• Published 25th Jul 2014
  • 554 Views, 8 Comments

Silent Hearts - KalenNighteyes

After starting Apple Bucking season, Applejack receives a letter. Storming Shield, the somepony Applejack once loved, has been admitted to a mental hospital in Canterlot. What's more, all Storm wants now, is to see Applejack.

  • ...


One Year Ago...

Applejack stood at her family's market stand as she made sales of all things apples. Apple Bucking season had been going so well, that she felt she could leave it in the hooves of her big brother, and come to the market to make some sales.

“Thank ya kindly Filthy Rich! Ya've made a good choice with them there apples!” Applejack said, as Filthy Rich smiled, and left with a large cart of apples.

Applejack was about to return to business as usual when a shout stopped her in her tracks.

“Look out!” a voice exclaimed.

Applejack had very little time to react. She was able to just barely dive out of the way as a massive lightning bolt struck her family's stand, effectively destroying it.

“I'm so sorry about that! Are you alright?” said the same voice that had called out the warning.

Applejack looked up at the light-gray coated, blue-maned pegasus standing over her. “What the hay's goin' on? Don't ya know how to control them clouds of yers?” Applejack asked, standing back up.

“I don't understand what happened. I was set to get rid of that cloud, but it was like it had a mind of its own. It got away from me,” the pegasus said.

“Storming Shield! What the heck are you doing? You could have killed somepony!” Rainbow Dash said, landing next to Applejack.

“I know. I'm really sorry. Something must have gone wrong in my process of knocking out that cloud! It's the first cloud to do this to me,” Storm said.

“Yer darn tootin' somethin' went wrong! Just look at my apple stand! That's lots of bits Ah ain't gonna be able to make back before the Apple Bucking season is over!” Applejack exclaimed as she glared at Storm.

“I said I was sorry. Since when has that not been good enough for the ponies in this town?” Storm said, his temper beginning to get the better of him.

“Yer sorry? Sorry ain't gonna make my apples come back from being exploded!” Applejack said.

“Then tell me what I can do to make this right! Yelling at me sure isn't going to bring back your apples either!” Storm said with a very sharp tone.

“Alright you two. Calm down. Applejack, what if he came to Sweet Apple Acres, and help buck some apples to replace these ones?” Rainbow suggested.

“Ah dunno Rainbow. He might end up destroyin' my whole orchard then,” Applejack said bitterly.

Storm narrowed his eyes angrily. “If you don't want my help, fine. I don't care. I've got more clouds to break down.”

“Not today, you don't. After this kind of incident, I can't let you bust clouds until you can prove to me this won't happen again,” Rainbow said. “Your only option for work right now, is to go help Applejack.”

“Did you not hear what she said? She doesn't want my help!” Storm said.

“Look, A.J. This is the only solution I can see. This situation is partly my fault too. I should have tested him better before I allowed him to bust clouds. He only has to help you until he replaces the apples he destroyed, then you can tell him to leave,” Rainbow said.

Applejack and Storming Shield stared one another down for a long moment before she finally spoke up. “Fine. He can come help. Be at Sweet Apple Acres bright and early. We start at six A.M.”

“Okay then. I'm glad you got over yourself for a second to see that all I want to do is to make this right,” Storm said.

“What'd ya say to me?” Applejack said, outraged.

“Enough you two! Storm, go home. You really need to watch that attitude of yours. It's not going to make friends for you,” Rainbow said.

Storm gave a mean-sounding chuckle. “I don't recall ever saying that I wanted to make friends. What gave you that impression?”

“Ya keep up that attitude, ya won't!” Applejack said.

“Friends are only there for you when it's convenient for them. I don't need friends,” Storm said bitterly as he walked away.

* * * * *

“So it's safe to say that you and Storming Shield didn't exactly start out on the best of terms?” the doctor asked.

“Yeah. Ya could say that,” Applejack said.

“What was your first impression of him?”

“Ah thought he was an arrogant jerk. He hadn't given me any other reason to think otherwise.”

“Would you say, despite his bad attitude, that he seemed mentally stable?” the doctor asked.

Applejack thought for a moment. She wanted to say no, but in the context the doctor was asking, that wasn't the honest answer. “Yes. Ah think, despite the attitude, he was stable. It wasn't until he came to the farm the next day that Ah noticed anything remotely strange about him.”

“How so?”

“Well...” Applejack started.

* * * * *

Storm and Applejack had been apple bucking for the better part of the day, and the farm pony decided it was time to head in for some lunch. As Applejack was walking through the trees to get Storm, she heard him talking.

“Sweet mother of Celestia, why do you never shut up? I've told you countless times to not talk to me when we're out in public,” Storm said.

Applejack gave a confused look as she hid herself behind a tree, not wanting to say anything just yet. She figured she'd listen in a little more. After all, how often is it you catch somepony talking to themselves?

