• Published 28th Jul 2015
  • 11,870 Views, 1,865 Comments

Stargate: Shangri-La - Grey Ghost

Adventures, exploration and discovery continue as the alliance of two great races face the danger and the unknowns that lie within this new network. What secrets will be revealed as a hidden chapter of the Ancient's Legacy unravels before them?

  • ...

Paradigm Shift [Part 2]

A Jumper landed just outside the Crystal Empire and put its ramp down. A certain camera man stepped out and adjusted his camera bag.

"Man, am I glad to see this place again," Floyd said, taking a step towards the city. "I was bored stiff listening to those meetings." He turned back to the pilot, "Thanks for the lift."

"Don't mention it," the pilot waved off. "Not like I was gonna make you walk back here."

Floyd nodded, turning toward the only sign of civilization for miles. "Welp, better get to walking." The pilot nodded, closed the ramp and took off. Floyd adjusted his bag again and made his way into the city. He waved as a few ponies greeted him. The place was fully decked out in heart-based decorations. "Looks like the festival Alex mentioned is underway," he noted. "I'd better find her and Flash so we can hang out."

He made his way through the crowds, soon arriving at Alexandrite's home. He knocked, thanking the makers above his pains seemed to have left him. The mare in question opened the door and her face lit up as she saw him.

"Floyd!" She beamed, pulling him into a hug. "It's so good to see you! How was your trip to Canterlot?"

"Boring." He knelt down, returning the hug. "Got to meet some interesting people though."

"Sorry to hear you were bored. Hopefully a good festival can make up for that." She gave him a warm grin.

"It does sound like a fun time." He pulled away, standing back up. "Are you free?"

"Yup," she replied, her tail swishing behind her. "That means I can show you around and tell you all about the festival."

"I was hoping to grab Flash too, but I have no idea where he is."

"Wouldn't the castle be an obvious place to look?" Alexandrite asked with a giggle. "He is a Royal Guard after all."

"I dunno, he might be guarding somewhere in the crowd." Floyd stepped away. "Shall we?"

"Guess it's just the two of us today," Alexandrite said, trotting out the door and closing it behind her. "Then again, most of the activities for the festival are designed for groups of two, so this might be for the best."

"Yeah, but isn't everything set up for couples?" He let her get ahead, following her lead.

"Eh, details." She shrugged off. "Should still be fun for us." She led him to the center of the city where a multitude of booths, stalls and attractions were set up.

"You guys sure know how to go all out," Floyd complemented, whistling in appreciation.

"We're a city whose very survival depends on love," she noted with a grin. "Of course we know how to celebrate it."

"So, what are we doing first, oh great leader?" he asked, scanning the booths.

"Hmm, I think we should try out some of the games," she said, pointing to a nearby booth. "And then we can grab some snacks."

"Just point out a direction!" he declared, smiling down at her. She returned his smile and trotted over to one of the booths. The mare behind it explained the game to them and displayed the choice of prizes.

"Think you can handle this game?" Alexandrite asked with a challenging smirk.

"I'm the one with the opposable thumbs, think you got what it takes to challenge me?" He shot back, cracking his knuckles.

"I think I'll be more than able to." Her smirk grew, she grabbed a ring in her mouth and deftly tossed it around a bottle. Floyd got serious, grabbing a ring and tossing it on the same bottle. Alexandrite nodded and squinted in concentration. She picked up a ring with her hoof and flicked it over to the last row. It bounced off one before settling on the one next to it.

"Good shot," Floyd complemented, tossing his next ring on the same bottle.

"You're not too bad at this either," she replied, her third ring finding its mark. "Get a lot of practice at this sorta thing?"

"No, I'm just a good few feet taller. I have the best angle," he teased, matching her toss.

"Then maybe you should step back a few feet?" she suggested with a giggle, only to pout a little when her last ring bounced uselessly off a bottle.

"Looks like I win." Floyd patted her on her head. "Alright, pick the prize."

"I'll take the stuffed yeti," Alexandrite said, pointing at the stuffed animal in question. The mare at the counter nodded, passing Alexandrite a large stuffed yeti, complete with icicle club. "Hmm, I think I'll name him... Floyd. Due to the striking resemblance he bears to the one who won it for me," Alexandrite teased with a giggle and a grin.

"Ha ha ha," Floyd rolled his eyes, but a small smile betrayed him. "Where to next?"

