When Angel, a deaf nephilim, arrives rather painfully in Equestria, he finds that all his worries are now the least of his problems. These ponies have never seen a nephilim before, and they have a very different sign language to the one Angel relies on. How will he communicate now?
A/N: MLP is not a thing in this Universe.
To those who thumb down: What is wrong with the fic and how can I improve it? Give feedback.
Leaves a fair bit to the imagination doesn't it?
Woo borderlands.
I think you mean 'slumped'.
For a Manticore, would that be steps or paws?
Paws apparently.
This Manticore has a great vocabulary and reasoning skills.
Did ponies have the need for pockets? I think they did in Filli Vanilli but I'm not sure.
I'm impressed you're attempting this hurdle on your first story haha, most authors tend to avoid Zecora or find a way to make her speak normally.
Comma after the 'and' isn't necessary.
Not sure if I should point this out or not because this sort of sentence stutter would fit Flutters.
Not that much sentence stutter though.
I have this same problem. You use to many disjointed sentences like this and it tends to break the flow of the story. As an example this could also have been worded 'I hoofed over the tea whilst taking a liberal sip of my own and smiling towards Fluttershy.' which keeps a reader interested while also giving a larger word count haha.
This doesn't sound like something someone would naturally say in a conversation, people tend to rush through conversations even if they don't mean to and will use as few small sentences while speaking as possible.
That library is so big the shelves are double-sided against walls! Who designed that silly tree-brary?
Celestia dammit Twilight, in every single one of these HiE stories you want to study the main character.
So that's my rushed little list of things, there were other things that could have been fixed or done better but I'm really tired and stuff so I'll just use this as my attempt at applying for the editing thing. In the end though I only found that one spelling mistake so good job on that. The only thing I think that needs work are those damnable disjointed sentences.
4085740 thank you for commenting. I appreciate the feedback.
you can find things at backs of shelves without them being double sided. Remember, Spike does most of the cleaning. he likely would have assumed Twilight had read the book before.
it's not an HiE, Angel isn't human, but Twilight never misses a chance to study, especially if she hasn't seen something before.
it's not a sentence stutter, it's Fluttershy hesitating because she's been questioned outright and isn't sure what to do.
I used to write poetry so I thought I could handle it. Turns out writing for Zecora is really difficult. Couplets are hard to get right.
What do you suggest?
that's the idea. I want people to go, "Wait, he's masturbating? OH, he's just gaming, haha never mind." It's a sneaky way to make you pay attention.
I assume they know what pockets are...they probably don't have much need for them but I think they'd figure it out based on the same concepts being on their bags. Also, Daring Do's vest has pockets.
the manticore may well be more intelligent than we think.
No, like, sort of falling/collapsing onto the bed.
4085740 some edits have been made as per your suggestions.
Hmm, I guess so.
Anything really, so long as it joins those sentences into a larger one. For example: "It's unconscious now, it seems to have a lot of broken bones and bruises." Even though that doesn't shorten it when you count it, if you read it aloud it's a slight bit faster. Actually you might as well ignore that because I figured out the real problem just now, because of the way you've written it, it sounds like Fluttershy just said that out of the blue.
Someone NEEDS to write a story about some secret Manticore society.
Meh, that should do it haha.
4099978 I like you, you amuse me.
I fixed a lot of the issues.