“No, it doesn't matter that we're in the middle of an apple orchard. I don't care about your opinion on the matter. I know what you've said you want me to do, and I'll do it when I can!” Storm said, pausing as though he were listening to somepony talk. “Are you kidding? We didn't exactly get off on the right hoof. I'm pretty sure she hates me, and I don't care.”

Applejack looked down at the ground, remembering how she had treated Storm yesterday. While he did destroy her apples, she probably shouldn't have gotten so angry with him. It was in that moment, she decided she'd try to make things right between herself, and Storm.

“Storm? Who ya talkin' to?” Applejack said finally, walking up to the pegasus.

Storm turned quickly, and gave Applejack a nervous smile. “I wasn't talking to anypony. What's going on? Are we done?”

“We're just goin' in fer some lunch. By my count, you've gotten about a third of the apples ya owe me,” Applejack said.

“Alright, well, I'll go find some lunch, and then be back here before you know it,” Storm said, getting ready to fly off.

“Now hold on there. Just because yer workin' to replace apples you destroyed, don't mean Ah won't feed ya. We may not like one another, but Ah was raised better than that. Yer comin' to the house with me,” Applejack said, with a smile.

“Wow. Kind words and a smile. I'm surprised,” Storm said, giving her a sly grin.

“Would ya rather I be rude, and yell at ya?” Applejack asked.

Storm couldn't help but smile. “I suppose not. I'm sure that yesterday showed that I can lose my temper pretty easy.”

“Well, that must be why yer parents name ya 'Storming',” Applejack said.

“I guess. I figured it was the light-gray color of my coat and feathers. I thought it reminded them of a rain cloud, but I could be wrong,” Storm admitted.

“Well, let's get goin'. Ah'm starvin'!” Applejack said.

* * * * *

The doctor wrote down some notes after Applejack had finished. “So, he was talking to himself, and you didn't think that was strange?”

“Well, Ah figured at some point or another, everypony has moments where they talk to themselves. Ah just figured that was one of those moments for him,” Applejack said.

“So he stated that there was something he was supposed to be doing for somepony?” the doctor asked.

“Yeah. It almost seemed like he was bein' forced to go about doing something bad. Ah'm just not sure what,” Applejack said.

“So, he never did anything suspicious in that whole month he was in Ponyville?” the doctor asked.

“No, not really. What does that even have to do with his mental health, doc?” Applejack asked.

“I'm trying to narrow down any possible causes of his sudden psychosis. You're saying that the day he left, he was still mentally stable?” the doctor asked.

“Can we take a break, doc? Ah'd like to try and talk to him. Can ya give me a few minutes?” Applejack asked.

The doctor sighed, but closed his notebook, and put his pen in his jacket pocket. “I suppose. I'll be back in a few minutes.”

“Thanks,” she said, watching the doctor leave the room.

Applejack walked over to Storm, and sat down on the floor in front of him. His mane was knotted and unkempt. His coat was slightly dirty, and his feathers were ruffled up. It was as though he wasn't being properly cared for, and that made Applejack angry.

“What are they doin' to you?” she asked, placing a hoof on his shoulder.

Storm flinched, and pulled quickly away from Applejack's touch. “No! I need Applejack. I need her!”

Applejack recoiled slightly, and a few tears escaped her eyes. “Storm it's me. It's Applejack. Ah'm here,” she said softly, and approached him once more. She couldn't believe how far down he had gone after only a year, and it broke her heart. Storm didn't usually have the best attitude, but no pony deserved this to happen to them.

Applejack pulled Storm into a hug, and just held him close. “Ah don't know what happened, but Ah'm not goin' to give up on you. Ah just need ya to hang in there. Can ya do that for me?”

“It was the voice... He's the one who made me like this. He never stops, and he insists he's real,” Storm whispered.

“Storm, there is no voice talkin' to ya. It's only me and you here right now,” Applejack said, pulling away, and attempting to make eye contact with him, but it was as though he didn't even see her. It was like she was looking at a near lifeless shell that was once the pony she cared for.

Author's Note:

I hope that the transitions between past and present were clear enough. If not, please let me know, and I will tag each portion past or present.

As always, thanks so much for reading! I hope you are enjoying this story.

Comments ( 6 )

I really like it so far! :pinkiehappy: I can tell past from present perfectly! good luck on your next chapter and keep up the good work! :ajsmug:

4767915 Thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying it! :pinkiehappy:

Loved it! You have my attention. Can't wait to read more :)

When is next chapter?


All I can say is "soon". I've had someone cause me some grief here in my house, so... As soon as that drama is over, I will back to writing more. AND I have a surprise coming :pinkiehappy: Stay tuned! :pinkiehappy:

4961579 yay!!!! And take the time you need

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