• Published 20th Jul 2015
  • 350 Views, 13 Comments

Moon Star's Story - Moon Star Gargoyle Pony

Moon Star is a Gargoyle Pony who only wants to be normal.

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Chapter 1: Meeting Luna

Author's Note:

The story's time frame takes place 1 month after the events of the first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode 1 and 2. The setting is in Luna’s tower in Luna’s bedroom. It is night time with the moon high in the sky. Luna is currently siting at a table with two chairs one of which is occupied by Luna. Luna's appearance is the same as later episodes portray "not season 1episode 2". Vigilant looks like on of Luna's generic looking guards with a slightly scared face. Moon Star looks like a "Bat Pony" with yellow eyes, but his has orange in the upper half of his iris. Moon Star also lacks wings and a horn making him an earth pony of the Gargoyle Pony race. He wears an orange wool sweater.

“Princess,” said the royal guard knocking on the Princesses guard.

“Yes, Vigilant what is it,” Luna politely replied.

“The Gargoyle Pony is here.” stated Vigilant.

“Um sire, my name is Moon Star,” Moon Star peeped.

“Oh let him in I am eager to hear from him.” Luna exclaimed.

“Ok princess but I insist on accompanying you in “his” presence,” replied Vigilant.

“Vigilant, if you are here our “guest” won’t feel welcomed,” Luna countered.

“Princess, I don’t mind,” added Moon Star. Moon Star walks into room sees that Princess Luna is currently seated. Luna then beckons Moon Star to sit across from her. Vigilant stands between the two staring at Moon Star.

“Oh just call me Luna I hate that princess title,” laughed Luna.

“Princess I can’t do that I’m one of your subjects to call you Luna would be a disrespectful to your title,” explained Moon Star.

“Oh Moon Star it’s perfectly fine, you hold an equal title being the diplomat of your people,” Luna explained.

“I have read countless stories about you but never did they mention how modest you were,” Moon Star commented.

“Your people have stories about me that don’t portray me as a being to be feared,” asked Luna.

“Of course we have stories about you and your great deeds,” piped Moon Star.

“You mean stories and deeds of Nightmare Moon,” Luna replied in a cold tone.

“Princess if this Monster upsets you let me escort him out,” Vigilant asked.

“My… My name is Moon Star and I’m not a monster I was born this way,” Moon Star said sadly.

“What do I do to those ponies,” Luna questioned.

“Believe it or not my people descended from the followers of Nightmare Moon,” Moon Star revealed.

“Moon Star I want to hear how is it that your people became the way you are,” demanded Luna.

“Yes, Princess Luna but I have to give you context about it so you can gain perspective of why they made the choices they did,” Moon Star answered.

It all began 1000 years ago on the morning after your and celestial’s battle that they learned of your fate. The people were distraught to hear that you had attacked your own sister. Many couldn’t believe what we were hearing the kind princess who made the most beautiful nights would do something so horrible. Naturally many of them didn’t believe her until the moon rose showing the truth to the whole kingdom. Without any doubt they knew what had happened to you and you being banished to the moon. Despite this many remembered the sweet princess Luna that many of your followers gathered to discuss what could cause such a change. In the morning there were outcries across the country apparently Nightmare Moon visited the dreams of many ponies telling them that Celestia was evil. The riot ended with Celestia casting a spell that erased everyone’s memories of the incident. Few remember what happened, because the only record of it were in reporters notes. This caused further discussion amongst your fans about you and your sister. That night Nightmare Moon visited the dreams of your followers telling them that she was alive. She then weaved a story of how she was being framed by Celestia who wanted to rule Equestria by herself. She claimed her disappearance was the only way she could escape with her life. She then said that it was now her loyal subject’s duty to help her by monitoring Celestia. As you could expect they did what they were told and gave Nightmare Moon constant reports on Celestia. Things continued that way for a year or so without Celestia “knowing” until one year passed. Was this treason I honestly don’t think they thought it through? On the anniversary of your banishment, Celestia created a new holiday “Nightmare Night.” I pretty sure you can guess Nightmare Moon’s reaction to festival well she was furious.

That night Nightmare Moon demanded that we all meet up in this one cave where she said they would know the truth of what happened a year ago. That night as the sun began to set they traveled to the cave and talked about what they would learn that night. Then as the moon rose the moonlight that streamed into the cave obtained her outline and when it mouth opened they heard her voice. She told them how proud she was of them and now we would now know the truth of what happened. She told them before she could tell them she would reward them with a marvelous gift that would forever change them. First though she showed them the truth behind had happened the night she was banished to the moon. They learned that Nightmare Moon was a manifestation of your feelings toward your sister and how unloved you felt. They saw the pain of your sister Celestia being too busy to even talk to you about how you felt or see how little love you received from the people. They even saw a memory of ungrateful ponies asking why Luna’s a prince it’s not like she does anything but raise the Moon which unicorns used to do. Seeing your emotion brought solace to your followers and they submitted to your power. The “gift” had a drawback that the darkness that had infected you now spread through our bodies forever changing us into what we are today.