Alexandrite placed the stuffed animal on her back and tapped her chin with a hoof. "How about you pick the next stop? It'll be more fun if we take turns."

"Sounds good." He shifted his camera to his other hand, placing his hand on her head. He guided her through the crowd, stopping at what looked like a small archery range.

"Is this something you wanna check out?" Alexandrite asked, pointing a hoof at the range.

"Looks fun." Floyd walked up, getting the worker's attention. After a brief explanation, the stallion passed them each a bow and a few arrows.

"Hmm, I guess I can give it a shot," Alexandrite said. "I'll let you go first." Floyd lifted his bow up, taking a few moments to test the string. He finally nocked an arrow, expertly hitting the center of the target. Alexandrite stepped up, carefully and slowly nocking her own arrow. She pulled back and let it fly. Her arrow landed in one of the outer rings.

"Not bad." Floyd took another shot, hitting an inner ring. "Bah."

"Hey, still a better shot than mine," Alexandrite commented, firing her next arrow and having it land next to Floyd's along the line between the inner and outer ring.

"The bow is rather small," he complained, making another inner ring shot.

"This is designed for ponies, after all," she replied, and landed another arrow in an outer ring.

"Touché." Floyd grinned, his last arrow finding the center. Alexandrite squinted and her last arrow found the inner ring just out of the center. "Nice shot." He passed his bow back to the stallion. "You practice?"

"I've done this a couple of times at other festivals," she explained, handing her own bow back.

"My uncle used to take me hunting," Floyd explained, letting Alex pick the prize, "It wasn't really my thing, but I always liked getting to use a bow. He didn't like hunting with guns. He thought it was 'unsportsmanlike.'"

"Hunting isn't really a pony thing," Alexandrite replied. "Though fishing is kinda popular. Pegasi even eat fish because it's good for their wings."

"I didn't know that." He hefted his camera again, stepping aside as another pair of ponies trotted up.

"It has something to do with the oils being good for their feathers," Alexandrite elaborated.

"Whaddaya pick?" he asked, moving on to rejoin the crowd.

"Hmm, wanna get some of the special crystal candy that's only made during festivals?" she asked, trotting alongside him.

"You're dodging the question." He poked her head. "What prize did you pick?"

"A crystal rose," she said, showing the clipped flower she had picked. "I thought it looked pretty."

"Looks good." He gave her a thumbs up, not catching her darkened cheeks. They carried on until they came about a thicker part of the crowd. A stage had been set up, and it appeared to be a couples singing competition.

"Do you wanna give this a shot?" Alexandrite asked, the flower tucked behind her ear as she pointed at the stage.

"I'm up for anything." Floyd smiled. "I think I know a few good duets." He put his bag down, fishing out his phone. "Give me a second to find a good one..."

"I'd love to sing a human song with you!" she beamed. "I bet we'd wow the crowd if we did."

"Luckily, I don't need the internet to bring up lyrics." Floyd smirked, tapping at his phone

"Internet?" Alexandrite repeated, tilting her head and looking up at him.

"I'll explain later," he promised. She nodded and urged him to continue with the lyrics. "Okay." He stopped on a song, kneeling down so she could see. "It's not exactly a duet but, it fits the festival."

"I think we can make it work." She smiled as her eyes scanned over the lyrics.


"I think I know the song as best as I can, all things considered," she replied, making her way to the stage." Floyd followed, letting the stallion in charge of the competition know they wished to enter. They were entered and the two of them chatted quietly while they waited for their turn to perform.

"Sing often?" Floyd asked, leaning on a wall. He wouldn't lie and say he wasn't nervous, but in his mind, if he could go through a wormhole, he could perform for a crowd.

"I used to sing a bit in my school days," Alexandrite replied. "But I haven't done it often ever since I started my career."

"Got more experience than me." Floyd closed his eyes, listening to the current performance.

"I bet you'll be great," she assured. "Just relax and remember to have fun."

"I'll do my best to keep that in mind." He returned her smile, patting her head. "This is honestly the most fun I've had since I got here."

"I've had a lot of fun, too," Alexandrite replied, her cheeks darkening again. "And there's an old trick for nerves. Just picture the audience completely bald."

"I think you mean in their underwear." Floyd chuckled. "Which is impossible since you're all already naked to begin with." He did take a moment to picture a crowd of ponies in underwear, to his amusement.

"See, just keep that up and you'll be fine." She smiled and bumped his side with her hip.

