• Member Since 9th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 14th, 2015


Just a brony with a computer and a urge to write stories


To the West of Equestria is the industrial nation of Stalliongrad. Inside the borders of Stalliongrad, oppression and corruption are more prevalent than the pollution and smog that fills the air. Most ponies have given up on the thought of freedom, and the few who dream of such a life, fear being arrested for such thoughts. Luminous is one of the few who dream of such a life and takes action. Through his actions he now must now travel East to Equestria, and seek the help of the Princesses and ponies of Equestria. Will he succeed in his goal for overthrowing the oppressing leaders of Stalliongrad or will he be eliminated by the government just like every other pony that has spoke against it?

-From the Author,
Though the series has the listings Sex and Gore they will not be excessive traits of the story. As well as the rating for the sex and gore will be mostly mild but occasionally will have a medium level of sex and gore. Please enjoy the story and please give feedback. Thank you-

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )
Comment posted by Pyriel deleted Apr 8th, 2014
Comment posted by ThatLazyBrony deleted Apr 8th, 2014

AMAZING!!! I cannot wait till you release more! I love the atmosphere and can't wait to see more details of Stalliongrad and how a Pony who still has the rough Stalliongraden personality adapts, or doesn't. Great read!!!

I think there should be a comma after "cute", you should put shudder instead of shutter, and I also think you mean " that" instead of "hat". There was a fourth problem, but it will be easier to to find later. These are minor anyways. I would really like to see longer chapters in the future, but that's the effect you'll want to have on the reader in the intro chapter. I love the premise of the story though. Can't wait for the next chapter!:pinkiehappy:

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