• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 484 Views, 2 Comments

The Offspring Story Book - The Lion Infinity

Cherilee's students are getting tired of lame horror stories. They want something scarier, something graphic and violent! So...Cherilee finds a strange book in Twilights library...

  • ...

Chapter Three Hide and Seek...

Khale starred in the mirror, her eyes were still bloodshot. She probed the stitches on her forehead, it was still trying to heal. She winced at the pain, it was still tender, as if it just happened. The jolt of pain vibrated her spine. She giggled. "That was...queer...." Khale blushed, she wasn't sure why this feeling was so dominant. She could barely stand to look at herself let alone find her situation amusing. She sighed, her mind was racing but she knew she had to stay focused. She took a sip of water that lay on the small coffee table, it was luke warm but it cured her dry throat. Her orange mane was a mess, she stared at it while trying to fix it with her hooves, she struggled to put the unruly mane into a bun. She had an even harder trying to place the jade butterfly clamps in her mane. "Come on just....arrrgh..."

"Having trouble?"

"No Sweetie I have thi-" Khale paused as she turned to see who it was," I'm fine, I can handle it..."

"Nonsense pony, here, sit..." Niome smiled slyly, pointing to the floor near the bed.


"Shush, sit!" the zebra mare demanded. Khale reluctantly sat at the foot of the bed and waited for the zebra mare to begin. She sat on her haunches staring into the mirror, watching Niome eagerly grab her mane and prepare to fix her mess. She tried her hardest not to make eye contact with the zebras honest and piercing gaze. Her smile was permanent and demanded attention. She met eyes with the zebra, then noticed the bruising. "Your mane is gorgeous Khale, a tad unkempt but still wonderful. This might hurt a bit. Its a real simple and tight braid my mother taught me. Its prefred for quick fixes, and hot dates!" Niome giggled," But we mares a much too busy for such recreation no?"

"I, ow!" Niome pulled at her scalp," I'm sure your right on your behalf...i've had nothing but free time...the children are still, cautious..."

'As they should be..." Niome said without delay.

"Right, but I just hope they know that wasn't me...I would never do something like that..."

Niome pulled back her mane tight and began to braid slowly," No need to fret Khale...I will be keeping close watch..."

Niome stopped and smiled at the mirrior her eyes almost closed,"Um, thank you Niome..."

"Please, no need of such Flattery." Niome pulled tighter on Khale's mane," I was honestly considering on leaving...Khale?"

Khale winced, she could feel the zebra slowly pull her head back until she was staring straight up at Niome." Yes?"

"Make no mistake, I consider you a wonderful caretaker and an outstanding...acquaintance...I hope to one day truly call you friend....but I will lay dead, with all my life drained from my body before I let what happened a week ago happen a second time...Please Khale, don't take this as a threat. Its just I've lost so much..." Niome smiled," I apologize I-"

"No...don't...If I do that again Niome...Please Stop me..." Khales eyes watered, " Niome...my mane..."

"Oh!" Niome saw as blood beaded from several roots in here mane," Oh my, sorry Khale I...sorry."

"It's fine, your very strong. If I were to pass away, at least Sweetie would have a valuable partner to replace me..." Khale smiled at the Bruised Zebra.

"Well lets try to avoid such a scenario...I'd also like to avoid anymore bruising as well." Niome winced.

Khale giggled," I can promise that much I suppose..."

"Good," Nimoe clipped the end of the braid with the jade butterflies," And we'er done...Sweetie is waiting for you downstairs..."

"...Thank you...Niome..." Khale stared at her braided mane, it slunked over her shoulder. The jade butterfly made it seem...elegant. "Its beautiful..."

"I'm glad you approve...I'll take my leave..."

Niome exited Khale's room, Khale watched as she left, but in the mirror a tiny filly watched Khale. She was beaming up at the caretaker. Bright green eyes and flaming red mane. The filly was overjoyed,"I've found you! Now you gotta catch me!"

Khale quickly turned to the mirror only to be greeted by her own reflection. Her heart beat through her chest, she could have sworn...She took a deep breath," No...it was nothing...nothing at all..." Khale left but the filly showed up in the mirror again, she frowned. The mirror cracked...


"Ring Tosser! Pick up this mess, practice you circus act in your room! Pots you gotta chill out with the drum solo, the talent show is months away! Moon Jumper stop...uh...actually reading a book isn't really disruptive..."

