• Published 29th Jun 2015
  • 660 Views, 45 Comments

A Reason To Fight - Benjamin Carmine

Just after one small incident caused two massive military forces to warp to a different planet and also leaving me the last GDI soldier left alive, the only question is why me?

  • ...

Well...this is where it all ends

I feel like you all deserve one last thing...

This is what is happening:
1. I'm not a brony anymore
2. This story will not continue
3. I moved onto Fanfiction.net
4. I'm sorry if any of you enjoyed this and this is the end
5. If anyone wants to pick up where i left off, go ahead, take my characters, but if you do, keep them as them, please as one last request...
6. This is goodbye

Comments ( 10 )

I feel like you all deserve one last thing...
This is what is happening:
1. I'm not a brony anymore
2. This story will not continue
3. I moved onto Fanfiction.net
4. I'm sorry if any of you enjoyed this and this is the end
5. If anyone wants to pick up where i left off, go ahead, take my characters, but if you do, keep them as them, please as one last request...
6. This is goodbye

:fluttershysad: Oh. That sucks. Good bye then, it was fun of having you around. Good luck on your own fanfic on Fanfiction.net!


Wait what happened that caused this? Also rip.


I just stopped being a brony, lost intresting and gave up. I now just write on fanfiction.net and this might be the last time anyone heres from me. So this is to you and everyone else with questions. If for some reason you want to check me out my accout is Reinhardt Wilhelm. There will be no mlp or anything. Sorry for letting you all down

7205664 Well that's kind of sad. Rip. Not sure.


Eh I could care less, just sorry that this story died, well I'm just gonna move on now...

7205676 It's fine. Preferences will change. Have a good one.

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