"You got it, boss lady." He slid down into a sitting position, humming a soft tune to pass the time. Alexandrite sat on her haunches next to him, listening to the tune for a few moments before humming one that matched. "Trying to outdo me huh?" he asked, poking her nose. Her face scrunched up for a moment before she smacked him with her tail.

"Nope, I'm trying to harmonize with you. It'll make our performance easier."

"Huh, I didn't think of that. Luckily, you don't need to know the words."

"Well, maybe I wanted a way to pass the time too," she retorted. "You can't let me be bored by myself."

"Oi, all I said was you didn't need to understand the words to follow the tune." He crossed his arms, mumbling a few words she didn't understand.

"What language are you mumbling in?" Alexandrite asked, glancing at him.

"Sorry. I do that sometimes. I slip into my tribe's language when I say... not-nice things..."

"I'm just gonna ignore the fact you said not-nice things about me and ask what the name of your tribe is," she said with a smirk.

"I'm half Navajo," he explained. "It's why my skin is darker than some other humans'."

"That sounds pretty interesting. Can you tell me more about the Navajo?" she asked with a warm smile.

"Uh sure, what do you want to know?"

"Anything you can tell me about their history or culture?"

Floyd obliged, giving her a brief overview of Navajo culture. He couldn't help but smile, amused by how she seemed to soak it all in like a sponge.

"That' all sounds amazing," Alexandrite said. "Your people are fascinating."

"I can say the same about you, Alex." Floyd reached out, scratching her ear. A dopey smile spread across her face and her tail swished behind her.

"Oooh, thank you," she said. "That feels fantastic."

"Just like a dog," he teased, snickering.

"At least I don't look like a monkey," she shot back, still grinning like an idiot.

"At least I don't look like a little girl's toy," he parried.

"Coming from the guy I named a stuffed yeti after," she retorted, showing off Yeti Floyd.

"That just means I'm an important guy."

"Keep telling yourself that, big guy," she said, patting his back. He chuckled, looking up as the event organizer trotted over.

"You two can head onto the stage now," the event organizer informed.

"Right." Floyd got up, stretching out and shaking off any remaining hesitation. "You ready, Alex?"

"I'm ready whenever you are," she replied, getting onto her hooves. "Especially if you keep scratching behind my ears."

"Then let's do this." He stepped out onto the stage, taking in the audience. Alexandrite came to his side.

"Just picture them in underpants and remember to have fun," she whispered to him. He nodded, patted her head, listening as the organizer introduced them. Floyd then started the song, his voice trembling slightly on the first note.

Alex joined with him, doing her best to match her voice to his. Floyd looked out at the crowd, picturing a sea of ponies in silly underwear. He even pictured a guard he had spotted in a lacy bra. He had to keep himself from chuckling, his nerves melted away and his voice became clearer.

The crowd seemed to enjoy the performance, singing along even if they didn't fully know the lyrics. When their song ended, the crowd stomped their hooves in approval, leaving Alexandrite and Floyd to look at each other with manic grins.

"That was fun!" Floyd knelt down, putting his arm around her.

"Yeah, that might've been the most fun I've had today," she agreed, her cheeks darkening from the contact.

"Great to hear." He began to pull away, pausing when she wrapped an arm around his neck. His mind faltered for a moment when she crept her face close to his, her lips pursing slightly.

'She's going to kiss me,' he thought idly, staring at her. He froze, not sure how to react to it. Then, his eyes widened, the headaches returning in full force. His body seized, causing him to fall backwards. Floyd was barely aware of Alex's frantic shouting, the pain threatening to overwhelm him. He didn't even notice as he was picked up in a nearby unicorn's magic as he blacked out.

"This is that Stargate thing, right?" Ember asked, gazing up at the circular device.

"Yes, this is the Stargate," Carter said, clad in her service dress uniform for the occasion. "This device has changed how humanity sees the universe. And hopefully once negotiations are finalized, it'll do the same for all of you."

"The first trip is always the worst," Daniel added, dressed in his best clothes.

"Any momentum you were under will transfer over to the other side," Carter elaborated. "So if you were to jump through the gate, expect to fall on your face when you come out the other side.

"That sounds like it comes from a place of experience," Aspen commented.

"A lot of experience," Carter replied, chuckling.

"I don't recommend standing in front of it when it turns on." Daniel gestured to the ring. "Won't be much left of you."

