• Published 28th Jul 2015
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Stargate: Shangri-La - Grey Ghost

Adventures, exploration and discovery continue as the alliance of two great races face the danger and the unknowns that lie within this new network. What secrets will be revealed as a hidden chapter of the Ancient's Legacy unravels before them?

  • ...

Discovery [Part 3]

"So, this is the Stargate, huh?" Lyra asked, looking up at the strange device with a look of awe on her face. "I don't remember anything like this from our legends." She let out a sigh. "We lost a lot of knowledge during the Discordian era..."

"Discordian, discord, chaos I take it?" Daniel commented. "We've encountered more than a few situations where we believe a gate was buried and lost. Even our own world buried our gate and forgot about it for a few thousand years. You're taking this rather well. Better than I thought you would."

"Live in Ponyville long enough and you get used to stuff like this. I mean we had Nightmare Moon, Discord himself, that Ursa Minor. About the only thing we didn't have were... Changelings..." she said with a shudder, images of her time as a brainwashed pawn coming to her mind.

"Why does it have cutie marks on it?" Bon Bon asked, pointing to the symbols on the ring.

"Looks more like parts of cutie marks to me," Cadance said, rubbing her chin.

"Cutie marks?" Daniel glanced at them, and quickly came to the logical conclusion. "Is that the name for the... markings on your bodies?"

"Yes, that's right," Cadance nodded, "they represent what a pony is good at and only appear when a pony discovers his or her special talent."

"I got mine when I realized my passion in life was making candy," Bon Bon added helpfully. "Not sure why they're on this thing though." She reached out, poking the gate cautiously.

"Is that magicite?" Lyra asked, pointing at one of the chevrons. "I don't think I've seen magicite ore that well crafted."

"Uh, magicite?" Daniel asked. He didn't even bother to question the 'appearing' part.

"The stargate is one of the most perfect devices ever made," a new voice cut in. A short, dark skinned woman, only about five feet tall, joined them. "Almost thirty metric tonnes of naquadah, lovingly shaped, formed, and arranged into these amazing rings. Did you know the oldest known ring is over 50 million years old? And it still worked perfectly! Despite being frozen in ice! And then someone let it get blown up!"

Daniel sighed as the woman glared at him. "Let me introduce you to Jasmine Iwu. She is the head of our engineering department and one of the greater minds when it comes to the mechanics of ancient technology. And I'll remind you, I was ascended at the time."

"Exactly! You could have stopped Anubis from blowing up the third oldest work of art known to mankind!" she fumed. "Instead you just hung around and watched!"

The ponies just watched, not sure exactly what they were talking about.

"Iwu, I was ascended. I was bound by the others and their rules. I couldn't just interfere on the lower planes like that! I don't know why you keep bringing it up!" Daniel said, starting to sound a bit frustrated himself. "But I'm going to assume you didn't just come over here to do this."

She grinned. "Okay, you got me. We finished the diagnostics on the gate and the device these three adorable ones came from."

"Adorable?" Cadance asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'll uh... take that as a compliment."

"What did you come up with?" Daniel asked, clearing his throat. "I'm going to assume this network is based on the Pegasus network correct?"

"Pegasus network? No," Jasmine said, stroking one of the chevrons tenderly. "This darling seems closer to the original Milky Way setup with some flavour and flare of its own. Only 28 symbols. She can revolve like the Milky Way gates and has that satisfying chevron locking, but does the same 'chasing lights' that the Pegasus network does.

"They got into the gate database, and the network is the smallest one so far, aside from the few placed in Ida, which makes sense since this galaxy is smaller than the other two." She nodded with satisfaction. "The transporter reminds me a lot of the one Merlin and Morgan le Fay made. The bad news is that since they triggered it prematurely while it was under diagnosis, they fried a few of the relays. The control crystals are fine, though. We can replace the relays with a little bit of manufacturing, the issue is the resource. Don't have any."