"Urgh, i'm going outside..."Moon Jumper closed her book after putting a pink ribbon in between the pages. She ran into Khale on her way out, she fell to the ground and stammered at the caretaker.

"Sorry little one...I wasn't paying attention..." Khale picked up Moon Jumpers book," Here...I hope I didn't loose you place. The Tale of the Apple Goddess is my favorite as well..."

Moon Jumper took the book slowly and stared at it before looking back at Khale,"Um...no, it wouldn't matter anyway I love this book..." At this moment the room fell silent Sweetie raised her eyebrows in surprise." I'm heading outside to get some sunshine...thanks Khale..." Moon Jumper quickly trotted to the back door through the kitchen.

"Really...you all quiet down now..." Sweetie pressed here hoof to the bridge of her nose," OK, that's fine...but please stop staring at Khale like she grew an utter on her face."

Pots and Hop Scotch giggled loudly," Its fine...I just hope i'm not too distracting..."

"Trust me you are," Sweetie said with a smirk," Just look at your mane, tryna pick up a stud? C'ome on, I need to talk to ya." Sweetie motioned for Khale to follow. " Mar your in charge, keep'em civilized.

Mar groaned",Finnnne."

Khale and Sweetie entered the kitchen. Pastry was waiting on some cookies to finish. Apple sauce and Berry Smoothie were keeping her company by gossiping about trivial things. " Girls..." They all stared up at Khale and Sweetie," Need the kitchen for grown up talk..."

"Is Khale in trouble?" Apple Sauce questioned.

"No honey..."

"Am I in trouble," Berry Smoothie asked with her eyebrow arched.

"You will be if I have to ask you to leave again. C'ome on, skedaddle you lil devils." Sweetie shooed away the giggling fillies.

Khale smiled as they ran out the back door, possibly to bother Moon Jumper." What is it Sweetie..."

"You've been locked in you room for a bit...finally decided to join us again?" Sweetie smirked..." Hows the head...?"

"Sore...but I'm glad that's all I have to complain about...Is she still...?"

Sweetie cleared her throat," Yeah, she actually gets out today...Hey don't worry about that, Niome's gonna get her from the hospice and she's gonna need more rest. I talked to her and she isn't mad at you ok...just give her some more time..."

"I see," Khale started rubbing her hooves together nervously.

Sweetie put her hoof on Khales," Please stop doing that, I hate it when you do that..."


"Oh don't get all sad wet puppy on me...Look it's fine, and even at your worse you find a way to look pretty. So just relax ok. It might not seem like it but they're happy to see you, I mean it's been awhile since you've looked the way you do in front of them. They miss you, no more disappearing acts...give it time...ok?"

Khale blushed, Sweeties hoof was still on her's. She pulled away," Yeah I know your right...you always are..."

Sweetie got an inquisitive look on her face," Sure...I guess...Hey just take it slow..."

"I'll do my best Sweetie... and thank you..."

"Of course," Sweetie smiled," Well, gotta get back to it...do me a favor and see what Starlights up too, she's been cooked up in her room all day."

"Sure thing," Khale said as her light blue friend exited to the living room.


"Ok children that's recess, we'll pick back up after we get done with the next lesson." Cheerilee closed the old book and placed it inside her desk drawer," I'll meet you out, just don't get too reckless alright?"

The children quickly ran out the door almost pushing each other out of the way. She could hardly protest as a strange feeling overcame her. She shut the door behind them when she was sure they were all gone. Her back was against the door, she slid to the floor. She clenched her stomach, clenching her teeth...what was happening?

"Arrrrghhhh!" Cheerilee yelled, she whimpered when the pain subsided but that was few and far in-between. She noticed the windows were wide open. She tried to stand, her legs were giving in under her weight as she tried. "What is....arrrrgghh, why is this happening....?" Cherrilee vomited blood on the floor beneath her. She slipped in it and landed painfully on her side. She moaned in agony. The caretaker coughed up chunks of blood all over the floor as she lay there, helpless to her predicament. She gasped for air in between fits. Cheerilee was scared, but another feeling demanded her attention...hunger. But why? Why was she so...empty. She ate so much during lunch, but she felt so incredibly famished. Then it hit her, the aroma, the taste...it was so sweet, even the regurgitated chunks. She had no idea what they were, but they made her salivate. She thanked Celestia under her breath that she hadn't the strength to get to them, afraid of what she might do. The puddle of blood had expanded, she couldn't believe that this had all come out of her..."I have to get up...I can't...let them..."

