• Member Since 20th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago


"What is better...to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" -Paarthurnax, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim


Count Dracula is the Prince of Darkness, Lord of Castlevania, and King of Vampires. He is seemingly the personification of all that is evil, and is the ultimate enemy of mankind.

He is also Mathias Cronqvist, a former Warrior of God who loved and was loved as fiercely as any other, and a man who lost everything he held dear.

After the Count is vanquished by his own son, his appeal for forgiveness catches the ear of the very God he had dared to oppose. And instead of returning to the dark void of death to await his resurrection, Dracula is given a choice; let go of his anger and find new life in a new world, or cling to his hatred and continue the cycle of darkness forevermore.

Dracula chose life.

And now he finds himself in a new world, completely devoid of humans, but containing civilizations of a much more...furry kind. Of course, even in a world as open and accepting as Equestria, darkness is still something many of its denizens fear to an irrational extent. And Castlevania is certainly dark. Can the Count learn to coexist with the ponies of Equestria and allow the warmth of love and friendship to reenter his icy heart? Or will he lose it all in the coming battle against his ultimate enemy, the traitorous Demon Lord Galamoth?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 103 )

This story seems to be interesting.

I like it can't wait for more updates or Vaati whichever comes first

Saw title, raised eyebrow, shrugged, clicked link, read chapter, nodded three times, added to favorites so fast lost grip on mouse.... finally I found a good Dracula story!! Thank you for being brave enough to try! Like+fave+comment= Fabulous!


It seems you've found your niche. Not that I'm complaining; I've just finished Bram Stoker's Dracula, and found that my blood-lust hasn't quite been sated yet. If the story is as good as 5090115 says it is, I think I'm going to enjoy this.

Just... no more stunts with Discord, please. :scootangel:
You know how well that worked last time.

I have one word: SWEET

Swiggidy swooty you is comin fo mah booty

Galamoth, a fuck hard boss to kill without the shield rod or the circlet...defeated by oversized pastel colored ponies.

Wait till Olrox hears about this. :rainbowlaugh:

Never thought I'll find a Symphony of the Night crossover, and a good one. I'll be following this. :moustache:

Very very VERY well done. I can't wait to see more of this. Then again, I really should have expected this from the fella who wrote one of the best LoZ crossovers I've ever read.



I would kiss youif it was possible for writing this. For now, I'll just give you my like and Spikes.

...damn you, now I want to replay all of the Castlevania Games.

Calling it now, Celestia-Dracula shipping! It'll happen damnit...

... My body is beyond ready.

You imply that you had any control over it in the first place...

Get writing, monkey. :pinkiecrazy:

What a horrible night to have a curse.

Vampires in the modern age who don't glow like they're covered in diamonds and aren't obsessed with taking their shirts off!
I give you 10/10 pinkies for a good story actually, very well written. WE DEMAND ANOTHER! I jest though, take your time. I hope to see more!

Love this story so far. Interesting crossover and you have the personalities down well. Please keep this up.

5092372 LET! THAT! HAPPEN! (Strange, Smaug/Celestia is my OTP, but this could be a good runner up.)

Alucard needs to get these bitches cannons, bitches love cannons

Pretty cool so far.

I don't know. I think Flutters might beat Sunbutt to the punch. I haven't decided shipping yet.


That game's the shit. They just released Level 5 a few days ago.

When my muse decides on it. I can't control the bitch.

I have no fascination with butts and cannot understand others'.

It seems I have. Good thing too; it's a popular one. Actually Discord's already been reformed by this time, but you can bet he's going to take quite an interest in the Castle. He and Death are gonna get along so well...*not*:pinkiecrazy:

5093574 Fluttershy?:derpyderp2:...Are you secretly a mad genius? Did not think of that one and I'm a mad shipper. :pinkiecrazy: You sir get a cookie.

5093574 I can almost see it now, like the fighting between Sephiroth and Kefka fans. It's glorious!

As an aside, I wonder which villain will seek redemption in Equestria next. I'm guessing either Dr. Wily or Ridley. Or you could do a mini-boss; that'd be pretty interesting.

Wow this looks cool!

I'll only do villains from games I've played and whom I feel have it in them to seek redemption.

5093840 Good... good. That means you'll probably not write about my choice villain. Which in turn means I'll be able to do it myself.

That still depends. What choice villain are you referring to?

5093357 The SmogLestia fic has actually been really good up to this point, but I gotta say - a DracLestia could be interesting - who better to bring him out of the darkness than the princess of the light?

5093860 One from a relatively unheard-of fighting game. If the name "ArcSys" means anything to you, you'll probably know what I'm talking about.

