• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 460 Views, 16 Comments

How It Ends - Caelum Heredem vitae

How it ends is a collection of short stories about how each of the Mane six ponies Die

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The Cure

Applejack wrung out the rag as she placed it back onto her brothers forehead, Concern on her face.
Big mac looked up at her with glazed eyes, “I’m fine lil sis” He said with obvious strain.
“No Mac you most certainly aint” said AJ as she stood and looked out the window, Contemplating what to do.
“Applebloom stay here and watch your brother” said AJ donning her hat as she walked to the door

“What will you do?” Applebloom asked nervously
“What I always do, fix things”

Earlier that week

Big Mac let out a grunt as he heaved another piece of old farm equipment into the wagon
“That should just about do it” He thought to himself as he looked around the old barn
They were clearing space in the barn to store new equipment and crops and needed to take the old equipment to the blacksmith, who would melt it down to use again.
Hitching himself to the wagon, Big Mac pulled it out front to the farm house.
“Anythin else be needin to go to the smith?” he called out to AJ, who was pulling weeds in the flowerbed in front of the house.
“Nothin I can think of at the moment” She called back
“I’ll be headin out then” He said pulling out onto their driveway
“Alrighty Big M, be safe” AJ said as he went through the gate
“Eeyup” He called over his shoulder

Big Mac enjoyed the long walk along the country road to Ponyville, It gave him time to think in quiet.
Contrary to common belief Big Mac was actually a deep thinker and he often contemplated multiple complex ideas simultaneously. Today however he was thinking of his family. Applejack had been almost as quiet as he was lately. This was mostly due to the loss of her friends he knew. She was strong and did not let it slow her down but big mac worried about her nonetheless.
Panting he pulls up alongside the blacksmiths forge.
After unhitching himself, Big Mac enters the smithy and looks around for Flaming Forge, the owner.
“Miss Forge?” he called out into the empty room
“OUT BACK!” comes a strong yet feminine call
Working his way through the room Big Mac comes out into a courtyard filled with different pieces of metal objects everything looked big, broken, and HEAVY. But no pony in sight.
“Miss Forge?” Big mac called again
“Over here!” said a pile of junk to his left, or rather said the pony behind it
Flaming Forge was an earth pony with brown fur stained black from soot and a singed mane as black as a cold forge.
“Can I help you with anything Mac?” asked Flaming Forge
“Eeyup” people outside his family were always hard to talk to, but miss forge was patient and waited for him to continue
“Got some scrap for ya in ma wagon” big mac finally finished
“No problem I just need to clear some space out here for it, if you want to help me out I could finish quicker and there’d be a few bits in it for ya”
“That won’t be necessary miss forge I’d love to help you out” said Big Mac blushing slightly. Thankful for his red coat
After about an hour of hot sweaty work, they had managed to clear a spot and bring in Big Macs scrap. They sat down together surveying their work
“Whew boy you’re as strong as a minotaur” Said Flaming Forge
“You’re pretty strong yourself” He replied
“I reckon that pile of Scrap is worth 150 bits” said Flaming Forge as she grabbed a coin purse
“This aint my first rodeo you know miss forge it aint worth more’n 120 bits” Big mac said with a glare
“Aw come on Big mac you really saved me a lot of time and effort today can’t I give you a few bits?”
“I said I would help free of charge and im a man of my word ma’am, few though they may be” said big mac with a nod
“All right” she let out with a sigh “120 it is”
Big Mac started on his way home
She was nice; he thought to himself, she doesn’t feel the need to fill silence. Someponies don’t like silence which was hard for Big Mac. Not to mention she was really fit he thought with a blush.
Topping the crest of the hill before the farm Big Mac stopped to rest; he was strangely short on breath and had to wait before continuing on thinking little of it.
“I’m home!” Big Mac called out as he unhitched himself from the wagon.
Applebloom squealed as she ran out the front door “BIG MAC!”
“Good ta see ya little sis! You should have told me you were stopping by!”
“I got a long weekend off from college so I thought I would make the trip” Said Applebloom with a smile
“Were so proud of you bloom you know that right?” asked Big Mac
“Stop it! Your embarrassing me!” she squealed again
Big Mac chuckled as he headed inside
“What took you so long?” asked AJ as he entered the kitchen
“I helped Miss Forge clear some room in her smithy”
“Is that all you helped her clear?” AJ asked with a wink
“Y-Yes” Big Mac replied with a furious blush
“Oh somepony has a crush!” said Applebloom nudging Big Mac
“So who wants some cider?” Big Mac asked nervously
Dinner that night was a rowdy affair, lots of cider, lots of food, and even a little singing near the end of it Big Mac was feeling a little dizzy.
“I’m going to head to bed” he said to the others
“Alright Big M we’ll just stay here and talk girl talk”
“Ya right AJ I ain’t never heard you speak girl talk”
“You’re right; maybe we’ll talk about you and Miss Forge”
Time to abscond, He thought to himself as he went up the stars to his room