"He's right about that," Carter agreed. "When the wormhole is established, the event horizon flares out for a moment before stabilizing. Anything caught in the unstable event horizon will be atomized."

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind." Celestia glanced over, seeing Haakim take a few steps back.

"You don't have to worry about the gate going off without warning," Carter assured the group, catching Haakim moving. "We have it set up so we get a warning whenever an incoming wormhole is being established. And an outgoing wormhole doesn't get established without my say so."

"We're not going to be waiting long, are we?" Ember asked, shifting impatiently. All of a sudden, a klaxon sounded throughout the gate room.

"Incoming wormhole, General."

"It appears we won't be." Celestia watched with interest as the chevrons on the ring lit up. Several in the group jumped back as the gate opened and the event horizon burst forward. After the wormhole stabilized, a tall man with grey hair and a service dress uniform like Carter's stepped out. He pulled off his sunglasses and looked around the room.

"Well, I feel like I just stepped into the pink aisle of the toy store."

"Jack," Carter spoke, sounding genuinely surprised, "I had no idea you were coming."

"Yeah well, that video you sent over reminded me of a certain eighties movie and I just had to see it for myself." The man took the moment to survey the group. "None of you would happen to be a Furling by any chance, would ya?"

"The name does not ring a bell, if it did I would gladly tell," Zazu replied.

Jack glanced at Carter, who just shrugged. "Right. I'm General Jack O'Neill, but I insist you just call me Jack."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jack," Celestia said, nodding her head at him. "I am Princess Celestia, and I insist you just call me Celestia." She gave him a good-natured smile.

"Carter tells me you move the sun." Jack leaned to the side, watching her mane flow in a breeze that wasn't there. "I blew up the last guy who said that."

"Yes, Doctor Jackson told me that story," Celestia replied with a chuckle. "But you don't have to worry about me trying to enslave anyone."

"Did he now?" Jack shifted his gaze to Daniel. "When did you become a bard?"

"About the same time you started babysitting the Greys in Roswell," Daniel joked.

"The only good grey was my old buddy Thor," Jack sighed, placing his hands in his pockets. "I miss that little melon head. Anyway, we have a few minutes before the IOA suit gets here."

"We were in the middle of explaining the most important things regarding the gate," Carter explained.

"That's always important. Just don't go blowing up this one."

"I wasn't planning on it," Carter assured him. "I had just told them about the event horizon."

"Don't let her get too carried away," Jack warned. "Carter subsists on long-winded exposition."

"Thank you for that Jack," Carter sighed. "You always did know how to read the mood of the room and then promptly ignore it."

"What can I say," Jack shrugged, looking over his shoulder as a nicely-dressed younger man stepped through the gate, which promptly shut off. "Ah, our buzzkill has finally arrived."

"And thank you for that glowing introduction," the younger man said, shooting Jack a look.

"Kids, this is our IOA representative, a mister Dan Hendrix," Jack introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Hendrix said. "I am here to look over any negotiations that have already been made and finalize them."

"You wouldn't happen to be related to Floyd Hendrix, would you?" Celestia asked, looking the man over.

"That would be my son," Hendrix replied. "He can finally put his film knowledge to use. Though he can't exactly put this job on a resume."

"He is a fine colt with a lot of potential," Celestia nodded.

"Thank you for the praise," Dan said, fighting off a smile. "But we've gotten off-topic. We have business to attend to."

"We'll be using the conference room," Carter informed, leading the group to the upper level. Everyone took their seats, the four humans sitting next to each other.

"So, how do you wanna start this, Hendrix?" Jack asked, looking over at the suited man.

"I think it would be best to start with Princess Celestia's proposal." Hendrix opened his suitcase, producing a stack of papers. "I understand you wish to become full partners on the expedition."

"That is correct," Celestia replied. "It has come to my attention that there are ponies spread out among this galaxy. My sister and I wish to form ties with them all, and the Stargate is the means to achieve that goal."

"We share the same sentiment," Aspen added.

"Personally, I just want to do more than get by," Elmis spoke. "I offer my services in exchange for love."

"I think we can approve of your exchange, Queen Elmis," Dan said with a nod. "Shapeshifting is a useful skill and, from the reports I've read, feeding you love is a simple matter."

"I assure you, it's more than useful." As if on cue, the potted plant in the corner shifted into a changeling. It bowed before fluttering out of the room.

