• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 460 Views, 16 Comments

How It Ends - Caelum Heredem vitae

How it ends is a collection of short stories about how each of the Mane six ponies Die

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Rarity Moaned as she sat up in bed, her alarm blaring its protests into the morning air. Rarity picked up the magical clock with her magic and threw it across the room smashing it to pieces. Getting up slowly she walked over to her closet and removed a new alarm clock, setting it next to her bed she walked into her kitchen. On the table sat a meal prepared for her with a note,
Went out for supplies be back by lunch
Rarity sighed; she didn’t know what she would do without spike. After Twilight had… disappeared spike had come to live with Rarity, Becoming her new assistant.
Rarity sat at the table staring at her breakfast as she thought about the past, a single tear sliding down her cheek.
Not long after Dash had her accident Rarity had moved to Canterlot, Claiming that with Pinkie and Dash gone it was no longer the same and there was too much sadness wrapped up in Ponyville.
It took all her savings, but she had been able to buy a decent boutique in a somewhat wealthy part of town. With hopeful thoughts and big dreams rarity opened for business! And for a time life seemed to go as planned. Then the new business novelty wore off, and Rarity started to get less and less customers. Soon Rarity had to take a second job at a clothing manufacturing company sowing mass produced clothing, just to make ends meet.

Then came the fire. All over Canterlot businesses were being hit by an arsonist, and Rarity was no exception. With her business gone, her stock burnt, Rarity was forced to work double shifts at the factory to pay for an apartment. It was around this time, Rarity thought, that Twilight and shining disappeared.

Since then not much has changed she thought as she got up from the table, leaving her meal untouched she left for work.
“RARITY! Said spike in an exasperated voice, you forgot to eat your breakfast again!”
“Sorry spike I had a rough morning, hey do you know where I left my pill bottle?”
“Ya it’s over by the sink” Spike said in a concerned voice “Your head hurting again?”
“Yes darling it’s all the magic I use at work it gives me migraines” sighed Rarity as she shook two pain pills from the bottle
“I think I’m going to head to bed early dear” said rarity as she walked to her room, closing the door behind her

“Goodnight Rarity” whispered spike as he watched her go, a worried look on his face


Rarity sighed as she sat up and shut off the alarm clock, managing to refrain from breaking it into pieces.
Silently she sat there, willing herself to get out of bed. Soon Spike was at the door, calling her to breakfast. Getting up slowly she walked to the door.
At work Rarity walked into the conference room for morning briefing. Immediately she noticed the box of cupcakes on the table and thought “uh oh last time they brought cupcakes they lowered our wages”
Sitting in a chair she waited as the rest of her shift filed in taking their seats,
Before long a grumpy looking Earth pony by the name of Slate Chaser, stood at the podium.
Ladies and Gentlecolts, it pains me greatly to announce to you all that the factory has hit some hard times and has decided to downsize. Now what this means is that one in three of you have been chosen at random to be laid off. I’m sorry.
And with that he stepped down and posted a list of ponies that were laid off and walked out of the room, head hung low.
Stepping through the crowd rarity scanned the list, heart dropping as she read her name printed in neat black ink.

“I’m so sorry Rarity” Spike said as he hugged said pony “but you can get another job right?”
“Yes I suppose so” said rarity with a sigh
“And besides! Now your headaches will get better!”

Weeks passed
Rarity stumbled home, another day with no luck.
With all the other ponies laid off at the same time there were no jobs left in the city.
Going straight to her bed Rarity soon fell asleep
“Rarity, you ok?” asked Spike as he shut of the alarm
Rarity simply stared at the wall, a blank look in her eyes
“how about I bring you breakfast in bed!” said spike in a cheery voice as he walked into the kitchen

“Thanks for coming doctor” said spike as he opened the door “I’m sorry for calling you here I just don’t know what to do”
“Don’t mention it Spike, I’m glad to help, now, what’s the problem?” asked Doc Red Heart
“She refuses to eat, never gets out of bed except to go to the bathroom, and hasn’t said a word in over a week.” Spike said in a rush.
Show me

“I’m sorry Spike” whispered Doc Red Heart “there isn’t anything else I can do, she doesn’t have any injuries or illnesses I can cure. She simply lost the will to live.”
“I started an IV to hydrate her but unless she starts eating…”the doctor trailed off
“Thanks doctor” said spike in a defeated tone
As the days past spike sat with Rarity holding her hoof as he watched her waste away. Every night he slept beside her bed, and every morning he made her breakfast in hope she would eat.
Soon her breathing grew ragged as her internal organs started to shut down from lack of nutrition and spike stopped sleeping.
Her breath now shallow and rapid, she spoke
“hey Spike”
“Rarity? Oh my god! Rarity! Thank god, you have to eat Rarity!”
“I’m sorry Spike”
“don’t say you’re sorry! Just get better!”
“No it’s too late now, I can feel it, my time has come.” Smiled Rarity
“Don’t do this Rarity! Please don’t leave me.”
“I must look terrible” Rarity Laughed with a harsh wheeze
“You look as beautiful as the day I met you” Spike said with a sad smile
“Thank you Spike, for everything. I’m glad I was able to meet you”
Spike sat there, tears streaming down his face, as her eyes grew dark and she let out her last breath.

Spike stood at her gravestone, sorrow written across his face.
Fluttershy walked up next to him. “You can stay with me, if you want” she said to the purple dragon
“Thanks Fluttershy, but I can’t, I just can’t. First Twilight, now Rarity and I just can’t watch any more of my friends die.”
“What will you do?” asked Fluttershy with tears in her eyes
And without another word he walked off, never to be seen again