I was squealing like a school girl while Reading this! This is just to cool!!

....Nope. Doesn't ring a bell. Have at it.

I do believe I am familiar with Dirty Bit. (I believe he's reviewed at least one of my stories)

5094162 Because I needed your permission to write a story of my own. :derpytongue2:

I'll go back to my guy-grotto now. Don't miss me too much.

Yeah, sorry. Never really was interested in that series. Good luck with it anyways, though!

I personally don't know anybody who's a fan of it.

I love it need more.

Looking good so far!

5093574 Hm...I don't know if I could see Dracula going for Flutters - not so much for personality as the fact that she's a mortal and he'd have to watch her die eventually...can't imagine that'd be good for state of mind, though I suppose it'll decide how much she changes him...

5092372 5093574

Sunbutt/Big D all the way. I'm not actually a fan of Celestia in canon, but with the way people here write her...

Fluttershy could be interesting, though. A relationship with her would be a way for Dracula to confront the loss of his other lovers, and fight to not be consumed by grief yet again. I think. I'm not even 20% sure on Castlevania lore, but that won't stop my theorizing :rainbowlaugh:


Agreed - it all depends on the author and whether or not he writes her well.

Mm, that's true, it could be a good way for him to have to learn how to cope with the mortality of mortals...perhaps go with Fluttershy until she passes away and then a few decades later decide he wants to pursue a relationship with a fellow immortal so that he doesn't have to suffer such a loss again. Though I suppose he knows how to cope with the loss of a mortal loved one, he just coped in a really bad way lol.

What is a Pony? A Miserable little pile of Friendships!
But enough Talk! Let's PARTY!

Why isn't Gabriel Dracula in this!? I liked Gabriel.

Key word being *liked.

~Khan of Whoop-Azz

Oh hell yeah baby, probably good guy Dracula ftw!

Here are the problems regarding Dracula, his powers and some characters of Castlevania Lords of Shadow.

1) Gabriel Belmont aka Dracula never had a son called Adrian, his son named Trevor Belmont and later on became Alucard (after he drank his fathers blood). Simon is the name of Trevor's son, but there is no Adrian.

2) Gabriel Belmont never married a woman named Lisa, he married a woman named Marie

3) Vlad Tepes and Dracula aren't the same person. Vlad was born in 1431 and Gabriel was already an adult in by the 11th century.

4) there isn't a single character that goes under the name Mathias, and using the second name Cronqvist on a bastard that Gabriel was as a child isn't that good of a move.

5) Gabriel loved only Marie (as far as women go), he never had a wife/concubine or slave under the Lisa

6) Galamoth is a high rank demon that controls lightning, he doesn't control light nor dark magic, he was also defeated by Kid Dracula in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night making him a very unlikely "servant" of Gabriel Belmont/Count Dracula.

7) Reapers by nature aren't affected by either white nor black magic, unless said magic is used to summon them (black reapers are weak towards white magic, white reapers are weak towards black magic). And as far as I know, skeletons aren't that good at conducting electricity, I am surprised that a Reaper was affected by lightning and holy magic

8) hailstorms can't have fire in them and still be called such. . . I drown you with a tsunami of air and I discard you with a hurricane of dirt. . . doesn't make sense, does it?

9) Olrox was killed in Castlevania Symphony of the Night, I don't think a dead general is effective in combat because. . . well he's dead.

10) Dracula can't be harmed by light magic for he was (when he went by the name Gabriel Belmont) the warrior of God against the Lords of Shadow, and as far as the last 2 games of Castlavania go Dracula/Gabriel wasn't harmed by a holy explosion (I might add) that killed hundreds of humans with no injury whatsoever.

Byt, good story so far

5096685 In regards to Dracula and Gabriel Belmont, from the castlevania wiki page on Dracula

"Dracula Vlad Țepeș (formerly known as Mathias Cronqvist) is the major antagonist of the Castlevania series."

Also regarding Lisa and Adrian

"One day, he met a kind woman named Lisa, with whom he would eventually become romantically involved. She reminded Mathias very much of Elisabetha, which was mostly the reason why he had fallen in love with her. Lisa loved Mathias very dearly despite his views on life and they would eventually have a son together named Adrian Fahrenheit Țepeș, who would be later known as Alucard."

Gabriel Belmont is Dracula in the Lords of Shadow castlevania games, Vlad Tepes is Dracula in the majority of them. There are 2 different Draculas

In other words this story is mixing 2 (or more, we don't really know) timelines off 2 different videogames that have little to nothing to do ken with the other, right?

5096776 It seems its more following the main timeline in general, disregarding the Lords of Shadow timeline, if you ask me

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