"What exactly do you need?" Cadance asked, "We might be able to help you find it if you can provide a map."

"It's a bit more complicated than that," Jasmine responded. "We are getting our systems online, and the little bugs are starting to show in it. A City Ship might be made of strong stuff, but they are still pretty fragile. All those years in this block of ice with its shield on the lowest level?"

She shook her head slowly and Daniel tried to get her back on topic. "Do we have the means to fix it? Or at least get these three home? We brought the jumpers. So long as it's in this solar system a jumper can take them."

"Jumper?" Lyra asked.

"Jumpers, yes," Jasmine agreed. "Just not the way you are thinking. The Jumper Bay actually has a small fleet, so we'll have to eventually return Atlantis' pair, but the outer doors are jammed. Ice damage to the mechanism. Not a complex fix, but one that will take time.

"And princess, it's far too cold outside to go alone. Plus, the ground is permafrost. We don't have anything that can mine through it for the ore we need," Jasmine unstrapped her tablet and tapped away at it as she spoke. "The techs and control room prospectives did a couple scans of the surroundings. The mountains we are in don't have what we need either."

"But?" Daniel asked. If there was one thing working with Jack taught him, it was that there was always a but.

"But," Jasmine smiled, "They produced a list of three planets that, according to the database, should have what we need relatively close to the gate and easy enough to collect."

"Well, that was easy! When do we go?" Lyra asked cheerfully.

"I don't know if that's really a good idea, Lyra," Bon Bon said, rubbing her chin. "They have more experience with this stuff."

"Are we talking about... going to another world?" Cadance asked a bit uncertainly.

"Through the stargate, yes," Daniel said.

"Not right away," Jasmine added. "We need most of our personnel for getting the city and the expedition in gear. So far they have only cleared general areas, and it's calling for more manpower than we expected." She gave Daniel a grave expression. "They've been finding a few more bodies in the well secured areas. Doesn't seem like everyone was able to ascend their way out of this one."

Daniel closed his eyes sadly. After a moment, Lyra gave him another hug.

"Ponies hug a lot," Cadance explained to a surprised Jasmine.

There was a twinkle in Jasmine's eyes before she suddenly hugged Cadance. "Ha! Hugged an alien and a princess in one go. Two things to cross off my list."

Cadance giggled a little, hugging her back. "You can just call me Cadance, all my friends do."

"Anyway, General Carter would like to meet with you a little later about the distribution of forces," Jasmine said. "And she also wanted me to let you know that if you've finished your little tour, they found and cleared a mess, and the first proper meal in Shangri-La is ready, even if it's mostly military rations at the moment."

"Food sounds good, I'm starving," Lyra said, licking her lips.

"We would be most thankful for anything you provide us." Cadance said, bowing her head a little, pulling away from Jasmine.

"I could go for a nice hayburger right about now," Bon Bon said, blushing as her stomach growled rather loudly. "S-Sorry..."

"Hay burgers? Well, we can't promise you that," Daniel said, trying to picture that meal in his head, and also visualizing the agricultural practices and techniques they would employ. "But we can at least guarantee that it would be vegetarian and kosher."

"What's kosher?" Lyra asked, tilting her head curiously.

"It's... ah..." Jasmine faltered.

"It's a cultural standard of food preparation. Something 'kosher' has met the requirements that some religions hold to," Daniel explained.

"You don't have to go out of your way for us," Cadance said, waving a hoof dismissively, "A few salads should be fine."

"It's no trouble," Daniel said, beginning to lead them out of the gate room and towards the cafeteria a few floors down. "There are a few people on the expedition who request kosher or vegetarian meals for various reason."

"I am one of them," Jasmine added. "The SGC ensures that everyone is properly fed and watered."

"Well then, I eagerly await our meal," Cadance said with a smile, following after the two, Lyra and Bon Bon staying close to her.

