• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 484 Views, 2 Comments

The Offspring Story Book - The Lion Infinity

Cherilee's students are getting tired of lame horror stories. They want something scarier, something graphic and violent! So...Cherilee finds a strange book in Twilights library...

  • ...

Chapter Two: Still Breathing...

Cheerilee's eyes shot open. She lay flat on her back staring up at the ceiling. Her bones ached, mostly around her neck. She groaned as she leaned from the bed slowly. She noticed that the door was closed shut, like she had done before heading to bed. Why was she feeling so tired, more so than usual, she was exhausted. She hoped from the bed and went to the bathroom. She started the shower and began to brush her teeth. First the front, then the back, gums..."Ah, what the...?" Cheerilee's toothbrush broke, the head snapped off and stabbed her in the gums. She spit some of the blood down the sink, washing it away with the water. She paused for a moment and blushed."Heh that was, interesting..." She swallowed. The blood tasted...different. She was surprised at how good it taste, but she felt embarrassed to like it. She giggled and threw away her old toothbrush. She stepped in the shower and washed herself off yesterdays grim.

A lurking feeling in her mind haunted her. It beckoned her, begged for her attention. She felt as if her house wasn't her house...not exactly. It felt more like it was, living. It was as if she could feel the walls breathing, hear its heart beating. The uncomfortable feeling distracted her as she was making her way outside. She grabbed her bags and lesson plans and headed out the door. A noise behind her made her look back quickly."What was..." Cheerilee shrugged and shut her door. She saw a cloudless sky and the sun shine bright as she made her way to the schoolhouse. She was hoping the day would go by normally like always.

The schoolyard was teeming with life. The children were running around and playing. Cheerilee was smiling as they did. She was surprised that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon weren't causing any problems. She watched as they all played in a chaotic bliss, such as how children play, she thought to herself. She wondered in her mind however, why did the blood have such an odd taste. It had bothered her during the lesson today. Why was this still nagging her? She hadn't had such a thought plague her mind in this way before. She blushed again, feeling silly for making such a big deal out of it. It was just a nick in her mouth that was particularly sweet in a way. Nothing too strange about that right? The mare felt the blood come from her mouth again. It filled her mouth until it dripped from the edges of her lips.

"Mmff!" Cheerilee's surprise caught the attention of Scootaloo. She had been trotting by when Cherrilee started her...anomaly.

"Are you OK Miss Cherrilee?" Scootaloo asked, raising her eyebrow.

Cheerilee was unable to reply but the side of her that was always egar to reassure the little ponies was strained. She musterd up a nod and slowly walked toward the school house, as not to startle any of the children. As soon as she got inside, she raced to the bathroom. Her mouth was full of blood, the strange off setting blood was sweet and tangy, making her feel uneasy and startled. She coughed and hacked as it cascaded from her mouth. Why was this happening? Why is this so...tasty? Her thoughts were jumbled, but she was hopeful that the rest of the day would be better from now on. If only she was alone...

Scootaloo backed away slowly from the stall door and silently trotted away...


Cherilee was feeling better, her episode had finally passed without too much complication. The children seem to behave today after she told them that she'd be reading the story again. She felt a little unnerved by the request, but, she decided that it'd be for the best. It made them ask questions, caught there attention, and in the long run they'd probably learn a valuable lesson. Where was the harm in that? Although...the old book gave her a brooding feeling. A thought boiled in the back of her mind...she couldn't quite make out what it was, but it frightened her. For the children's sake, they would get their story. For her sake, she'd sleep better tonight.

The final lesson of today was completed. Cherilee smiled at the the little ponies and withdrew the old book from her desk. "Who's ready to found out what happens to our care taker? Shall we...?"