"Cheerilee....? Are you in here?" a small voice called out to the paralyzed teacher," ...I wanted to ask you something..."

Cheeriless eyes opened wide, she lifted her head high enough to see the door begin to open. She struggled to get up, and helplessly tried sweeping the blood away but she slipped and landed at Scootaloos hooves. She stared, wide eyed at the filly waiting for a response, unsure of what to say...."Please...Scootaloo..."

"What are you doing on the floor, you alright..." Scootaloo asked, her head tilted sideways.

Cheerilee quicly looked around and noticed how spotless the floor was," I-I....I must have slipped."

"Your bleeding...." Scootaloo tried helping up the confused mare, trying desperately to help the full grown mare to her hooves.

Cheerilee shakily rose to her hooves, she prodded her lip, it was busted. The blood tasted normal, she smiled..." Yes, I am."

"Ms Cheerilee...I saw you...the other day...are you ok?" Scootaloo asked, nervously. It was unlike her, but she seemed disturbed.

"I..." She paused, afraid that she might have frightened the filly," No...I believe i'm sick...and lately I've been having...'night mares'..." Cherrilee actually felt relieved to tell someone this, even if they might be too young to really understand, then again...would anyone understand what's been happening to her lately? "Please, don't be alarmed...I'll be fine..."

Scootaloo stared at her teacher with inquisitive eyes," Well...if ya need anything, you can call on me Cheerilee! I'm always up for an adventure!"

The caretaker smiled," Your in luck then," Cheerilee had a sudden idea," Maybe if you sleep over, you can scare away all the 'night mares' I've been having. Besides, you're much more braver than me."

"Oh really! I get to beat up nightmares!? Count me in! Can I tell Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom!?" Scootaloo beemed.

"Hmmmmm....consider it done, we can make it a super awesome sleepover." Cheerilee smiled," But remember, it's a secret, no one else can know alright."

"Pssh, you can count on me, trust me, in no time you'll be feeling as good as new. Cutie Mark Crusaders aren't afraid of anything!" Scootaloo hugged Cheerilee hard.

Cheerilee was a bit surprised, but hugged her back, and whispered, " Thank you..."

"Between you and me though...I am afraid of one thing...."

"Whats that Scootaloo...?

"Being alone...don't tell anyone that....promise....?"

Cheerilee stared down at the filly, still hugging her tightly,"I would never...and your not alone dear..."

After the hug Scootaloo dashed out the door and quickly outside. She ran to Apple bloom and Sweetie Bell, and quickly relayed the great news. " That's awesome!" Apple Bloom said loudly," I can't wait ta wrestle me up some badies!"

"Will we be in the dark?" Sweetie Bell asked hesitantly.

"Why, afraid of the boogie mare? Oooooooo," Scootaloo said raising her hooves over her head and snickering.

"A-am not! I-I'll thrash that big badie, I-i'm not afraid, really!" Sweetie Bell blushed.

"Good! Because we have to help Cheerilee get better! So lets get warmed up. Tag! You're it!" Scootaloo tagged Sweetie Bell and ran as fast as her hooves would carry her. Apple bloom ran giggling, barely getting away from getting tagged herself by Sweetie Bell.

"Gotta be faster than that slow poke!" Apple Bloom giggled.

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash Fast! C'ome on, we gotta get pumped for our super awesome sleepover!" Scootaloo dived into some bushes to break the line of sight. She hide in the bushes and giggled to herself," Heh, can't catch me..."

"Tag! You're it!"

"Wha-what! How'd you..." Scootaloo turned to see if Sweetie Bell had caught up, but she was nowhere to be found. But she could have sworn..."Sweetie? Apple Bloom?"

"Nope...heehee..." The voice giggled.

"What the..." Scootaloo backed away and tripped through the bushes to the other side. Sweetie tagged her as she fell through.

"I got you, I got you!" Sweetie Bell said between excited breathes," You know, you always hide there..."

"Yeah, whats up with that?" Apple bloom chimed in out of no where. Scootaloo giggled, her friends stared at her,"You do know your it right"

"You guys had me going, real sneaky!" Scootaloo said while brushing leaves and dirt off her coat.

"What are you talking about?" Sweetie asked.

"Yeah, you bump yer noggin? Your it scatter brain," Apple Bloom ran off in the opposite direction giggling.

"Yes, and it is you who will have to Faster than Dash!" Sweetie Bell giggled and ran off with Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo looked back at the bushes," Maybe it was nothing..."