Shining Armor was worn out by the time he was finally able to close court. The news that the Crystal Princess had vanished had spread, and with it, a strong feeling of unease had permeated through the city. It was only the fact that the Crystal Heart was what whisked her away that kept unease from blossoming into full panic. The population was already having issues adapting to being a thousand years displaced. But that was behind him now. All he had to do was keep from succumbing to the despair nagging at his own heart, and everything would be just fine.

Absolutely fine.

He walked a bit faster. With Princess Celestia already out of the castle, Princess Luna had too many duties to simply up and leave Canterlot, so it wasn't until well into the evening that she finally arrived. Having easily picked up on the urgency, she disembarked before her night guards pulling her carriage even attempted the final approach, instructing them to land and put the carriage away before teleporting directly to closest balcony to the private areas of the castle.

"SISTER!" Luna called loudly, her volume managing to rattle a few windows without actually making it to the 'Royal Canterlot' range. She pointed a hoof at one of the startled guards. "You there! Tell me where I may find my sister!"

The guard, a bit confused from seeing all four major members of the nation's royal family on what should have been a normal day, could only point a hoof. Luna nodded and galloped off, her stride covering large lengths of the hallway with ease.

It was at that speed that she barreled into Shining Armor. Or rather, into the shield he reflexively cast once he realized something large was charging towards him. Even so, she sent them both crashing to the ground, though to his credit, his shield didn't break.

"Er... greetings Shining Armor," Luna said, looking the stallion with a sheepish look on her face. "I uh... apologize. In my excitement I was not looking where I was going."

"No, it's fine Princess Luna," Shining said, stifling a groan. "Do you ever play hoofball? Or spar with your guards, any?"

"Yes I do. And we are family, Shining Armor, I insist that you not be so formal with me," Luna said, getting to her hooves, "Now, I believe we are trying to find dear Cadance."

Shining Armor nodded as he got up himself and pointed Luna in the right direction. "That's right. Prin– Ce... Aunt Celestia is resting in one of the sitting rooms." He wasn't quite comfortable with dropping titles all together. 'Aunt' was as casual as he was comfortable with. "She was waiting for your arrival."

"Then we should make haste and not keep her waiting much longer," Luna said, trotting off again. He sighed, quickly catching up with her, cursing Luna's longer legs, though he did wonder if Cadance would grow to the size of either of the two elder princesses.

They found Celestia surrounded by books, two empty teapots on the table, a third beside her, sitting on the cart in easy reach. She was too engrossed with the book she was reading to notice the duo's entrance. Shining Armor looked at Luna awkwardly. "She has been at it for hours."

"Truly?" Luna asked surprised.

Shining Armor nodded. "She tried maybe six different spells after the first one failed, before she calmly requested that I see to the Crystal Court and retired here. A few minutes later, she had the castle staff running in circles because she was teleporting from room to room collecting all these books."

"I see..." Luna took a few steps toward Celestia, clearing her throat. "Sister, I have come as you have requested."

"Luna..." Celestia said softly, looking up at the two. "Did I perhaps make a mistake?"

"What mistake would that be?" Luna asked, moving over, taking a seat beside her sister.

"Was it too soon? Did I force our niece into her role before her time? Is that why the Heart chose to take her away from us?" Celestia's voice was calm and even, but behind her gaze, her will was shaking. "Perhaps it was hubris, after watching Twilight grow into a strong mare, I just assumed my niece too was ready for the next step."

"None of this is your fault." She spread her wing, draping it across Celestia's back. "Now Tia, have you found anything in these books that will help our search?"

Shining Armor, feeling like the third wheel in the room, busied himself with putting some order to the books Celestia had cast aside. He did his best to remain unobtrusive as the princesses, his aunts, shared a moment. The cup of tea floated over to Celestia, caught up in her magic, and she took a meditative sip.

"Perhaps you are right, I'm merely letting fears colour my thoughts." Celestia exhaled slowly. "Tell me, what do either of you know of the Empire's origins?"

