//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Allen // Story: Allen's Origin: Nocturnal Earth // by BlueCuddlePonyGhost //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Allen The sun shined bright over the grass, warming it with it's radiant heat. The morning dew dripped on the grass as the sun shined throughout White Tail Woods. The deer and chipmunks were enjoying the food on the trees, plentiful for all who lived in the woods. Including the pony family who lived in the woods. A wooden cabin stood in the middle of a clearing in the woods, safe for the bushes and trees surrounding it. The Family that lived in the cabin was the Clips Family; a family of three earth ponies who grew fruit not just for themselves, and for the forest, and for others too. Sunlight shined through the window into a stallion's bedroom. The stallion had an emerald green mane and tail, his fur, vivid blue. Two streams of blue and red ran down his mane and tail from the top to the bottom, right down the center of both. The stallion's name was Allen Clips. He was the son of Pat Clips and Rosie Petal, two earth ponies who had spent their whole lives growing fruit on farms. The pair of ponies had met later on in life as they traveled to different areas of Ponyville and other locations of Equestria. Eventually, they met in a field while traveling to similar towns. Pat Clip was an earth pony who grew up growing berries and other fruit lower to the ground. This of course required him to not only take care of the berries, but the bushes too, which meant clipping or trimming them as well. Rosie Petal on the other hoof, grew up growing trees with different fruits on them. Mostly ones that grew flowers, which included apples, pears, plums, and such. The two ponies got to know each other and eventually met each other's families. After a while, Pat and Rosie dated, then got married. They decided to live in White Tail Woods, since they both liked the environment of the forest, and it was the perfect place to grow both fruits they had grown their whole lives. Plus the animals would be helpful in making their fruit healthy. They made a log cabin and lived in it on a field in the woods. It was perfect. Eventually, they had a colt, and named him Allen. Allen Clips. Allen was a kind, funny, smart, hard working stallion. Heck, he could even be nerdy at times, but his parents were fine with that. Allen went to school in Ponyville and got to meet some friends. Overall, Allen's life was almost similar to any pony his age. He grew up to be a good stallion, and was currently in his young adult years. Nowadays, he helped with the farm work with his parents and sometimes got to hang out with his friends. Life was going good. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! went the alarm clock, surprising the stallion as he woke up from the loud noise. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Allen exclaimed in shock as he fell from his bed onto the floor, his bed sheet sliding off the bed, and landing right on top of the stallion. "Allen? Was that you? Are you okay?" came a voice from outside his bedroom door. It was his dad Pat Clips. "Yes dad. I tripped. I'm alright!" Allen replied back. He was fine. Just got surprised, and tangled in his bed sheet. No big deal! "Okay. Well breakfast is ready!" Pat Clips replied. "Be out in a minute!" Allen answered, reassuringly. Pat Clips then left, and headed to the kitchen. 'Alright, I better get outta here!' Allen thought as tried to lift the sheet off himself, realizing now it wasn't going to be that simple. The bed sheet had landed on him in such a way, where every time he tried to lift it off, the sheet twisted, and became a tangled mess. Even when he stood on all fours trying the get the bed sheet off, it just wouldn't cooperate! In addition, the bed sheet went from Allen's head down to the floor, so he was completely covered up in the bedding. "Ah! Oh! Ooohhhhh! Noooooo! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Oooooohhhhh!!! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahhhhh! Get me outta here! I can't see! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" cried out Allen, as he struggled under his bed sheets, looking like a ghost! Allen struggled under the sheet for a minute or two until eventually, he was able to get his bed sheet off. Allen gasped for air, happy that he was free from the clutches of his bed covers. He then grabbed his bed sheet with his mouth, until - "Ow!" Allen exclaimed, feeling a big pinch of pain shoot down his back! It felt like the end of two rods were trying to get out of his back! In addition, his teeth hurt at times too, and he felt his vision improved sometimes, or was sensitive to sunlight. Sure his eyes got watery when near super bright light, but not so bad in sunlight! Yet his eyes acted like that was the case. All these symptoms were just weird! He had mentioned them to his parents, and they planned on him seeing a doctor. Oh well, better start the day. After re-organizing his bed sheets, and putting them back on the bed, Allen walked out of his room. Allen walked from his bedroom into the kitchen, where his mom was cooking breakfast, and his dad was sipping on some coffee. Allen's dad Pat Clips had a vivid blue coat, an emerald green mane and tail that was similar to Allen's, and had blue eyes. Allen's mom Rosie Petal was a snow white mare with a curly light red mane and tail, -almost a mix of bright pink and red kind of color- and she had sky blue eyes. "Good morning mom. Good morning dad," Allen said as he went to sit down at the kitchen table. "Good morning Allen. Would you like some breakfast? I made pancakes!" Rosie Petal asked kindly. "Yes please," Allen answered calmly. "So Allen, what's new? How is school going?" Pat Clips asked his son. "Nothing much is new. Just been busy studying insects, doing math equations, correct grammar, and bits of the history of Equestria. I got a few tests coming up so I'll have to study. But I'm more than willing to help out with the farm as usual!" Allen replied. It was true he was busy with schoolwork, but he also found time to help his fsmily when needed. "Here you go Allen," Rosie said, putting the pancakes and syrup on the table. Next to her son. "Thank you mom," Allen said happily before eatting his pancakes. The pancakes were good, in addition to the sticky syrup he poured onto them. It took Allen about half an hour to finish his breakfast, then once he was done, he cleared his plate. "Thank you for the breakfast mom," Allen said as he put his plate in the sink. "You're welcome, Allen. Once you're done showering, come outside and help us out with the fruit!" Rosie told her son. "Absolutely," Allen replied before he went to grab a towel, then walked into the bathroom to shower. *One Hour Later* "Careful of the thorns -" Allen said as he tended to a bush with blackberries on them. Even though Allen wore thick gloves, he was always careful of any kind of danger while helping on the farm. He carefully picked the blackberries with his hooves; knocking them off with his gloved hooves so they fell into a basket. Allen's job was to pick berries off of certain bushes, and help buck fruit off trees with his mom. Sometimes though, the fruit had to be picked off the tree by hoof since some fruits would just smash upon hitting the ground at fast speeds. For now, he was picking berries off bushes, and he had at least nine more to go. Allen was almost done with berry bush number five. This was going to be a long day.