The fire burned endlessly. It destroyed houses, separated families. Fields were razed to the ground. The bubble around the village kept all who had tried to escape the fire inside. If the fire didn't kill them, the smoke would, if they didn't want a slow death...then they took matters into there own hooves. It was a life that had been hard enough with all the monsters lurking at night, now it was as if the town was being punished for the sins of the others, the monsters. Off in the distance, near a forest, a group of young ponies stared at their home...burning to the ground. One filly in particular stared at the fire in awe, her green eyes almost changed colors with the blazing scene landscape.

"Khale...Khale lets go..." the small filly behind her tugged at her fiery mane. she didn't move." Khale come on we have to go, we aren't safe here!"

Khale grabbed all she had left and turned to Sweetie, her eyes filled with tears but her expression frozen in confusion."Why...why did this happen...?"


Khale woke up, she was feeling ill. Her dreams had gotten worse and now the past was surfacing up again. Today was to be a normal day. No events, nothing special, no market trips until next week...hopefully. She was grateful of days like this. It wasn't often they would host events like that, only at the start of a new month in hopes of finding suitable parents. Of course the times in between that, children would still find themselves in a new home, a better home.

"You look like shit..." Sweetie said in a whisper,"...you OK?"

"Don't cuss, and no...I feel like I've been dead...Think I should see Utopia?"

"That crazy old fool? I'd rather you see a witch doctor, or that zebra in the market. That stallion is loosing his mind, just saying..." Sweetiee chuckled," Just rest up a bit more and we'll decide later. I'll get ya something hot."

Khale chuckled inwardly," The care taker needs a care taker..."

Khale flopped back down in her bead and stared at the ceiling. She was tired, her head hurt, her bones ached. She had a strange urge but she couldn't quite tell what it was...her mind traveled the room in search of answers but to no avail. Maybe it was a cold, or a fever, maybe stress?

"Khale?" a tiny voice called from the foot of her bed.

"Jo...what is it dear," Khale could recognize the voice, and the timidness in it. Khale began to worry something was wrong," Come closer darling..."

Jo trotted up next to the filly and beamed up at her," I just wanted to check on you...everyone says that you keep getting all sick and stuff. Just the other day you were fine though...What gives?"

Khale had a look of frustration on her face. Not knowing the answer was a failure she felt she committed, not being able to answer the filly. But the fact that she couldn't guarantee her health worried her even more. This place was barely getting through. One pony couldn't take care of everything and stay sane at the same time."I'm sorry Jo...I guess i'm not as cool as I used to be huh?" Khale chuckled.

Jo allowed herself to laugh along with Khale, "yeah, your super lame haha...," Jo stopped and stared at the ground briefly,"...but get better soon OK..."

Khale was about to reassure the filly, but promising that she'd be better in no time felt like a lie...Sweetie entered the room and raised an eyebrow when she saw the filly staring at the ground," Hey, Jo, be a dear and help Pastry with the dishes OK...she made a mess trying to make those cake things...go on, skidaddle..."

Jo perked up a little and nodded her head slowly. She trotted out without saying a word," I'm scared...what if..."

"Shut it, drink this tea, rest. That girl thinks the world of you and if you leave her i'll grab you outta death and beat you back to life, understand?" Sweetie forced the tea cup into Khale's face.

Khale smirked and held the cup up to her lips, she took a few sips," OK, i'll try to...not die I guess...A third caretaker though, just in case this happens often we need the extra help..."

Sweetie sat at the edge of Khales bed," Whelp, we could put up some signs, do some interviewing? Hey, it'd be a another way to attract some more attention here, get more support. More funding from the public, they do it for the school houses, why not us?"

"It doesn't matter, we just need another care taker first. And we don't provide education here, so we don't get the same reputation as the school house simply because we give children homes Sweetie..." Khale sighed and took a sip from her cup.

"We give kids without homes, homes! What more do they need!? If it wasn't for us, we'd have pickpockets, whores! We'd have these kids going around causing mayhem. At least here, they can grow up in an environment that promotes safety..." Sweetie huffed," I mean who do those bastards think we are, idiots! So we don't have a fancy upbringing, and we don't have a solid education, we'er still good role models! We are what parents a scared to be, parents that care for kids forever! We will always be changing diapers, teaching skills, and letting them aspire to new heights until the day you and me turn to dust!" Sweetie was huffing and puffing, her light blue coat was flushing red.

