• Published 19th Feb 2014
  • 2,533 Views, 46 Comments

Equestria Girls: The New Doctor Episode Two: The Princess and the Crown - zZ Sky Ninja Zz

Episode 2 of EQG: The New Doctor. With a request from Velvet to check out a high school that Twilight will be attending, the Doctor is thrown into a new adventure with a different Twilight, strange energy sources and reuniting with old friends.

  • ...

The Plot Thickens

Chapter 4

As morning rose in the air, Twilight shot up gasping and panting. Spike fell off the bed and looked at her. "What's wrong Twilight?"
"That....... that guy! He was next to the crown. And....... did he knock me out?" Twilight proceeded to check herself. "Well, at least he didn't take advantage of me. Then again, if he IS Shooting Star he would never do something like that."


"Yes Spike?"

The dog reminded her. "The crown."

Suddenly remembering her reason for being in this world, Twilight got up. "Right, well it's time to work. Let's go Spike!"

The two ran downstairs to prepare for the day.

With the Doctor

The Time Lord had been up all night studying the calculations to try and see if he could confirm his fears. So far, no luck. "Maybe if I get more, the TARDIS can have an easier time."

Stepping out of his blue box, he decided to try his luck finding Twilight again. After forgetting to scan her last night, finding her was the Doctors number one priority. He checked his watch and saw it was almost afternoon. "Oh dear, I guess I lost track of time."

Deciding to try outside the school, the Doctor walked over to the place where he hears students usually go on their breaks. It was a
sweet shop that served in all various delicious treats. From donuts to brownies, they had it all. The Doctor decided to see what they had to offer.

The woman, who was called Mrs Cake smiled. "Welcome."


Mrs Cake gestured to the treats. "What would you like?"

The Doctor looked down. "Do you have fish fingers by any chance?"

The woman had a look of pure confusion. "Umm...... excuse me?"

"And custard?"

Mrs Cake stuttered a little, but saw the fifty dollar bill in his hands. The Doctor never really cared about money so just soniced the ATM and got a random bill. "I'll see what I can do."

The Doctor nodded, but when he turned around, he bumped into someone spilling their drink on them. "Oh, dear. I'm so sorry."

The boy chuckled. "Its okay. Accidents happen."

He then looked at the Time Lord. "Hey, you're that new guy aren't you? John Smith?"

The Doctor nodded. "Yes. That's me."

Extending his hand, the boy smiled. "I'm Flash Sentry. Nice to meet you."

Shaking the hand, the Doctor smiled. "Likewise."

Looking at his ruined shirt, Flash sighed. "It's not your fault. However, I have to clean this up now."

As he left, the Doctor didn't notice someone was in the line before him. So when he turned around, the Doctor bumped into said person and got a whole drink spilled on him. 'I still need to sort out the steering. It's still not right.'

"I'm so sorry!" The person said, who's voice was female as she went to pick up her now empty cup. The Doctor also tried to pick it up but stopped when the girls purple hand was placed on his own. He made eye contact and his eyes widened at who it was.
It was Twilight. Suddenly, he jumped up surprising the poor girl. "W-What's wrong?"

Taking out his Screwdriver, he showed Twilight his psychic paper. "Inspector of....... strange people. I need to scan you."

Hoisting the purple skinned girl upright, he quickly scanned her. 'Amazing. Her energy is much higher than that of Sunset Shimmer. Though, both are nothing compared to that crown. I believe I have everything I need.'

Twilight blushed at the close contact. This may not be him, but he still looked like her crush and was a little nervous. 'He acts just like the pegasus too! Who is he?'

The Doctor grinned. "All done. I can confirm that you are clean, fine and dandy. Bravo!"

Twilight smiled shyly. "I'm..... going to join my friends now."

The Doctor nodded as he watched her leave. 'What kind of life form are you Twilight? You're not human. I can say that much.'
With Twilight, she blushed as she twirled a lock of her hair. "Oooooh. Got a crush I see?"

The ex-alicorn blinked and looked at her friend Rarity. "What? No!"

Rainbow Dash scoffed. "Don't know why you would. He's a nutcase!"

"Rainbow!" Rarity scolded. "Don't be rude."

"Well, it's true! Have you seen him? He claims he can talk to animals, he has that stick with him and worst of all, he knows nothing about personal space."

Pinkie Pie stared at Rainbow Dash. "Are you mad because he beat you at football?"

"He got lucky!"

"I dunno Dashie. He clearly creamed you."

Rainbow Dash growled and slumped on her chair in a huff. She then noticed her friend Applejack was glaring at the Doctor. "What's wrong AJ?"

"It's him. The 'Raggedy Doctor'."

The girls were confused. "Isn't that a made up character by Apple Bloom?"

Twilight frowned. "I'm sorry?"

