pegasi by the names of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, and an earth pony by the name of Pinkie Pie. Rarity was also part of the group but she walked with you and Applejack from Sweet Apple Acres. Pinkie Pie was the first pony to speak up.

"ALLEN! We have missed you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much! Did you miss us? I mean of course you did we are friends after all. Are you feeling better? Of course you are feeling better otherwise you would still be in bed with a fever or worse and we would all still be super sad and worried and-" Pinkie Pie was cut off by Rainbow Dash putting a hoof to her mouth with an annoyed expression and you couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Pinkie Pie i just love your randomness its so hilarious!" Pinkie pie smiles and your response. Twilight just shook her head while giving a little laugh before she spoke.

"Anyways Rarity said we should meet up here to have a little get together and to be honest we haven't done this in a while It's a great change of pace. Ever since i became princess i haven't had a lot of time with all of you." Rarity smiled as you, Applejack, and Rarity take a seat with the group. Applejack was next to speak.

"Well since we are all here i would like to make an announcement." Everyone looks at Applejack curiously.

Before she said anything however you wrap your arms around her and lift her into your lap while holding her tightly and looking lovingly into her eyes. "You mean WE would like to make an announcement."

She looks back into your eyes lovingly as she nods and blushes. "Me and Allen are together now. He is my very special somepony or somehuman in this case." Everyone except Rarity looks at you and Applejack with jaws dropped onto the table.

Pinkie Pie was the first to respond. "Hold on a second!" She grabs a glass of water and starts to drink it down but instantly spews it all back out to show how shocked she was.

You and Applejack laugh softly at their reaction before you respond. "Yes and she is my very special somepony. We have been together for a month now." Everyone looks back at you two again but they smile this time.

Rainbow Dash giggled as she responded. "Well its about time!"

You and Applejack looked at them with confusion before you spoke. "What do you mean Rainbow Dash?"

Twilight giggled before she responded. "Oh come on you two it was obvious that you two like each other. We could see by how you kept looking at each other. We wanted to help you two, but Rarity told us to just let things play out. But if you needed advice we could give it, but she didn't want us tell you two about your feelings for one another."

Pinkie starts to get overly excited. "OH OH OH! You know what this calls for?! A PARTY! A "i have found my special somepony/somehuman party!"

You sit there and laugh as applejack giggles. "That sounds great Pinkie i haven't attended one of your parties in a while. I especially need one after the fever i had."

Fluttershy smiles at you and Applejack. "Oh my i am so happy for the both of you!"

Rarity hugs Applejack and you. "You both are very lucky especially you Applejack. Allen is such a gentlecolt! Of course i am not attracted to him but i would love to find a stallion that has his personality traits."

Spike wanted to say something to Rarity but you could tell that he was too afraid to but he still walked up and talked to you and Applejack. "Congratulations you two i am glad things worked out.

You fist bumped with spike while Applejack gave him a hug. "Thank you sugarcube we couldn't be any happier right now."

You smile and you pull her into a loving and passionate kiss and she returned the kiss with just as much love and passion as she smiled and as you stroke her cheek softly.

"AW!" Our friends said in unison. But we ignored it and deepened the kiss as she wrapped her hooves around your neck and as you wrapped your arms around her waist. After a few minutes you and Applejack broke the kiss with both of you blushing profusely.

She then falls into your arms and rests her head on your chest before she speak. "This is why i love you so much sugarcube. You aren't afraid to show me off and show me love and affection in public."

You smile as you run your fingers through her mane. "Because i am not ashamed of you Applejack in fact you make me proud to call you my special somepony." She sighs happily as you both hold each other.

Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to playfully tease the both of you. "Get a room you two!" All of our friends giggle as we blush from the comment.

Twilight on the other hand was looking at Applejack with concern from that comment and signaled Applejack out to have a private conversation. "Applejack i am concerned about this relationship of yours i am not sure if this is going to work."

Applejack looked at her a little annoyed, hurt and angry. "And how do you figure that twilight?"

Twilight shrugged off Applejack's anger and continued her explanation. "Well Applejack he is a human and you are a pony."

Applejack's anger started to grow. "Why in that hay should that matter?! There are all sorts of other pony's dating other species so why cant i be with Allen?!"

Twilight jumped back at Applejack's outburst of anger but still continued her explanation. "The difference is Applejack they all were born in Equestria therefore they have some form of magic inside them, which makes it possible for them to have kids. Allen is not from here. He is from a world where there is no magic, therefore he has no magic inside of him. Don't you want to have babies someday Applejack?

Applejack looks at her stunned for a moment. "W-Well yes i do twilight, but-" Twilight cut her off.

"No buts Applejack we both know i am right about this. If you stay with him you will never be able to bear any children. He wont be able to give you a family. If he had magic then this wouldn't be a problem but he doesn't."

Applejack started to tear up but remained silent, While twilight continued. "Applejack i know this is hurting because you found love and if you want to be with him it is entirely your choice, but if you want to bear any children Applejack then you need to let him go.

You walked outside to see what they wanted for lunch, but you came out to Applejack bursting into tears and running off. You ran over to twilight in anger. "Twilight! What did you do to Applejack?! what did you say to her?!"

The others ran outside after hearing you yell at twilight trying to figure out what's going on and twilight explained to you what happen and the others. After the explanation instead of yelling at twilight some more you burst into tears of your own running to find Applejack.

All of your friends were very unhappy with twilight and Rarity was the first to speak. "Twilight! how can you say such things to Applejack? you could tell as much as anyone else here that she is in love with Allen! Even if your explanation is true you didn't have to crush any hopes of a happy future with him. You know twilight you just might have ruin their relationship? And what they had is TRUE love! We are very disappointed in you twilight!"

Everyone ran off in the direction where you ran leaving twilight standing there in tears. "W-What have i done?!'

Mysterious Power Awakened!

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Applejack was laying under the gazebo crying her eyes out and starting to wonder if she had made a mistake in being with you. When she looked up she saw Discord the spirit of chaos and disharmony standing above her. Although he was once evil he is now reformed thanks to Fluttershy opening up to him, showing him kindness, and being his very first friend. Discord normally loved to tease pony's still because he was a mischievous spirit just a little prank or two but he had a serious and sympathetic look on his face. He sat down next to Applejack trying to cheer her up.

"Look Applejack i know you and others don't like me besides Fluttershy, but i am doing my best to being good so i am going to take your situation seriously and before you say anything yes i know what happened."

Applejack looked upset at him. "You were eavesdropping again?"

Discord shook his head. "No not this time i was actually on my way to Sugarcube Corner because i knew Fluttershy was there and i heard Allen was all better so i was going to see him too. He is also my friend like Fluttershy is, but then when i was almost at Sugarcube Corner i heard your conversation with Twilight. I never intended to listen to your conversation but you girls were pretty much yelling so it was hard not to hear. So you and Allen are together huh?

Applejack wiped the tears from her eyes. "Uh-huh and let me guess you are going to agree with twilight right?

Discord shook his head again. "Actually no i don't agree with her. Sure there is that chance you might not be able to have kids but there might be a chance you can and even if you can't do you really think its worth leaving someone you are TRULY in love with just because of that one little reason?"

Applejack sat there and pondered for a minute. "No it's not. I love Allen more than anything even more than apples i can't bear to live my life without him."

Discord smiled. "Then you have your answer."

Applejack looked at him confusingly. "But tell me how do you know about these things? I know you lived over a thousand years but still it puzzles me how you know about these things."

Discord sighed. "Can you keep a secret Applejack?"

Applejack smiled and nodded "Of course Discord. After all you just helped me its only fair i do the same."

Discord nodded ready to tell her his secret. "You see i am also in love"

Applejack's eyes shot open. "Y-You are in love?! With who?!"

Discord sighed. "It shouldn't be hard to figure out after all she was the first one to accept me."

Applejack's shot open again but this time her jaw dropped "Y-You're in love with Fluttershy?"

Discord nodded. " Yes as i said she was the first one to accept me but i can never tell her."

Applejack looked at him confused. "Why can't you?"

Discord pointed to his whole body with his claw. "Well just look at me. i am a Draconequus. I am completely abnormal and i am not exactly prince charming you know i am very hideous."

Applejack looked at him sympathetically. "Discord i am going to give you the same advice Granny Smith gave me. She might have feelings for you or she might not. The only way you will know for sure is by telling her how you feel."

Discord sighed again as tears began to fall from his eyes. "Applejack you don't understand! i can't do it! I just can't do it! I can't tell Fluttershy that i am in love with her!

Then Discord and Applejack heard a soft voice behind them. "Y-You're in love with me Discord?

Discord quickly turned around to see you, Fluttershy, and the rest of your friends stand behind him and Applejack. But what the Draconequus noticed most was the expression on Fluttershy's face. She was in shock she didn't know what to say or think. Before she could respond Discord screamed at the top of his lungs and vanished.

"Discord!! Wait!!" Fluttershy tried to stop him but he was already gone. Fluttershy ran off looking for Discord and calling his name. Others could only stand there flabbergasted, but you had a smile on your face until your heard Applejack call your name.

"A-Allen?" The instant you saw Applejack you burst into tears and fell to your knee's. Applejack runs over to you and hold you tightly as she kisses you with all the love she has. You are shocked at first but then you return the kiss with as much love. Once the kiss breaks she looks into your eyes lovingly but you still can't help but be depressed. "Allen i know why your upset but i am not going to leave you ever."

You look at her shocked for a moment but you go back to being depressed. "Applejack why stay with me? It's as Twilight said i probably won't be able to give you one of the things your heart desires. A Child. How can you stay with me when i can't make a family with you." you burst into tears once more. "i want a kid too but i know i won't be able to have one because i am a human. I don't have any magic inside of me so my seed is useless i won't be able to get you pregnant Applejack. I have come to accept this because i don't have any option, but you do Applejack."

Applejack gives you another loving and passionate kiss longer than the last kiss and when the kiss breaks she looks at you with loving yet pleading eyes as if she is asking you not to leave her. "Allen i don't care if we can't have a kid together i can't live my life without you." This time she bursts into tears and she clings on to you as tight as she can almost as if she think as soon as she lets go you will disappear forever. "Allen a life without you is no life at all. When you had that fever i was scared. So very scared. I thought i was going to lose you forever. It took me everything i had just to keep it together. The thought of the one i love dying on me was something i couldn't handle. So please Allen please don't go. Please don't leave me all alone. I love you more than anything even more than apples. I cant-"

She was interrupted my the most passionate and loving kiss you have ever given her pulling her into your arms holding her tighter than you ever have before. You felt as if you let her go you would lose her forever. You and Applejack held the kiss for 10 minutes until you both had to pull back for air. Her tears of pain are replaced by tears of joy knowing she got her answer from just that one kiss. You held onto her and never let go. You stare at the sky and finally break the silence. "Come on, girls lets look for Fluttershy and Discord and if i know Discord like i think i do I just might know exactly where he is."

Fluttershy is still looking for Discord and calling his name. "Discord!! Please come out i need to talk to you please!"

Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash caught up to Fluttershy and started to help her find Discord at random places while You and Applejack when to a specific location to find Discord. The castle of the two sisters in the everfree forest. When you get to the everfree forest, Applejack clings to you tightly with fear in her eyes. "Allen this place is really dangerous after dark are you sure we shouldn't wait until morning?"

You shake your head but you pull her closer to you to giving her a better sense of comfort. "Discord is my friend Applejack. Just like him i know what it's like to be all alone. I can't abandon him. Besides i will protect you no matter what Applejack as long as you are with me no harm will come to you." You give her a passionate kiss and look into her eyes reassuring her that she is safe with you.

Little did they know they were being followed by a mysterious dark shadow.

He chuckles maniacally as he watches you and Applejack from afar. "I wouldn't be so sure about that human." He then Illuminated his horn casting some sort of dark magic on near by Timberwolves. He then sent them after you and Applejack but you two have yet to see them coming. You both starting smelling something awful you couldn't tell what it was, but Applejack's eyes shot opening filled with fear as wrapped her hooves tightly around you.

She knew what it was and she quickly turned to you. "Allen run!" You could see the fear in her eyes and you did as she told you and started to run. However the Timberwolves quickly caught up and surrounded you both.

You held Applejack tightly in your left arm as you put your right arm up to guard the both of you. Rarity and the others found out what was going on and ran in to try to save you, even Twilight had caught up with them. But the Timberwolves pounced at you and Applejack before your friends could make it. "APPLEJACK!! ALLEN!!" They all yelled in unison. Tears started to flow freely from their eyes fearing the worst. But then a light shined from in between the Timberwolves causing them to jump back before they could finish their attack. You and Applejack emerged from the light with Applejack staring at you with shock and amazement along with the others. You stood there glaring at the Timberwolves while still holding Applejack in your left arm and what appears to be a golden katana with a rainbow aura surrounding the blade held in your right hand.

You pointed the blade at the Timberwolves glaring at them furiously. "I swear on my life if you so much as lay one paw on this mare i will destroy you!" You had no idea where the sword came from but you were ready for a fight with the Timberwolves if they attacked. One of the Timberwolves pounced at you once again but you swung your blade and cleaved it in two with one slash causing the Timberwolf to shatter into pieces. Applejack and the others still held their expressions of shock and amazement. The rest of the Timberwolves ran in fear to their new master that had been controlling them. As soon as the Timberwolves leave the sword disappears into thin air and you fall to the ground unconscious causing Applejack and the others to check on you Applejack fearing the worst.