Scootaloo shrugged her shoulers and quickly rejoined her friends. But behind the bushes, a showdy figure appeared," Drat! i'll get you next time...." The tiny voice giggled then dissipated into the air...

As soon as the lesson plan was concluded, Cheerilee picked up the old book once again and started reading where they left off.


Khale trotted up the stairs, she slowly made here to the end of the hall. She didn't see it. She was sure it'd be there, but she was content on it not being present. She knocked on Starlights door. "Honey, are you in there...?" No answer...Khale waited for a while longer before opening the door." You need to come out dear, you cant stay in here forever..."

A small voice giggled, she froze in place, the small voice seemed familiar. "I'm here...I did it Khale....I figured out how to finally do it!"

Khale saw the sudden orb of light float into existence," Oh wow, you realy did figure it out...that, that's outstanding Starlight!"

The filly unicorn hopped up and down," Quick we gotta show everyone!"

Khale lifted the small unicorn onto her back and they raced quickly down the hall and to the living room. The filly unicorn hopped off Khales back with the orb of light still floating above her horn," Look, look, look! I did it, I did it, I did it!" The filly opened her eyes to spot Perish and his sister.

"How very rude," Perish said his noes in the air.

"Now I must ask," The light yellow mare began," You all look dreadful, what on earth happened to your faces? Just a tad curious dear..."

Khale shooed Starlight out into the kitchen and told her to show everyone outside what she accomplished. Khale was more than upset, she wanted to be able to share the good news, of course the twins never really show up without something important to tell them. She excused herself to prepare some tea for them," Finally, some much needed hospitality...and who is this Zebra by the way?"

Niome raised her eyebrows, she smiled, almost ear to ear," Why, i'm-"

"Ahem, I was talking to Sweetie...." Perish cut his eyes at the zebra mare," I will address you when I deem it necessary..."

Niome's smile faded, she cleared her throat," My name is Niome, i'm the new care taker. I assure you I can give my own introduction without fail," Niome stated firmly," I assure you pony, i'm quite capable of that and much more. However, I do excuse my forwardness, but I can tell you're not fond of zebras...or is it that you have problems with mares of all shades I wonder," Niome giggled.

Perish scoffed," How dare you!"

"Perish, please...she is now under our sponsorship. The least you can do is show a little respect...even if she is a zebra..." The yellow mare paused," Please excuse us dear, we have had some unwanted experiences with your kind. It's a justifiable response in our case. But enough of that. You've met Perish, my handsome brother, and I, your illustrious backer, am Madam Primula. It is very nice to meet you, but back to the question from before...." Primula pointed to the bruise on Niomes face.

Sweetie stammered," Well, we uh..."

"Fell down the stairs," Khale said as she brought in the hot tea," We were trying to get Pots and Pans into the bath and he gave us all quite the spill..."

"Really..." Primula took the tea from Khale and sipped it," Three of you couldn't get one child into bath water..."

"Not the kind of thing to be so calm about..." Perish added," Those bruises, the scars, all that from a slip on the staircase? I find it hard to believe..."

"Its true! I mean you should have seen it! The little rascal was just a puff a smoke galloping through the halls like a maniac!" Sweetie said laughing and nudging Khale.

"Oh hah, yes he was quite the speedy little colt!"

Niome joined in the laughter, enjoying the deception," Yes, besides the unfortunate bruising, it was quite the rousing event for us all!"

"Unbelievable, are we really going to allow this foolishness?" Perish said rejecting the tea Khale tried to give to him.

Primula smirked," Now, now brother, let them have their moment. If that's what happened I trust they took care of everything quite fine..."

Perish rolled his eyes," Regardless...we have other reasons for being here...of course since your zebra friend is here we won't have to call for any one else to watch your children..."

"Perish, what are you talking about?" Sweetie said leaning in her chair," It was an accident ok, don't get all-"

"Sweetie..." Khale said quickly interrupting her friend. Sweetie sat back in her chair and took a deep breath," What is it, what have you planned?"

Primula chuckled," You two are cute. I assure you, its with honest and pure intentions that we invite you two...to a small little party of sorts...Maybe then you'll get an idea of why we decided to help you in the first place..."

"I'm sure it was out the deepest parts of your hearts," Sweetie smirked," Right Perish?"

"Of course, we aren't as heartless as you'd think. Even if you might believe any different." Perish sighed," But surely i'd be better off if you weren't invited..."

