
Viewing 1 - 20 of 30 results

Follow up time · 5:01am Apr 26th, 2021

So, here I am again, and you probably think that I have something to say.

You're right. Gold star.

As you may or may not know, I've been struggling with myself and trying to figure out my brain and how it works. One of the big topics that was on my mind, at least a couple months ago (less so recently, it'll all been chemistry) was polyamory and basically everything about it and how it related to me.

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Report Esalen · 248 views · #polyamory #morethantwo

Polyamory · 10:39pm Mar 16th, 2018

I've marked it as 'complete' because I didn't plan on making any more chapters. I only put it on hiatus because I had some suggestions for a new chapter, but in the end never came up with anything good. I'll still make an epilogue if I can think of a way to wrap things up more in the way people wanted, which seems to be where Shining becomes an alicorn in some lewd way, but I don't want people to be under the impression that it is incomplete and waiting either. Anyway, feel

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Report Crimson Prose · 669 views · #polyamory

The Family is Most Important, Part 2: Polyamory · 5:06pm Dec 16th, 2020


But Pencil! How do you have a husband AND boyfriends AND a girlfriend?!?! · 1:59am Aug 19th, 2019

Hoo boy. This again.
I get this... a lot. It's common knowledge at this point, I would hope, that I'm poly. WTF is that? Does it mean I'm just some slut? Am I going to hell?
...okay well that last part is probably a given, but anyway.

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Polls for Polyamory · 12:14am May 24th, 2017

EDIT: I'm going to be calling these polls 'final', as of Friday 5/26 night or the next morning. I'll make a post summarizing and rambling.

Polyamory is a bit of a different audience than I am used to, so I thought I could make polls to gauge what the people watching it would most like. Now the story has already been planned and outline, so this won't cause any big changes, but maybe I can tweak some things.

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Polyamory poll anal-ysis. You're gonna be walkin' funny after this! · 7:25pm May 27th, 2017

Results taken as of 7:40 AM PDT.

Which characters?

54 - Twilight Sparkle
Oh my! Twilight beat out Cadence for the top spot! You all really want to see some hot sibling belly-slapping I guess!
53 - Cadence
Well I expected this to be the top, but at least she's close! Mmmm close.
51 - Celestia
Poor Celestia; she didn't want to be at the top of the poll. Yet. I'm sure she'll cum around.
48 - Shining Armor

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How many is too much? · 4:31am Jul 23rd, 2017

So I'm thinking... there are already a cubic butt-ton of individuals in this marriage. Twilight's obviously going to get into it as well, but I'm on the fence about Twilight Velvet/Night Light. Sure there will be nice hot milf banging, but should the two actually get tugged into Cadance's marriage as well?


Polyamory · 1:30pm Oct 30th, 2017

The most recent chapter was as far as I planned, aside from some potential one-shot spin-offs maybe. I have the impression that people might want a more well-rounded ending though. How would you guys like to see it end? Anything you'd like to see?

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Polyamory question · 2:53pm May 26th, 2017

I'll analyze the polls later, but for now I thought of something that I can't decide on. Should I have a wedding for each member or few members, or should I wait until the end and have one giant ceremony?
I'm not even sure who all will be in the marriage by the end. I think Luna, Celestia, Chrysalis, and Twilight; not sure if any others.


Next Chapter Upcoming · 4:33am May 30th, 2017

The next chapter is currently being proofread/edited. It will contain more gay than the average set, but also straight and lesbian stuff. The set after this will be mostly straight.

Sneak peaks?


"Greetings my companions with benefits!" Luna's approach was so sudden that the two instinctively erected magical barriers.

And two

“If I am your prey, dear sister, you will have to hunt,” Celestia chuckled


This image · 2:05am Mar 25th, 2019

This image makes me want to make a bonus chapter in Polyamory based on it, because this is something I can see happening in their um... relationship. Of course it would end in anger sex, but that's besides the point.


Why did I write this? · 10:05pm May 7th, 2022

So, you might be wondering why I'd write a lesbian three-way romance story? Well, truth be told, long ago, before my transition, I was involved in a three-way relationship. And while said relationship failed miserably, I also don't believe that was my fault. I wanted to explore the concept of polyamory a bit more thoroughly in a safe environment and so, that's what I did! Once again, the answer is similar to what I found out when I explored the idea of love and romance again. And that answer

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Polyamory Group now has a Discord · 1:22am Aug 29th, 2019

I would like to announce that the Polyamory Group now has it's own Discord!

Come join us and have some really fun Horse time! (I feel like some one is gonna shoot me for that) Even if you arn't into it!

Discord Link to the Channel


I'll ship it! · 12:46pm Apr 3rd, 2016

shipping RD + Cadance...
Kill me.

I've often seen comments such as "these characters could never get together," or "the only way to ship this character is to get rid of this one!"

Bull. Shit.

Part of the magic of fanfiction is that our entire art is based on the magic of the unknown. Filling in the blanks between episodes, or between scenes. Asking "really, Kirk's so fast to jump into bed with women, why not men too?"

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CMC Shipping · 8:26pm Nov 10th, 2015

Am I the only one who wants to see a fanfiction featuring the CMC in a polyamorous relationship? Because I feel like there is a severe lack of that here. I've seen stories with Scootaloo x Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo x Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle x Apple Bloom, but I don't think I've ever come across a CMC polyamory story. Maybe once, but I'm not really sure. I don't even really ship it (much), I just think it would be interesting to read.

Until next time,
Some Random Brony Online


Why I wrote Troubled Griffs · 5:47am Feb 7th, 2021

I did promise a blog about Troubled Griffs.

So, here goes.

Troubled Griffs was originally written for the basic contest I hosted in Quills and Sofas, with the prompt "Just breathe, we'll be okay". Even before the contest launched, I had a vision in my head that involved Gallus discovering that he was polyamorous and going to Trixie in order to cope with the feelings. They'd talk and Gallus would eventually come to terms with his sexuality.

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Why Polyamory is delayed · 10:09pm Jun 13th, 2017

You probably noticed that I've done a lot of planning on my Fallout fic lately and not much new content for Polyamory. I just wanted to let you guys know that that isn't because I'm not interested in doing this now. Most of the work on my Fallout fic I'm doing during breaks or slow times at work, but I'm afraid to work on my more erotic stuff at work for fear that someone will walk up behind me at my desk and look over my shoulder. People are nosy.

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Polyamory · 2:21pm Mar 15th, 2019

If I added a bonus chapter to Polyamory featuring Shining Armor breaking in Flurry Heart, how old should she be? Click here to vote in a poll.
Post other related ideas in comments. Just to note, there might be several versions of the chapter with her at different ages since I know my fan base is... diverse.

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Random Poll · 7:37pm Jun 3rd, 2017


Polyamory · 3:59pm Sep 16th, 2017

So here's the issue. The next chapter should be a wedding chapter, where Bug Butt, Love Butt, Moon Butt, Sun Butt, and the luckiest stallion alive get married. I was planning on having two sections, one where Twilight tries to organize it in a sane manner, and one where Chrysalis wrecks everything in the kinkiest way possible. The problem is, I haven't actually decided what sort of changeling shenanigans she's going to get up to in it, and I want it to be good.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 30 results