• Published 13th May 2012
  • 1,224 Views, 12 Comments

Adventures in a New World -Revised- - Velvet-Fresh

Revised version of one of my old stories from EQD

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Episode 2

The Transformation

April 15th 2012

Inside the TARDIS, sparks shooting out of loose wiring coming out of the control panel, as the first sign begin to stir. The Doctor was the first to arose to his conciousness. He shot up straight looking at his immediate surrondings "Well.. good, good. Still in the TARDIS, good sign.." he brushed his hair with his hand ... wait.. Hands? He come to realization as he look at his hand. "I got hands... not hooves, hands with five.. no four fingers and a thumb. Oh how i missed you fingers" he play with them for a few seconds. Upon hearing moans he looked at the girls "Good.. they got clothes on.. this won't be less awkward... but it'll be awkward nonetheless" he dusts himself off as he stood up seeing Twilight is the first to wake up. "Top of the morning Ms. Sparkle."

"Uhh.. what happen.. ugh my head" her vision blurry but slowly regaining "Did you just got taller? ... and standing on two feet.." she then notices her hand "what... " her vision completely regained she went wide eye in realization "WHAT?! edWhat happen to me?! What happened to my hooves?!" she looks around finding her friends "What did you do?!" she turned to glare at the Doctor.

"Right, it's always my fault. Blame lil ole me, blame the Doctor" he rolled his eyes. "Well, if you must know you all turned into humans apparently due to that dimensional rift in the time stream. And those Ms. Sparkle aren't hooves those are hands with fingers.. lovely aren't they? You can grab things with them." he grined wide as he inspected his own hand.

"Human? so we all look you? a hairless tall sapiens?" She sat up still trying to comprehend her situation.

"Oi! We do have hair." he brushes his hair to prove his point. "And you look like a timelord. All humans do, with one difference. I have two hearts. You still have one." he smiles and walks over to her, giving her a hand as she slowly stood up in her new legs and feet."Being human isn't all bad."

"What.. the HAY!?" the outburst came from Rainbow Dash who just woke up.

"Then again..." he deadpanned before he can reac Rainbow was already up and came up to him face to face, glaring at him furiously. "Personal space please.."

"What did.. YOU DO TO ME!? My Wings, my beautiful wings are gone!!" she began shaking him roughly.

"I didn't .. dooo a-a-aanything it was the r-r-r-rift" he struggles in her grip.

"Oh?" she stops and promptly droped him "Okay. But what the hay? I'm a hairless monkey and my wings are gone!" she fumes.

"Oi, humans aren't monkeys and you still have your speed. So Don't worry" he straighten his brown jacket. "While the others are still waking up I'll take a look at the scanners and see where and when we ended up" he walked over to his console, pulling a monitor up to his face as he begins typing on the keyboard.

"Okay, one of us have to explain to the others while the other must get use to their new body"

"On it" Dash said as she heads for a nearby mirror to look at herself.

"... expected much" she deadpanned.

"Well I be... i thought i never be back here... " he lean back, brushing his hair with his hand. "Home away from home." he starts to laugh.

"Where are we?" Twilight asked.

"Well.. a planet i thought i won't be going back to for a long time.. a planet I called home before coming to Gaia. A planet filled with wonderful human beings. Girls." he turn the monitor to them, showing their outside surrondings the first thing they saw are buildings and a big clock tower in the distance "Welcome to Earth. London England to be more precise." As in cue the Big Ben chimes.

Comments ( 12 )

Gaia? It's Gallifrey, and I highly doubt that Ten would be as as stupid as to randomly take a knot of ponies and throw them into a world where their biological make-up would be completely screwed with. I mean, I know that Ten is kinda callous... but that's just outright cruelty, and he always goes out of his way to make sure that the balance of worlds isn't tampered with. At least he warned his assistants what they were getting into... :ajsleepy:

So yeah, what I'm trying to say is that you'd probably benefit from watching some of the actual DW series. If you plan to do a story about the Doctor, then you're going to need to get a total grasp on his character in order for that to work.

583971 Eh, Gaia is the Greek name for the personification of the Earth, I haven't watched all the doctor who series (modern or old) so I can't say if you're referencing another planet or Terra, specifically

As a response to the story as a whole, firstly Rainbow Dash would not have said "Bloody", even if she did pick up minor speech habits from the Doctor. Secondly, it doesn't really flow very well, though the casual demeanor is nice, an interesting touch I daresay. But, I don't think I'll watch this story unless I see some serious improvements, no offense.

I think the author is using Gaia as the name of the planet Equestria is on.

The author never said it was intentional for the Doctor to send the mane six into a human earth.

583971 I have watched Doctor Who series [modern] from season one. I'm currently watching season 6. And He never intended to send the ponies to Earth, Read properly the TARDIS broke through a DIMENSIONAL RIFT that's the reason they got sent to Earth in the first place. And Gaia is the name of the ponies' Planet. Equestria is not a planet, it's a big central kingdom.

584027 Thank you for your feedback and i guess you're right Rainbow Dash isn't british afterall XD. What you think more suitable for her to remark? Gaia is the name of the Ponies' home planet. Equestria is just a Big Kingdom.

585410 Ah, I see, so the ponies are Greek? Or did fans just assume that? and secondly, I think Rainbow Dash would say something like "What did you do to us!?!?" Or something along those lines. On a side note, not very detailed...

i must read MOORRREEE:pinkiecrazy:

585997 have you seen cloudsdale and/or Rainbow Dash house? and for that matter how the royal guards' armor and helmet look like.

590353 True, cloudsdale takes a lot of cues from Greek architecture, but I always kind of thought of the gaurds as Roman, as opposed to Greek, but you could be right.

590790 and Pegasus ARE Greek mythological creatures. Unicorns.. not to sure but i think english medieval myth creatures.

594763 Unicorns originate from roman mythology :unsuresweetie:

Pretty good, gotta work on that punctuation., syntax, and basic spelling.

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