Rainbow Dash sighed. "About two years ago, Applejacks sister, Apple Bloom made an imaginary friend called the Raggedy Doctor. It's weird since she is way too old for that."

Applejack growled. "He ain't imaginary! Ah saw him that day when those.... things came here."

Fluttershy looked at her. "Um, if you don't mind me saying, but wasn't that a publicity stunt?"

The purple skinned human was now more confused. "Huh?"

Rarity looked at her like she had two heads. "You don't know? It was all over the news."

Twilight laughed nervously. "I guess I don't know."

Pinkie Pie raised her hand in the air. "Ooh! Ooh! Can I explain it?"

Sighing, Rarity nodded. "Well, about two years ago. There were these people who did these craaaazy things! Using these spaceships and cool special effects to add to it. Anyway, it only lasted about four hours before the ships all left."

Twilight thought. 'Hmmmm.... now that I think about it, I did see something on that computer about that sort of thing. But out of the pictures I've seen, it looks too crazy. Even for this world.'

"Yes......" Rarity blinked. "Anyway, it was all fake of course."

"It wasn't!" Applejack snapped. "That guy came in and chased them aliens away."

Rainbow Dash growled, like she's heard this a hundred times. "He's not real! The Raggedy Doctor is just someone your sister made up! The fact he looks like that guy is just a coincidence!"

The two girls were at each others faces at this point and the others just shook their heads, like this was a regular thing.

The Doctor heard everything. "Dammit. I need to be more careful in the future. Still, a trick? Now that's just crazy, even for the humans."

After getting his custard with a bunch of fish fingers in it, he walked away. But not before looking at Twilight one last time before leaving.

The girls (minus Pinkie Pie) had disgusted looks on their faces. "See? Nutcase."

Applejack groaned as she stood up. "Alright girls. We have gone off topic. Let's discuss the reason why we're all here."

The Doctor walked outside still thinking of those calculations when he bumped into some kids. "Oh dear, sorry."

The one with a bow stared at him in pure shock. He smiled and waved as he carried on his way. One of her friends said. "Apple Bloom? You okay?"

She quickly took her out her backpack and picked out a drawing. "Raggedy man!"

Scootaloo's eyes widened when she saw the similarities. "Woah, that is freaky."

"Come on! I need to tell Applejack!"

The Doctor coughed up some more energy in thought. "Hmmm..... the Fall Formal. I need to check that out, see if I can find any clues. But I need to find out about the event altogether. I know! Celestia could help me."

With that thought, the Doctor sprinted to the school wanting to know more about this. He ended up bursting into the staff room with eyes on him. "Um, hello."

Celestia cleared her throat. "Hello...... John. Students are not allowed in here."

Next to her was her younger sister, Luna. "Sister, who is this?"

Taking out his psychic paper, he showed it around."Hello, I'm not really a student, I'm inspector of...... upcoming social events. And I hear you have one tomorrow?"

Neither Celestia, Luna or Cheerilee was buying this but decided to comply. "Yes...... inspector."

Walking around, he noticed a bunch of pictures. "So, this Fall Formal, mind explaining it?"

"Yes. The Fall Formal is an event we have every fall along with other seasons such as the Spring Fling. It's like a prom in a way, and at we get the students to decide who will be the Princess of the Fall Formal."

Taking out a notepad to take notes, the Doctor nodded. "Does the...... Princess get anything?"

"Yes. The Princess is awarded with the crown that currently in my sister Luna' office. May I ask why you're asking these questions Mr Smith?" Luna gasped at that name as she finally had her suspicions. The Doctor threw the pad away. "Common question with these.... events....... Q and A, I thank you all for your time but I must take my leave."

He then spotted a plate of Jammy Dodgers. "I'll take these as payment." He grabbed the plate, put one in his mouth and the rest in his pockets. "Pleasure doing business."

As he left, one of the teachers said. "What just happened?"

Celestia was glaring at the door. 'Is it him? If so, why wait all these years to show up again?'

Outside, the Doctor was walking back to the TARDIS munching on Jammy Dodgers. 'Right, so what do I know so far? There's another Twilight, and based on the evidence she is not human. Also, there is a crown which may or may not host one of the most dangerous enemies I've faced of all time. None of which seem a capital idea in my case.'

Munching on more, he continued. 'Now, there is going to be an event tomorrow which, by the sounds of it, is a high school dance. And like a Prom Queen in my universe, there is a 'Princess'. Whoever wins gets the crown. Now, normally I would enter myself and try to win, but in this case I'm not female. Damn regeneration.'

His thoughts then returned to Twilight. 'She's my only chance. I may not know her but it seems that she knows me. Maybe I can convince her to give me it if she wins, since she seems to be competing with that other girl, what was her name? Sunset Shaker?'
Opening the doors to his blue box, he decided to go on a small trip so he can work out those calculations.