A few hours later you woke up in your room with everyone standing around you even Discord, but Applejack was laying on top of you crying her eyes out until she saw that you had woken up. She hugged you tightly crying tears of joy happy that you are alright. "Oh thank Celestia you are OK! I thought i lost you for good this time!"

You smile as you stroke Applejack's mane reassuring her that you are Alright. "So whats going on? Can somepony please explain what just happened to me?"

"I think i can explain." A mysterious yet familiar voice spoke behind the door before she walked though it.

Allen's New Power and Weapon! The Blade of Harmony!

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Princess Celestia walks into the room with a smile on her face. Everyone immediately bows as she enter's the room except for Twilight who walks up to Celestia and greets her with a hug. "Princess Celestia! it is good to see you again!

Princess Celestia smiles and happily returns the hug. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. It is good to see you too." Celestia smiles as she looks at you and Applejack "And its a pleasure to see all of you and of course you too Allen and Discord. I am very happy to see that you found love in this world Allen. I know you and Applejack with be very happy together." You and Applejack can't help but blushed and thanked Princess Celestia for her condolences. "But i am afraid time for celebration will have to wait. For a new evil has arisen and is a major threat to Equestria and even to you Allen."

Everyone gasped in horror and you sit up confused. "But princess what does this have to do with me?"

Celestia looks at you giving her explanation. "There are two reasons. One is because you are a human. This pony has a strong hatred for them. I believe he has came into contact with them before."

before she finished her explanation however you interrupt her with a question. "I apologize for interrupting you princess but why was Applejack attacked too if he wanted me?"

Celestia calmly gave you your answer. "It's probably because she is in love with a human and considers her to be a threat to him as well." You started to grow angry but calmed down and simply nodded to allow Celestia to finish her explanation. "The second reason has to do with your new abilities."

Everyone looked at Celestia confused and Applejack couldn't help but ask. "New abilities?"

Celestia nodded and continued her explanation. "You see like me and Luna, Allen has every trait of each Element of Harmony resting inside of him. Which is a very rare thing to have." Everypony's mouth dropped in shock but remained silent as Celestia continued. "But unlike me and Luna he understands and knows the magic of love. The love that can only be learned by having a very special somepony. So when Applejack was in danger he immediately felt the need to protect her. That's when the blade appeared."

Everypony looked at her with shock and confusion as Twilight spoke up. "The blade? You mean that sword he was holding?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes Twilight i have you do some studying on it before. Don't you remember the book i gave you that spoke about the blade and the legend behind it?"

Twilight's eyes grew wide as her mouth dropped. "You mean it was THAT blade?!"

Everyone remained confused as they looked at Celestia and Twilight but you looked at them both seriously. "Wait! What is this blade? Can you two please explain to me whats going on here?"

Celsetia nodded and continued her explanation. "the blade that you wielded Allen was the legendary Blade of Harmony."

Everyone gasped except for you looking even more confused. "OK? Just what is the Blade of Harmony?"

Twilight began to elaborate. "The Blade of Harmony. A mystical ancient artifact that was created at the same time as the Elements of Harmony. It is said that only one who understands the magic of friendship and love can wield the blade but even that isn't enough. The blade can't be wielded by just anyone they have to be pure of heart and the blade has to choose them. The legend says that the Blade of Harmony will choose a warrior and it will be that warrior's destiny to stop a terrible evil from shrouding this world into eternal chaos and darkness. And i don't mean the kind of chaos discord uses or the kind of darkness nightmare moon tried to bring upon us. To put it simply our world would become just like yours."

Everyone gasped with horror filled in their as and you couldn't hold back your anger any longer. "NO WAY! there is no way i am going to let this world going through the chaos and darkness my world went through! i love this world too much to see it suffer! Not only that but the love of my life lives here as well and i refuse to let anything happen to her or my friends! i will protect this world or die trying!"

The moment your speech ended the Blade of Harmony materialized into your hands and Celestia couldn't help but smiled appreciatively at you before bowing to you to show you honor. "I am eternally grateful for your decision Allen. You truly are the only one worthy of wielding the Blade of Harmony."

You hold up the blade examining it and you got a slightly upset look on your face. "I-I won't be able to kill anypony with it will i?

Celestia giggled and shook her head. "Not to worry Allen you won't be able to harm Applejack or your friends. Only if a pony is in possession of dark magic will you be able to hurt them. Unless they are naturally good and they are being controlled by dark magic then it will only destroy any dark magic inside of them leaving them unharmed."

You put your hand to your heart as you sigh in relief. Applejack looks up at you lovingly. "Allen were you afraid that you might end up hurting me?"

You look down at her and nod. "Yes if the enemy decided to control you with dark magic to use you to eliminate me i don't think i would have been too afraid to use the blade against you. No i wouldn't have been able to use the blade against you if it would have ended up hurting you or worse." Tears fall freely from your eyes at the thought of Applejack dying.

Applejack holds you lovingly and comfortingly as she strokes your hair with her hoof. "Honey i wouldn't be able to fight you even while under the control of dark magic. I am so much in love with you i wouldn't be able to hurt you." You smile at each other and kiss each other passionately as you hold each other tightly.

Fluttershy and Discord both immediately remember what he had said before when he was talking to Applejack. But this time she grabbed him before he could teleport away. "Discord why didn't you tell me you were in love with me before?"

Discord sighed knowing that he can't run from this anymore. "Well just look at me. I am a Draconequus and you are a pony. Yes there are other inter-racial relationships in Equestria but unlike me they aren't hideous."

Before Fluttershy could say anything you intervened. "Discord you aren't ugly in fact to me you look unique. Awesome looking in my opinion."

Discord could only sigh. "Of course you would say that because you understand me far better than anybody else does. Fluttershy does as well but nopony else here knows what it's like to be an outcast like me they always had friends and a family. Allen understands because he has told me things and since he loved Applejack i am sure he told her too." You remained silent as Discord continued a look of despair appeared on your face as Applejack comforted you. "When Allen lived in his world he was considered ugly there and just like how i was treated like a freak here Allen was treated like a freak in his world that's why he can understand where i am coming from. But that's why i never said anything and because i know you could never love somepony as hideous as me." You couldn't help but think of how this situation was familiar to you in your world. You have went through the same scenario, but you hoped it would turn out different for Discord.

Fluttershy looked at Discord and smiled. "How do you know for certain that i don't feel the same Discord?"

Discord eyes shot open as he got nervous. "D-Do you feel the same Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy flew up to Discord and kissed him lovingly on the lips which caused everyone even Discord to be in total shock by this. The only ones who weren't shocked was you, Applejack, and Celestia. Fluttershy breaks the kiss and giggles. "Does that answer your question?"

Discord pulled her into another kiss and she kissed him back as they embraced each other. Celestia couldn't help but giggle. "Looks like even creatures such as Discord can find happiness and love. But i am afraid i am going to have to cut this happy moment short. I still need to explain who we are up against."

You all nodded and turned your attention back towards Celesia. You make the blade vanish again. "Alright Celestia who are we up against."

Twilight however speak before Celestia does. "Considering he uses dark magic it is probably King Sombra but i don't see how that's possible since we stopped him in the Crystal Empire."

Celestia nods. "That is exactly why it isn't Sombra but someone much worse. He goes by them name of Dark Light."

Everyone looks at Celestia confused even Discord was confused. "I am sorry Celestia but i lived as long as you have and i have never once heard that name before."

Celestia looks at Discord and nods. "Well you did spend most of the thousand years sealed in stone."

Discord rubs his beard. "Hmm good point. Continue."

Celestia nods. "Dark light is an evil unicorn who studied and tampered with dark magic like King Sombra he is as old as me and Discord.

Rainbow Dash cut her off. "Whoa whoa whoa. Hold up! You said he is a unicorn and he is as old as you and Discord? how in Equestria can he still be alive?!

Celestia sat down knowing this was going to take a while to explain everything. "It's as i said Rainbow Dash. He uses dark magic and apparently he was able to create a spell to make himself immortal like me, Luna, and Discord."

Everypony gasped. You sit there with a serious look on your face absorbing as much info as possible as Celestia continued. "We have tried to stop him before but only weakened him the only weapon that can be used to stop is the legendary Blade of Harmony. Allen it is your destiny to stop this threat. We can't and won't force you to do this task but Equestria will forever be in your debt should you truly accept this task."

You sigh as your instincts tell you what she really means. "Celestia i don't expect you to be honest with me but i already know what it is you are asking of me. In the legend in order to do this i will have to sacrifice myself won't i?"

Everyponies eyes are filled with horror as Celestia nods with a frown. Applejack was taking it harder than the rest. "No.. NO! Allen you can't agree to this! i want to save Equestria as much as everypony else but not at the cost of losing you!" Tears stream from her eyes as she clings to you.

Celestia walks over to Applejack with a sympathetic look on her face. "Applejack i know it isn't fair of me or Equestria to ask the one you love to sacrifice himself so we can live in peace but there is no other way Apple-"


She start crying profusely in your arms as you give a confident smirk. "Don't worry Applejack i will defeat him without sacrificing myself i promise." You make the gestures for the Pinkie Promise to show that you mean it and she smile as you and holds you tightly."

Celestia looks at you unsure of your comment. "But how? How will you fight destiny and-"

I put my hand to her mouth to stop her from talking. "I will find a way and if there is one thing i have learned nothing is set in stone the future isn't automatically written its what we make it." She gives a small smile and nods.

Celestia was about to speak but everyone hears an evil laugh from the darkest corner of the room. Standing there was Dark light. "Please human there is now way you can ever hope to defeat me."

He steps from the dark and his form shocked everypony in the room except you. "So you are an Anthro huh?"

Twilight was the first to respond. "Whats an Anthro?"

You answer Twilight's question without turning your gaze from Dark Light. "An Anthro is a humanlike creature with distinct characteristic and strengths and weaknesses of animals."

Celestia looks at Dark light with a horrified expression. "How did you do it?"

Dark Light could only laugh some more. "Why should explain anything to a weak princess who can't even defeat a unicorn with dark magic. So you are the wielder of the Blade of Harmony human?"

You scowled at him before answering by summoning the blade into your hands. "Obviously now give up or i will have no choice but stop you myself!"

Dark light shook his head and chuckled. "You think you can defeat me?! Boy i am a thousand years your senior you just got that blade you don't even know how to use it. But i have used mine for a at least 500 years!"

Celestia face turned pale at his words. "Your blade?"

Dark Light summoned his blade out of nowhere and held it up in the air. "Where this light there is also darkness! BEHOLD THE BLADE OF DISHARMONY!"

Everyone shrieked in fear but you stood your ground. "So there is an evil counterpart to the Blade of Harmony. That doesn't mean you can win."

Dark light continues to chuckle maniacally. "We shall see!"

You and Dark Light crossed swords and fought for at least 10 minutes the end result was you laying on your back and your sword vanishing into thin air. "H-How could i be this weak?"

Dark Light let out a loud evil laugh as he dismissed his blade. "I am not ready to end you just yet i still need you so we will continue this another day." He laughs maniacally as he teleports away while everyone came to check on you.

Applejack being the first one there. "Its alright honey he is gone you are-"

Applejack stopped talking when she saw tears streaming down your face. "Why?! Why am i so weak?! i should be stronger than this!" you repeatedly punch the ground in frustration. "Why am i so weak?! i need to be stronger than this! i can't beat him like this!"

Applejack couldn't help but cry along with you." Oh Allen."


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Discord appeared next to Applejack and sat down beside her by the barn waiting for his new marefriend Fluttershy to show up. He noticed Applejack was upset and he tried to lighten the mood with a little prank. He gave out a hardy laugh but Applejack still just sat there with a upset look on her face. Knowing he couldn't use his antics he started up a conversation with the farm pony.

"So Applejack where is Allen? I thought he would be here with you."

Applejack pointed to you still laying in the same spot from the battle the previous night staring at the sky. "He hasn't moved an inch after the fight i feel so helpless Discord. I want to help him but there is nothing i can do. I tried to comfort him but nothing seems to work."

"That bad huh?"

"Yeah. You have lived for a thousand years Discord have you ever came across something like this before?"

"Well sort of not very much though and back then i was evil remember? So i didn't really care what other pony's felt back then."

"Oh right sorry."

"Its fine. It's obvious though he is moping from his loss and it's probably because he feels weak. Too weak to protect you and i have to say he is right."

Applejack gave him an angry look. "Discord!"

"Sorry i know the truth hurts but its true none the less, but he can become strong enough to protect you but he can't while like this. He needs to get a grip and get over the fact he lost and i might know how to do it, but it won't be easy or very safe. We need to have a meeting about this with the princesses. Not just you and me but the others as well but Allen can't be included in this obviously."

Applejack simply nodded. "OK but what's the plan?"

"I will explain once we get an audience with the princesses."

Applejack nodded as they left to gather everyone to talk to the princesses, while you continued to lay on the ground with a face filled with sorrow. "I am completely useless. I can't beat Dark Light. I am unable to protect Applejack. Why did the Blade of Harmony choose me?"

Discord explained his plan to the princesses and the main 6 and everypony gasped with a look of shock in their eyes.