"Sweetie, remember when we were little...No one wanted us because we weren't the cute little fillies they were expecting. We had lost everything, and taught ourselves things our adoptive parents couldn't fathom. To them we were ugly, damaged, we had been labeled as filth because we were...I wanted to do this for one reason...that was to give ponies like us a chance, a second chance of having what we could never have..." Khale leaned forward and hugged Sweetie, she blushed,"I want them to be better than us, not become us...we don't need money to make that happen...lets just get ourselves a little more help, then we'll talk about the rest later."

Sweetie hugged Khale back," Yeah OK...sorry about that..."

Khale gave Sweetie a reassuring smile, but she felt afraid. Her body was acting strange and she never got back to the door that appeared at the end of the hall. She was afraid that she might be loosing her mind. Although, the dream she had was bothering her. Why that memory, she hadn't thought of that in years, what could it mean? She tried to shake the thought quickly. She wanted to focus on getting better. Sweetie left her be, and she nodded off to sleep. Her dreams weren't disturbed, but a tiny voice called her name in the darkness. It beckoned her, like a daughter would a mother...


"Be careful Heavy! And don't be out too late OK!" Khale yelled out to the sandy colt.

"I'll be fine, like I always am!" He yelled back, a little annoyed but it was routine.

Khlae didn't like sending him out to work, but they needed all the extra bits they could get. Its not the most ideal set up, but they worked any angle they could to get by. "He isn't a baby ya' know?"

"Your right, he's my baby..." Khale smiled, " Now lets get ready for these girls."

"Right," Sweetie brushed her pink and blue mane from her face," Well...this'll be great. Mar has got a couple of them in the kitchen right now actually. Keeping'em busy with her "beauty tips. Honestly some of them could use it." Sweetie chuckled.

"Hush! Mar hunny, you can send them in!" Khale said in a scratchy voice.

"You really shouldn't strain yourself ya'know. You gonna mess up you voice." Sweetie said quickly before the first mare showed up. Khale shot a look at sweetie.

"Hello, how are you?" Khlae greeted, making sure to ease up on her voice. It made her sound very feeble, she didn't like the way it made her feel.

"I'm fine, um, what should I be saying exactly? Sorry i'm kinda new to this..." The timid light blue mare smiled sheepishly behind her yellow two tone mane. She had a cutie mark that resembled a collage of hearts.

"Just start with your name and what you like. Basically, sale us your reason for being here, convince us we need you to helps us. Once we think your what we'er looking for, we'll send you a letter letting you know when you can start, give ya some time to get your belongings and what not." Sweetie smiled and leaned back,"So, shoot!"

Mar was writing in a small journal of all that Sweetie said. She even documented the unnecessary parts. She regurgitated the information to the other girls in the kitchen while the other mare was being interviewed.

"M-my name its Sweet Valentine, I um, I watched all of my younger brothers when I was ten. I think I could r-really help out and be a big help. Oh, oh, and I got my cutie mark by being really nice, so I couldn't see myself getting angry at the children. Although my uncle doesn't want me staying over too long, he says I have other responsibilities to take care of..."

Khale paused," Other responsibilities?"

Sweetie echoed Khale," Responsibilities? Like what?"

"Its not really something that I talk about unless its with him...sorry he doesn't trust strangers...."

Khale polity told her to wait in the kitchen" That was, interesting..."

"Lets just get the next one up..." Sweetie sighed.

Mar sent in the next mare, she explained to her two care takers that she explained the basic details to the rest of the mares. " Oh, well in that case, whenever your ready then." Sweetie said giving a smile.