"I only know as much as you do sister," Luna said, tilting her head. "Though considering you have been delving into all these books, I imagine your knowledge has surpassed my own these past few hours."

"I'm afraid I don't know much either," Shining Armor admitted. "We have been spending our effort on learning what the Empire was before Sombra took over, and doing our best to bring it and the crystal ponies up to modern standards. And Sombra destroyed the records in the library and scrambled all the books as part of his curse. It's going to be months, maybe years, before we get it fully reorganized."

"I haven't learned much more myself," Celestia admitted. She waved a hoof at the books. "I recalled what Sombra did when he banished the city. The power of that spell, it must have been something he crafted for months for it to cloud even our own memories. I have searched these for clues, any hint of the origins of the Empire and the Heart itself, in hopes it would explain what happened to Cadance, but nothing..."

She didn't share her fear that it might have been one last lingering curse from Sombra, mostly because the evidence was against it, but the thought was still there, gnawing at her.

"Did you find anything on Shangri-La?" Shining asked, looking at all the books.

Luna blinked a little, scrunching her muzzle up. "That name... it seems so familiar... but I do not remember where I heard it..."

"It was one of the clues I searched for, but I found nothing of it either," Celestia sighed heavily. The fleeting memory of her early lessons came to mind. "No records in these books, no evidence from the Heart, no trace from my magic. The only real clue are the characters seen on the Heart, but they are older than we are, sister."

"There has to be some clue," Luna insisted with a frown, rather irritated that faded memories were dancing at the edge of her mind and yet unable to be recalled, "Perhaps a more thorough search of the library?"

"I am fairly competent in a library myself," Shining Armor added with a weak smile. "It's impossible not to be with Twilight Sparkle for a sister and Twilight Velvet for a mother."

"Then let us away!" Luna declared, getting to her hooves.

"Yes... it would be for the best," Celestia said, finally smiling. "But first, it's time to lower the sun and raise the moon."

"Oh yes..." Luna said with a sheepish smile, "Let us complete our duties." She moved out onto the balcony, lighting her horn, waiting for her sister. Celestia moved out after her, grasping the sun in her magic, gently sending it below the horizon as Luna coaxed the moon from its slumber.

In all the years and on all the worlds that Stargate Command had been operating, they had only met a handful of truly alien species. Thanks to the efforts of the Goa'uld in the Milky Way, the experiments of the Lanteans in Pegasus, and the gate network to allow for ease of migration, the human species was one of, if not the most populous race across multiple galaxies.

The Asgard, Unas, and perhaps the Wraith outside of armour were about as alien as the SGC personnel had seen. Additionally, most of the people on the Shangri-La Expedition had had zero interaction with any of those species; the first was now extinct, the second was rare even on the few worlds they inhabited, and the last considered humans to be simple prey.

To the large group of certified space explorers, the ponies were the best thing they had laid eyes on since first seeing the stargate activate in person. While the ponies were not mobbed, most people being too professional to do so, there was a lot of interest directed at them. Lyra was energetically babbling to anyone who would spare an ear, and a few who wouldn't, her endless curiosity far from sated. Cadance, with a smirk, and Bon Bon, whose expression could only be termed "resignation," followed, more often than not issuing apologies on the part of their companion. Jasmine followed, ineffectively attempting to serve as something of a buffer.

"They are handling this better than I hoped," Daniel admitted to Sam, walking from one side of the room. "I did make sure they were seen and could interact with people, but it's as if something about them just makes people more willing to open up, to trust them."

"I heard Iwu call them 'cute,'" Sam chuckled. "And she's apparently not the first person to use that word for them."

"Did I tell you Lyra hugged me?" Daniel asked with a small smile.


"Twice in fact. Her reasoning? I was sad." Daniel cast a glance at the unicorn in question. "She uh... she reminds me a lot of myself. Seems so long ago, doesn't it?"

"We've done a lot since then," Sam agreed. "Some of us more so than others."