Fluttershy was the first to speak up. "But Discord isn't that dangerous?"

Discord simply nodded. "I am not going to lie. It will be extremely dangerous but if Allen is going to be the one to defeat Dark Light, then he needs to get out of this depressed state and start training.

Celestia nodded. "I am afraid Discord is right and i am grateful that you would go to such lengths to help your friend. You have come a long way Discord."

"You can thank Fluttershy and Allen for that if it wasn't for them i would still probably be encased in stone."

Celestia gave a smile and nodded. "Alright everypony let us begin."

You continued to look at the sky wondering if the blade made a mistake. Then sky is suddenly being covered by clouds. "Well looks like its going to rain." Then all of a sudden the clouds turn pink and started to rain chocolate milk. You sat up quickly in shock at the sight. "Wait a minute! Pink clouds? Chocolate rain? No this can't be. He couldn't have-" Your thoughts were interrupted by the screams of terror coming from Ponyville. You got up and ran as fast as you could to find out what was going on and the sight left you with a horrified expression on your face.

You saw your friend Discord spreading his chaos around Equestria while he was laughing maniacally. "Chaos is a wonderful thing!"

"Discord! What do you think you are doing?!"

"What am i doing? Why i am spreading my glorious chaos and taking over Equestria."

"Why would you do this? I thought we were friends! I thought you loved Fluttershy!"

Discord laughed again maniacally. "Oh please it was all a trick to get you to lower your guards. I couldn't make a move while they still had the Elements of Harmony. But now that they are gone nobody can stop me!"

You noticed Applejack and the others even Princess Celestia in a cage with locks around their hooves and necks with eveypony's horns and wings missing. Your rage boiled to the surface and summoned the Blade of Harmony. " The Elements of Harmony might be gone but i still have the Blade of Harmony!" The rainbow aura around the blade wasn't as big as it was before.

Discord only laughed. "You think i am afraid of that? You couldn't even beat Dark Light. What chances do you have of defeating me? Why don't you join me Allen and we can rule Equestria together. We are like brothers after all.

Applejack spoke up from the cage. "Don't accept his deal! Just get outta here! We will be fine. Please just go!

You gripped the blade tight your rage completely gone being replace by determination. "No. I wont leave you or my friends or Princess Celestia. I will not abandon those who are precious to me!" The aura around the blade grew larger. "Please Discord stop this i don't want to do this and neither do you. You are my friend and i don't want to hurt you." The aura grew even larger then when it appeared for the very first time.

A grin grew on Discord's face. "I don't think so come and stop me if you think you can!"

"Then you leave me no choice. I am sorry to have to do this i really am. I never wanted it to come to this, but in order to save the love of my life and my friends i have to stop you! now time for an old and cliche line" The Blade of Harmony started to charge up with a blinding light and you swung your sword through the air launching rainbow beam from the blade. "TASTE THE RAINBOW DISCORD!!"

Discord's eyes grew wide at the blast hit him dead on. Discord screamed when the blast made contact. "NO!!!" When the blast was subsided Discord's chaos has vanished and so did Discord. All that remain was a statue of himself.

You dropped to your knee's tears flowing freely from your eyes. "I am sorry my friend please forgive me."

"I forgive you" You heard a familiar voice and looked behind you to see Discord standing there with a smile on his face. You looked in front of you to see the statue of Discord was still there before you looked back behind you again. "But how? I saw my blast hit you. shouldn't you have turned to stone? Whats going on here?"

"Allow me to explain" Princess Celestia walked up to you and Discord with a smile on her face. "Discord and Applejack noticed you were quite upset from your recent defeat against Dark Light. So Discord came up with this plan to act like he was taking over Equestria again and we played as his prisoners. He temporarily took our horns and wings away so it would look more convincing that he imprisoned us. He then had my permission to spread his chaos throughout Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, and Canterlot to make it seem like he was taking over Equestria hoping you would come and investigate and you did more than that. You stood up to Discord without fear with the kind of determination that you didn't have when you faced Dark Light. Which i think was the problem when you faced Dark light. You allowed your rage to take hold and fought with anger, fear, and hatred. You didn't invoke the power of the elements inside you which lead to your defeat.

You frowned as you stared at the ground. She was right. All you wanted to do was destroy Dark Light. You were constantly enraged by the fact he tried to hurt Applejack and used it as a weapon instead of the power of the elements resting within you. Applejack walked up to you and wrapped her hooves around you. "See Allen you aren't weak at all. You were just using the wrong power to try and beat Dark Light. If we are going to stop him you need to use the power of the elements within you. Just remember honey as long as i am by your side nothing bad will happen. I trust you and believe in you. I know you can and will protect me. I know because i feel safe and comfortable around you." She places her lips against yours giving you a loving kiss and you happily return the kiss.

"You are right Applejack and i am sorry for worrying everypony. I promise to never doubt my strength again. But one thing that puzzles me i still don't know how you were unaffected by the blade Discord."

"Well that's because i am not evil anymore and what i was doing was through Celestia's orders and permission to get you back to normal that's why it didn't affect me. And as for the statue i made it and placed it there before the blast subsided so when it did it looked like i was turned back to stone"

You glared at Discord. "You know i actually thought you turned evil again and i had to be the one to seal you away again. But thank you for helping me get my confidence back. I could still use some training though. Of course the only area i can train in is magic.

"But you don't have magic inside you." Twilight said.

Celestia shook her head before smiling. "Actually Twilight since he is the bearer of the Blade of Harmony he indeed does have magic inside of him otherwise he wouldn't be able to use the blade or its magical properties."

Applejack started to cry tears of joy. "Does this mean what i think it means."

Twilight nods and giggles. "Yes Applejack that means it is possible for you to have a foal with Allen."

Applejack leaps into your arms happier than ever. "Oh honey! isn't that wonderful?

You blush heavily as you hold Applejack. "Yes but i think it's still a little too early to be talking about this right now."

Everyone starts to laugh as you and Applejack blush heavily. Twilight approached you and Applejack. "Well since you have magic inside of you and you do have some of the Element of Magic inside of you i will be the one to teach you how to control and use magic properly. You have obviously been using these abilities out of instinct or emotion but i will teach you how to use your magic at will but of course you will only be able to use it by channeling it into the Blade of Harmony."

"That's fine Twilight that't all i need it for. I need to be prepare for anything when i face Dark Light."

Twilight nods. You go back to Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack. When you get there you and Applejack eat dinner before going to bed early you both had a long day and right now all you to wanted to do was cuddle after a stressful day. Big Mac and the CMC did all of the chores for you and Applejack and they agreed to continue to do them while you trained under Twilight while Applejack was your moral support. You felt like you could accomplish anything with Applejack at your side you knew you had a lot of work ahead of you but you had plenty of time to learn. It would be a long time before Dark Light made his move. You stopped worrying about it for now and fell into blissful slumber cuddling with the love of your life.

Magical and Physical Training

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Its day one of your training and you are heading over to Twilight's to begin your training on how to have better control of your magic you have gained from the Blade of Harmony. But on your way to Twilight's Castle you started to wonder where did the Blade of Disharmony come from? The Blade of Harmony was made with the Elements of Harmony but there is no Elements of Disharmony. You shrug it off for now but would ask Princess Celestia about it later. You arrive at the castle with an eager Twilight waiting for you.

"Oh my gosh this is so exciting! i have never had a student before this is going to be so much fun!" You chuckled to see how giddy Twilight was.

"Well someone seems rather enthusiastic today" Twilight couldn't help but blush out of embarrassment.

"Sorry it's just i have always wanted to have a student like Princess Celestia but i couldn't find anypony i could teach because either their magic wasn't going to help them much or they weren't interested to begin with"

"I understand i am just hoping i can get the hang of this but i should warn you now Twilight i can't learn the way you teach. I am a hand's on kind of learner i have to do it and experience it in order for me to learn it. Studying about it will only confuse me more."

"I understand but i will need to at least explain how to do them before you attempt these thing, otherwise it can be dangerous and i don't want you to practice these spells or your magic unless i am around but once you get the hang of it the you can practice any time you want."

"I understand just please explain them in layman's terms"

*layman's terms?" I laugh almost forgetting that term isn't in Equestria.

*Well back where i am from when someone says explain it in layman's terms it means they need the explanation to be simple to understand basically don't use big words." She giggles as she nods in understanding.

"I understand a lot of ponies can't handle big words and i am guessing it is the same way with humans so i don't blame you. So are you ready to begin?"

"Well i will be once Applejack shows up this magic stuff will be difficult so i really need her support to help motivate me."

No sooner did you say that Applejack rushed into the library obviously worn out from running all of the way over here.

"I am so sorry for being late Allen i overslept why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because you look so peaceful sleeping i didn't want to disturbed you. Besides i can tell that you didn't get much sleep when i was in shock of my defeat against Dark Light so i figured i would let you sleep in to get your energy back"

She smiles at you lovingly as she hugs you and kisses you on the cheek. "I really appreciate that honey but i know you need me here to help you be more motivated to learn these things. I would just feel awful if you didn't get this magic stuff down all because i was too busy sleeping."

"To be honest Applejack i knew you would show up once you woke up that's why i wasn't worried i know you wouldn't leave me in my time of need. After all you are the most dependable of ponies."

"Especially to you sugarcube."

Twilight simply smiles from seeing how in love you two were. "Alright enough chit chat we need to get started so are you ready?"

"You bet i am Twi! Lets get this training started!"

You begin your training and after a few hours you got the hang of channeling your magic into your blade at will. Controlling it however proved to be a tougher challenge. But you persisted due to the encouragement of your marefriend Applejack. When you sit down to take a break Rainbow Dash shows up.

"Hey Al i know you are training with magic so you can be better prepared against Dark Light so i figured i would help train you physically when you have the time Applejack can train with you and i know you will be even more motivated if she does."

You look down at your belly and poke it causing it to jiggle slightly. "Well i am a little chubby and i could use the extra strength not just against Dark Light but when i am able to help out again in the orchard too. What do you say Applejack?"

"I say lets do it you could use a little more muscle not that there is anything wrong with you now i love you just the way you are but if we are going to stop Dark Light we need all the strength we can get."

Twilight nodded. "I agree give your mind a break for the rest of the day and go do some physical training just don't over do it on him Rainbow if he over-works his body while his mind is tired it could seriously hurt him. He needs to be able to get used to using his magic before he works really hard physically."

"So take it easy on him for now until he get's used to your training? you got it Twi! i agree we don't need to endanger him especially since he is the only one who can beat Dark Light. Now lets go Allen and A.J. we need to get going before it gets too dark at least it is fall so you won't be over working in the heat."

"Alright lets get going you two i am anxious to get stronger!"

"Anxious huh? i like that got some good confidence and attitude there and with that you are sure to go far!"

"That's my Allen always ready to prove himself." Applejack smiled and hugged you and you returned the hug.

After you, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash went out for a little exercise you go back home to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack prepares you both dinner after a hard days work. After you both eat you decide to take a shower and Applejack took one after you. Applejack decides she wants to sleep with you from now on instead of in her own bedroom so she takes whatever belongings she has and moves them into your room so you can spend as much time together as possible. Applejack knew you needed her more than ever now that the safety of Equestria rests on your shoulders but you still can't help but wonder how the Blade of Disharmony come to be. The blade looked similar to yours in a way it had the same exact shape but different colors, instead of the Blade of Disharmony being gold with a rainbow aura surrounding the blade it was black with a green aura surrounding the dark blade. something didn't add up about the blade and you decided to talk to Princess Celestia about Dark Light and the Blade of Disharmony when you get the chance.

You have been training for 10 months now and you decide it is time for a break. You and the mane six, Spike and Discord decide to go on a camping trip together it has been a while since you was able to relax with your friends and you have been training practically non stop but you are no longer chubby in fact you are started to get some muscles from your work out and you noticed you have some magical traits as an Earth Pony and Pegasus. You find it strange you don't have any unicorn powers either but immediately shrug it off not really caring.

When we arrived at our destination Discord used his magic to set up the camp sight and a tent with the inside of the tent being larger than the actual size with every pony having their own rooms with a few exceptions. You and Applejack was obviously sharing a room since you two were together same with Fluttershy and Discord and Twilight and Spike also shared a room since he was her assistant but they still had separate beds. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie each had their own separate rooms.

We decided to camp out by a lake so we could go swimming and start a fire to make smores. You put on your swimming trunks that Rarity had made for you and you decided to go shirtless this time since you mostly have muscle.

"Why darling i must say you look rather attractive now that you have muscles." Rarity said as she made her way down to the shoreline to the water. "But don't fret Applejack i would never stoop so low as to steal someones special somepony away."

You couldn't help but chuckle. "Plus i only see you as a sister Rarity even if i wasn't with Applejack i could still only see you as a sister but i can't imagine myself with any other pony than Applejack."

Applejack smiled hugged and kissed you from the comment and you returned the kiss "Awe shucks Allen i can't Imagine being with another male than you."

"Well everypony let's have some fun swimming and just let me know when any of you are hungry we will have lunch and i can make everything." Discord smiled knowing he can be a big help.