Having finish his story Moon Star looked up to see Princess Luna sheading silent tears for the misguided ponies who followed her down her dark path. Moon Star proceeded to look over to see that Vigilant who was overcome with a number of emotions. “To think that I thought no one cared about me, but I never expected a whole group,” Luna said to herself.

“Luna don’t waste your tears they made their choice because they believe in you,” Moon Star stated.

“Still they made the wrong choice that has led to 1000 years of isolation and discrimination,” Luna wept.

“They aren’t wasted I can take you to see the marvels we created under Nightmare Moon’s guidance,” Moon Star explained.

“No I don’t think I could see what Nightmare Moon made you create,” Luna countered.

“Ok Luna I respect your decision, but I have one request though.” Moon Star respond.

“What is it,” Luna questioned.

“Can you please undo the gift on me I always wanted to be a pony,” Moon Star requested.

“I’m so sorry Moon Star but that can’t be done the spell Nightmare Moon used can’t be undone,” Luna explained.

“Why not you had the power to make us this way,” Moon Star exclaimed.

“Watch your tone I will throw you out if you don’t settle down,” Vigilant threatened.”

“Peace Vigilant,” Luna said calmly.

“I would only be able to undo it if the original followers but generations have passed and the “gift” have mixed with your vary being,” Luna explained.

“Oh of course she would use a modification spell,” Moon Star replied.

“Oh so you know about this advanced magic,” Luna questioned.

“Oh I read a little bit from time to time,” Moon Star replied.

“Ok I think that’s enough for the night day is coming,” Luna yawned.

“Okay, but can I see you sooner than the month it took to see you now.” Moon Star questioned.

“Of course come by any time during the night,” Luna responded.

“Than good night Princess Luna can’t wait for us to talk again.” Moon Star responded

“Princess do you think that the reason Monster read that book was to try to become normal,” Vigilant commented.

“Yes, I do believe so but to break a spell like that would be next be impossible,” Luna responded.

“Princess we still know very little the gargoyle ponies and yet he wanted to bring you to them,” Vigilant added.

“Vigilant, if Celestia were to disappear for 30 years and then suddenly reappear wouldn’t you want to see her,” Luna responded.

“Yes, I would.” Vigilant admitted.

“See it’s only natural that those ponies would want to see me after waiting a 1000 years,” Luna added.

“I also think you treat Moon Star with more courtesy next time Vigilant,” Luna kindly asked.

“I think you see something in him, but I don’t know what ,” Vigilant pondered.

“I see potential in him he seems to be well educated for someone who’s spent his life in a cave,” Luna explained.

“Your right all the gargoyle ponies I have met seemed rather uneducated,” Vigilant realized.

“Are there any libraries near their cave,” Luna questioned.

“The closest one would have to be Ponyville,” Vigilant reported.

“Interesting 100 years ago Ponyville wasn’t even there how do you think the ponies made it there in one night without getting hurt,” Luna pondered.

“Ha, I knew he was lying,” Vigilant laughed.

“Or maybe the cave they live in isn’t the original cave,” Luna thought.

“What would cause them to move,” Vigilant questioned.

“I don’t know but now I know what to ask him next time I see him,” Luna replied.

“Princess may I accompany you next time too,” Vigilant questioned.

“You may but you have to leave behind your prejudice,” Luna replied.

“It’s not prejudice they have more than earned their reputation,” Vigilant countered.

“We shall see tomorrow that will be all Vigilant, you may leave now.” Luna said kindly.

Comments ( 12 )

What in the holy abomination of fuck is that cover art. The proportions are off by so much.

Liked the story for the superb cover art

That self-insert though. Credit for not using pony creator but I think I would have actually preferred that with a generic alicorn OC.

Wow so there a musician called Moon Star. I am so sorry. Epic music though.

Yeah to be perfectly honest this is my first attempt at drawing attempt. I added an orange sweater and hair to give him a distinct appearance. If you have any other ideas to improve the concept tell me. By the way how was the story?

Ok tell me exactly what's wrong with it.

Okay, I an tell this isn't too good from the description alone. When you have to introduce a new type of species/ability/trait, that means you're trying to make your OC "special". Also, the way you describe him makes him sound "tortured", another fanfiction cliché. Also, your design of "Moon Star" isn't all that appealing. Even Ponymaker would be better to use(not that I'm recommending it, don't use Ponymaker either). Alright, Moon Star is Self-Insert/Gary Stu #1,000,002. You could honestly replace him with any other OC in existence, and this story would be no different. There, that's what's wrong with your story.

6229489 Look at the fucking cover art. Tell me what you think.


I would like to give my opinion on the cover art.

I would prefer being in that fire than being credited for making it.

I try not to be too mean when I comment on a story but this story probably would have done better just without a cover art if nothing better was available.

Also looks like both your comments that I'm posting a reply to came up a shortly after he seemingly abandoned his Fimfiction account, honestly cant blame him. Woulda done the same if I uploaded something like this. Although it also seems like Fimfiction messed up the date a bit, so it might be a glitch.

Ever since Moon Star was little he dreamed of being normal.

Go ahead, be free! be a balanced character! I know you can do it, just run far away from this author! :trollestia:

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