"Yes, yes we have." He looked at the ponies again, watching as they ate. Lyra and Cadance used their magic to levitate their utensils, while Bon Bon somehow held hers with her hoof. "I am really glad this first contact is going well, so far at least. You know they call themselves 'ponies?' They even refer to their females as mares. I think they're the basis of many of our uh... equine based legends."

"It's amazing how jaded being a part of the Stargate Program can make you." Sam sighed, shaking her head slightly. "Is there any part of mythology that isn't based on some alien species or technology?"

"Most likely our legends come from the Shangrians that visited Earth. I doubt any of the ponies actually came to Earth," Daniel said, stroking his chin.

"We've been able to surmise the origins of the Pegasus humans based on mitochondrial DNA, proving they did come from Earth stock, so who knows what could have happened," Sam pointed out, watching Cadance entertain a few questions. "Stranger things have happened."

"True," he said, nodding his head, "I can only imagine what their culture is like. Just from these three, I can tell it has its similarities with ours, which is no surprise given their interaction with the Ancients. In fact... I do believe this is our first encounter with a sapient quadruped species."

"The first with fur, too," Sam agreed. "You know, we never did meet a furling."

"Jack's still waiting for us to find one," Daniel said with a smile, "There is one thing I am worried about. Cadance is a princess, and her people may assume that we've uh... kidnapped her..." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "That's going to be an issue..."

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time we kidnapped the leader of a people," Sam tried to joke, but Daniel's expression clearly told her she failed. "Sorry. Hopefully she will only have good things to say about us."

"I think the chocolate helped, it always does. I think it's safe to say that we can secure an alliance or at least friendly relations."

"One of our better first contacts," Sam agreed. "Still, it's amazing to think a hooved species evolved a tool using society. Even with the Ancients assisting."

"I'm no biologist but I'm pretty sure Earth equines can't move their bodies like these three can."

"Humans have a wider range of motion in our limbs and wrists than chimpanzees do, so maybe it's something similar?" Sam offered. She watched as the small group around the princess broke out in laughter, idly wondering what set them off. "I really wish I could lower the shield and get a jumper out there to get a look at where they are from. "

"Jasmine said the outer bay doors were frozen shut. If someone can find a map in the database they might be able to tell us where we are. It's a long shot, but it could be worth it."

"I'll see what we can turn up," Sam nodded.

"Shall we?" he asked, gesturing to the equines.

Sam picked up her tray with its less than appealing MRE, and nodded. "Lead the way."

He grabbed his own tray, heading over. "Mind if we join you ladies?"

"General Carter!" Lyra waved excitedly despite being right before her. "Sure! Come sit! We were just sharing stories about school. You humans go to school for a really long time, don't they?"

"I take it you don't?" Daniel asked, taking a seat next to the excited unicorn.

"Not nearly as long," Cadance replied. "Foals don't seem to stay in school as long as you do, or spend as much time there once they are grown and earned their cutie mark."

"So... getting their cutie mark is a sign of maturity?" Daniel cast a glance at Cadance's mark. "If it's not rude to ask, how did you get yours?"

"I got mine in somewhat unusual circumstances," Cadance admitted. "It was after I proved able to not only resist the dark magic powered by hate, greed and jealousy, but also an affinity for love energy."

"Love... energy?" Carter asked, raising her eyebrow slightly, "What exactly is love energy?"

"It's one of the most powerful magic forces in all of Equestria!" Lyra gushed excitedly.

"Lyra!" Bon Bon chided, glaring at her marefriend.

Lyra wilted sheepishly. "But it is..."

"She's not wrong," Cadance giggled. "Love is in fact one of the more powerful magical forces. A pure expression of both magical and emotional energies, united into one." Her horn glowed pale blue, a few pink hearts drifting from it before popping like soap bubbles. "It has a natural restorative effect and counters dark magics. Harmony magic is one of the few that are more powerful."

"I see," Carter said, nodding her head, "Princess, if you wouldn't mind, would you allow our doctors to do some tests? Nothing invasive, we just want to make sure neither of our peoples can get the other sick."