"Thanks Discord but me and Applejack made our own breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next couple of days we worked on it together so we will stick to what we have." You and Applejack smiles at Discord who nods in understanding. You and Applejack and your friends spent a couple of days camping although when you and Applejack needed some time to yourself you both just went for a walk or sat on the beach in solitude while holding each other in a tight embrace. The second night though was the better one it was the perfect romantic setting.

"I can't believe it has been almost a year since we got together Applejack it has been an amazing one though."

Applejack smiled. "It has been the best year of my life sugarcube. My life has been so much better ever since you fell into it."

"Same here my beloved Applejack."

"Do you miss it? Your old home i mean. Do you sometimes wish you could just go back?"

"Well i do miss my family. I don't really miss my world though and i would rather not go back. Besides why would i want to go back when i found true love here with you?"

Applejack couldn't help but smile and blush "D-Do you really mean that?"

"Of course i do Applejack i couldn't bare the thought of not being with you. I can't even stand the thought of you not being in my life."

Applejack threw her hooves around your neck and you shared a deep passionate kiss. Things got silent for a while. You have been with this mare for a long time and you feel the time is right to ask her. You have had this on your mind for a while but you knew deep down the moment was right. As you sat beside each other you broke the silence.


"Yes Allen?"

"I have had something on my mind for a while and there is something i have been wanting to tell you and ask you for a while now."

"Alright honey what is it?" Applejack smiled warmly.

"Applejack i am not very good with words but i can say that being with you has made me the happiest person alive. I wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for you Applejack you saved my life twice. First time was when i first arrived in Equestria. If you and your family hadn't taken me in i would have eventually died of starvation. The second time was when i had that fever a year ago. If you wouldn't have taken care of me not only would i be dead but we might not have ended up together and i just can't imagine what that would be like. Applejack you complete me. You have given me a happy life now i think it's time i spend the rest of my life with you."

You pull out a small black box and you open it you reveal a diamond ring. Applejack's eyes shot open and she started to cry tears of joy as she smiled brightly.

"Applejack will you marry me?"

"YES! YES I WILL!" You couldn't help but laugh, smile, and cry all at the same time. she said yes and you couldn't be happier as you put the engagement band around her hoof as she stared at it for a moment appreciating the ring and then she pulled you into one of the most deepest and passionate kisses you have ever shared with the farm pony.

Dark Light's Past and The Origins of The Blade of Disharmony

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It was morning and you all decided to have breakfast before heading back to Ponyville. Before breakfast was served you asked Discord to whip up something really good for a special occasion. You told him you have an important announcement to make and you want to have a really great breakfast while giving the announcement. Discord nodded and happily set up a breakfast that would normally be served under special occasions. As everyone else left the tent they noticed the spread on the table and they all happily sat at their respective spots. You, Applejack, and Discord was already seated.

"Oh my Discord this is lovely" Fluttershy smiled as she nuzzled discord.

"Yes all of this food looks simply delightful! Whats the occasion?" Rarity smiled but looked confused.

"Well i figured we could a have a really good breakfast for a change compliments of Discord of course. But also me and Applejack have an important announcement." You and your new fiance looked at each other and smiled.

"Well come on tell us don't keep us in suspense!" Rainbow Dash was getting rather impatient.

You simply chuckled. "Go on baby show them."

Applejack smiled as she lifted her left hoof in the air which revealed to be an engagement ring on her hoof. Everyone gasped and shrieked in delight as they walked up and hugged you and Applejack.

"Oh my goodness darling congratulations!" Rarity smiled as she hugged you both.

"That is awesome A.J. and Al! Congrats!" Rainbow Dash did the same.

"Oh my how wonderful! i am very happy for you both!" Fluttershy's hug lighter than the rest but still was good regardless.

"I can't believe it! Congratulations! You know what this calls for?! A PARTY!" she hugged you both the hardest you and Applejack couldn't help but laugh.

"Congratulation you two we are very happy for you" Twilight hugged you both but it was hard to tell who she hugged tighter since Applejack has been her friend for a long time and you are her student and friend.

"Yeah Congratulations Allen and Applejack!" Spike hugged Applejack but you and spike share a fist bump instead because he found it awkward to hug another guy and you would too but you got used to it from being friends with Discord for so long.

"I am very happy for you my friend! Congratulations! And congratulations to you too Applejack!" Applejack was shocked that Discord had hugged her but she happily returned the hug but Discord hugged you better than the others had. He hugged you like he would hug a brother if he had one.

"Thank you everypony it certainly means a lot." You nodded agreeing with Applejack.

After you all finished breakfast Discord cleaned everything up with his magic and teleported everyone back to Ponyville. It didn't take long for the news of your engagement to Applejack to spread across Ponyville and Canterlot thanks to Pinkie Pie and Discord. Celestia sent a letter through Spike inviting the mane six, You, Discord, and Spike over for a nice evening dinner to discuss the details about the wedding.

Discord teleports you all outside the Canterlot castle and the guards point their spears at all of you for a moment until they saw Twilight and then lowered their spears and apologized.

"I am really sorry for that everyone." Twilight look at everyone apologetically.

You simply smiled. "It's alright Twilight they are just taking their jobs seriously as they should." Everyone nodded in unison and Twilight smiled.

You all entered the dinning hall where Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Shining Armor. were waiting for you all.

"Shining Armor! Cadence!" Twilight and Cadenced approached each other and did their special friendship dance.

"Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake." Both Twilight and Cadence said and danced in unison and both laughed and hugged afterwards. After you and Shining Armor greeted with a hug he approached Twilight with a smile on his face as he hugged Twilight harder and she returned the hug happily.

"Twiley! I missed you little sis!"

"I miss you too BBBFF!"

You looked at twilight confused. "Huh?"

Applejack giggled and answered for Twilight. "Big brother best friend forever."

"Oh!" Everyone laughs as nostalgia hits them remembering they had the same reaction when they first heard it.

You all sit at the big dinning table with a feast prepared for all of you. "I am so pleased all of you could make it and it would have been pointless if Allen and Applejack couldn't have shown up but i am glad everyone is here. So what all have you decided for the wedding so far?"

You and Applejack looked at each other and smiled. "Well we definitely want it at Sweet Apple Acres and we decided to have the wedding after we stop Dark light. But we want Twilight to preform the ceremony.

"Yeah and i want the other girls to be my brides maids." Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity couldn't help but smile and nod.

"So whats my role in all of this?" Discord looked at us confused.

"Isn't it obvious Discord i want you to be my best man." Discord smiled brightly and hugged you tightly in appreciation and you return the hug.

"I take it i am the ring bearer?" Spike asked enthusiastically. You and Applejack nodded and smiled.

"But i know you called us here for more than just to talk about the wedding." You gave Celestia a serious look.

"You mean you know?" Celestia looked at me shocked and confused.

"Of course i can feel something big is about to go down. I have been using my magic for a year now and i can sense these things just like you and Princess Luna." Both of the Alicorn sisters looked at you with shock and amazement as they nodded.

"You are indeed correct Allen. My sister and i have sensed that Dark Light is about to make his move any day now."

"Well since we are on topic i want you to tell me the full story this time and don't try to pretend that you don't know what i am talking about. You had a past with Dark Light didn't you?" Celestia and Luna nodded and everypony gasped.

"We did indeed although in order to understand this completely we must start from the beginning and we must start by telling you that Dark Light isn't what he appears to be."

You nod as Applejack looks more concerned than before. "Dark Light wasn't born normally he was created through magic specifically dark magic." Everypony gasped again in horror.

"P-Princess Celestia you don't mean you-" Celestia cut Twilight off my putting a hoof to her mouth.

"No my dear Twilight it wasn't i or Luna that created him but we do know who did."

"Then who created him?" You asked curiously.

"King Sombra" Everypony's eyes lit up in horror too speechless to gasp this time.

"King Sombra created Dark Light as a weapon to use again me and my sister. When he created Dark Light he made him just as strong as both me and Luna maybe even stronger. Dark Light had intended on following his orders but after we met he became our friend and he did not wish to follow Sombra any longer. We saw there was good in him and he helped us defeat Sombra."

"Alright now i need to know something Celestia and only you and Luna can give me my answer. Dark Light was the bearer of the Blade of Harmony before me wasn't he?" Celestia nodded and the others were so much in shock that they were remained speechless.

"Yes there was already a legend though before you and that was the very first bearer of the Blade of Harmony would betray Equestria and bring darkness the likes of which this world has never seen. He did obtain the Blade of Harmony and he helped keep Equestria in order but once we found the legend we had to banish him from Equestria after he started to use dark magic and when he obtained dark magic he used it to duplicate the Blade of Harmony but since he duplicated the blade with dark magic the duplicate was engulfed by dark magic thus creating the Blade of Disharmony."

"Why didn't you inform me about any of this sooner?"

"It's not something that is easy for me to talk about."

"I understand." You all continue your meal and enjoy your evening. But little did they know high up in the mountains Dark Light was watching their entire conversation and dinner using a magic mirror he created with his dark magic.

"Oh don't worry Celestia and Allen my plan with be revealed soon enough. Soon all the pieces will be in place and i shall destroy Celestia, Luna, and Allen and take my rightful place as not only the ruler of Equestria but the ruler of this entire pathetic world! Sombra was always weaker than i. He might have taught me about dark magic but i mastered it and unlike him i have never underestimated my enemies only the ones i once called "friends". Sombra was right about one thing though friendship is worthless. It can only hold back ones true power. Once i become the ruler of this world the word friendship will cease to exist. After i destroy the princesses and wielder of the Blade of Harmony i will corrupt the Elements of Harmony and if i am unable to then i will just destroy them by destroying the bearers themselves!" Dark Light laughs maniacally and evilly.

After dinner everyone gets settled into their rooms with same sleeping arrangements that you all had while camping.

Applejack lays in bed looking up at the ceiling and you can't help but notice her stress. "Whats wrong Applejack?"

"I am just really worried Allen i have this strange feeling something terrible is going to happen i just hope i am overthinking things."

You kiss Applejack lovingly as you stroke her cheek. "Applejack even if something bad does happen i will protect you and if you get ponynapped i will save you i promise. I will do everything in my power to keep you save."

"It's not me i am worried about sugarcube It's you and-" She cuts herself off as she rubs her stomach in small circles and you immediately realize what she means.

"Applejack are you saying what i think your saying?"

Applejack blushes as she nods. "Yes Allen i am pregnant i wanted to tell you sooner but never had the chance to. I was going to the night you proposed to me but i just got all excited from your proposal that i completely forgot to so when i heard we were going to be staying at the castle tonight i knew we would have some alone time for me to be able to tell you."

You pull Applejack into a hug and kiss her forehead then her stomach softly. "So you lied a few months ago when you said you was gaining weight by eating a little too much." You chuckle as Applejack giggled.

"Yeah i didn't want to tell you and disrupt your training only one who knows is Fluttershy and Discord. But they both pinkie promised not to tell anyone not even you only because you were training but i figured now is a good of time as any to tell you."

"How far along are you and when are you due?"

"I have been pregnant for 9 months and a pony is normally pregnant for 10 months so it could show up any day now."

"Do you know what it is?"

"Discord could tell and he said we are having a boy and don't worry the he will look like a pony so you don't have to worry about him looking different."

you sighed in relief as you lay your hand on Applejack stomach. "I am glad to hear that of course i would love our child no matter what he looked like." You and Applejack shared one last loving kiss before falling asleep into each others arms.

The Baby is Coming!

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The next morning after the dinner you, the mane 6, Spike, and Discord had with the princesses and Shining Armor was a lovely one. You wake up and look down to see Applejack sleeping peacefully on your chest with a smile on your face. You lightly stroke Applejack's mane as you watch her sleep. A warm smile appears on her face as she snuggles into you further. You couldn't help but smile back as you rub her stomach softly. Applejack wakes up and smiles as she watches you rub her belly with love and affection.

"I can't believe we are having a baby. When twilight told me that i wouldn't be able to have a foal with you because you didn't have magic inside of you i was heart broken. I still wasn't going to leave you but i thought that might have ruined things for us." Applejack's smile turns to a frown as she sits up and looks down at the bed.

You pull applejack into a loving embrace and hold her as you rub her back lovingly. "Applejack even if that was still the case i wouldn't have left you or loved you any less for it. No matter what happens my feelings will never change for you Applejack i will never leave you i promise."

Applejack sighs lovingly in your arms. "I am just glad that you are the bearer of the Blade of Harmony because of that you do have magic inside of you and we are able to have this foal because of it. But it does concern me still because you have to defeat Dark Light all on your own and the prophecy." Applejack starts to tear up.

You pull Applejack's face so you can look in each other's eyes. "Applejack i already made a promise to you i am going to beat him without fulfilling the prophecy. I am not going to sacrifice myself and leave you and our foal alone i would never do that to you or our foal and i intend to keep that promise Applejack."

"I know i just have this really bad feeling that something bad is going to happen."

"Applejack i understand how you feel but i will not let Equestria become a place of war and destruction like where i came from. I am not going to let that happen. I will protect you, our foal, and all of Equestria."

"I trust you Allen but i don't trust Dark Light. He might pull some underhanded trick where you will have to fulfill the prophecy."

"I will stop him before then."

"But what if-" Applejack was cut off by your lips meeting hers.

"I promise Applejack everything will be fine. Besides if you keep stressing yourself out it's going to hurt the baby."