The mare was a lot older than there first one, she held her bag close to her on her lap. Her blonde mane was tied up. Her light pink coat was a bit dingy but her aged beauty was admirable. She smiled at sweetie," Of course, I have children of my own actually...sorry, 'had'...I'm hoping that you would let me help, I think it'd really help me get over the loss of my own children. I helped a lot of mothers myself get past loosing there children but...I never would have thought that id be asking for help, from other mothers."

"Oh we haven't had children of our own," Khale said quickly," We haven't had the time you see...

"Nonsense, your surrounded by adorable children who love you...why would that not count you as a mother? Why haven't you earned the right?"

Khale and Sweetie were speechless, and in some small way, ashamed. But the biggest feeling they had, was a sense that they were being praised...Khale smiled, a tear left her eye," Thank you, we'll definitely consider you...if you'd please just wait in the kitchen for us?"

"Of course dear, no matter your decision don't forget how important you two are to these children." The older mare left, her bag close to her chest.

"I think she just made me feel bad about doubting myself...shes good..." Sweetie said astonished.

"She might be a perfect choice, but the part about her just loosing her children...I couldn't bare the emotional stress that comes with looking after children in her situation." Khale rubbed her eyes.

"We've done it before..." Sweetie said somberly...

"But he wasn't our...."Khale stopped..."Never mind..."

The next mare entered, she had bloodshot eyes and a messy black mane. Her dark blue coat was also dirty with a musky smell that followed. She smiled nervously at the two caretakers," H-hello. My names Beetle. I was an orphan myself actually. My mom hated me. Didn't care bout me. Threw me away. I was alone until some nice ladies like yourself helped me. None of the other kids liked me...I looked funny and smelled funny...They would call me bug guts, and beetle baby...Instead of ignoring them, I embraced it...I never got a real name so I just kept Beetle as my name..."

Sweetie tried hard not gag as she opened her mouth to talk," You seem really sweet dear, but do ya think you could...wash yourself before we consider you?"

Khale's eyebrows raised quickly<" Um, but, we will still consider you! Just, be mindful of the children' s very sensitive noses..."

Beetle frowned," I can't..."

"No way to get water to your home?" Sweetie questioned.

Beetles frown deepened," No, I mean I cant get rid of my odor...this was a mistake..." Beetle got up quickly and slammed the door behind her as she left.

Khale felt awful, she sighed and turned to Sweetie," So what do you-"

"Oh sweet Celestia that was torture, I hope she lives in the mountains or something, yuck!" Sweetie notice a few of the mares starring at her , and the others trying to figure out what had happened." I mean...next...n-next mare please..."


"Alright, bye, see ya. And remember we'll contact you!" Sweetie brushed her mane from her face," Ugh, this is something else huh?"

"I think we got a lot of good choices lined up, I really do hope Beetle keeps her distance...I know its rude but her order is truly offensive." Khale said in a rasp.

"Yeah, i hear ya. I was offended every time I smelt something dead crawl from her ass. Well at least-"

Sweetie was interrupted, a knock at the door startled both caretakers. They both stared at it in confusion. Khale felt the tension build, she was on the verge of hyperventilating. She took a step back and jumped as the knock came again. It reminded her of her door splintering in her dream, she couldn't think, she could barely breath. Sweetie began to approach it.

"You guys gonna answer that?" Mar said, looking at the grown ponies," Its kinda cool watching you two freak out and all...but seriously you should totally open the door."

"Go to your room Mar," Sweetie said with a sigh.

Mar huffed and trotted of down the hall. Khale exhaled shakily," Please, open the door dear..."

Sweetie rolled her eyes," Your going to your room too missy."

Sweetie opened the door, it was the Zebra from the market," Hello, I was worried you'd never answer." She smiled very wide, her eyes almost seemed closed at that point. Sweetie beckoned her in. The zebra slowly entered and took in the orphanage. Every little crack in the floor and groove in the craftsmanship in the wood had her full attention. She inspected the pictures on the wall, and smiled at the ones she liked the most. " Oh sorry, I never told you my name...Its Niome. I came for the opening you had? I'd like to plead my case..."

