
Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results

Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham · 9:05am May 16th, 2016


Good gravy, the feels! [NY Times article] · 4:25pm Mar 9th, 2016

There seem to have been a lot of interesting things in the news back 2 or 3 years ago about pedophilia. Here's another article (link).

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Somehow this has to be addressed? · 4:27pm Jul 25th, 2021

Just wanted to post a quick reminder that whenever you see somebody post something such as:

"Hey by the way, the supreme court ruled that things like foalcon are protected under the 1st Amendment, so they can't ban it from the website!"

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Wingdingaling's Girlfriend is his sockpuppet account! · 5:46am Nov 11th, 2022

I've been thinking about doing this blog for a long time. 4 years took me this long to spoke out one hundred percent then the other times I've did before. Old news or not, it doesn't change the fact that I've been pushed in the shadows for far too long. Regards of my poor decisions back then, it didn't improve me for how Wingdingaling twisted every single word.

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Another Blog About Pride · 4:28pm Jul 24th, 2021

Hey, everyone! How are you all doing today? :)

I'm doing well, myself, but I wanted to go and and write another short blog today regarding a situation that happened earlier this month.

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On Pride & LGBT+ · 5:43pm Jul 1st, 2021

Hey, guys! It's been a pretty minute since I've posted anything on the site, and given some recent events that have happened, I've decided to go ahead and put an end to my hiatus. So with that brief little intro out of the way, let's dig deep, shall we?

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Untitled · 9:21pm Mar 26th, 2017

The song "Untitled" reminds me of myself... even though I'm straight, I feel like my parents disapprove of my relationship with StarLadybugQuinn... probably because she's 15 and I'm 19.


Thoughts about Pedophilia and the DSM-5 · 5:20am Feb 28th, 2015

The topic was raised recently among the comments of Fallen Angels, and I thought I'd share my understanding and thoughts, so here they are.

Pedophilia and Mental Health:

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Let's talk · 1:24pm Jul 19th, 2020

It's been a good long while since I've logged onto this site. I haven't paroozed around much, but I don't care right now. I'm going to be serious for a minute. The site, and fandom as a whole, has a huge nazi and pedophile issue that needs to be addressed and better actions need to be taken. Sure we have outed out pedophiles in the past (toonkritic, performance major, etc.) but more and more are popping up like crazy (Andy Stein recently, formally known as MandoPony). And the nazi issue,

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Academics say pedophilia is ‘natural, and normal’ · 7:10pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Maybe you'll enjoy some light reading I found.
'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males' (2014)
Here are the highlights, in case you'd rather not click.

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A call against child abuse · 6:31am Feb 23rd, 2019

Regardless of whether or not this post offends people, it needs to be said.

Pedophilia is evil and wrong. Regardless of one's orientation, it is wrong to expose children to abuse in order to fulfill a lustful appetite or, in fact, to any abuse at all. And that goes for priests and non-priests alike, and from the president or prime ministers of the most powerful nations on down to the poorest person living in the worst of conditions.

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Pedophilia: A Growing Concern Over Artistic Expression And Lustful Perversion. · 8:25pm Jul 2nd, 2021

I would normally put a cute picture here to start the blog off, but considering the topic at hand, I believe that would be in bad taste.

Pedophilia is disgusting, abhorrent, and rightly deserves to be scorned. Beastiality is much the same. What has happened these last couple days has shown a light upon a growing issue on this site, and that is the defense of pedophilia in the name of artistic expression.

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Thoughts on Incest -- Part 2 of 2 · 9:07pm Nov 24th, 2015

I was linked to one more pro-incest blog last week(-ish), here:

While it touched on some of the reasons anti-incest laws seems to persist today, what I found more interesting was another blog it linked to near the end:

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Small Rant. · 3:21am May 1st, 2021

Nothing to do with EWM at this time, sorry. Though I have officially begun writing it. Not far in yet though. Be patient.

Anyways, I'm...kind of here to rant a little about something.

Am I the only one who is extremely creeped out by the popularity of non-con, parental/sibling incest, and underage sex that seems to always show up in the front page recommended? Like, why would you recommend this stuff? Most of it is morally wrong, but underage sex is illegal even to write.

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A live-action Disney film that did not age well · 5:27am May 8th, 2021

I have never heard of Blank Check until now. Thanks to Drew Gooden's video, I found out how fucked up the storyline is. What's even more fucked up is the kissing scene between an 11-year-old boy and a 30-year-old woman. That is straight-up pedophilia! I know that this is from the 90s, but how the hell did this slip through the cracks??!!

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Thoughts on Incest -- Part 1 · 7:16pm Nov 16th, 2015

I was referred to this article and a number of others by an acquaintance who engaged in an incestuous relationship with his older brother. I see no social or psychological wrong in his relationship (moral, on the other hand, maybe). His relationship was consensual, mutually enjoyed, and seems to have led to no damaging social or psychological manipulation. Based purely on what I've read from the linked article, I think what

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The Truth About Wingdingaling / Enforcing Accountability · 9:33am Oct 24th, 2021

I promise this will be the final blog about Wingdingaling. I've deleted my old blogs about him because back then, I didn't express the whole story from my side. But I'm not gonna put up with this because I'm kelp getting pushed in the dark for far too long, it's not even sad, it's infuriating.

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Performance Major the Pedophile · 7:05pm Aug 1st, 2022

As of December 22, 2022, Performance Major's video has been taken down as far as I know. If you're still interested in the antics of this particular pedophile, then you'll be able to find the information below. If he happens to appear anywhere else, I would appreciate it if you let us know, especially if he happens to maintain his problematic behavior.

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Where's ToonKritic Now? · 10:59am Jul 25th, 2022

If you happened to be late in the game about who ToonKritic is (like me),
here's what you need to know: he's a pedophile.
He was called out for his horrific acts back in 2018,
and had not been seen since... until about two years ago in 2020.

Patchwork Heart, one of the ToonKritic's more well-known victims,
released a video exposing the pedophile's new profile.

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ToonKritic the Pedophile · 5:56pm Jul 2nd, 2022

⚠️ If you were a victim of ToonKritic's pedophilia, especially if it's triggering for you, I encourage that you not comb through this information, least it bring up traumatic experiences. You deserve all the time you need to recover from his behavior, regardless of how many years ago it's been.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 22 results