
My name is Rocky Climb, and like all my comrades, I am an Equestrian pegasus. I fly as part of the 3rd Squadron of Wonderbolts under the command of Captain Sharp Edge. Our unit prevented the infiltration of the lunarist heresy into our ranks. We are faithful to our duty to protect and serve our country and Princess Celestia the solar patroness of all daytime ponies.

Chapters (1)

Glowing Lantern lives in the secluded village of Pekahna Groves just outside the Everfree Forest. A dark shadow haunts her home, and her close friend Hazel Nut sends for aid from Princess Luna.

Princess Luna calls upon her expert in all things paranormal and monster related. A zony who specializes in dealing with monsters, curses, hauntings, and other dangerous assignments that no other pony or zebra would take on.

Shadow Strike must journey to the grove, find out what dark presence haunts Lantern, and how he can help Hazel save her from a tragic fate. Twists and trauma of the past make this job more than Shadow bargained for, and man does he have his work cut out for this one.

Cover Art done by Zombies Pudding

Chapters (2)

Allen has enjoyed being an Earth pony. He has friends, gathers food, and life is good. But that all charges when he gets bitten by a bat. Soon, Allen starts to change; and everypony is noticing. Soon, Allen's life becomes night and day, upside down and right side up. But when his friends and family discover his new form, will they still accept him, or flee from the monster he has become? And how will Allen deal with this curse?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Alicorn that Time Forgot

Midnight Requiem has big shoes to fill. The new Princess of the Night has a long list of royal duties, one of which just so happens to be dealing with Luna's less-than-savory hobbies from the distant past. She'll discover that regardless of a pony's social standing, their upbringing, or their lot in life, everypony still has dirty laundry they'd rather not air out.
When a posthumous letter appears, Midnight Requiem is thrust into an epic journey to alleviate a demon from Luna's past, and relieve herself of the same burden. Along the way she'll solve cheesy puzzles, encounter the ghost of Princess Luna herself, and find out more than she ever knew (or wanted to know) about the former Princess of the Night.

Chapters (1)

Mane cuts and evil overlords don’t go together!
How is a self-titled overlord going to go through the cultural norms of getting a mane cut? All she wants to do is go home and play evil tunes on her piano. Is that too much to ask?
Although, Fluffyheart would like to talk to people. But how is she to do that? They all are so bright and cheery. Unlike Fluffyheart…
However, just like in high school, Fluffyheart seems to be the target of gossip. The looks from the manedresser seem to confirm it. But why does the mare look so nice and friendly?
In Fluffyheart’s opinion, her mom should’ve just cut her mane.

Chapters (1)

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. What a show. And as of writing this, it's on its final episodes. I personally haven't kept up with the show for quite some time, but I owe a great deal to it. I started drawing partially because of it and I started writing mainly because of it. The first stories I wrote as a teenager and young adult were greentexts in 4chan's /mlp/ board written under the tripname Red. Most of the time the stories were short comedic works, but I did have some longer ones, with my magnum opus on the site being Journeys of the "Spider: Sunset's desert path" in the now defunct Spider-shimmer/powerponies threads. The story was a complete mess, hastily written and barely coherent, with a gainax ending because I didn't feel like writing anymore. Still, I consider that story as first step towards becoming a writer, the story being closely followed by to of my first original stores, one of them being "For a wish" which can be read on my sofurry account. I regard "For a wish" to be barely better than "Journeys of the spider" but that's not either here or there.

From time to time, I would go back to the /mlp/ board and search up the thread and update everyone on what I was doing. These were actually my first online friends, so a sense of nostalgia is all to be expected. Recently I also happened upon Dawnsomewhere's old pony videos and it got me reminiscing. I had a lot of stories planed, but wrote none of them. A lot of people managed to get their start through the brony community, so I tend to think if I would have gotten much more further ahead if I had started doing artistic things back when I watched the show for the first time.

In any case, one of my planed stories involved a rag-tag team of horses, who basically did nothing all day. It was a silly thing, really and it didn't go anywhere. But later on I took one of those horses, added a bat pony and wrote in the /bat/ threads a little. That's how "Horse out of heck was born". It was a horrendous, naturally.

And here we are. Now a more accomplished writer than three years before, with a much firmer grasp on the principles of writing. And while on a nostalgia trip, I decided on a whim that I should give something back to the community that gave me so much. True, the community is not what it used to be and it's almost dead, so lets consider this my personal swansong to the dying days of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and lets drink in the hopes that G5 will manage to capture the feeling of wonder in a 24 year young adult, the same way G4 managed to catch the same feeling in a 16 year old teenager. And next we just might make pigs fly by sewing wings to their spinal columns. But I'm being overly cynical.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you

"Horse out of Hades"

The stories of a bookshop, it's owner, and his neighbor that lives on the floor above him.

I hope you enjoy.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Meta Gamer in Equestria: Champion's Folly

For returning MGiE readers: This story is at the end of Moss's arcs. He's had his adventures. His magic has evolved and grown. The story will not be an exact spiritual successor to the others involving Moss. The story will go in a somewhat different direction and will likely have an effect similar to the Star Wars prequel trilogy had compared to the original. It was Star Wars, but "not the same" Star Wars.
For new readers: This is the 4th in a series that originally had 3 main installments planned with lots of details I won't be covering. It's a DnD 5e crossover with a four way multiclass and all the convoluted mechanics involved that can't be fully summarized to get you going. Read without reading the others if you want, but do so at your own risk.

He was forced into a war to protect Equestria and the world of Equis on the whole. The land was protected. Years went by. Promises were made, and promises were kept.
A spirit-turned-owl he first hated grew to be his best friend over the years as he spent his time stuck on Equis. The owl was always straightforward with him when he asked something. Only one minor item did the owl make a point to beg him not to force the owl to tell when it came up. It was not a big deal to him, as he understood it was for a promise to a lost love. Some secret the owl wished to take to his grave, he was certain. What he didn't expect was how much it would end up involving him and how much more it would end up explaining.

(As always, happy to send Hero Forge some foot traffic by showing how far their miniature customization has grown since I found them, linked in picture source)

Chapters (15)

Stalliongrad is in the middle of a crisis.
Hunger and disease sun rampant in sprawling slums, where Happiness and friendship are in small supply. Many live in poverty, with the wealth of the country only being held by elite in the higher ranks of society.
For Red Sparrow, a young citizen of the communist country- life sucks.
But the streets whisper of a government project- where street foals go missing, only to reappear in the families of the wealthy. And with the war with Equestria stabilizing, who knows? Maybe things are looking up!
But Summer always ends.

Chapters (2)

A young filly wakes up in a mysterious room. A room that belongs to the one being nobody ever wants to meet.

I wrote this late at night so don't expect the best. ESPECIALLY since this is my first oneshot on here.

Chapters (1)

ranger is a lunar guard from the small town of hollow shade and he is going on vacation in the city of fillydelphia. little does he know that the nobility of the town has been collapsing from a mystery illness. now he must find the culprit. all he has is his wits, bits, and his hoove-blades. and all he wanted was to do was go to the museum.

Chapters (2)