• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 1,137 Views, 13 Comments

Unrequited - DtdFIMBrony

Fluttershy has been in turmoil lately because she has feelings that she does not want to admit to even herself, but one day, she finds herself admitting them all the same, but doesn't know how to live with them.

  • ...

The confession

Shy woke up with nothing much on mind, but seemingly more energetic, instead of crawling slowly out of bed, today she was up and about, of course it could have something to do with Derpy trying to water her flowers and getting water through the window, in which she paused in her kitchen to put a note about fixing the windows. "what are you doing?" Shy asks Derpy, "I usually water those myself, plus it is a little too early to water them."

"I'm just trying to help the love of my life" replies Derpy, "I figured it would be very kind of me to do." All this time saying it she doesn't even look once toward Shy, but when she does, asks "Why are you all soaked?"

"Well, you kinda got the water on me when it went through my window" Said Shy, "I also want to water the plants on my own so--" At that moment, Derpy was giving her a sad look that made Shy stop in her own words, and she was trying so hard to say no, but finally she gave up, "Okay, you can do it, just be careful not to get it where it can cause trouble for my little animals."

"Okay!" said Derpy, instantly becoming the happiest pony alive, "I wont let you down!" She continued to water the plants, shortly after she finished the plant watering, she started to make Angel her favorite food.

Shy was a little nervous about the idea of somebody else taking care of her things, but she looked around and saw that the animals liked Derpy fairly well, so she allowed it. then she thought about her confession she had to make, "It must be today" She said, "Or maybe tomorrow?" She paused thinking about it for a moment, "No, I cannot put it off, I have to do it."

"Do what?" Asked Twilight from down the road startling Shy to the point she took off with over 18 wingpower, "Woah, Fluttershy, that's the fastest I have ever seen you move on your wings!"

"I-i-it is? Well I can move fast, I just don't like to, you see, it draws too much attention, and I don't like being looked at by a lot of people, so I try to move slower than I need to." Finishing that sentence with her voice raising in pitch very quickly and causing her nervous habit to kick in, she then hides behind the nearest object, in which happened to be Derpy, who was, for no real reason in particular, sweeping in front of the house. "Don't tell anypony I can move that fast, please?"

Twi sighs, "Okay, I wont, I just don't think its a good idea to hide the truth like that, but I am sure you have many other reasons for it." She turns and starts to walk away then she hears a small thumping sound and a tugging on her tail, she looks back to see Angel trying to pull her back, pointing at Shy. "What is it Angel, is something wrong with Fluttershy?"

Angel starts to make motions referring to a confession of love, but is quickly interrupted by Shy, who says "Umm, yea, can I talk to you later Twilight, its important."

"Sure, ill just stop by your pla--" when suddenly she gets interrupted by Shy.

"No, I, umm, want it to be somewhere special, how about that field out there" Shy says while pointing out behind her house, "That looks like a good place."

"Okay, I guess I will meet you out there then" Twilight looks at Shy with a confused look but nevertheless continues, "I'll drop by the moment I am available." She then walks on to her original destination, in which Shy couldn't help but wonder where it was, shrugging it off, she heads into town to do a little bit of shopping. She had only just arrived when she noticed that everything was quieter than usual, the only people that were out and about were the merchants. She asked around as to what it was that had all the people indoors on a beautiful day like this, but none of them seemed to know.

Suddenly out of the blue she saw another pony wandering out of their house, she approached them and asked what was going on, and they only told her that a sickness is going around, and it be best if she stay at home. On her way home, she realized that Twilight had gone into The Everfree Forest, could that be why she went in there, maybe to talk to Zecora about a possible cure. Wondering if Twilight had gotten sick, she then decided to chase after Twi, and see if she could help, by the time she got to her house she saw Twilight emerging from the forest and ran up to her. "You went in there looking for a cure for the sickness going around didn't you?" she asked urgently, "Did you get sick too? Are you okay?"

"Fluttershy, I'm fine, and yes I went to Zecora for a cure, and the only illness I know of is one Spike has, though it is not contagious at all, so I have no clue what is going on in town." She looks at Fluttershy, wondering why she was so worried, "What had you so worried?"

"Oh, nothing, I had just noticed that all the ponies in Ponyville were inside rather than out enjoying the weather and somepony told me an illness was going around, but I had no clue about it, then I remembered you were walking past my house so I came to check if everything was okay." Fluttershy pauses to take a breath, realizing that was the most she had ever said in one sentence. Or at least, in a long, long time.

"Uhh, yea, its all fine" She said, kind of hesitantly thinking Shy might get upset at her for no reason, "I gotta get back to Spike, he is probably miserable."

"Yea, you do that, I'll just wait for you to have time to come visit me" Said with a sigh of relief, "Tell Spike I hope he gets better soon" With that Twi had nodded and walked away, and Shy walked over to the field, and lay in the spot she imagined it would happen, the confession she wanted to make so badly, but she was worried that it may not go as well as she wanted it to, only time would tell.

Shy woke up from a dream of her having the perfect confession, but she woke up saying "I love you" although, when she opened her eyes, the moon was high in the night sky, and Twi sat there beside her, just watching the stars.

"Having a good dream Shy?" Twi asked her, and her heart skipped a beat, "You were so peaceful while asleep"

"You were watching me sleep?" Shy asked, "How embarrassing, I normally don't sleep during the day."

"I know, but since you were so close to the forest already, I figured I would stay by your side until you woke up, after all, you did want to meet me" Shy sat up, and brushed debris from her mane, "What was it you wanted to talk to me about, Shy, you said it was important."

"Yea, it is, and I wanted to tell you sooner, but I had felt ashamed, but I have to at least let you know." Shy paused for a long while, took a deep breath, and then said slowly as a gently breeze passed through, making the moment seem perfect, "Twilight, I love you."