• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
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Popular dance instructor Tappy Hoof is found unconscious in Ponyville's park. Covered in blood and confused over what happened last night, she calls out to her friend Cheerilee for aid. The teacher turns to Ponyville's star detective to solve the mystery. As the mystery unfolds Private becomes faced with a dark choice. Is it worth stopping a criminal, if one's reputation would be destroyed in the process forever?

(Note, the cover is only temporary. Also, the gore tag is for blood and a rather brutal scene in the finale. Better safe than sorry when it comes to Admins.)

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 145 )

Scoots in a tutu...dawwwww.
In other news, first comment!

Maybe I should drink love poison to come up with some names. Nah, bad idea, next thing you know I’ll be falling for a plant and name it George or something.

I saw what you did there.

I believe I've found...

...the root of that joke.


First of that long series of that in this season! Now to see if it gets into the story as well... :pinkiecrazy:

3073726 All that's missing is the shades... :twilightsheepish:

I'm pretty sure anyone who's read the first season can understand when that started...

“Says the pony with a crystal saber in our closet” Twilight said, giggling at my blush.
“That’s different! It’s geeky, not nerdy,” I clarified.

I agree, there is a major difference between 'geeks' and 'nerds' and the two of us should not be confused:rainbowdetermined2:

Has Private really not started to bruise from hitting the floor face first?

3073890You'd be surprised the resistance to pain you can develop with working with the Elements.

I'm just saying. I just thought it a bit odd that his muzzle hasn't started to turn purple

Nah, bad idea, next thing you know I’ll be falling for a plant and name it George or something.

Someone's been reading the Lovestruck Derpy blog! XDD

3074254THANK YOU! I was hoping somebody would get that reference!

3074263 lol So can I have a cookie for getting it right?:scootangel:

Oh... This is bad for Tappy... Waking up covered in blood is somethin you don't need to happen to ya...

...I got it as well...
I'm not going to get a cookie because of the joke I made, am I?

great start to the story cant wait for more. :eeyup::twilightsmile::yay:

When I saw the the part about calling the plant George I was thinking of a TV show not a pony blog. Anyway nice start though I'm still having difficulties imaging Scootaloo in a tutu.

Scootaloo + tutu = ERROR. DOES NOT COMPUTE.:rainbowhuh::applejackconfused:

Crystal sabers.....hahaha

Let's see, two foals missing, both on the verge of being adopted by same-sex couples...I'm beginning to see a pattern here. :unsuresweetie:

3084550 Good thing I'm not the only one who saw it.

3084550I would have missed that completely if you hadn't said anything.

And we're back to the random pony coming in to leave us with a cliffhanger.

I nodded. “Well, we should ask her some questions…”

not sure if that's a reference or not....:applejackconfused::derpytongue2::pinkiecrazy::rainbowderp::twilightoops::unsuresweetie:

Other than Tappy being in the center of all this, I've got no clue how murdering a husband and kidnapping foals relate.

... something's not right about this... There was blood, a drugged pony, and... no body? Yet a mare goes in and knows who was murdered and who the victim was... There's something more to this, but I can't put my hoof on it... :rainbowhuh:

I do have to guess though... somepony is really not fond of Tappy, and is probably trying to frame her for something, but I can't throw out the possibility that she did have something to do with it... but why? There's so much to speculate for me at this moment, but I can't have any answers yet

Do any of you think that tappy is some sort of addict but better at hiding it?

We haven't dealt with an addict yet.

Yet again another great chapter can't wait for the next one. :twilightsmile::eeyup::yay:

Prickly was a slaver? I no longer hold remorse for him or Ivy-well, I never had remorse for Ivy anyway, lol.

3088882You may feel differently towards the end...

Mother Bucker had that shit com- Wait? That means :pinkiegasp: one of the parents did this!

Zuban cigars huh... i see what you did there :rainbowderp:

Not really feelin' too sorry for Ivy right now either... but I shall reserve judgement until the end of the case.

Well, it seems that Tappy may have been in on the whole kidnapping thing, or at least knew something about it. Can't say I feel sorry for Prickly. And from reading the previous comments, I get the feeling that Ivy wasn't aware of his activities.

Great chapter can't wait for the next one. :twilightsmile::eeyup::yay:

Wow, first the time of death isn't estimated at midnight and then this ends on that kind of note. I still can't believe I'm actually surprised things just got way worse on this case.

Prickly the slaver, not sure how to feel about him or Ivy for that matter.

A plant named George, eh? Lovestruck Derpy reference spotted!

Oh dear, this isn't going to end well. We've now got someone accusing Tappy of murder. Not good.

On top of that, somepony really doesn't like the idea of same-sex couples adopting- that makes two missing foals now. Kidnapped, obviously. If you take the incident in the park to be related, maybe Tappy stumbled across one in progress? Hopefully the blood belongs to the kid(or would that be foal?)napper. PleasepleasePLEASE don't let the blood belong to one of the kids....

I reckon that Tappy's involved in this somehow, but I don't think she's the killer. Maybe Prickly kidnapped the kids, and his wife killed him over it, punishment. She chased Tappy, also present in the warehouse, who's covered in Prickly's blood (tried to stop the bleeding?)- maybe she is involved in the slave trade too, and ended up giving her a knock over the head and left, thinking she was dead. I reckon the two, if they were in it together, were drugged in the warehouse where Prickly was killed. not sure what the drug is- was it 'recreational(they took it themselves) or were they slipped it by Ivy? Either way, this explains the tracks in the park- Tappy was disorientated by the drugs. Then, the next morning, Ivy finds out that Tappy's alive, but has lost her memory. To cover up her tracks, she then tries to frame Tappy for her husbands murder, not willing to risk another violent confrontation, fearing the police will be watching and she'll be caught.

I wonder how much of this is right....Can't wait for the next chapter!

Comment posted by Codelyoko22 deleted Aug 24th, 2013

*Eating vast quantities of popcorn*
'Dis gon' be good...

Called it on the kids being somewhere close by...didn't see the rest of it coming...think I've got an idea of what Tappy and Ivy's "breakup" was about... But something still isn't adding up... Looking forward to the next chapter!

Another Great chapter cant wait for the next one. :twilightsmile::eeyup::yay:

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