Applejack sighs and calms herself down. "You're right i just can't help but worry. I love you Allen and i am afraid to lose you."

You give Applejack a reassuring smile. "I promise Applejack i won't die on you."

Discord teleports into the room you and Applejack were staying in. "Come on you two the princesses, Fluttershy, and I have prepared breakfast we are waiting for you two in the dining hall."

You give Discord a annoyed look for interrupting your heart warming moment with Applejack but then chuckle and nod. "Alright Discord we are coming" Discord chuckles and teleports back to the dining hall.

You and Applejack enter the dinning hall and as soon as you do a stream of confetti blows in your direction and pinkie pie jumps up in excitement. "SURPRISE!!!"

You and Applejack look at pinkie pie confused. "Pinks what is all of this?"

"This is your baby shower silly! It's where we get all sorts of cool presents for Applejack to help with the baby!"

Applejack couldn't help but cry happily. "Girls thank ya'll so much."

"Think nothing of it Applejack! We are your friends and we are sooooo happy for you both!"

Twilight nods. "That's right Applejack we are here to help and to show that we are happy that you both are having a foal together."

You look at them all confused. "But wait how did you know Applejack was pregnant? Only ones who knew were Fluttershy and Discord." You immediately gave them a disappointed look. "Did you break your pinkie promise and tell the others?"

Pinkie Pie laughs. "Actually i could tell because when we were having some girl time during our camping trip i brought along some snacks and she made a combination of foods that even I found weird. I didn't tell the others until last night though and Flutters and Discord confirmed it."

Applejack giggles. "Well i guess i wasn't as subtle as i thought about being pregnant."

Everyone laughs and they start to bring Applejack the presents.

Twilight gave her Smartypants as a toy for the foal. "I had a lot of good memories with this but i don't need her anymore i am sure your baby will enjoy her."

Spike gave her his old blanket. "This was mine when i was just a newborn so i figured i would give it to your baby since i am too big for it now."

Pinkie Pie gave her a baby rattler. "A baby always needs a baby rattler!"

Rainbow Dash gave her a pacifier. "This will help keep the baby from constantly crying."

Rarity gave her an assortment of baby clothes she made for colts. "I put these together last night at the last minute. Luckily Discord knew it was a colt."

"Fluttershy gave her a baby stroller. "So you can take your baby on nice strolls."

Discord looked at you both. "I have a present too but i will need Applejack and her families permission before i can give it because it requires me using my chaos on her property and house but i promise you it is nothing bad."

You and Applejack nodded. "We are fine with it but i do need to ask my family about it though."

Discord smiled and nodded. "Very well we will ask them when we return to Ponyville."

After eating breakfast Discord took everyone back to Ponyville with his magic and then Discord went to Sweet Apple Acres with you and Applejack and told the apple family about his gift. "So do i have everypony's permission?"

You, Applejack, Applebloom, and Granny Smith nod and Big Mac gives his usual response. "Eeyup."

"Excellent!" Discord snaps his fingers and the houses size increases slightly the kitchen and bathroom grew slightly larger along with an extra room beside Yours and Applejack's appeared.

"Nice Discord is that the baby's bedroom?" you look at Discord and he nods.

"Why yes it is. Why don't we go take a look on the inside shall we?" Discord teleports all of you into the house into the babies new bedroom with everything needed to take care of a baby even a baby cradle.

"Wow Discord we never expected this." Applejack was ecstatic at everything in the room.

"Discord we can't thank you enough for this."

"No problem my friend i wanted to make sure my best friend and his fiance had everything they needed to take care of their foal."

Applejack Immediately wrapped her hooves around her belly as she groaned in pain. "Applejack! baby whats wrong!?"

"The baby is coming Allen."

"So Soon!? i thought we had one more month!"

"Well i did say last night he is due any day now."

You look at Discord with panic in your eyes. "Discord please take us to the hospital and then get our friends and bring them to the hospital tell them the baby is coming!"

You got it! "Discord took you and Applejack to the hospital and went to get the others.

Everyone waited outside the door to the room that Applejack was giving birth to. You were the only one allowed to go in there since you were the father. After a couple of hours all of your friends heard the sound of a baby crying.

You stand beside Applejack as she holds the baby. "He is so adorable and cute like his father."

You blush and can't help but smile. "Well he does have his mother's beautiful eyes though."

"But his mane is the same color as your hair. A brown mane and tail."

"He also has your orange coat. He is going to grow into a wonderful stallion i just know it. So what should we name him?" The baby starts to show a lot of energy but still behaves in his mothers hooves.

"Hmm how about Apple Cider? He is full of energy like Cider gives you but he is also sweet like Cider"

You smile as you nod. "Apple Cider it is then." The baby is then taken to where all the other newborns are kept until it is time for them to leave.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie is the first to the window to see the baby. " So which one is Applejack's little squirt?"

The nurse points to Apple Cider and Pinkie gets excited. "AWE! HE IS SO ADORABLE!"

You appear behind them. "Not so loud Pinks Applejack is sleeping in the room and The baby is trying to go to sleep."

Twilight looks at you. "What's his name?"

You smile as you walk up to the window. "His name is Apple Cider."

Rainbow smirks at you. "An awesome name for an awesome baby. It has a nice ring to it."

Fluttershy squees and flies up to the window. "He is so cute!"

Discord puts his paw on your shoulder. "Congratulations Allen."

"Thank you Discord." Dark Light continue's to watch you from his magic mirror as he chuckles evilly.

"So he has a brat now. I can use this to my advantage but the time isn't right just yet in due time Allen. In due time."

After a week you and Applejack take Apple Cider home and take him to his new room. He get excited about everything in his room as he goes and plays in his crib. "He is just like his father."

You smile and chuckle. "He is like his mother too always wanting to try to help even though he is only a week old."

Applejack can't help but giggle. "He will definitely be a dependable pony then but remember you are like that too."

"True but you are more dependable than i am"

"I seriously doubt that."

"Well i know one thing he will definitely be stubborn like us."

You both burst out in laughter and began to play with Apple Cider until he decides he is ready for a nap. Whenever you and Applejack have to do your chores you have Applebloom babysit Apple Cider for you to show she can be responsible which she has Sweetie belle and Scootaloo help her. Things seem to be going very well but little did they know that Dark Light is beginning to plan his next move to put an end to Allen and the Princesses.

Dark Light Makes His Move! The Abduction!

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It had been a 6 months since Applejack gave birth to Apple Cider. He was already starting to learn to walk and he had learned how to talk. Nothing big but he was smart for a 6 month old colt.

"Mama I am hungry." Applejack couldn't help but melt at how cute Apple Cider was.

"Alright what are you hungry for?" Applejack picks up Apple Cider and carries him to the kitchen.

"Apple Muffin!" Applejack couldn't help but giggle.

"You are so much like your father"

"Where is daddy?"

"He is out doing some important things sugar don't worry he will be home soon."

"I wish i could help daddy." Applejack smiles as she kisses Apple Cider's forehead.

"You are even kind and dependable like your father but the things he is doing can be very dangerous so daddy would rather do it on his own but if you want to help daddy you can help me make some cider for your daddy when he gets home."

"OK!"Apple Cider gets excited about being able to helpful to you and Applejack.

While Applejack and Apple Cider are making you a snack you are currently training with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Discord. Discord started helping you out your training by using his chaos to conjure up creatures of dark magic for you to face against while sparring with Twilight and Rainbow Dash. The Blade of Harmony cannot hurt the two ponies but Twilight created a spell that made it where when the blade hit them Twilight would be temporarily drained of magical energy and Rainbow would be temporarily drained of physical energy. Twilight begins to tire first.

"Why don't we take a break. The draining spell won't do much good with me being tired like this."

"Alright Twilight what do you say Al and Discord ready for a break?" Rainbow landed to take a breather.

You and Discord look at Rainbow and Twilight. "Yeah i think we can use a break we have been training for while now and i am not used to training Allen."

"I can actually keep going but i understand if you all need a break so yeah lets take one besides i am sure Applejack and Apple Cider is making us a snack right now."

"Are you and Applejack growing apart? I Only ask because she hasn't been here to root for you while you train." Rainbow asked.

You chuckle. "Oh no far from it in fact! i just understand and would actually feel more comfortable if she watched Apple Cider while i trained in case something happened to him she will be able to handle it."

"You are a great father Allen for thinking about your son over yourself."

"Thanks Twilight. To be honest i always thought i would be a terrible father but after these 6 months of raising Apple Cider i know i am a great father."

"Of Course you are! after all you are a great friend. I have lived for over a thousand years and i haven't met anyone i could get along with besides you and Fluttershy and of course the others now too."

"Well you are right about that beside i do represent each Element of Harmony and i understand chaos. All i know right now is i am so glad everything is turning out great. Well i think we have trained enough for one day i need to get home and spend some time with my family."

Little did they know Dark Light was watching them from afar chuckling maliciously. "The time has finally come to put my plan into motion."

Dark Light casts a spell to temporarily duplicate himself. There were now a total of 6 of himself. "Now time for me to abduct Princess Twilight and her friends and of course that includes Allen's brat as well which is my main target along with his fiance. Soon Allen you will fall by my blade and i will make Princess Celestia and her sister pay!"

As soon as you arrive at Sweet Apple Acres your eyes are filled with horror. A portion of the crop had been burnt down and the barn is destroyed with pieces of it laying all over the property and you see Granny smith, Big Mac, and Cheerilee were all laying on the ground unconscious and the house was damaged considerably. You run inside the house in a panic.

"Applejack! Apple Cider! Are you there!?" You then see Applebloom limping from the kitchen.

You rush over to help Applebloom. "Applebloom what happened here? Are you hurt?"

"I am fine Allen but Applejack and Apple Cider they are gone."

"What happened? where are they?"

"Well i just got home from crusading with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and i noticed Applejack and Apple Cider making some cider and apple muffins so i decided to help but then the farm was attack by Timberwolves and some strange creature that looked part pony and part human. He burnt down half of our crops and the Timberwolves destroyed the barn after that he knocked out Granny Smith, Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee. Applejack told me to take Apple Cider and hide so i did. When that strange creature came in the house Applejack called him "Dark Light" he captured Applejack and when he found me and Apple Cider i tried to fight him off but he was too strong and he kidnapped Apple Cider too." After her explanation Applebloom saw the rage in your eyes and immediately backed away in fear.


"A-Allen?" Applebloom continue to shake in fear.

"I am going to go get some help Applebloom just sit tight until a doctor arrives after you get treated i want you to go and sit with the Mr. and Mrs. cake until i get back. Granny Smith, Big Mac and Cheerilee are going to be in the hospital for a while."

"Alright Allen please be safe you are going to be my brother-in-law after all."

"You got it Applebloom!"

You run into Ponyville and explain the situation to the doctors as they rush to Sweet Apple Acres. Afterwards you run to Fluttershy's Cottage to tell Discord and Fluttershy of the bad new but when you arrive there you see Discord in a state of panic.

"Discord why are you panicking? where is Fluttershy?"

Discord drops to the ground bursting into tears. "I don't know! I went out to run a few errands for her and when i got home her cottage was damage badly i fixed it up of course and i couldn't find her anywhere!"

"Oh no... not Fluttershy too..."

"What do you mean? You know whats going on? tell me where my Fluttershy is right now!" Discord lifts you up by your shirt in a rage

"Discord put me down!"

"I am sorry Allen i am just worried is all."

"I understand Discord but yes i do know what happened to her same thing happened to Applejack and Apple Cider."

"What happened to them? Are they-"

"No Discord they aren't dead. They have been captured by Dark Light in fact i am starting to think all of our friends did."

Discord became even more angry. "Dark light... i am going to send him to the farthest reach of Equestria where he can never touch Fluttershy again!"

"Discord remain calm we can't do anything if we are blinded by anger."

"Allen is right Discord." Princess Celestia landed behind you and Discord. "Remember what happened last time when Allen tried to fight with rage against Dark Light? Its just what he wants. It will give him the advantage."

"You are right Celestia. So what are we going to do?"

Before Celestia could respond a clone of Dark Light appeared and was chuckling. "There is only one thing you can do human. You must come to my Castle of Dark Magic if you want to save your precious family and friends."

You materialized the Blade of Harmony and pointed it at him with a confident determined look. "Or i could just end it right here."

"Good Luck with that Allen this is merely a clone under my control. Even if you destroyed the clone it wouldn't defeat me or weaken me. The clone is due to vanish in the next couple of minutes. Just enough time to give you my demands."

"And what ARE your demands Dark Light?"

"I don't believe i asked you Celestia so do not speak unless spoken to."

"Alright what do you want Dark Light?"

"What do i want? Its simple Allen i want you to come to my Castle and bring the Draconequus and Princesses Celestia and Luna with you."

"Why do you want with me and my sister?"

"Again Celestia it's obvious. I want revenge! And don't try to act innocent in front of these two. We both know what you did to me but never told them."

"Then why my sister? She has nothing to do with this."

"Maybe not but i want to see you suffer as i have. And if you refuse to give into my demands them i will kill each and everyone of these pony's two at a time starting with Applejack and her brat!"

You gave him a death glare as you charged your magic into your sword. "If you hurt my fiance or my son i will make you rue the day you were ever born!"