Ditzy and Carrot Top were walking down the hallway chatting when suddenly they heard a whirring noise. Both girls widened their eyes and looked at each other. "It's him!"

They sprinted to where they heard the noise and saw the TARDIS dematerializing.

"DOCTOR!!!" Ditzy yelled but it fell on deaf ears as the box was gone. Carrot Top blinked. "So, he's really back."

Ditzy nodded. "But we would've seen him by now, he's not hard to miss. A man in a suit with a brown trenchcoat, along with brown skin."

Carrot Top shook her head. "No. If he's here then it's not good news. What about that John guy? He looks like someone who would know."

"I guess.... but why is he back?"

The redhead shrugged. "Aide from that strange eyeball, nothing out of the ordinary has happened."

Meanwhile, Cheerilee was sorting through books when the Doctor came into her mind. 'He has to be back, I know I heard the TARDIS earlier. But..... why has he come back now? After all these years....'

Celestia and Luna were also pondering. "Okay, if he IS who we think he is, how? He looks way different and younger."
The headmistress groaned as she held her head. "I don't know, but it's him. I know it."

None of the Doctors companions in this universe knew he could regenerate so they all think he is still the same person they last saw.

Back in the TARDIS, the Doctor was analyzing the calculations and his fears were growing. "No. It can't be him. It just can't! If it is him then this whole universe is finished."


Sunset Shimmer had just told Snips and Snails her plan to ruin Twilights chance for the Fall Formal. She stiffened in fear when she heard the voice.
"Yes.... the plan is going smoothly. Soon I will be unleashed and away from this wretched prison!"

"B-But what are you going to do?"

"First, I will destroy the Time Lord who is the reason I'm even here! Then, I will enjoy wrecking havoc in the universe!"

The voice laughed loudly and Sunset whimpered. Perhaps she made a mistake doing this.... no! She has come too far to stop. The crown is so close. The plan just needs to come together.

Finally, the Doctor came back to the school about to find Twilight when he bumped into Flash Sentry. "Oh, hello Flash. What has gotten your panties in a bunch? Hmm...... nope. Never saying that again."

He suddenly felt woozy as he leaned on the wall. "No..... not now...... now is not the time."

Flash just saw gold energy flow out the Doctors mouth. "Did you just..? Never mind. Look, Sunset Shimmer is trying to make Twilight not compete for the Fall Formal."

"What? No, she HAS to!" The Doctor noticed scrap paper in the bin and took it out. "What are these?"

Flash looked at them. "Looks like someone cut out a person.... wait a minute....."

The Time Lord noticed the outline. "It's Twilight! Of course!"

Flash nodded. "Sunset Shimmer said she had photographic evidence, this must be the scrap!"

"We need to bring this to Luna!"

The Doctor dragged him. "Let's go, Avante!"

It took a while, but Luna was convinced Twilight wasn't responsible for the damage caused in the gym, but the dance had to be postponed. As she walked out, Twilight hugged both of them. "Oh! I can't thank you two enough!"

Flash decided to ask. "So, if you weren't already going with somebody, wanna come to the Fall Formal with me?"

Stepping in, the Doctor asked. "Um, Twilight I need to ask you about that."

The blue haired teenager was shocked. John liked Twilight too? Well, he wasn't giving up that easily. Suddenly, Twilight started panicking. "No. Nononono, the portal, the portal!"

She then sprinted out. "It would be too late! No no no!"

Flash walked out and yelled. "One 'No' would've been fine!"

The Doctor sighed and Flash shook his head. "Guess neither of us can get her."

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, the Doctor walked away. 'Well, that's a bother. I need that crown and fast. Maybe if the gym was fixed the dance will be back on.'

He then grinned. "Doctor, you are a genius!"

Author's Note:

Right, next chapter is where the finale is taking place. We will be revealed who the voice in Sunsets head is as well as people finding out the Doctor.

Favourite, Follow, Review.

Safety and Peace, and may the Gods of Budder protect you

Comments ( 11 )

Hopefully the next update won't take as long! Also, Bob. That is all.

Nice chapter!:twilightsmile:

4829044 how DARE you accuse me of such a crime?

look like doctor finalley get the awanser and and who the mystery voice in sunset mind? i can't wait for next chapter

Comment posted by Leurunner deleted Dec 20th, 2014

4829161 "Flashlight" seriously?

It's been almost a year since the last update! What the heck!:rainbowhuh:

Whoa! This dialogue is similar to Equestria Girls 1! Anypony think the Doctor was helping Twilight win the crown from behind the scenes?:trixieshiftright:

"Yes.... the plan is going smoothly. Soon I will be unleashed and away from this wretched prison!"

Please tell me that's not who I think it is.:twilightoops:

Just out curiosity are you still writing this fic?? Its been way over a year since the lastchapter was added.

Oh No! What happens next?
Wonder what happens if two Twilights meet each other.
Keep up the good work!

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