• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 1,098 Views, 12 Comments

The Cult of Chaos - PegasusKlondike

A new evil threatens Equestria after the War of the Fallen Race

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Loose Ends

General Cloud Hoof once again stood before the court of law, presided over by the unicorn king, King Golden Flame. Starswirl the Bearded stood with him, and so did his former prosecutor, Sunny Brook of the earth ponies. The delegations of all three tribes stood in attendance.

"Starswirl the Bearded, please step forward." said the king. Starswirl took a few steps forward and bowed to his king. "Did you find evidence to back your claim? Were the humans behind the murder of King Silverhair and Chancellor Breezemane?"

"No my lord, the humans were innocent, as well as the pegasi. The only creature guilty of a crime is the monster that consumed souls and twisted their minds to do horrible things. With the aid of a few humans we destroyed the Cult of Chaos, though our assistance was not truly needed. The Cult was on the verge of collapsing in on itself, as evil always does."

Sun walked forward without being summoned. "It's true great king, the humans were being forced to do such horrible things, their will had been taken from them and they were led by an utterly mad creature of darkness."

"I see, General, how do you plead to the charges against you?"

Cloud stood proud with his friends. "On behalf of my tribe, I plead 'not guilty'."

The unicorn king looked hardly surprised, "Very well then, in the absence of substantial evidence to say otherwise, case is dismissed." He slammed his rod of office. The three delegations cheered, glad they would not have a war with one another. And relieved some threat from the humans had been taken care of, and in fact turned into a better situation than before.

Two mares landed from the pegasus delegation, Cloud not having seen them for what seemed like centuries.


"Hurricane!" Cloud shouted as he scooped up his filly in his forelegs, hugging her and nuzzling her. "I love you Hurricane, I never stopped loving you." It was his love for Hurricane that had pulled him from the darkness, their love shone bright in the chaos and paved the way for this victory for harmony.

"I love you too Dad." Starshine joined their embrace, Cloud let go of Hurricane, focusing on his wife. He kissed her deeply and with passion.

Cloud broke away, "I saw through their eyes, and I reunited their families. They forgave me Star, and I forgave myself." She looked him in his eyes, he no longer seemed haunted by his exploits in battle and his eyes glowed with love for his family. She threw her forelegs around her husband, giving him a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so proud of you, Cloud. Come on, let's go home."


High Priest Stewarts crashed through the brush, his red robes torn and muddy, catching on every single slightly non-flat surface in existence. He had been the first to flee after Discord had been wounded, and the first to reach relative safety here in the woodlands. He had run for literally two days straight, pausing to drink water from stagnant pools and eat questionable berries.

He stopped in a meadow clearing, resting from his adrenaline powered escape. He lay on the ground and tried to sleep for several hours. But his out of shape body had gotten so used to luxury and lust that it simply would not accept any surface harder than a feather bed. Rising, he began to form a plan.

"I'll rebuild the Cult, to greater power than ever before! Leviathan was merely a test, a test to see if I could survive and lead!" he announced to the squirrels in a nearby pine tree.

"YES! The Cult of Chaos was a mere sham of what is to come next, I'll recruit my own followers. I won't have to be dependent on that sickening freak anymore." he shuddered, wondering what he ever saw in Discord.

Stewarts noticed that the forest had gone silent. No birds chirped, and his squirrel audience had left very quickly as well. "To hell with you all anyways! I don't need a bunch of forest critters to listen to me!" A twig snapped behind him.

Stewarts turned to see a young woman standing there, looking fairly harmless and not wearing any clothing. "Ah, my first new convert! Come sister, join my flock and together we shall rule the world!" Despite having just witnessed his source of power being wounded and his entire Cult tear themselves apart, the High Priest still fell prey to his carnal desires and his delusion that he actually had influence over the Chaos humans.

He walked to the woman, extending a hand he moved aside her filthy and matted hair. Underneath was a wild and feral face. His look of potential success turned to horror as she snarled and leapt on him like a wolf. What could she say? The Lost were hardwired like that, they had to increase chaos. And chaos and death went hand in hand.

Comments ( 3 )

Was a great read, looking forward to another story by you, if there is one!

wow! The wait was well worth it! I didnt read a single chapter until it was completely done and man was it a good read. Good job!

434397 THERE SHALL ALWAYS BE MOAR! For I cannot stop myself. Even now I am drafting the first chapter for ANOTHER STORY! With several more stories lined up behind that one!

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