"And that's an instant approval for Queen Elmis," Dan revised, making a note. Elmis grinned, leaning back in her chair. 'Who would like to make their case next?"

"Dragon scales can withstand lava and our teeth are stronger than diamond." Ember punctuated her point by tossing a diamond into her mouth, noisily crunching on it. "We can supply you with both."

"We'll have to test your claim about the scales, but I think the teeth by themselves more than earn an approval of your proposal," Dan replied, making another note.

"I can personally vouch for Ember's claim," Celestia spoke up. "Dragons are known to lounge in lava pools."

"Thank you for that, but we'll still test the scales to figure out their durability and other properties they may have," Dan said. "It's standard procedure when we get alien materials. Now, who would like to make their offer next?"

"I understand your planet has a deforestation problem," Aspen said. "My people brew potions that can grow orchards in days."

"I think we'd be more than happy to approve your proposal if you could give a demonstration of your potions' efficacy," Dan stated.

"Of course." Aspen rose from his seat, trotting over to the sole remaining pot in the corner of the room. He produced a seed, burying it a good depth before pouring some kind of fluid on it. A few seconds passed before the plant emerged from the soil, growing into a sunflower.

"And that's a tentative approval for King Aspen," Dan commented, jotting down another note. "We just need to test your potion under controlled conditions."

"This is going much better than I thought," Jack commented. "Why couldn't the Snakeheads be this cooperative?"

"Calling them Snakeheads didn't help," Daniel replied. "And no, Jack, saying you 'have a Jaffa friend' does not make it better."

"Gentlemen, can we stay on topic?" Hendrix asked, looking between them.

"Sorry about that," Jackson said. "The zebra leader Zazu has offered their knowledge in the form of potion making. He's even claimed to have a mixture that can allow us to see the past. Normally I'd say it's just a hallucinogen used in a ritual and the power is being misconstrued. But given everything else you've seen today I'm sure you agree with me in saying we should allow him to demonstrate his skills."

"Our potions can do more than that, they can even alter one's body in ten seconds flat," Zazu stated.

"What level of body alteration are we talking about?" Dan asked.

"A brew may free a bound mind or refill a gapped smile. And those effects are what we consider minor," Zazu explained.

"If that's true then there's quite a bit we could do with your potions," Dan said. "But we will need a demonstration and a chance to test your potions to make sure they're safe for humans."

Zazu nodded, reaching into his bags, producing a rather ornate bottle. He he removed the cork, taking a swig of its contents. He licked his lips, his stripes swiftly turning orange.

"And that has intrigued me," Dan replied, making a note. "If you wouldn't mind sending over either some samples or recipes for some of your potions so we can test them, I think we can grant you approval."

"A sample I can do, a brew needs a shaman's hooves," Zazu explained.

"As long as we can prove that your potions do what you say they can, send over anything you like," Dan replied. Zazu nodded, recorking his potion and storing it away. "Alright, this is progressing smoothly. Who would like to make their case next?"

"Minos has the largest supply of Alicor in the known world." Bronze produced a volleyball sized chunk, dropping it on the table with a heavy thud.

"And what are the properties of Alicor?" Dan asked. "I haven't heard of it before in any of the reports."

"We've only just got around to doing tests on a few samples," Carter began. "We thought it was just Naquadah, but it appears to be a variant. From what we've gathered, it's far lighter and has at least double the storage capacity of Naquadah." After a moment, she added, "And it doesn't have violent reactions with potassium."

"Alright, we'll have to hammer out the details, but in exchange for Alicor mining rights, I think we can approve your proposal," Dan replied. "Thank you for the on-hand report, General Carter."

"Of course." she nodded

"And we ponies can let you study our forms of magic," Celestia offered. "And our means of producing and controlling the weather. If that is not enough, however," Celestia levitated an object over to Dan, allowing him to take it. "That is known as the Alicorn Amulet. It is a magical artifact made of the purest magicite ore and refined Alicor. It is a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Equestria can easily supply you with a variety of enchanted items."

"I think we can approve your proposal on those grounds," Dan said, handing the amulet over to Carter. "I think studying this is more your realm of expertise."

"I recommend that once you are finished with your examination, you toss it into one of those unstable event horizons," Celestia glared at the amulet. "The amulet has brought my ponies nothing but misery."

"I'm sure we'll dispose of it if we think it's a threat," Carter assured the princess. "Thank you for the warning."

"Considering humans lack magic, I doubt it will be an issue."

