• Published 29th Jul 2015
  • 16,135 Views, 2,846 Comments

Her Knight in Faded Armor - Doccular42

Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria. When she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. But not all is well in Equestria, and a sinister plot threatens everything that Luna holds dear...

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Interlude IV: Power

Father Dmitri stood in the afternoon sunlight atop the crow’s nest of the FAS Honor. The magnificent flagship of Griffonia’s fleet hovered proudly over the city of Griffonstone. Its quad turbine engines roared as they held the enormous monstrosity aloft. Dmitri peered down and could see the glimmer of the magical engines as they converted the ambient magic in the air around them into a means of physical propulsion. Griffons flew to and fro along the ship, storing equipment and preparing for the airship’s imminent journey to Equestria.

From his perch far above the ship, Dmitri watched his griffons complete their tasks. Airgriffs cleaned and recalibrated the ship’s flak burst anti-pegasus guns, the cannons that made up the Honor’s massive broadside armaments were being subjected to numerous tests by his technicians, and the classified payload for his experimental weapon had already been loaded into the ship’s secret compartment, awaiting only a command to be deployed.

The ruler of the griffons allowed himself a small smile as he turned around to examine the ship’s engines. The four horizontal turbines that recessed into the deck of the ship provided his lift, but it was the magical ‘propellers’ that set the Honor apart from its smaller cousins.

Germane technology had allowed the griffons to tap into magic itself instead of relying on their traditional technology. By accessing nodes of mana, the faux-propellers actually processed the air via an electro-magical reaction to allow nearly unheard-of levels of thrust. The Honor may have been the biggest ship in his fleet, but it was also one of the fastest.

Armored plating, engines that could outdistance any major pursuit, weapons for every application from swatting pegasi dogfighters to bombing cities, and a crew composed of Griffonia’s best of the best. Dmitri’s smile widened. “When the war comes… we will not fail.” His eyes trailed over to the airship’s most important asset. Set into the center of the deck was a large purple crystal that pulsed with shimmering energy. As he watched, crewmembers covered the artifact with armored plating, hiding the valuable object from sight. Dmitri shivered as he sensed the crystal activate. Magical suppression. No pony could cast a spell within almost one hundred meters, and any unicorn or alicorn spell would have a very difficult time staying intact anywhere near the suppressor. The device’s intricate matrix allowed it to detect technical spells and filter them out, making it so that the spells powering the engines would be unaffected.

“Victory, your name is honor.”

Dmitri turned to walk down from the crow’s nest, but he slowed himself as the air suddenly became frigid. A predatory smile slowly crept across the griffon’s face. He closed his eyes and reached outward with his senses. Something primeval stirred within him as his hidden power grasped at the projected emotions of the griffons all around him. Dmitri could feel the roughness of their stress, taste the bitter tang of their anxiety, hear the growls of their anger, and see the restless energy of a warrior race prepared for war. But there was something else… Something cold. Something empty. Something hungry…

“Windigo,” he hissed. “How went the battle?”

The air in front of him distorted, and, seconds later, the wispy outline of a large, proud pony appeared. The windigo, empty and hopeless, stared into his eyes. :Imprisoner. Father. Battle ended.: The words resounded in Dmitri’s head, psychically projected by the incorporeal creature of legend.

“Useless imbecile,” Dmitri growled. “Tell me. What happened at the castle?” The father’s eyes glowed bright blue, and a magic far more ancient than anything practiced by ponies or griffons surrendered to his will and latched onto his windigo target.

The windigo swayed back and forth, shaking. He fell to his knees and hung his head. :War. Ponies slain. Many brothers fall. General hurt. Not dead.:

“I know this already,” Dmitri said scornfully. “Did Chaput complete his mission?”

:Ponies trust him. He hears nothing from spies. Still traitor?:

“Chaput is a fool who thinks himself wise. He toys with forces beyond his ken. I do not doubt that he will betray me eventually, but for now, he has followed our plan to the letter.” Dmitri nodded to himself. “What of the princesses? Does she think we seek peace?”

:White goddess believes. Black goddess doubts. They want peace. Will not suspect sneak attack.: The windigo stayed kneeling on the floor of the ship, and his thought-speech bore an air of defeat.

“Good…” the griffon scratched his chin. “And how goes the plot with Yvonne? Are our assassins in position?”

:Pony militants influenced. Angry. Ready to kill. Present target. They strike.:

Dmitri clicked his tongue and nodded. “And then, when the general and the griffoness are slain, we declare war for our vengeance.”

The windigo barely raised his head. :Foolish plan. Ponies strong. Kill you. Free me.:

The griffon snarled and leapt over to the helpless monster. “You do not speak to me that way. You are mine, and I command.”

:For now.:

Dmitri’s claw shot out and he grabbed his victim by the throat. Tightening his grip, he raised the windigo into the air. It tried to resist, struggling against his talons, but it was no use. The windigo could not hurt his master, and he would never be able to do so.

“I always command,” Dmitri whispered. He squeezed, and the windigo’s head separated from his body, severed by razor sharp claws powered by the pure, distilled rage of a nation of killers. The windigo’s remains blew away with the breeze, and Dmitri inhaled deeply as the rush of the kill filled his heart. He stole the windigo’s defiance and kept his anger. The strength it had turned against him became part of his own power.

The wind blew through Dmitri’s feathers as he turned toward the stairs once more. His grizzled beak clicked as he strode forward, his mind set on Equestria.

“They may be strong… but when their fire goes out, I will remain.”

Author's Note:

This chapter too short for you? Check out my new fic in this same universe that is centered around Princess Celestia and the lover that Equestria forgot... The Courtship of Princess Celestia.

Song for tonight? Radioactive in the Dark!

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