• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 1,137 Views, 13 Comments

Unrequited - DtdFIMBrony

Fluttershy has been in turmoil lately because she has feelings that she does not want to admit to even herself, but one day, she finds herself admitting them all the same, but doesn't know how to live with them.

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Tricky with Trixie, and a lovely ending.

Oddly enough, there was nopony in sight when they entered the magic barrier, torches filled the cave with light, exposing all the little cracks that one would not see if it were dark, and two tunnels branched off of the main one, Shy, after her moment, was blushing in the background trying not to be noticed because she said something that she regretted, and she wished she could have unsaid that, but, now Twilight had to know that she tried to sound tough with an extremely odd line. Nevertheless, she looked for clues as to which direction Trixie might be awaiting them from. There were claw marks down the left tunnel, and it looked somewhat dark and aerie, the second one had a smell of burning cloth and, hair?

"Well, I think Trixie is down this direction, by the smell, I would assume that her practice acting didn't go as planned." Twilight said, and they trotted down the tunnel, noticing glimmering gems every now and then, but urgently wanting to get out because of the idea that those panthers were still in this cave. After about 30 meters, the tunnel opened up into what looked like the night sky over a vast ocean, and Twilight couldn't help but marvel at the sight. She soon regained composure when she heard a noise coming from a wagon, in which was also slightly scorched by the looks of it.

"Ow, ow, ow ow ow ow, that hurts! Next time, less fire, more works, but how? I need fire to light the fireworks, gah, nevermind, I need to prepare for my soon to come guests." Trixie was saying to herself, when she turned around, mane slightly charred and her cloak half gone from burning. "Oh uh, you don't see anything yet." She said in a hurry, running into her wagon to get a new cloak, and a quick flick of magic removing the charred part of her mane and repairing it. "Ahh," she said returning from her emergency, "I see you have come to visit The Great, and Powerful, Trixie! But I would have been certain only Fluttershy would have come, but no, YOU have to come and spoil all my fun Twilight Sparkle, and now, The Great, and Powerful, Trixie will destroy you!" She finished saying, but only seeing blank faces becomes angry. "Fine, what do you want Twilight?"

"I want you to turn Derpy back into a normal pony!" Twilight said, looking extremely frustrated. "I don't like it when you mess with not only my friends, but their friends too."

"Y-yeah, what Twilight said." Shy chipped in and cowered immediately to which Trixie couldn't help but to laugh at.

"You know, with as cute an expression as that, I was almost tempted to just let her go, but I cant do that unless I know for a fact that Fluttershy will be staying." Trixie said, and then whistled, calling the Panthers in, who in which line up behind Twilight and Fluttershy. "So, what will it be, Fluttershy stays here, and Derpy gets turned back to normal, or Derpy becomes a Timberwolf forever?"

"Neith--" Twilight started to say, when Fluttershy stepped forward, and without second thoughts she started to cry.

"Please, just let Derpy be normal again, I will stay if you do, I just want all my friends to be safe, and if I must stay to let that happen, then so be it, I will." Fluttershy said, paused, looked at Twilight, and continued, "Make sure Derpy knows that I saved her, please."

"But Fluttershy, you would just give up that easy?" Twilight began to say, but looked into Shy's eyes and knew instantly what she had in mind, and going along with it, she bowed her head, "Fine, whatever you say."

Fluttershy walked over to Trixie who at this point was laughing like a maniac while the Panthers escorted Twilight out of the cave. Once they were all gone, Shy looked at Trixie questioningly, who in which rolled her eyes and cast a spell, and said "There, its done." to which Fluttershy felt relieved, and without hesitation, started humming a melody, one that had no specific pattern to it, but Trixie thought was familiar for some reason, but before she could place it, an animal of some kind, Trixie could not tell at that moment, swooped in and took the book that was stolen, why she would have it on the shelf in the open, nopony could ever know, but it was safe, as Shy remembered the call of the Shade Hawk from while they were walking in the swamp, and was able to form a bond with it with silent communication.

