• Published 30th Dec 2013
  • 460 Views, 16 Comments

How It Ends - Caelum Heredem vitae

How it ends is a collection of short stories about how each of the Mane six ponies Die

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The ill fated mission

Dearest Twilight,
It pains me to ask this of you, But I need you to travel to Appaloosa on an urgent errand.
Please Report to me in My private quarters to discus the details.
Bring Shining with you

Your Mentor and friend

Celestia set the battered parchment on her desk once more. although once tightly rolled the parchment now lay flat due to her habit of reading it incessantly. Six years, she thought to herself as she sat at her desk staring into her drink. Six years since the last time I heard from my faithful student. Silently she set down her empty glass and lay in her bed, crying until she fell into a troubled sleep.

Six Years ago

"So if i understand you Princess, You want me to go to Appaloosa with Shining on an Urgent mission? Is there not someone more qualified than me? This sounds really important!"

"Oh Twilight you sell yourself short, there is no one I would rather trust with this delicate matter.
If all goes right you should be back in three or four months. I have provided transport for you to arrive in Appaloosa in two weeks. sadly I cannot provide you with transportation back so you will have to find your own way. Once you get there you will begin your search for the ancient burial site of Mareamil the third. After you have located the tomb you will enter it and copy the writing on the crypt walls. Then you will return with all haste."

"Y-You can count on us Princess." Said Twilight shakily

"I know I can Twilight" said Celestia with a smile
"Now I believe you have a hot air balloon to catch?"

"Celestia! We must ask thee to arise so you may raise the sun time is running short!"
"Five more minutes Loony!"groaned Celestia
Celestia was startled when she felt a warm wing cover her shoulders.
"It was not your Fault Sister".
"I know not what you are speaking of."
"We see your dreams Sister, we weep with you. Twilight meant much to us. After all it was she who saved us so many years ago. But it was not thy fault sister."
"If i had not sent her, or if i Had gone with her then maybe-"
"IFS ifs ifs we cannot see the future sister. You Had no way of knowing what would happen. To be fair we still are not sure exactly what happened"
" I know exactly what happened, I sent my faithful student to her doom that is what happened. Now if you do not mind it is high time I rose the sun" Said Celestia as she rose from the bed briskly.

Luna let out a sigh as Celestia left the room and whispered "I wish We could help you sister"

"Oh Shining" sighed Cadence As she embraced the still form of her husband
"Come back to me please"

Shining had shown up ah year and a half after the start of the dreaded mission
Half dead from starvation and multiple infected wounds, he had stumbled into canterlot before collapsing in the street mumbling incoherently about magic and shadows.
He hasn't said a word Since.