Khlae and Sweetie stared at each other for a moment. Khale then turned back to Niome, "Sorry dear but, we just finished and..."

"Oh, well. I suppose i'll be leaving. It was nice to see you again however. Please, stop by my kiosk when you get the chance." Niome smiled wide and started for the door.

"Wait!" Jo yelled out, "You gotta let her audition!"

"We aren't running a Oprah here kiddo, besides, we'll find what we'er looking for. There is no point..." Jo was upset and frustrated, so she squeezed her eyes shut then opened them dramatically. Jo stared at Sweetie with her big pink eyes. "Sorry little one, I a'int falling for that again."

Jo turned to Khale with her pink eyes staring deep into her own. Khale couldn't resist but give the zebra a chance." Oh alright, I cant say no to that cute face!"

Jo ran up to Khale and hugged her tight," That's why your my favorite!"

"Hey, i'm right here you little brat," Sweetie said blushing, then she let out a sigh" Fine, fine, lets give her a shot."

"Splendid!" The zebra exclaimed.

The mares sat down with Niome, her smile never really seemed to fade. She seemed eager to talk but not ahead of herself in anyway. "Just tell us about yourself, tell us whatever your comfortable with." Khale said, coughing a little.

"Alright," Niome cleared her throat," I was the forth daughter of a family of eight. I was considered the baby, but y mother always told me I had promise. I wasn't always selling wares on a muddy street. I use to have a very satisfying profession. I had a husband, and we were even thinking of having children of our own. After years of trying, I found that I was infertile...I spent a better part of my life hating myself. I couldn't move past the fact that i couldn't bare children. My husband left because he couldn't bare my sadness, I suppose he's better off now. I even tried killing myself..." Niome's smile long but faded. She was almost on the verge of tears. "I found a reason to exist, I searched in places people wouldn't go, I scored trash, and rubble, I even went into dark caves and forbidden areas. I made a life out of collecting the useless and abandoned...I found a purpose...But i'm getting older, and my trinkets aren't catching the eyes of many like they use to. I came here so I could help, do something with more meaning, do something to help our abandoned youth. I was a little heart broken when you turned me away, I'm overjoyed Jo changed your mind...I'm extremely grateful for such kindness..." Niome smiled, the tears never fell, but her sorrow was not to be pitied. Only respected.

"That was...beautiful...." Khale wiped her eyes.

Sweetie was still a bit skeptical, but she accepted her as a possibility, even if Khale already said yes. She knew her friend. Always a sucker for sob stories, Sweetie thought to herself.

Both caretakers agreed to her joining them. They would let the others know of there decision but for now, the three mares sat around talking of better memories, better times...Later that night Khale was sleeping. She tossed and turned. A cold sweat broke out on her. She felt afraid, and relieved all at the same time. Her body shook uncontrollably. She could her the tiny feeble voice i the back of her mind. It grew louder and louder but what was it saying...no, what was she saying...Khale couldn't tell what its was the little one was trying to say. Khale screamed " I can't understand you!"

"Ium aluosit theire...wii cain bei toguehter agon!!"

The voice screeched, Khale winced and shrieked" AHHHHHHHHGGGGG, I can't...s-stop, stop it please! My ears!" blood trickled from her ears. Soon after her eyes bleed, followed by her nose and mouth. Blood poured from her without end. Her bed sheets soaked up the blood as much as it could hold. However, it began to form puddles quickly. Khale thrashed against the bed, trying desperately to quiet the screeching in her head.

"Khale!" Sweetie yelled. Niome was right behind her, and so were the children.

"Is that blood!" Pots and Pans yelled.

"Do something Sweetie!" Mar screamed.

"All of you calm down now! Just stand back, Niome I need you to help me hold her down, shes gonna hurt herself flailing like that!"

