
Viewing 1 - 20 of 182 results

Outside of a formal literary setting, WRITE HOWEVER YOU WANT. · 10:10pm Jun 29th, 2015

Before I even say anything, just know that I have no idea why I chose to rant about all of this right now. Just something that has been in the back of my mind since I've actually started seriously writing fics again.

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Writing advice for Journey to Midnight Castle: Archmage · 4:29pm Oct 27th, 2018

In my story 'Journey to Midnight Castle', I planned for Twilight to become an Archmage in the Coronation. Basically, every four years, Princess Celestia chooses one of her most promising students to become an Archmage, but I need ideas on how to make the Archmage more powerful than a normal mage.

Edit: By the way, the Coronation takes place in Chapter 1, before Nightmare Moon returns to Equestria.


Rape, drugs, suicide, abortion, depression and other hazardous materials · 6:36am Feb 23rd, 2017

I keep saying these should be a weekly Wednesday thing. The problem isn't that I'm unwilling to sit down and write these, but rather that I frequently lack the inspiration. However, stalking the FimFiction Discord channel's Writers' Help chat has given me an abundance of it. I'm brimming over with it, and no small amount of frustration.

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Report MrNumbers · 2,395 views · #Writing Advice

Some Advice · 8:03am Jan 18th, 2016

Report Chelis · 530 views · #writing advice

Journey to Midnight Castle Writing Advice: Tirek's Ritual · 7:21pm Aug 7th, 2019

Okay, in Journey to Midnight Castle, Tirek is suppose to perform a ritual involving captured ponies, the Rainbow of Darkness, and Nightmare Moon, to bring forth eternal night. But since in JTMC, Celestia is in control of both the Sun and Moon, how can this ritual work? Any advice?


Magic weapons and the logistics behind them. · 3:14am Jun 5th, 2018

Magic runes and the logistics behind them.
Runes/symbols have multiple factors to take into consideration that determine both there function and power.

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Report Royal7 · 431 views · #writing advice

Wholesome Rage: Planting is Writing Too · 6:21am Apr 25th, 2018


How to Write Compelling Villains · 3:33pm Oct 24th, 2020

I posted this a while ago as a reply comment to a blog of Wanderer D's, but thought it was worth a blog of its own. Because this is something so many people screw up, when it's really the easiest thing to get right, and I struggle to understand how many seem to find it so hard.

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"What the hay is a Pokeyman?" · 10:11am Mar 21st, 2021

All too often in Pokémon crossovers on this site, I’ve seen the plot grind to a screeching halt so the Mane 6 (or whoever) can ask what a Pokémon is. This isn’t limited to crossovers, either. Once I read a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fanfic where most of the first chapter was the protagonist asking his partner about every single Pokémon mechanic. No characterisation, no actions, just back-and-forth dialogue. ​I’m going to make a point of not doing this in Forging Our Own Paths, for a simple

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Some more bizarre writing advice: Character Psych · 7:33pm Feb 3rd, 2016

Back in ancient times when dinosaurs roamed the land (last June), I made a blog post meant to be a rant. That post unexpectedly ended up turning into a rather bizarre writing advice blog:
Outside of a formal literary setting, WRITE HOWEVER YOU WANT.

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Answering a writing question and advice for kick-starting your writing! · 11:38pm Jun 10th, 2019


You’re working on a bunch of stories all at once right? Do you ever feel like you’re spread too thin? Or, do you have some kind of system? I kind of want to write myself, so I’m asking.

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Writing Queer-Related Characters · 11:55pm Mar 11th, 2022

Hey guys.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve written any blogs like this. I’ve looked back on some of my other advice blogs I’ve written some time after I first joined this site. And while I’ve gotten mostly positive feedback for them, the advice itself in the blogs, or at least how it was presented, could use some work.

And I’m here to talk about a bit of a delicate subject, which is homosexuality representation in stories.

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On Writing Horror · 3:43pm March 14th

I've written a lot of horror. Some of it good, some of it bad. I like to think I've gotten sort of okay at it.

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Report RB_ · 217 views · #writing advice #horror

The Nine Best Pieces of Writing Advice I Didn't Learn in School · 6:39am Sep 17th, 2016

The first thing you write will always be bad
I wish I had a professor or teacher just come out and say it. You can have a twelve step course to teach you how to code in C++, cook up a batch of applesauce, or calculate the optimum trajectory and force to kick someone in the groin. All of that can be repeated with very little margin of error, but that is because those skills are perceived by you and not others. They are based in hard science.

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How to Write More Good - Conflict · 5:30am Oct 5th, 2018

Almost everything you write where there’s a conflict between two characters can be thought of as a combination of a fight and a dialogue, and those two things are really different ways of describing the same thing. When two characters cross swords, it’s just a way of talking out their differences with action, and when two characters get into a screaming match or a debate, that’s no different from a boxing match.

And there are good and bad ways to write that.

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The god scale in fiction · 1:39am Apr 4th, 2018

Gods aren't all, all-knowing/ all-powerful beings, in both myths and modern fiction there's a scale of godly power and I will show my interpretation of this scale here for anyone to use for reference.

The Power Gods:

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Report Royal7 · 325 views · #gods #writing advice

I would deny I clicked this vid because of the Arcane thumbnail but... · 10:27pm May 6th, 2023

We all know that would be a bald-faced lie. :twilightsmile:

Still, there's decent advice in this vid if anyone ever wanted to try their hand at writing for a visual medium.


Wholesome Rage: Procrastination is Character Building · 5:15am Feb 21st, 2019

Horizon liked this one, and I like Horizon, so it must be good.

About the small moments and touches that make the whole thing worthwhile to read. A call to action to write fluff, faff and meander with precision.

Special thanks to Pearple Prose on his miraculous advice on what writing advice guides usually lack:

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Great writing advice and a plug · 12:21am Jun 23rd, 2019

Heya readers!

You might have noticed I'm offering a bit more writing advice in the form of answering questions given to me!

Well, I didn't get one! However, Heartshine, lover of the pony based wasteland apocalypse and bunnies, has a wonderful blog post that everyone who is an active writer should consume voraciously !

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Something I don't understand... · 7:55pm Jan 31st, 2016

Why does everyone use sites/document creators to write their stories, and then save on a computer that you can't take the data from? The way you create chapters here works just as well, if not better, for writing because it's essentially Google Docs, but you don't need to do any transferring to get it here. I write 100% of the fics I have posted here with the site's own system because it works just fine. When you create a new chapter, it isn't that hard to just write the story there because

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 182 results