By the time Trixie recovered her senses the bird was already gone, and Shy smiling at Trixie, "Sorry Trixie, but I cannot allow you to keep me here, ever. I do not love you, I never will, my loyalties lie with Derpy, and all my other friends." She started to walk out of the cave, when Trixie started laughing, which brought confusion to Fluttershy.

"You think I have lost, just because I cannot cast the spell any longer, because you told me you will never love me." Trixie started to say, a psychotic look in her eyes, "I can never lose, for I am The Great, and Powerfu--" Trixie got suddenly interrupted as she was swinging her hoof and happened to hit her wagon, in which started to roll, and though it stopped suddenly, one of the cooking pans flew off and with a loud clank knocked Trixie unconscious. And Fluttershy, being super kind and all, decided she would carry Trixie to safety with the help of the Shade Hawk.

Shy was about halfway through the swamp when she saw a bright light approaching her position, but having Trixie on her back made it difficult to do much, so she waited and tried to get out of the way of the light, when she realized it was Twilight with the rest of her friends. Who in which had surprised looks on their faces when they saw Shy carrying Trixie, the Hawk long since gone by now. Though they were relieved to see Shy was okay, they all had to get out of this swamp fast, so they all, as friends trotted through the swamp together, laughing, talking, and the occasional scream from Rarity as she discovers a new stain on her mane.

"Shy, why did that Shade Hawk bring me the book?" Twilight began to ask, but then thought about it, "Oh, wait, that's right, it seemed to take quite an interest in you, I assume you formed a bond with it?"

"Yep, that I did, it was such a pretty bird too, though it was mostly shadowy, it was still pretty!" Shy said. When they finally got home, Derpy was waiting for Shy, who was no longer carrying Trixie. Shy saw Derpy back to normal, and almost started to cry, she jumped at Derpy and hugged her tightly. "Oh I missed you so much, don't you ever go in that forest again, its far too dangerous for som--" She started to say, but was interrupted by Derpy kissing her.

"I promise to stay close to you, forever" Derpy said after she finished kissing Fluttershy, who seems to have lost her balance.

Trixie was soon after sent to The Pony Psychiatric Help Center, or The PPHC, and was going through counseling for her over obsessive behavior, in which happened to be a mental instability amongst ponykind, so they knew she was going to be getting the help she desperately needed, and the book that caused the little mess, well, Celestia herself demanded it be burned, so nopony could do something like that again, as the Timberwolves were already a problem as it was. And needless to say, Derpy and Shy had a happy relationship starting, and it didn't look to be ending any time soon.

Comments ( 3 )

i am thinking of writing a continuing book-fiction following this one, however, i want to make it like a twidash or something like that, so yea, i need some input, what you think of this and whether or not i should do what i am thinking

I feel no shame in admitting that I read the first and last chapter, as well as some in the middle, but only skimming

I'm going to be brief, as it is late and I am busy, but I will also be as detailed as possible.

I saw absolutely no improvement between the first and last chapters in terms of writing skill, which is... surprisingly considering that this was 11 thousand words and the point you started at.

So, let's talk about the actual writing.

It was.... bad. It really was. The pacing was out of this world and the characters feel like cheep imitations and you use their nicknames (Twi and Shy) outside of speech which is bad and annoying and Twilight has never once called Fluttershy Shy so it feels out of place coming from her. The word choice is lacking and get repetitive there are virtually no descriptions and the dialogue feels robotic and not at all in-character. About the only thing I can give you a plus on is an original plot and an interesting ship choice for Fluttershy. Aside from that... I'm sorry but I truly cannot say anything positive about this.

Best of luck with whatever else you write, and I hope you improve as a writer.

I admit that i did terrible on this story, i however am still proud of myself for it was my first story ever written. I am attempting to improve my writing skills by writing during the day when i am actually awake, and not writing while angry or anything else altering my inhibition. or whatever the word is

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