"General Carter! Doctor Jackson!" Cadence's shouts boomed, full of panic.

"What is Cadance doing here?" Carter said, looking over at Daniel.

"Whatever it is, it sounds urgent," he said as he stood up, making his way toward the doors.

"I think we can put the meeting on pause for the sake of finding out what's distressing my niece," Celestia said, rising from her own seat.

The group moved down towards the gate, finding a clearly panicked Cadance, holding a limp Floyd in her magic.

"Floyd!" Dan cried, his professional demeanor dropping as he rushed to his son's side.

"I-I don't know what happened. H-he had some kind of seizure and collapsed," Cadance explained frantically.

"What are we waiting for?!" Dan demanded. "We need to get him to the doctor!"

"Cadance," Celestia spoke gently, taking Floyd from her. "Take a deep breath." Cadance nodded and did what her aunt said.

"I-I can't believe this happened," Cadance said.

"I know," Celestia soothed. "We can't all go, I suggest we only teleport a few of us."

General Carter tapped her earpiece and said, "Juan, look alive. You've got incoming!" To Cadance, she asked, "Do you know where the medbay is?"

"I-I can take us there." Cadance lit her horn up. "I just need to know who's going?"

"I have to go," Dan spoke up, "he's my son." Cadance didn't exactly wait for the group to be decided, teleporting whoever was closest to the Medbay.

"That's a hell of a way to travel," Jack muttered. "I'm getting Thor flashbacks over here."

Doctor Juan was already moving when the group arrived, his eyes locking onto Floyd. "Put him on the closest bed, I need to examine him thoroughly."

Celestia complied, laying Floyd down on one of the scanners. The doctor lifted Floyd's shirt up, placing a stethoscope on his chest.

"Heartbeat is slow, but steady," Juan informed the onlookers, noting that Floyd had somehow acquired a fair amount of muscle since his checkup after initial contact with the ponies. He grabbed a small flashlight, holding open one of Floyd's eyes. "Well, that's something."

"His eyes are... glowing?" Dan asked nobody in particular, his eyes widening as he looked over his son.

"That's never a good sign," Jack commented.

"I've examined the back of the neck," Dr. Juan stated, lifting Floyd's head. "This isn't a Goa'uld. It could be a Tok'ra, but I don't think he has a symbiote inside him. I'll need to continue to know what's really going on."

"No need, doctor, I believe I know what ails young Floyd." Celestia stepped up to the bed, looking down at him. "The Teachers used amulets like Floyd's to grant themselves magic."

"Wait... so you're saying that Floyd here is getting magic?" Jack asked. He glanced down at the amulet. "Please tell me there are more of those lying around? I've always wanted to take my act on the road."

"I believe Floyd just needs a shock to his system." Celestia lit her horn up, filling the room with golden light. "I should warn you, his magic will most likely surge."

"What should we expect from a magic surge?" Dan asked, his eyes not leaving Floyd's prone form.

"Random spells flying around. There's no way to be certain exactly what will happen, but I should be able to undo everything afterward."

"Just do what you need to," Dan replied. Celestia nodded and sent a small arc of power into Floyd. His body went stiff, his eyes turning pure white, while his hands developed a grey aura. Grey bolts fired wildly from his hands, striking at the walls and some bouncing off medical equipment.

One bolt collided with O'Neill, knocking him flat on his ass. Another bolt bounced off a lamp and hit Dan between the eyes. He disappeared in a flash of light, replaced by a potted cactus with a pile of clothes around it. Celestia lit her horn again, sending a calming wave of magic into Floyd. The bolts of magic died down, and his eyes slowly returned to normal. A flash of golden light surrounded the cactus, turning it back into to Dan. His clothes, however, remained on the floor.

"I suggest you cover up, Mister Hendrix." Celestia didn't bat an eye, looking at O'Neill. "If I had to hazard a guess, I don't think you'll wish me to undo the spell that hit you, General," she said.

Dan gave her a shaky nod and quickly dressed himself, his tie winding up looking crooked. "That was the oddest experience of my life," he muttered.

"What are ya talking about?" Jack asked. "I just got knocked on my ass. What are you going to undo?"

"Well, you seem to have regained some years lost to time."

"Can somebody get me a mirror?" Jack asked, blinking owlishly. Celestia levitated one over, holding it up at eye level. "Well would you look at that?" A wild grin broke across his face. "There's more pepper than salt in my hair now. I think I'm gonna like magic."

