Blythe discovers cutie marks, what they mean, and why you should steer clear of the Cutie Mark Crusaders if you value your sanity.

Chapters (1)

Tom decides that he will have a chat with an old buddy, Bloomberg. Although the conversation soon becomes... disproportional. A tall tale of tails, romance, adventure, drama, horror, comedy, tragedy, and sadness.

Chapters (1)

rarity, Opalescence, and maybe sweetie belle are all going on an adventure together! and the lord of chaos might be there! jk, he is there *giggles* ^^

Chapters (3)

So in this story, a seiries of unfortunate events causes Raritys boutiuqe to get lit on fire while twilight is watching it. Then she runs. And problems follow.

Chapters (1)

touching story that will hardly be forgoten... Pinkie finds out how Rarity feels, sad. even though she does not know she tries her best to find out...

Chapters (3)

It's the future, NASA revived manned space flight, and on it's 1st mission was to explore a strange new world. Four Astronauts are sent to explore a new world, only to crash-land in Equestria, where they're strangers in this strange world to find out the shocking truth about the planet they're in...

Chapters (2)

clean[ kleen ]
1. free from dirt; unsoiled; unstained: She bathed and put on a clean dress.

That is what the dictionary says clean is. But how free of germs does it need to be before it can be catiogorized as " clean"? Rarity is sure in for a crazy adventure to discover the true clean.

Chapters (1)

Rarity, a fashionista with a generous and outgoing personality, is not the little pony we all know. In fact, she may not be a full bred pony at all...
Raised by an Alcoholics Anonymous member and a magazine devout air-head, Rarity was left alone to reckon with her darker self; a product of an atrocious little secret that was hid away by her parents years before Rarity could even walk or speak.

Chapters (4)

remember episode where Rarity told about her cutie mark? and now i will tell you it in more description...

Chapters (5)