"Would that be the Doctor Juan, you mentioned earlier Dr. Jackson?" Cadance asked.

"Yes, that's correct," Carter said with a nod, "I know Dr. Juan would love to get to know you."

"Sure, meeting new ponies is fun," Lyra said, waving her hoof dismissively, more interested in examining the utensils they had been given.

"Couldn't Dr. Jackson do those tests?" Bon Bon's tone had a slight distaste to it at the word test.

"I'm flattered but I'm not that kind of doctor," Daniel said, pausing his meal, "Though if you want me to be there during the tests I don't think Dr. Juan would mind."

"What kind of doctor are you?" Bon Bon asked suddenly. "You said you were an archaeologist like Lyra is?"

"I'm a doctor of archeology and linguistics," Daniel explained. "Doctor means more than just medicine to us." That bit of information surprised him, he would have thought Lyra had their version of a Ph.D., though Cadance did say their children didn't go to school as long as humans did.

"Really? Hmm... Doctor sounds like one of the old words for The Teachers," Lyra commented, looking up, the fork floating in her magic.

"Doctor comes from Latin, 'to teach,' Latin itself being a derivation of the Ancients' language," Daniel prattled off. "A good portion of our languages are actually based on the languages of other races, most notably the Asgard, Goa'uld and the Ancients."

"Thanks to The Teachers and the Age of Revival after Discord, most ponies speak Equestrian, which is based on the Teachers' Tongue. Our languages must have so many parallels!"

Bon Bon sighed, covering her face with her leg as Daniel and Lyra got going. "It's nice that Lyra found someone to talk to about those things, but I think that they've both forgotten that the rest of us are here."

"Daniel gets like this sometimes, and it's rare that he finds anyone who can keep up with him. An alien who can? He's like a child with a new toy," Sam chuckled, stirring her food, somewhat grateful for the distraction.

Cadance giggled as Lyra and Daniel's discussion got even more animated, the pair seeming completely oblivious to those around them as they discussed the more obvious marks the ancients left on their respective cultures. "Do you think his cutie mark would have been in ancient history like Lyra's?"

"Cutie Mark?" Sam asked.

"Oh! You weren't there for that explanation," Cadance held her hoof to her mouth before quickly explaining.

"I see," Sam said, looking at the images in a new light. "If that's how they work, then almost certainly. I have never met anyone as passionate about history as Daniel."

"You might have now," Bon Bon smiled fondly before she blinked and turned her attention back to Sam. "But we're getting distracted. What sort of tests are we talking about?"

"Nothing too invasive," Sam promised. "A simple battery of tests to determine your health and learn a bit more of your biology. Assuming the techs were able to get the infirmary online, which they should have since it was one of our priority tasks and they have had all this time, it should pass quickly."

"I can't speak for them but I will submit to these tests as a show of good faith," Cadance said, slipping into the diplomatic training Celestia had painstakingly drilled into her head, "Then perhaps we can discuss this 'stargate' of yours."

"Well... if the princess is okay with it... so am I." Bon Bon nodded, giving Cadance a quick glance, narrowing her eyes a little.

"I understand your concern," Sam admitted, thinking back to the times when she and her team were the ones on the other side of the table. "To be honest, this has been far more casual than our standard means of operation would call for. My people fully intend to stay for a while, and I would much rather we have a welcoming relationship with the locals. Your safety and wellbeing, Princess Cadance, is just as important to me as that of any member of my team."

"Thank you General Carter," Cadance said with a smile, "I know you'll get along swimmingly with my aunts."

"And they would be alicorns as well?" Sam asked.

"That is correct, though unlike me, they were born as alicorns." Cadance explained, "They have been ruling the nation for centuries."

"What are they like? If you don't mind me asking," Sam asked. Based solely on the three ponies present in Shangri-La, Sam suspected that their rule was far from the standard set by the Goa'uld in the Milky Way, but she wanted to get it from the horse's mouth... so to speak.