"Floyd should be alright now, though I recommend he get as much rest as possible." Princess Celestia held a hoof out, helping Jack up.

"Thank you for this, Princess Celestia," Dan said, regaining some of his composure. "I appreciate what you've done for my son."

"It was no trouble, I hate to see potential go to waste." Celestia gave a soft smile. "You should be proud, it seems your son is destined for greatness."

"I was already proud of him," Dan admitted. "Magic or no magic, it takes a certain something to follow unrealistic dreams. Just don’t tell him I said that. Gotta give him something to rebel against, after all."

"I agree," Celestia nodded, suddenly very melancholic. "And I'd recommend keeping Floyd away from the Alicorn Amulet. There's no telling what could happen if he put it on."

"I take it something bad?" Jack guessed.

"I've never seen anything good come from somepony wearing it," Celestia replied.

"Right, keep the evil-looking necklace away from magic boy, simple enough."

"Now that the light show is over, I think I should resume my examination," Dr. Juan said as he emerged from his hiding place, surveying the room for any damages. He went to Floyd, tapping a few buttons on the scanner, and a 3-D model appeared overhead. Green veins were all over the projection of Floyd's body, though most were concentrated in his hands, nervous system and brain. "His scan is reminiscent of Princess Cadance's."

Jack leaned over to Celestia. "Is that impressive or something?" he stage whispered so everyone could hear.

"I believe it means that Floyd is the human equivalent of an alicorn," Celestia explained. "Or at least a pony with the potential for alicorn ascension," she said softly, smiling to herself.

"Does that mean he's gonna grow wings?" Jack asked. "If so, he's gonna need one hell of a tailor."

"I don't recall that ever happening." Celestia scrunched her muzzle. "At most, he'll likely have weather control and the ability to cloud walk."

"I'd pay to see that," Jack said with a grin. "This trip is already worth it."

"How is he doing?" Daniel asked, nearly running into the room. He stopped, staring at Jack. "Jack, you look so much..."

"Younger?" Jack finished for him with a grin. "Yeah, the kid's magic went crazy, knocked me on my ass, and now I've shaved off a few years from my tally. And the kid's more than fine, just needs some rest."

"Carter's going to be jealous," Daniel stated, looking toward the doorway.

"Just get her in the room and we'll see if Celestia here can prod the kid into pulling it off again," Jack said with a chuckle.

"The prodding will have to wait for another time," Dr. Juan admonished, shooing them out of the room. "Young Mister Hendrix needs rest."

They filed out of the room, quickly walking down the halls. Cadance let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad Floyd's okay."

"As am I," Celestia nodded in agreement.

"I'm not gonna lie, the IOA is going to be very interested in that amulet," Dan said. "Especially if it provides the same level of effectiveness on others with the ATA gene."

"I doubt it would work for anyone besides Floyd," Celestia countered. "If my memory serves me correctly, the amulets imprinted when touched."

"I was afraid of that," Dan mumbled. "The IOA might be bothering Floyd for his newfound magic."

"He'll always have a safe haven in Equestria," Celestia assured him.

"Then it's probably a good idea he stays here for a while," Dan said. "At least until our research into magic has made some headway. I don't think he'd appreciate being treated like a lab rat. Scratch that, I know he wouldn't."

"I know I don't." Jack put his hands in his pockets.

"I actually think you and Floyd would get along," Daniel offered with a chuckle. "He greeted Celestia's student and her friends with the Vulcan salute and told them to live long and prosper."

"Sounds like my kind of kid." Jack glanced over his shoulder, "Anyone who can make a good Star Trek reference is worth knowing."

"Why don't I teleport us back?" Cadance offered. "It'll save us some time."

"Go right ahead," Jack said. "I think I can brace myself for that." Cadance nodded and with a flash, they found themselves back in the gate room. After Jack and the others got their bearings, they made their way back to the conference room they had left from.

"I'm sorry for the interruption," Dan said. "There was a slight incident, but everything is fine."

"Is the young buck alright?" Aspen inquired.

"He's more than alright," Dr. Jackson said. "The amulet he wears is a piece of technology from the Teachers. One that has allowed him to gain use of magic. He'll be better than ever once he gets some rest."

"Isn't that convenient," Ember snorted, looking rather skeptical.

"No, the convenient thing is that I apparently got blasted with an age rewinding spell during his surge," Jack said, grinning and running a hand through his hair. "Forty never felt so good."