Primula interjected," As it turns out, we have a place for in our hearts, albeit small, but we would never forget about you. Think of it as an appreciation ball. We, and many like us, share their accomplishments and all they have helped. And we have...you..." Primula blushed, she seemed embarrassed.

"You make it sound as if it's not enough," Niome interrupted.

Perish removed his monocle and rubbed it against a handkerchief," We haven't been as active as others have...so it's embarrassing to show so little for all we have done for you..."

"Oh gee tha-" Khale nudged Sweetie," Hey! I was just..."

"Well regardless, we'd be happy to attend. I'm sure your peers won't see any such short comings you might see in us...." Khale smiled...

Primula smiled in response to Khales save,"Of course. And don't you worry about attire, we will get you tailored for suitable dresses. Oh, and please do be on your best behavior. You will be representing us, even if it's in some small way, your actions do reflect on us..."

"Yes, two weeks from now, that will be put to the test. As I do doubt this ze- Niome can keep this house intact I will trust both of your judgments against my own...don't let me regret it..." Perish cleared his throat," I believe that's all we had...Primula."

"Yes, quite true...Khale, Sweetie," Primula got up and turned to Niome," And our newest guest of honor. I do apologize again for earlier, allow me to make that up to you later..."

Niome looked puzzled," Of course, I'll indulge. But I must insist, you mustn't waste you time on such a zebra..."

"Oh nonsense, you are under our charge, I'd be so very delighted..." Primula curtsied and turned to the door, Perish bowed as well and followed after his sister.

Sweetie walked them out and and shut the door tightly," Urgh, finally...I'm so freakin sorry Niome...there a bit..."

"They don't think too fondly of zebras...I'm not quite sure why." Khale felt a lump in her throat," That was embarrassing..."

Niome chuckled," You ponies are so silly, I'm fine. I've dealt with such prejudice before. I can hold my own. Although, I appreciate your concern...I will not let you down though..."

Khale gasped," That's right! We're just leaving you with a whole orphanage full of children!"

Sweetie slapped her forehead," Oh yeah...you really think you're up for that Niome?"

Niome chuckled again," I will not let you down, this zebra is ready for anything!"

Khale and Sweetie were nervous of what the outcome might be, but they trusted the zebra mare. They both however were not entirely sure how this appreciation party would go. Sweetie was obviously objecting to it but Khale thought it might be good for them to finally have some time to relax, especially given the recent circumstances. Later that very night, all the children were tucked in bed and ready to dream. When Khale finished up with the others she made her way t Jo's room, Niomie was tucking her in. She stopped at the entrance at the door. Niome noticed the mare, she smiled and waved her in," Come, I'll leave you two be..."

Khale reluctantly entered, she smiled nervously at the filly. Jo smiled back," Hey Khale...look, I got this sweet cast! Everyones signed it!" Jo laughed.

"Oh, wow that is pretty cool...Are you ok? I, I don't know what came over me Jo...." Khale stammered...

Jo raised her eyebrow," What? I'm a little banged up but i'm fine, really! That was pretty crazy though, but your ok now...right!"

"Jo...I hurt you...aren't you..." Khale started to shake, the bruise under the little fillies eyes. The cast around her fore leg. Khales eyes overflowed with tears. She couldn't help it, why was she so selfish. She wanted to comfort Jo but instead, she was overwhelmed by the state in which she was in.

"Stop it! Stop crying, you big baby!" Jo wrapped her hooves around Khale," Ow, ah...don't do that...be happy! I'm ok, really I am!"

Khale shuttered, but she held the filly. Being careful not to hurt the little one, and tried her hardest not to cry."I'm sorry Jo...your right. Your so strong...I promise you Jo...It will never happen again..."

"Well of course it won't!" Jo said letting go of Khale and pouting," It was an accident, and it was kinda fun...even if it was kinda scary..."

Khale smiled at the filly," Well, no more of that kind of fun. Hows about I keep you company tonight, does that sound good?"

"Well duh!" Jo said trying to raise her hooves but on the account of being too sore the attempt was barely achievable.

"Splendid, goodnight Jo..." Khale said hugging the tiny filly.

"Goodnight Khale..." Jo said hugging her caretaker back.

A tiny voice rang out to Khale from the corners of her mind," Goodnight mommy..." She thought it was Jo, but decided not to do anything but smile. That night was uneventful but the rest of the following days, would change their lives...forever...

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