"All you need to do is come to my castle Allen and bring those i told you to bring. If you do then no harm will come to any of these ponies. Here is a map should you choose to follow through with my demands and i am sure you will. I will be waiting for your arrival." As soon as the clone stopped talking it vanished into thin air.

"I am sorry Celestia but we don't have much of a choice we have to bring you and Luna along."

"i know and i understand me and Luna will come along willingly i will not let anything happen to the others that includes your child. They are still my subjects and i won't abandon them."

"Alright you go and get your sister i need to go back to Sweet Apple Acres to check on Applebloom and to the hospital to see if the Apples and Cheerilee are OK."

"Alright we will meet back at Sweet Apple Acres in 2 hours. Me and Luna do need to arm ourselves."

"Alright i will see all of you in a little bit."

"I will go and inform Ponyville of the crisis and tell them to stay indoors."

"Yes thank you Discord i am grateful."

"Don't mention it i am just trying to learn kindness from my sweet Fluttershy and my friend Allen."

"Alright Discord while your at it put a protective force field around Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, and Canterlot until we get back after you are done. Make it where any non-hostile pony can pass through it but anypony who becomes hostile in the barrier will immediately be sent to the dungeon. I know it sounds extreme but we need to make sure there is nothing bad happening while we are away."

"Understood Allen!"

You go to Sweet Apple Acres to go pick up Applebloom who is now with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

"Alright CMC come with me i am going to have you stay with Mr. and Mrs Cake until me and the others return from our mission and before you ask no you can't come along."

The CMC looked at each other and then you before Applebloom spoke. "Actually Allen we thought it would be best to stay here as much as we would like to go to save our sister's you helped us realize how to be mature and responsible and if we went we would just be in the way. Besides we all fought Dark Light ourselves and we were no match for him so we will do as you say and stay with the Cakes until you come back. But can you escort us? Because we are afraid he might come back for us if we go alone and please promise to bring others back safe and sound."

You smile as you pick the girls up and give them a big hug. "I am so proud of you girls and i will be sure to tell your sisters about how much you have grown up. I know they will be so proud of you and i give you the pinkie promise that i will return them home safely." You sit them back down and give the gestures for the pinkie promise. " Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye."

The girls smile as they leap back into your arms and you carry them to Sugarcube Corner. The Cakes agree to watch the girls while you are away and you go to the hospital to check on Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Cheerilee.

"I am sure you have heard by now what has happened with Applejack, Apple Cider and the others?"

Granny Smith nodded "Yes we have young'n and i know you will save Applejack and Little Cider. I know because i have never seen such determination in your eyes before. Never have you been so sure of yourself until now just please promise me you will come back with them i don't want to see Applejack heart broken and i don't want to see Apple Cider growing up without his father. Because if you don't i will kick your corpse everyday until the day i die!"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac said in Agreement.

"Just please be careful Allen i don't want to see any of you get hurt." said Cheerilee

"I swear to you all on my honor as a future Apple Family Member i will make it back alive and with everyone else in one piece."

They nod as you make your way out of the hospital and to Sweet Apple Acres where Discord, and Princesses Celestia and Luna were waiting for you.

"Is everyone ready?"

They nod and you respond back with a nod as you begin your journey to Dark Light's Castle of Dark Magic.

Journey to the Castle of Dark Magic

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You, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Discord start to make your way to the Castle of Dark Magic from Sweet Apple Acres. You all are suddenly stopped by Spike.

"Wait! Take me with you! I have to save Twilight and Rarity!"

Celestia shakes her head. "I am sorry dear Spike but this is too dangerous for a baby dragon." Immediately after a yellow pegasus in royal guard armor landed beside Spike. "Sir Flash Sentry?"

"Princess Celestia i ask that you allow us to help you. The ones we love are in danger and we want to help and protect them. Besides i was recently reassigned to Princess Twilight's personal guard and it is my sworn duty to protect and save her!" You smirked.

"Flash Is duty the only reason you want to save Twilight?" Flash couldn't help but blush.

"No they aren't and to be completely honest with you Allen me and Twilight got into a relationship not too long after i was assigned to her personal guard."

"I take it Twilight told you about me since you do know my name?"

"Yes after all you are her student and she speaks very highly of you." You smiled at the thought of Twilight bragging about your skills at magic.

Princess Celestia stepped forward. "I can allow you to go Flash but not Spike. Twilight would not wan't him coming and endangering himself."

"Celestia i think we should let Spike come as well after all just like me. He is in love with one of the ponies who got kidnapped and you should know who i am talking about. I am a human that is in love with a pony so i can understand where he is coming from. He might have the body of a baby dragon but remember Celestia dragons don't grow naturally. They only grow physically when they begin to hoard things from greed so he will always remain in the form of a baby dragon because he isn't greedy."

"But Twilight-"

"Will be upset yes but he will never win the mare of his dreams if he can never show her he really loves her and what better way to do it than risking his life for her. Plus Twilight is like a sister to him. How can he sit by when the love of his life and his sister are in danger? Spike needs room to grow mentally and he can't if Twilight keeps smothering him." Celestia sighs in defeat.

"You are right Allen. Very well Spike you may come along and help but if we tell you to stay behind us then you must listen so nothing can happen to you." Spike nods.

"I understand princess but i am still going to protect Twilight and Rarity no matter what."

"I understand Spike. Flash since you are Twilight's personal guard and her special somepony then it is your job to protect not only Twilight but Spike as well." Flash Sentry smirks.

"I was going to protect this little guy even if you didn't tell me to." Celestia smiles.

"Good just do your best not to get hurt." Flash nods.

While you all make your way to the Castle of Dark Magic Dark Light continue's to watch you all from the mirror.

"Hmm so he intends to bring two more with. Oh well i don't care if he brings all of Manehattan so long as he bring who i told him to bring. Now time for me to go and check on my "guests"."

Dark Light walks into the other room where Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Apple Cider are all being held in a cage with Apple Cider crying in Applejack's hooves while they all try to comfort him.

"So how are you all doing my prisoners." Dark Light gave them an evil grin which caused Apple Cider to quiver in fear as he whimpered and cried in Applejack's chest.

"Stop it Dark Light you are scaring my boy!" Twilight glared at him angrily.

"What do you want with us Dark Light?" Rainbow scoffed at Dark Light.

"He probably took us prisoner because he knows he can't win again our man Allen without using us as his prisoners." Dark Light merely laughed.

"How wrong you are. Think carefully on this one. Why would i go to the trouble of bringing him here? I could easily fight him and win anywhere so why would i bring him here of all places?" Rainbow answered.

"So you can have the home field advantage." Dark Light laughed again.

"Once again you are incorrect. I am guessing that Celestia didn't tell you about the other half of the prophecy?" Applejack started to get concerned.

"O-Other half?" Dark light smiled mischievously.

"Yes the darker half. As you know in order for him to defeat me he has to sacrifice himself. But if i were to prevail war and destruction shall be brought upon this world. Celestia has already told you these things but there is one other prophecy and only Celestia herself knows it besides myself."

"A-And what is this other prophecy?" Applejack and the others were starting to feel uneasy as Dark Light chuckles.

"I can alter destiny with this one prophecy. If i were to destroy him in this specific castle while he is protecting a loved one. I will not only gain the power to reek havoc on this world but then i will also become unstoppable and i will even have the power to corrupt the Elements of Harmony!"

All of them gasped as Applejack eyes filled with horror knowing full well that you would protect her and Apple Cider even if it costed your life. Applejack burst into tears and they all tried to comfort her.

"By the way i should let you all know that Allen won't be coming alone. Discord, Celestia, Luna are coming as well along with Twilight Sparkle's personal guard and her pathetic assistant." Twilight's eyes shot open and here eyes started to fill with tears.

"Flash and Spike are coming too?! It's too dangerous for them!" Dark Light chuckled.

"Well Flash couldn't stand the thought of not being able to help you and the dragon couldn't stand by as his adopted sister and "the mare of his dreams" were locked up and in danger, but don't worry i will make their death's quick and painless." Twilight started to get enraged.


"You'll do what "princess"? You can't touch me i took away your magic." It was Rarity's turn to lash out at him from the cage.

"LEAVE SPIKEY-WIKEY ALONE!" Dark Light couldn't help but laugh.

"You are in no position to be giving me orders wench! By the way i don't know which one of you is Rarity but whoever you are i think you should know before Spike dies that he is in love with you. Let that sink in and know that the one who loves you is about to me his end!" Dark Light laughs evilly as he exits the room and Rarity couldn't hep but sit there in shock.

"S-Spikey Wikey is in love with me? I knew he had a crush on me but i never knew he-" Tears starting streaming down her face as she finally realized the truth and Twilight comforted her.

"I know it's a lot to take in Rarity. Lets just hope he doesn't get hurt." Twilight herself started to crying worrying about Spike and Flash. Rarity stood up.

"I swear if we all get through this i am going to give my Spikey Wikey the love he deserves! I am going to make him my very special somepony er somedragon!" Twilight stood there in shock.

"Rarity does this mean you-"

"Yes Twilight i am in love with Spike as well. I didn't realize it until now and it all makes perfect sense why he would do all of the things he has done for me especially with the diamond dogs and when he gave me that fire ruby." Twilight start to cry as she hugs Rarity.

"You have no idea how happy this is going to make Spike." Rarity happily hugs Twilight back.

"Actually i do Twilight i do."

You, Celestia, Luna, Discord, Spike, and Flash were all travelling through the Everfree Forest and you have to fight off a couple packs of Timberwolves and a cockatrice that were under the control of dark magic. Luna was examining the surroundings carefully.

"Considering we are facing a lot of creatures under the influence of dark magic we must be getting close to the castle." Celestia nodded.

"I agree sister things are starting to become more hostile by the minute." You carefully watch for any more dangers lurking in the tree's.

"Well as long as i have the Blade of Harmony we should be fine."

After 15 more minutes of walking you finally come face to face with the Castle of Dark Magic.

"Dang sure looks like the type of castle that would contain dark magic."

Celestia's eyes widen as she remembers the other prophecy before she could warn the others however they were all transported inside with Dark Lights dark magic.

"Welcome to the Castle of Dark Magic you fools!" He laughs maniacally as he locks all exits to the castle to keep them from escaping and then he sealed away Discord's, Celestia's and Luna's magic.

"Hey! I can't use my chaos magic! well with the exception of defying gravity." Celestia glared at Dark Light.

"It appears Dark Light sealed all of our magic away." You then materialize the Blade of Harmony with its rainbow aura still surrounding the blade.

"With the exception of mine." Dark Light chuckles.

"I didn't seal yours because i am unable to. The Blade of Harmony is the only thing that can rival my power. But even if i could i still wouldn't that would make things too easy for me. If i am to destroy you and reek havoc on this world then i want to destroy my only obstacle with my own power by overpowering your power." You pointed the blade at him

"Then why don't we quit stalling and get down to it?" Dark Light Chuckled once more.

"In due time Allen. I am sure you want to see your family and friends first before we begin and then i have a tale i wish to share with you all and this tale will be one you will want to here." Dark Light glares at Celestia and with that glare she immediately knew what he was talking about.

"Dark Light please don't!"

"SILENCE WENCH!" he then throws the princesses in a cage and teleports the cage in the room beside the others. You charge up your blade ready to cut him down.

"Where did you send the princesses?!"

"They are in the room with your friends and family. Follow me." The rest of you followed Dark Light to the room where everyone was being held captive. You, Discord, Flash, and Spike rush over to the cage holding your loved ones as you four begin to cry.

"Applejack! Apple Cider! I was so worried about you! I missed you both so much!" You kiss Apple Cider on his head and kiss Applejack Lovingly on the lips as you do your best to hold them through the cage.

"Allen! We miss you so much too honey!"

"Daddy! I missed you! I am so scared!" Apple Cider and Applejack both cried tears of pain and joy.

"It's going to be alright you two i am here now."

Discord did his best to hold Fluttershy through the bars as they kissed passionately.

"Discord i missed you! i am really terrified right now." Fluttershy begins to cry.

"It's alright Fluttershy i am right here. I will protect you."

Spike and Flash both hugged Twilight as best as they could as Twilight and Flash also shared a loving kiss.

"I promise Twilight i will save you and get you out of here." Spike hugged Twilight harder.

"Me two Twilight and don't try to stop us we made up our minds." Twilight nodded.

"I know just please be careful you two." Spike turned to Rarity.

"Rarity pleas tell me you are OK too! Please don't be-" Spike was interrupted by Rarity pulling him into a loving kiss but not on the cheek this time on the lips. Spike was shock but returned the kiss.

"I am fine my Spikey-Wikey now that my gallant knight in shining armor is here." Spike started to tear up.

"Rarity do you mean-"

"Yes Spike you are my Knight in shining armor the prince i have been waiting for." Spike burst into tears of joy as kiss Rarity again and she returned the kiss.

"I love you Rarity."

"And i love you my Spikey-Wikey" Just as they confessed their love for each other Spike felt a sudden surge of pain on his back. His eyes closed as he fell to the ground his whole body turning pale and Spike wasn't moving at all.

"SPIKE!" everyone yelled in unison and Twilight and Rarity burst into tears as they saw Spike laying on the ground stiff as a board.


"I told you i would end his miserable life before your eyes Rarity!" You immediately stood up and turned to face Dark Light.

"You will pay for that Dark light." Dark Light stood there confused.