The next day

Bucking trees was hard work, but today was brutal, Big Mac thought to himself as he bucked another tree. His breathing was labored as he moved from tree to tree. Was it this hot yesterday? He wiped sweat from his brow as he bucked another tree. His Chest was tight. His head was pounding. Was that his heart beat? Why was his vision going dark?
Suddenly Big Mac hit the ground unconscious

Applejack wrung out the rag as she placed it back onto her brothers forehead, Concern on her face.
Big mac looked up at her with glazed eyes, “I’m fine lil sis” He said with obvious strain.
“No Mac you most certainly aint” said AJ as she stood and looked out the window, Contemplating what to do.
“Applebloom stay here and watch your brother” said AJ donning her hat as she walked to the door

“What will you do?” Applebloom asked nervously
“What I always do, fix things”

AJ went to Fluttershy’s house first. She was always good with sick ponies and would know what to do.
Arriving at Fluttershy’s cottage AJ let out an anxious sigh as she read the note on the door;

Gone to Canterlot
Be back in three days
(Uh unless you’re reading this the day after I left then its two days)
(Oh or it could be one day…)
I guess I will be back Monday, if that’s okay with you.

Confound it I need help from someone but who else could help me?
“Zecora” she thought out loud

The walk through the forest was uneventful as AJ rounded the corner and came to Zecora’s hut. AJ was delighted to see smoke coming from the chimney, she was home.
“Zecora!” AJ called out as she approached the front door
“A pony I See, has come for me” said Zecora as she opened the door
“Something is wrong with my brother” AJ said with a hint of worry in her voice
“Then with all speed, take the lead” Zecora said as she closed the door behind her
Hurrying through the forest they approached the house while AJ explained what had happened
“And then he just passed out” Finished AJ
“A diagnosis of your brother, may be a bother” Zecora said thoughtfully
Entering into Big Macs room Zecora started examining him without a word
“What’s wrong with him Zecora?” asked Applebloom
“The problem little one, I’m afraid is not a simple one.”
“What is hurting him?” Asked AJ a little nervously
“His heart has hit, I believe, its limit” Zecora said sadly
“Can we fix him?” Applebloom asked with tears in her eyes
“There is a way, however the results are grey” Zecora’s eyes were fixed on the floor as she said this.
“Anything is worth a shot” AJ said defiantly
“To regain his heart, another must loose theirs” Zecora finally said the pain clear in her voice
“wha-?” her voice fell flat as AJ realized what Zecora meant
“What are you guys talking about? Can we help him?” asked Applebloom with confusion in her eyes
“Don’t worry little sis ill fix this” AJ said, her voice hollow “ill fix it” she muttered to herself before asking Zecora
“Can they do it in the hospital in town?”
“They have the equipment needed, but make sure my words are heeded, if you do this he won’t thank you, not at first.” She said with a note of bitterness
“I won’t watch any more of the people I care about leave me behind” AJ replied
“Then we should get moving”
Arriving at the hospital they rushed Big Mac in calling for help
“We need a doctor!” applejack Shouted at the top of her lungs
Two Medical Assistants came rushing forward with a stretcher, lifting his large frame as they asked questions about his condition. Zecora explains it all while applejack stands there numbly
“-Jack... Applejack!”
Applebloom was trying to get your attention, you shake your head.
“Yes Applebloom?” you say softly
“What’s going on!” she squeaks
“We are helpin your brother” you look to the side
“But at what cost?” she asks with a sudden melancholy
And that’s when you realize, she knows what is about to happen. She’s not asking what, but WHY.
You look back at her and give her a hug “A price I pay willingly”
“But what if I don’t want you to pay it!” she cries into your neck “I don’t want to lose my sister”
“I know, but there is no other way to save Big Mac and I can’t let him die I just CAN’T” AJ cries
“Miss Applejack?” a nurse calls out
“Y-Yes?” AJ asked
“The Doctor will see you now” the nurse replied
“Ok” was the simple response