"Well, wasn't expecting to see that today," Carter said, looking Jack over. "Actually Jack, I think you should stay out of these proceedings until we've gotten you checked out."

"Carter I'm fine, just have a lot less grey hair," Jack insisted, frowning at her.

"Because you were blasted by magic that we don't even know the full capabilities of," she countered.

"Fine, I'll get checked out after we're done with this," he conceded, but obviously annoyed.

"Where were we, again?" Daniel asked, sitting down.

"I believe the Duke, Duchess and I still had to make our cases for approval," Haakim stated.

"Please," Dan gestured for him to go on.

"My country is home to the highest-grade magicite ore on the planet," Haakim started. "We could trade some of our ore with you."

"That's the second time someone has mentioned magicite," Dan observed, "but I'm afraid my briefing didn't include much information about the ore. Can you describe it?"

"Magicite is a crystal that is conductive to magic," Luna explained for the Sheik. "It is highly useful in the creation of enchanted items. The higher the grade, the more efficient the conduction."

"Sounds like something we'd be very interested in having," Dan replied with a nod. "I'll put you down for a pending approval." Haakim bowed his head graciously. "That just leaves the Duke and Duchess."

"Our nation is not as rich in resources as our neighbors," the Duke explained. "Our rainforests, however, are home to fantastical creatures that exist nowhere else."

"We would allow you to study them, within reason," the Duchess added.

"This one will be trickier to convince the higher ups on," Dan started. "General Carter, could you have a member of your Biology department write up a statement explaining the medical breakthroughs made by studying Earth's rainforests?"

"I don't think that would be too much trouble."

"Alright, then let's hope that's enough to grant the Duke and Duchess here an approval," Dan said, making a note.

"Sheesh, since when did the IOA hire such understanding and helpful people?" Daniel whispered into Jack's ear. "Am I the only one waiting for the other shoe to drop?"

"Danny boy, don't jinx it," Jack whispered back, giving him a stern look.

"Interesting warning coming from the guy who's nearly jinxed diplomacy several times," Jackson shot back.

"There are a few other races on our world that you may wish to be aware of," Celestia said, watching Dan.

"I've read the General's report so I'm aware of all the races already mentioned there, like griffins," Dan explained. "Are there any others that we're unaware of?"

"Equestria is home to several packs of Diamond Dogs." Luna levitated over a report, "They have no unified government and tend to busy themselves with gem mining."

"I suppose there is also the Kentaur empire, but we have not heard from them for at least a thousand years," Celestia added. "Are we missing any?"

"Yakyakastan," Luna sighed.

"Ah yes... the yaks," Celestia said with some hesitancy. "If you do decide to engage in negotiations with them, I would avoid bringing them here. They tend to smash things when angered."

"And they are easily angered," Luna added. "T'would not be wise to let them near the delicate machinery here."

"You know, Thor and his buddies would have loved this place." Jack leaned back in his chair. "Those guys could have used a pick me up."

"We all wish they could have seen it," Carter said. "The Asgard were good allies and friends."

"I take it something tragic happened to them?" Celestia inquired, though she could certainly guess at the answer.

"That'd be an understatement," Jack said. "It's not exactly a good story to tell during negotiations like these."

"Then we won't press the issue." Celestia inclined her head. "Shall we move on to the relocation of Shangri-La?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Dan said. "I see you've offered a location off the eastern coast, Princess."

"We have three port cities on that coast," Celestia elaborated, "It is our hope that trade will flow between them."

"Minos is along the coast as well," Bronze chimed in. "Placing Shangri-La within our waters would make the trade of Alicor quick and easy."

"And there is the Inland Sea by our own borders," Haakim noted. "Placing Shangri-La in our waters would make magicite trade easy. "And we are close to Zebrica so it is an advantageous position for multiple parties here."

"Putting it along Equestria's coast will make it easy for us to send any help you'd need," Ember added.

"Maretonia would be able to access Shangri-La easier if it was along the Equestrian coast as well," the Duchess said with a nod.

"It sounds like Equestria's coast is the most agreeable position," Carter replied with a nod. "Do you have any objections?" She looked at Dan.

"None that I can think of." Dan shook his head. Being in Equestrian waters would give the city some protection from foreign powers.

"Excellent," Celestia said with a smile. "We will inform the mayors of the cities and the media of the move."