"Hmm i figured you would be more angry than this. I guess i will need to kill another one to-"

Dark Light was cut off by you quickly giving him a swift kick and send him flying into the wall.

"Time for talk is over Dark Light. Time for us to fight!"

Dark light emerged from the rubble and materialized the Blade of Disharmony as you materialized the Blade of Harmony. You stood before Dark Light determined to defeat him once and for all.

The Battle with Dark Light! Part 1 The Tale of Dark Light's Tragedy

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You and Dark Light continued to stare at each other for a few minutes before you began to clash blades. As you and Dark Light fight, Flash Sentry checks Spike's pulse to see if he is alright and sighs in relief.

"It's OK everyone Spike is alive." Rarity's and Twilight's tears became tears of joy.

"Oh thank goodness. I was afraid lost my younger brother even though he is a dragon and is adopted he is still my little brother and number one assistant." Rarity stroked Spikes cheek as she wiped her tears away.

"And i almost lost the only one who has ever truly loved me i don't know what i would do if i lost my Spikey-Wikey." Celestia smiled at spike and Rarity.

"I am glad Spike finally got the pony he loves. Allen was right when his said that if Spike came along he would end up winning your heart." Rarity smiled.

"I can't believe i was too foolish and too blind to see how Spike truly felt about me. Well i am never going to take him for granted again. I am going to enjoy every moment i spend with him." Flash spoke up.

"Spike may be alive but he needs medical attention and if he doesn't get it soon then he very much will die. Unfortunately we are trapped thanks to Dark Light. I hate to say it but this might very well be the end for Spike. I am sorry you two." Twilight and Rarity was about to burst into tears again until Fluttershy stepped forward.

"Not if i can help it! Discord Do you still have my medical supply's?" Discord frowned.

"I wish i could get them my dear but Dark Light sealed my magic. The most chaos i can do at the moment is defying gravity other than that i have no magic." Twilight and Rarity continue to cry.

"Well we must do something! I can't live without my Spikey-Wikey."

"I don't want my little brother to die."

You ended up knocking Dark Light into the wall again harder than last time and you go to check on the others.

"Is Spike alright?" Flash nodded

"Yes but barely if he doesn't get medical attention soon he won't make it." You punch the ground in frustration.

"Dammit! We can't get out of here either. What are we going to do?!"

"Do you need some of these?" You heard a familiar voice behind you and you turn to see the CMC standing behind you with some medical supplies.

"WHAT ARE YOU THREE DOING HERE?! I TOLD YOU TO STAY WITH THE CAKES UNTIL WE GOT BACK." Applebloom walked up to you with a serious look on her face.

"We thought about it and we figured since we can't help you fight Dark Light we could help by give others medical attention. Besides this involves all of us and we have every right to be here for our friends and family like you do." You were taken aback by getting lectured by Applebloom and chuckled.

"Well you have grown up quite a bit Applebloom. You are right. You do have the right to be here because this doesn't just involve us. It involves all of Equestria." Dark Light leaped from the rubble and attempted to cut down Applebloom when Discord quickly hit him with his tail.

"You stay away from my best friend's future sister-in-law!" Dark Light looked at Discord with confusion and anger.

"Allen's future sister-in-law? So he has already proposed to the Element of Honesty eh? Well then." Dark Light used his dark magic to send Applejack to the other side of the room. "Looks like i need to end their relationship then before that can happen!" Dark Light shot a beam from his blade at Applejack but before the blast could hit her you immediately jump and in the way and the blast hits you dead on and you fall to the ground with burns all over your body as you lay there in pain and Applejack bursts into tears as she cries on top of you.

"Why Allen!? why did you do that!?" You simply smile at her as you stroke her cheek softly.

"Because Applejack i love you more than anything and i promise you when we were in the Everfree Forest a year ago that i would protect you no matter what." Dark Light chuckled.

"How touching but it matters not." He put Applejack in another cage beside you but out of arms length.

"No! Allen!" Dark Light began to put the rest of them in separate cages. Even separating Luna and Celestia.

"You will never get away with this Dark Light!" Dark Light scoffed at Celestia.

"You know that reminds me i said the same exact thing to you before when you attempted to destroy me all those years ago when i was helping you get rid of the dark magic through out Equestria!" Luna and Twilight looked at Celestia with confusion.

"Princess Celestia what is he talking about?"

"Yes sister what does he mean by that?" Celestia lowered her head in shame as Dark Light laughed.

"You know Celestia i am not surprised you didn't tell your student but i figured you would have at least told your sister. Well i guess i will do so myself!" Celestia looked at Dark Light in horror.

"No Dark Light! Please don't!" Dark Light ignored Celestia and began his explanation.

"As you all know one millennia ago i was created by King Sombra with his dark magic. He taught me everything he knew about dark magic in the hopes i would help him destroy Princess Celestia and Luna and i planned on it too, however when i finally came face to face with them i couldn't bring myself to do it for some reason. I didn't know why but i couldn't destroy them. That's when i befriended them and we worked together not to destroy Sombra but to stop him and turn him into shadow. I admired how they were willing to stop Sombra without destroying him but the Elements didn't work on him. So as he was about to destroy them i stepped in the way and blocked the attack as Allen did for that farm pony. After i recovered from the attack i swore to him that i would stop him and protect the princesses with my life and as i did so the Blade of Harmony appeared and i used it and turned Sombra in shadow and of course you all now what happened to the crystal empire. After that me and Celestia set out to rid Equestria of dark magic. Luna stayed behind to look after things at the castle. It took us a couple years to do it but we rid most of Equestria of dark magic. The rest would fade within time only one thing of dark magic remained that was a threat to her and her kingdom, myself. That was when she betrayed me!"


"Princess Celestia why?! Why are you doing this?! I was Loyal to you and Luna! I don't understand!"

"Because Dark Light you were created through dark magic so you are the embodiment of dark magic itself but more importantly i saw you practicing dark magic while you were in your chambers so i am sorry but it must be done."

"Please Celestia! You have no idea what i am doing! I am doing all of this for you! I have fallen for you Celestia!"

"Someone who was created through dark magic cannot feel love only hatred. I am sorry but this ends now!"



"Celestia thought she had destroyed me but she didn't but she did destroy one thing. My heart! Not only that but instead of your spell destroying me it turned me into what i am now!" Celestia was shocked by this but still had her head lowered in shame at the others look at Celestia and Dark Light with their own shocked expressions.

"Y-You mean i did this to you?"

"That's right and for your information about two things. One. Just because i am a creation of dark magic doesn't mean i don't have a heart and doesn't mean i am unable to love. If i didn't care about you Celestia i wouldn't have protected you from Sombra! Secondly. Reason why i was tampering with dark magic is because i was on the break through of figuring out how to cleanse it to purify dark magic and turning it into good magic!" Everyone looked at Dark Light with jaws agape.

"D-Dark Light i am sorry if only i had known and i did some research after i thought i had destroyed you and you were right about you being able to love." Dark Light glared at Celestia.

"I DON'T WANT YOUR APOLOGY ANYMORE! now i just want to make you suffer! The same way you have made me suffer!" Dark Light charged up his blade and his horn to channel more dark magic into the blade. "And i will start by destroying your sister and your pupil at the same time!" He shot a blast from his blade directly at Luna and Twilight.

"LUNA! TWILIGHT! NO!!!!" Dark Light laugh as the blast approached the two Alicorn's but before the blast made contact with them another blast in the color of the rainbow made contact with Dark Light's blast. Dark Light glared as he realized where it came from pointing his attention to you.

"We aren't finished Dark Light. Leave them out of this. If you want to try and destroy someone then bring your attention to me that is if you think you have what it takes to destroy me Dark Light." Dark Light's anger began to grow from your taunting.

"Boy i am going to make you eat those words!" You smirk as you took your stance ready to fight.

"I would like to see you try." Applejack and Apple Cider grabbed your leg.

"No honey please stop you are only going to get yourself killed!"

"Mommy is right please stop daddy i don't want you to die!" You smile as them as you hug them tightly.

"I promise you both i am not going to die that is a pinkie promise." You charged up your blade and blasted at the cages destroying the cages. Pinkie Pie overjoyed.

"Hey we are free!" Dark Light glared as he charged up his horn to put them back in cages but was stop by you shooting at beam at him slicing his horn off.

"GAH!!!!! MY HORN! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO ME YOU WORTHLESS HUMAN!" You looked at the CMC and Flash Sentry.

"Tend to Spikes injuries there should still be enough time to save him and stay out of this fight. All of you. Leave Dark Light to me." They all nodded as they went to tend to Spikes injuries while Rarity hold him.

"Hang on Spikey-Wikey. We are doing our best to save you and i promise after this is all over we will go on a date in public just you and me so i can show everypony that you are mine and that i love you." Rarity looked at you seriously. "Allen beat him so we can all go home and teach him not to mess with Spike!" You smile as you nod never taking your eyes off of the enraged Dark Light.

"You got it Rares. I will make him learn not to mess with my friends and family."

You take your stance once again ready to clash with Dark Light for hopefully the last time.

The Battle With Dark Light! Part 2 The Sacrifice

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You and Dark Light stare into one another's eyes intently waiting for the other to strike first. You then notice something you haven't before and smirked. Dark Light stared at you confused.

"What's with that smirk on your face?"

"Dark Light i can tell you don't want to do this. I understand you are hurt and betrayed but do you REALLY want to make others suffer?" Dark Light starts to get even more angry for questioning him.


"Then why do i see hesitation and regret in your eyes?" Dark Light froze and gave you a response a few minutes after.

"That's simple i regret ever becoming Celestia's friend and i hesitate because i am not foolish enough to charge in without thinking." You simply chuckle.

"If you say so Dark Light. You might be able to fool yourself but you can't fool me. I know the truth behind those eyes. You don't want to do this. You are having second thoughts and are thinking about turning back." Dark Light once again froze up as his anger started to boil further.

"I AM TIRED OF HEARING YOU TALK HUMAN!" Dark Light charges as he starts to slash at you with his blade. "STOP TRYING TO MESS WITH MY MIND!" You block and dodge his attacks but you don't retaliate.

"I am not messing with your mind and we both know it! If anything you are messing with your own mind staying delusional and trying to fool yourself into believing that you want to destroy us. We both know that you don't." Dark Light's swings become more wilder and sloppy.

"AND HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY COME UP WITH THAT CONCLUSION?!" You block Dark Light's blade once again but this time you punch him in the face knocking him into the ground.

"Because if you really wanted to Spike would have been dead after your attack. You held back because deep down you don't want to hurt anyone." Dark Light flinched as his grip on the blade tightened as he whispered.

"Shut up.." You continued to lecture him.

"Dark Light stop all of this and let go of all of that hatred." Dark Light spoke in a much louder voice where almost everyone could here as his rage was boiling to the surface.

"Shut up!" You started to get annoyed.

"Dark Light we both know you love Celestia and care about others. This isn't a path you should follow." Dark Light snapped as he charged at you as he lunged his blade into you.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" He caught you off guard as his blade pierced your body and you started to cough up blood. Everyone stood there and watched in shock at the scene before them as Applejack burst into unrelenting tears.

"ALLEN!!!!!" Dark Light gave a malicious smile as he push the blade further into you.

"Now that felt good. Any last words before you die human?" You looked up at him and to his shock gave him a forgiving smile.

"I know you don't want to do this. Whether i live or die is up to you now."

Dark Light glared at you hating the situation you put him. He started to feel the same thing he felt before when he was going to destroy Celestia. For some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it. He hated your guts especially for cutting off his horn but he just couldn't do it. He couldn't kill you. He pulled the blade from your torso and dematerialized the Blade of Disharmony and dropped to his knees as he cried in frustration.

"Why?! Why can't i bring myself to get revenge?! Why can't i bring myself to destroy you and Celestia?!" You kneel down still injured but begin to talk to him in a respectful tone.

"Because Sombra may have created you with dark magic and he thought that would be enough to make you evil like him but he miscalculated that wasn't enough to take away your heart." Dark Light looks at you and gives you a appreciative smile.

"Thank you Allen." After you nod and smile back and you collapse to the ground still bleeding from the stab wound. Dark Light immediately carries you over to the other who are skeptical and take you from him before glaring at him.

"I think it's time you are taught a lesson for hurting my best friend!" Discord tried to lunge out at him but you grabbed his paw and stopped him.

"Discord please no more fighting and that goes for all of you no more fighting. He doesn't want to fight anymore if he really wanted to kill me he would have already done so." Applejack tries to reason with you.

"But Allen look at everything he has done to us how can we-" You put a hand to Applejack's muzzle

"Applejack we must not hold a grudge besides he has suffered as well not only by Celestia herself but i am sure ponies that caught site of him called him and treated him like a freak and it's already bad enough he feels like one for not being born naturally. Please no more fighting." Apple Cider stood in front of Dark Light facing all of us.

"I am mad at this guy for hurting daddy but i will trust daddy and listen to him. Daddy would never do anything to hurt us and if any of you want to hurt daddy's feelings to fight this guy then you will have to go through me first!" Everyone looks at Apple Cider with shock and amazement as you pat is head.

"That's my little man. I am so proud of you." Apple Cider giggled in delight as Dark Light approached.