“His heart has been overworked due to a defect that raised his Blood Pressure and caused it to rupture” The doctor said in his neutral tone
“Can you help him?” AJ asked
“I’m afraid the only way to help him would be a heart transplant, and we don’t have a matching heart here.” He said sadly
“Mine” AJ said sharply
“Excuse me?” The doctor said with a puzzled look
“Use mine” She repeated with a stony face
The doctor stammered as he sought for the words to respond. He had never been in this sort of situation before.
“Miss Applejack” he started
“Is it possible?” she cut him off
“Well theoretically yes but”
“Then do it” she stamped her foot
“But miss” he tried again
“What do we do first?” she asked quickly as if trying not to lose her composure
BUT MISS! IF WE DO THIS YOU WILL DIE!” The doctor finally got out with tears in his eyes
Applejack suddenly look tired as she sat down on the floor “I know, I know, I just can’t lose him”
“Please don’t make me do this” the doctor asked quietly
“Would you have me watch my brother die?” she asked back
“There is no guarantee he will live” the doctor said
“Any chance is worth the try” AJ said, standing up again
“Then now is the time, the longer we wait the less chance of him surviving” the doctor said as he led her to the prep room
“Now would be the time to say goodbye” he choked out as he left the room

Applebloom entered the room shortly after the doctor left
“Hey sis” she said
“Hey” AJ replied
Suddenly Applebloom burst into tears “Don’t do this! I don’t want to lose you!”
“I know lil sis, I don’t want to go either, but I can’t sit by and let this happen” AJ said calmly
“There must be another way!” She cried
“There aint, If there were we would have taken it. Now listen up” she paused to wait for Applebloom
“I need you to be strong. Ok little sis? I aint going to be here to help no more, and Big Mac aint gonna be able to do much either. You’re going to have to check up on him an make sure he aint overdoing it” AJ said quickly
“Don’t worry I can move back home and help him” Applebloom replied
“NO!” AJ shouted “sorry bout that” she sighed “you need to stay in school; you can’t let this stop you from living your life! Fluttershy will help while your away I’m sure” AJ said with a hug
“Okay” Applebloom said sadly with a hug

A nurse came in “Its Time” she said looking at the floor
AJ stood and followed her out after one last hug with Applebloom who sat there with tears streaming down her face

Monday arrived too soon
Applebloom sat outside Fluttershy’s cottage waiting. She had to explain to her what happened to-. She couldn’t think her name, it was too painful. She would cry if she had any tears left. Instead she sat on the front doorway staring at a knot in the wood while she waited.
“Applebloom?” Came a call from the path
“Hey Fluttershy, can we talk, inside?” she asked
“Sure thing” she said as she opened the door “would you like some tea?”
“That would be nice” she whispered

Fluttershy sat down next to Applebloom as she handed her the tea
“So what’s wrong Applebloom?”

Slowly Applebloom started talking and once she started she could not stop. Tears flowed as she explained everything, voice thick
“A-And now she’s gone!”
Applebloom Looked up from her tea to see that Fluttershy had dropped her cup to the ground, shattered, when suddenly Fluttershy SCREAMED. She screamed and screamed a wordless outpouring of sorrow. Even in her grief ridden state Applebloom was startled. She had never heard Fluttershy get this loud, not even after the Iron Will fiasco.
“Fluttershy?” She asked tentatively
Fluttershy slammed her hooves into the table, leaving deep grooves. Slowly the screaming stopped and her breathing slowed, before long her breaths turned to sobs and she reached over and pulled Applebloom into a crushing hug. Eventually her sobs abated and she asked in a hoarse voice
“When is the funeral?”
“Tomorrow… we wanted to wait for you to be here before we had it since you were her best friend” Applebloom said quietly
“Thanks for that” Whispered Fluttershy before falling into a deep silence

The funeral was a simple affair, with only close friends and family in attendance. A few words were said before she was laid to rest. Fluttershy said not a single word as she sat there, her eyes dark from grief. Applebloom pushed Big Mac in a wheelchair.
It was over quickly and soon ponies started dispersing. Wheeling Big Mac down the hill they came across Flaming Forge
“Hello Big Mac” she said sadly
“Hello Miss Forge” he said with a sad smile
“Would you mind if I pushed you home?” she asked
“I reckon that would be ok” he said
Taking their cue Fluttershy and Applebloom left them be
Pushing him slowly in the direction of his home Flaming Forge said quietly “I’m sorry”
“She should have let me die” he said simply
“She left us too soon but don’t you think this is the way she wanted it?”
“She has not left us, not yet. I can still feel her in here” he said touching his chest “still beating away keeping me going”

Comments ( 1 )

:fluttercry: Aside from the punctuation errors, this is really sad.

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