Niome grimaced but quickly followed orders. The two mares tried as hard as they could to subdue Khale, but she wasn't allowing herself to be contained. Khale had completely lost herself in the agony. Niome gasped, she saw khale lick the blood from her face for a brief moment. "I have seen this before! Sweetie we must leave! Now!"

"I'm not leaving her! just hold her down, i can...I'll think of something!" Sweetie was at a loss, Khale thrashed violently and wildly. She trashed everywhere she could.

"Let me go! Let me go! its here...Its here!" Khale screamed, then she fainted. Her body went limp, and cold. Almost as if she had been dead for hours.

"Khale! Khale wake up!" Sweetie screamed," Please wake up! You got a goddess damned job to do you idiot!" Sweetie said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Niome had gotten done checking her vitals," She appears to be dea-"

"N-no she isn't! Shes just sleeping! She'll wake up!" Jo yelled," Shes OK! Shes always OK!"

Niome stared at Jo and nodded," I apologize little one, perhaps your right..."

A whisper came from Khales bloody mouth. it silenced the whole room,"What was that dear. what did you say?!" Sweetie asked, reluctantly leaning forward. "C'mon dear speak up..."

"Let. Me. GO!" Khale head butted Sweetie and bucked Niome in the face. She fell with a sickening thud and didn't seem t be moving. Sweetie struggled to get up, holding her head and looking at her hoof to confirm that there was indeed blood on it. Khale stepped over the zebras body slowly. "Its here, I know its here..." She said softly staring at the children. The blood had already stopped flowing for awhile, so the dried blood on her face made her even more terrifying than before. She paced slowly towards the children, Mar and Heavy stood between her and them. They tried to make a protective wall but the eldest children were shaking just as much as the kids were. "Heavy...you should move dear..." Khale's hoof slid slowly under his chin, she lifted his head up. His face was frozen in terror, he wasn't sure if he should run or stay. Khale's face got closer to his. Heavy blushed. "Such a bashful buck...give mommy a..." Khale paused, wide eyed...then her face contorted into anger. She grabbed him by the throat and threw him against the other kids. They all toppled over like dominoes. Khale gracefully stepped over them whispering," There it is...there it is...Its back..."

The door at the end of the hall appeared. It was beaten and worn, as if something on the other side was trying to get out. Khale approached it slowly and twisted the knob. She opened the door." Khale!"

"Who are you? Khale asked the strange figure, she looked just as confused as she did," Do I know you? Why do I feel so...good?"

"Khale please, listen to me!" Jo yelled tugging her caretakers tail. Tears rain down her face and confusion cracked in her voice. She was scared, so afraid that she would loose her," Please, please, please...." Khlae turned around slowly, Jo smiled...unfortunately she was too distracted to see her caretakers hoof. It made contact with her head, and she went flying down the hall. Sweetie quickly ran to Jo, fear and anger quickly over took her. Khale chuckled. Sweetie ran to her friend and swung her hoof at her head as hard as she could.

Nothing but darkness. Her sight was blocked by a warm embrace. She could hear voices beyond this trance but she couldn't figure out who. She decided it'd be best to wait till tomorrow. Khale dozed off as hooves lifted her up into the air.


Cheerilee was exhausted. The children s questions wouldn't stop. They were endless in there debates about what was going on. She was happy that it opened up there minds to deeper subjects but she was worried that the over detailed world being described would, overwhelm them. The darker elements were worrisome but the did want a scarier book. Hopefully they'd continue to be mature about it.

She hoped in her bed and tried to sleep but her door was open. She had sworn she closed it when she came back from the shower. Reluctant, and annoyed, she got to shut the door. But a small voice called out to her, it was saying something but she couldn't make it out. She looked out her door into the hallway. Her back was rattling. She was a little frightened but her curiosity was peeked. She approached the door slowly, a full shadow appeared on the other side. It opened...the shadowy figure spoke in a soft female voice...

"Who are you?"