"Celestia is very approachable, very maternal. She is also, how did Shiny put it?" She tapped her chin. "I think he called her a troll. She likes to play pranks. As for Luna well... she only returned about two years ago, so she's still transitioning to modern life."

Sam instantly thought of Egeria, though the similarities were fleeting to nonexistent. "She considers her subjects as... family?"

"She sees all her subjects as her 'little ponies'," Cadance said with a giggle. "She's very informal once you get to know her."

Sam nodded slightly, idly listening to Daniel and Lyra as they shared their experiences with their respective academic communities. "How long have you been ruling?"

"Only for the past month or so, when the Empire returned," Cadance admitted with a sheepish smile, "Celestia however has been ruling for the past thousand years."

"The meeting with her will be an interesting one," Sam mused. As pleasant as Cadance was, the fact that she was still being held against her will still weighed on her mind. "I heard you tried to make contact with your aunt and failed?"

"She tried a faefire spell, but it immediately returned," Bon Bon said, speaking up.

"Something was blocking the spell," Cadance admitted. "I'm not sure what, but the spell rebounded and just sent the letter right back to me."

"Without knowing how your magic works, I would hesitate to speculate, but it's possible that the shield protecting the city is what is keeping your magic from working," Sam proposed. It made sense. The Ancients were known for adding precautions to new dangers. Like the countdown and gate lock-out on Destiny, and the ATA requirement. If magia, or magic was as common to the races on this planet as the video and these three suggested, it was quite likely that they came up with countermeasures.

"So we really are stuck here, then?" Cadance asked with a sigh, "Shiny is probably losing his mind with worry." Cadance groaned, letting her head fall onto the table, looking a little tired.

"Stuck for now at least," Sam admitted. As much as she would have liked to lower the shield, if at least to allow Cadance to make contact with the other leaders of her nation, the state of the city didn't allow it. City ships depended on their shields not only for their defensive needs, but for structural integrity. The buildings that composed most of the city ships, although extremely artistic and far stronger than their delicate looks would imply, were still susceptible to damage.

Many of the buildings were encased in a shell of ice that would likely collapse in on the city itself once the shield was deactivated. At the present time, Shangri-La's shield was operating in a manner similar to the jumper's passive field or Aurora class warships shield; a field contoured to the city's structure itself. The current plan was to expand the shield to full size, rather than that thin layer, forcibly shattering the ice and pushing it, and likely much of the ice pinning the substructure, away.

However, Sam had put that plan on hold until she could get her teams to run full diagnostics on all ten emitters. They had been running, albeit it at low power, for thousands of years. If even one emitter had a fault in the change over, the damage done to the city by the ice might prove crippling for months, years to come, even. Atlantis still dealt with the lingering side effects of damage from micrometeorite strikes it suffered years before, and that was even with the city's self repair functions working at it. In fact, Rodney had listed those same damages in his report on why Atlantis was almost stranded between galaxies on its return to Pegasus.

Sam was determined not to let her city suffer that kind of avoidable damage just to accomplish something faster. She smiled a little. Only a day and she was already considering Shangri-La hers. It helped that Shangri-La was remarkably similar to Atlantis in layout, more so than any of the other city ships they had discovered. It brought back fond memories. Perhaps, if they did move the city, she could have them land on the sea somewhere. She could be the one to invite Jack over to fish for a change.

"General Carter?" Cadance's voice startled Sam from her introspection.

"Oh, what?" Sam blinked in surprise, before smiling. "I'm sorry, I got a bit distracted. And you can call me Samantha."

"Samantha," Cadance tried the word on her tongue before shaking her head with a chuckle. "Well, 'Samantha,' your people really do have odd names."

"We think the same, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza," Sam laughed.

"Any ideas why?" Bon Bon asked.

Lyra and Daniel both turned with a smile. "We were just talking about that..."