"Besides we need to heal him fast. That strike might not have killed him but his wound will if it is left unattended." They all nodded in agreement and decided to trust Dark Light and they all worked together to heal you.

After you are well heal you stand up and shake hands with Dark Light as Discord begins to ponder.

"By the way are we able to use our magic now?" Dark Light shook his head.

"No because i cannot undo my spell because SOMEONE cut off my horn." Dark Light gave you an annoyed look as you gave a nervous smile.

"Oops. Sorry i didn't know." Celestia nodded.

"Then let's get your horn reattached."

After Dark Light's horn was reattached he undid his spell and everyone got their magic back.

"So do you really think i will be accepted in Canterlot Princess Celestia." Celestia smiles and nods.

"Yes i will even make you apart of my personal guard." Dark Light blushed.

"T-Thank you princess." Celestia kissed Dark Light on the cheek and winked at him which caused him to blush even more.

"You are very welcome Dark Light." You stand up and stretch after you dematerialized the Blade of Harmony.

"Alright everypony let's go home." But as you start to leave the Castle of Dark magic begins to shake violently. "What's going on?!" Dark Light begins to panic.

"It's the castle! its unstable! I think it's about to collapse!" No sooner did he say that a portal opens up with a large dark crystal radiating with dark magic from inside the portal. "Oh no!" You look at Dark Light with concern.

"What is it Dark Light?" Dark Light looks at you.

"It's the Realm of Dark Magic! If we don't destroy that crystal inside that portal this world will be shrouded and corrupted by dark magic!" You smile confidently.

"Then let's go destroy it!" Dark light stops you for a moment.

"But there is a catch you can't blast it with the Elements of Harmony or with a beam from the Blade of Harmony you have to slash it with the Blade of Harmony and once you do the portal will instantly close never to open again leaving that person trapped inside for all eternity." Everyone gasped and Celestia had a look of horror on her face.

"It's the prophecy! The bearer of the Blade of Harmony must make this sacrifice in order to save our world!" Applejack started to cry as she looked at you knowing full well what you plan to do after hearing that. You smile at Applejack with tears in your eyes.

"I am sorry Applejack looks like i won't be able to keep my promise after all." Applejack clings to your leg.

No! Please don't do this there has to be another way!" Celestia looks down at Applejack with a serious look.

"I am sorry Applejack but there isn't another way. This has to be done or we are all doomed." You materialize the Blade of Harmony preparing to jump into the portal. Applejack cries as she struggles in Celestia's grip.

"NO PLEASE! ALLEN DON'T!" But as you were about to jump into the portal Dark Light knocks you down and stands in front of you.

"I am sorry Allen but i can't let you do this." You look at Dark Light with anger.

"So what are you going to let this world be consumed by dark magic?!" Dark Light shakes his head.

"No. I will be the one to destroy the crystal. I have made you and your friends suffer and almost put Equestria through the evils of your world i must do this as my atonement. Besides you have a family now and you are to be wed to Applejack so you need to take care of your family now." Dark Light materializes the Blade of Disharmony but after it was materialized all of the dark magic leaves the blade and becomes a secondary Blade of Harmony.

"But Dark Light-" Dark Light looks back at you.

"No buts Allen! This is something i have to do. Take care of Equestria for me Allen and especially everyone here." You look at Dark Light as you nod. "Everyone leave the castle now! Because as soon as the crystal is destroyed this castle is going to crumble!"

You quickly leave the castle and as you leave you see Dark Light whisper thank you. Dark Light then leaps into the portal and cleaves the crystal in two just as you all exit the castle. As soon as you exit the Castle of Dark Magic it crumbles apart and falls into the ocean. You look at the now rubble of the castle as you all say thank you to Dark Light before heading on home back to Ponyville.

You all return to Ponyville with cheers and squeals of delight. Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Cheerilee all ran up and hugged you, Applejack, Apple Cider, and Applebloom. Afterwards they glared at Applebloom and she immediately knew she was in trouble. That night all of ponyville celebrated our triumphant victory and they were told of Dark Light's atonement and sacrifice and he was put into the history book as the hero who gave his life to save Equestria.


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It has been a few months since the incident with Dark Light and Celestia created a yearly celebration in honor of Dark Light's sacrifice. But now that the incident is over you face your newest and toughest challenge ahead of you. Marriage. In a few days you and Applejack will be having your wedding and things have changed up slightly. Apple Cider wanted to help with the wedding too so you made him the ring bearer and Spike is now one of your best men along with Shining Armor and Big Macintosh and Flash sentry. After the incident you and Flash Sentry hit it off pretty well and became friends since he is also dating your teacher Twilight. You also needed a 5th best man since Cheerilee is now one of Applejack's brides maids. The whole Apple Family is coming for the wedding and of course the Apple Family Reunion is the very next day and they all want to come and meet and make memories with you since you will be Applejack's new husband.

You are walking around ponyville with Discord, Big Mac, Flash, and Spike so they can help you prepare for your big wedding.

"Thanks for helping me out guys i am really nervous." Discord smiled.

"No problem pal i have to make sure everything is perfect for my best friend on his big day!" Big Mac gave his usual response.

"Eeyup." Spike slugged your arm.

"Well of course we are your friends and i love to help others out anyways!" Flash nodded.

"And any friend of Twilight's is a friend of mine." you give a smirk as you look at Spike.

"So Spike how are things with Rarity?" Spike blushed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Things are going great! Just last week we went to a fancy restaurant in Canterlot and showed all of those rich and snobby ponies what for and wasn't afraid to show me loved me even in front of them. The only ponies that wasn't ashamed of us and was actually happy for us was Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis." You smile as you nod

"Good for you Spike. What about you Discord? how are things with Fluttershy?" Discord smiled brightly.

"They are splendid my friend! we have been together for a little over a year now." You smile as Flash speaks next.

"And things for me and Twilight are great as well in fact we are living together now. Spike obviously already knows." You laugh as spike gives an annoyed look at Flash.

Well For those who hadn't known yet Big Mac and Cheerliee got married last month." Big Mac nods as he blushes.

"Eeyup" You chuckle as you lightly elbow Big Mac.

"Not only that but they also have a foal on the way." Big Mac blushed and then nodded.

"Eeyup." You all shred a hardy laugh as you continued to walk through Ponyville.

"By the way i hope what you guys have planned for my bachelor party is nothing inappropriate." Discord chuckled as he shook his head.

"No my friend nothing like that but it will be chaotic though." You smile as you nod.

"Alright Discord i will take your word for it."

It was the night before your wedding. You, Discord, Spike, Shining Armor, Big Mac, and Flash all gathered at Twilight's castle to have your bachelor party while Applejack had her bachelorette party at Sweet Apple Acres with the girls. For your party it was definitely chaotic with chocolate and strawberry milk raining from cotton candy clouds after Discord put a spell on everything to keep Twilight's castle from getting stained. You and the guys played games and had a great party and Discord and the others kept their promise and there wasn't a single inappropriate thing at the party besides the jokes you all made. Applejack's party was a simple one ran by pinkie pie. It was a lot like her usual parties but she put more work into it since it was Applejack's bachelorette party her last night of freedom from marriage.

It was now morning. Today was the day. The day you and Applejack exchange vows and become a married couple. You grew nervous as you and your best men made your way to Sweet Apple Acres. Discord notice how nervous you were and attempted to comfort you.

"Allen no need to be nervous. You will do fine i am sure of it!" You nod nervously.

"I hope so Discord but i am having one problem right now." Discord frowned.

"You're not getting cold feet are you?"

"Well maybe a little but that's not my problem." Spike spoke up.

"Then what is?" You rub your hands together nervously.

"When me and Applejack exchange vows i have no clue what i am going to say. I love her that's for certain but i want to be able to say the words she has always longed to hear i want to make this perfect." Discord laughed.

"Is that all? Allen listen to me. As long as you speak from your heart you wll be able to find the right words to say." You continue to fidget nervously.

"How can you be so sure i have always been bad with words what if i-" Discord smacked you in the back of the head. "OW! What was that for?!"

"To knock some sense into that stubborn head of yours. You will find the right words just listen to your heart and have confidence in yourself and they will come to you trust me. Have i ever steered you wrong before?" You calm yourself down as you nod.

"You're right Discord. I am sure Applejack has already figured out what to say."

Little did you know as Applejack was getting fitted into her wedding dress she was having the same problem as you.

"I am so nervous girls! i can't figure out what to say when we exchange our vows!" Rarity put her hoof on Applejack's shoulder.

"Darling everything will be alright just listen to your heart you will know what to say." Cheerilee stepped in.

"She is right Applejack i guarantee that you will especially once you lock eyes with him once the time comes to exchange your vows. You know as well as i do that Big Mac is not much with words but once it came time to say his vows to me he said more than i would have thought. His words that day was all i needed to hear to know i was making the right decision." Applejack simply nodded.

"You both are right i just want to make him happy." Fluttershy hugs Applejack.

"Oh you will Applejack. Allen wouldn't have asked you to marry him if he wasn't happy with you." Applejack smile dreamily as she remember when you proposed to her.

"You girl's are right i just know things are going to be fine." After Applejack get her dress on and smiles as she looks into the mirror along with the rest of the girls. Rarity stands there and admires her work.

"My my Applejack you look absolutely divine!" Rainbow Dash decides to tease Applejack a little.

"I will admit A.J. you do look nice but i am still surprised you would wear something that girly." Applejack smiles and blushes as she continues to look at her reflection in the mirror as Rarity responded for Applejack.

"I would normally agree with you Rainbow Dash but in this case it is completely understandable. Applejack is in love with Allen and she want's to look her best for him even if it means swallowing her pride and wearing a dress like this." Applejack blushed even more at Rarity's comment as Twilight hugged Applejack.

"We are very happy for you Applejack." Applejack returned the hug happily.

"Thank you Twilight i couldn't be any happier."

You arrived at Sweet Apple Acres already dressed in your tux and you go stand on your side of the altar waiting for the ceremony to start. Twilight looks at you and smirks.

"Are you nervous my faithful student?" You blush and nod.

"A little i am just trying to figured out the right words to say when exchanging my vows with Applejack." Twilight giggled.

"You know Applejack is having the same problem." You looked at Twilight shocked.

"S-She is?" Twilight giggled again and nodded.

"Yes but i know when the time arrives you both will know exactly what to say."

After a few minutes the ceremony began and you stood in your spot still nervous about saying your vows but those worries instantly vanished the moment you saw Applejack.

"W-Wow S-She is so beautiful!" You have never seen Applejack look so beautiful in her entire life. She approached the altar and stood at the opposite side of you as you face each other and Twilight began to speak.

"Mares and Gentlecolts. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Allen and Applejack. Though these two are each from different worlds their love is still true and strong undeniable by nopony. You may begin speaking your vows. Allen would you like to begin?" You blush as you nod and as you look into Applejack's beautiful emerald eyes you instantly knew what to say to her.

"Applejack since the day i met you i knew you would be an important part of my life i just didn't know how important until today. You have made me the happiest human in this world and mine. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if i hadn't ended up in Equestria and on your farm. I will always love you Applejack and i will do everything in my power to make you happy for the rest of my life." Applejack started crying tears of joy thinking that was the most amazing thing you have ever said to her. Twilight smiled as she was doing her best to hold in her tears of joy for her friend.

"Now you Applejack." Applejack nodded as she blushed.

"Allen i consider myself the luckiest mare in all of Equestria to have you. You have given me even more than what any mare could ask for. On that night you proposed to me it made me more happy than i have ever been until today. Not just because you did propose but i was pregnant on that night and you proposed to me before i could tell you which showed me that even if i wasn't pregnant you still loved me enough to marry me. I love you Allen more than even apples and i will continue to make you the happiest human for the rest of my life as you do for me." Twilight could no longer contain her tears as she wept silently and nodded and smiled.

"Do you Applejack take this human to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health until death do you part?" Applejack cried as she nodded.

"I do." Twilight smiled.

"Do you Allen take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health until death do you part?" You and Applejack cry together knowing what your answer will be.

"I do." Twilight nodded as she smiled at Apple Cider who was holding the rings.

"Very well. May i have the rings please?" Apple Cider smiled brightly as he handed Twilight the rings.

Twilight handed you and Applejack the rings and you put them on each other as she spoke her lines.

"Then by the power vested in me i now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Immediately as soon as Twilight finished her sentence you and Applejack embraced each other as you gave each other the most loving kiss you have ever shared causing everyone to cheer as all of your friends and family cried tears of joy of this momentous occasion. Rarity nudged Rainbow as if to signal her.

"Rainbow Dash that your cue!" Rainbow shot her eyes open in realization.

"Oops sorry! excuse me!" She dashed outside as fast as she could and she preformed her signature Sonic Rainboom. As she did so Apple Cider and Pinkie Pie jumped on on your shoulders and yelled.

"BEST WEDDING EVER!" After the ceremony you all head outside to dance and you danced with your newly wedded wife Applejack.

"This is the best day of my life." Applejack sighs happily as she rests her head on your chest.

"It is mine too honey and i can't wait for many more years to come."

After the first dance and the reception you and Applejack spend the night at your newly built house at Sweet Apple Acres for you to have some time alone with Applejack. The next day you attend the Apple Family Reunion and all of the Apple Family welcomed you with open hooves. You spend the rest of your life on Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack and Apple Cider and you couldn't be any happier.